How to create a Windows Azure tenant and user programmatically - azure

I have a MVC5 webapp that I protect using ACS (Access Control Service). One of the identity providers is the Windows Azure Active directory.
I want the user to be able to create their own AD tenant and create a user themselves using my webapp.
How can I create a Azure Active Directory tenant and create an accompanied user by code?

I don't believe you can programmatically create a new AD tenant. One is tied to the subscription when its created, and assigning it to a domain requires several manual steps.
However, with regards to creating/managing users in that tenant, I'd suggest you start looking here: and here:


Dynamically create Azure Active Directory

Is it possible to dynamically create an Azure Active Directory over the Azure shell or from C#?
The only documentation I was able to find is this describing some commands but it does not explain how to create a new tenant or Azure AD B2C.
We are builing an application for a lot of client organization. Each organization would need an own active directory and database to seperate them from each other logically and securly. That's why we want to dynamically create active directories. We don't want the client to wait and we don't want to manually create everything for each one.
Thank you for your help!
It is not possible to create a Azure Active Directory using Azure Shell or C#. A tenant represents an organization in Azure Active Directory.
Azure AD service instance that an organization receives and owns when it signs up for a Microsoft cloud service such as Azure, Microsoft Intune, or Microsoft 365

How can I add an Azure DevOps Organization user if the organization owner is just a guest of the linked Azure AD and not a domain member?

I have an Azure Devops organization that is linked to an Azure Active Directory. This organization has projects and pipelines for deploying applications to App Services in the linked Azure AD.
Recently, one of my user account (the one with the Visual Studio Enterprise Subscription) was made the organization owner and all other project users were deleted. However, my account that is now the only user in the Azure DevOps organization is just a guest account type of the linked Azure Ad, and not an actual member of the Azure AD.
I need to add new users back to the organization but since my user account is just a guest of the linked Azure AD, when I try to add users, I get an info dialog that states that since I am only a Guest of the Azure AD domain, I can't see the domain members I want to add and so the add user process fails.
As I stated earlier, my account is the Organization Owner. I also assigned my guest user account to the Global Administrators role in the linked Azure AD, but I still cannot add domain users to the Azure DevOps organization.
This organization has production code in the repo as well as build and deployment pipelines that I do not want to lose access to or lose the ability to deploy to the App Services in the linked Azure AD, so I am concerned about taking any action until I know exactly what I need to do to be able to add users from the linked Azure AD into the organization.
Any advice as to how I can add users from the linked Azure AD back to this organization would be greatly appreciated.
This is just a guess, but DevOps could be looking at your userType and show the message based on that.
Global admin would definitely allow you to list the users.
You could try using PowerShell to change your userType from Guest to Member.
E.g. with AAD PowerShell v2:
Set-AzureADUser -ObjectId 'your-user-object-id-in-tenant' -UserType 'Member'
It's actually something that isn't super-well-known.
Guest/member and local/external user are two different things.
External users just become Guests by default, which restricts what they can do.
Add the guest users to Azure AD directly, before you try to give them access in DevOps. After adding a new guest user, that new guest can be given access to DevOps by your subscription admin.
Or create yourself a domain user in your Azure AD with the proper privileges too.
e.g. If your Azure AD domains is "" (or a Custom Doamin like "" if you have such domain registered in Azure).
A) Create new domain user in
The new user is would be
B) Give that new user full admin in Azure AD and your DevOps (or tailor your permissions to your needs).
C) Login into Azure using that new user to manage your DevOps.

Authentication WebAPI service that will use Azure AD and Azure B2B

This isn't a specific problem question but a "cry for help".
My problem is this. Our organization is in the process of implementing Office365.
Until now there were tens of applications with their own authentication and authorization but in the process most of them will be rewritten to use within O365 environment.
We are facing the problem of creating one endpoint (ASP.NET WebAPI app) which will be used to authenticate a user with his credentials from Active Directory (or B2B AD on Azure because some apps are used outside) and tell if this user is allowed to use app that asked to log him.
I'm just wondering through documentations and sample code but can't decide what will be a good practice in this scenario. Should we just build each app and use Azure Active Directory provider to authenticate. Or is it possible to setup ONE api that will hold all apps Ids and its userIds - then it will check user credentials against AD and give app token/cookie...
My best bet is to try this:
But create Provider for AzureAD. But then its still question about this B2B AD part.
Please help by pointing to some up to date resources..
You should register each of your B2B application within your Azure Active Directory and configure them to use AAD as the Identity Provider.
Then you can administrate everything you want (e. g. which user has access to which application) within the Azure Active Directory blade from the Azure Portal.
You are getting this backwards. If you have apps integrated with Azure AD you don't have to create endpoint which will validate users right to use apps but you are assigning right to use an app in Azure AD. This is whole point.

How can I programmatically retrieve the domain name of the Azure Active Directory in a given subscription?

I'm working on an application that will allow users to authenticate to Azure Active Directory and then manage resources in their Azure account via Azure Resource Manager API calls.
I've found several walkthroughs on building such an app including this post. However, in the part that discusses authentication with Azure Active Directory, there's a step showing the need to manually retrieve the Azure Active Directory name from the Azure Portal.
The directory name is plugged into app settings (and ultimately authentication calls to the directory) as follows{directory_domain_name}/OAuth2/Authorize
Is there any way to programmatically retrieve {directory_domain_name} without requiring users to login and lookup the information in the Azure Portal?
The one answer to this question has a dead link and another pointing to the Graph API, which seems to still require the domain name.
For your particular scenario, look like you want to build an app that will be users from different Azure AD tenants. This scenario is best addressed by building a multi-tenant application.
To make your application multi-tenant, you'll need to go to the Azure Portal and in the Configure tab of your Azure AD application, set the "Application is Mult-Tenant" option to yes.
Once you do this, you can just call
And Azure AD will resolve the figure out which tenant to authenticate against based on the the credential that the user types in.
More information on multi-tenant applications:
Sample multi-tenant application:

Azure Active Directory B2C deployment via resource manager (or code)

Our company is considering using AAD B2C as the backing store for our SaaS user accounts. Our plan is use Resource Manager templates to deploy the Azure infrastructure (web, storage, sql, etc) for each client. AAD B2C will be part of that if this works out, but as of now there doesn't appear to be a way to include AAD B2C in resource manager templates.
My view of the intent of the B2C product is that it serves as a replacement for the auth and user store components of an app, and should therefore be considered infrastructure. Right now the hierarchy between AAD and resource groups in the new azure portal doesn't reflect that - resource groups (and their resources) appear 'under' an identity in an AAD account. But why is that? Is an AAD a parent to a resource group? I'm trying to understand how the two fit together.
If AAD B2C is really intended to serve this purpose when it leaves preview, it will need to support automation. After a quick search I can't even find code samples to provision a new directory, let alone do so using Resource Manager templates.
Am I looking at this all wrong?
Currently there is no way to automate the creation of an AAD B2C tenant like there is also no way to automate the creation of an AAD tenant.
After you created a tenant you can access it programmatically via the Graph API. You can read more about this in the documentation:
The first paragraph of this documentation mentions the following:
Azure Active Directory (Azure AD) B2C tenants tend to be very large. This means that many common tenant management tasks need to be performed programmatically. A primary example is user management. You might need to migrate an existing user store to a B2C tenant. You may want to host user registration on your own page and create user accounts in Azure AD behind the scenes. These types of tasks require the ability to create, read, update, and delete user accounts. You can do these tasks by using the Azure AD Graph API.
Caution: at the point of writing this is still in preview so the API can change any time and you have no SLA.
For the latest status about which Azure services support ARM you can read this page:
