Python3 no such file or directory - linux

I am trying to make python3 executable scripts and run them from shell.I have python 3.4.0 installed on my system.
So, I added '/home/spandan/python_codes' directory to PYTHONPATH, as I am planning to keep my scripts and modules here.
However, while trying to execute these, the above error is thrown by the system, and the scripts wont execute unless I go into the python_codes directory and then execute them.
Executing python program : Here I found out that PYTHONPATH is irrelevant while making scripts, and also how to set the python shebang. So I set mine as #!/usr/bin/env python3.4.0
Is it correct?

You don't have to put your python codes in a global path. Just make your python 3.4 interpreter interpreter available globally. For that, edit .bash_profile or .bashrc file in your home directory and add the following line:
export PATH=${PATH}:/usr/bin/python3
That will make python3 executable irrespective of your current working directory.
In order to execute code from your codes directory, you just have to write:
$ python3 ./
Another way is to add the shebang at the top of your code as
and change the permission to executable by the current user (by default it will not have execute permission).
$ chmod 744
and then executing the script directly as
I hope I could address your problem.

Another way to do it is to use python-is-python2 or python-is-python3 debian packages with /usr/bin/env python sheabang.
This option will let the end user select which interpreter he want to use while maintaining your code versionless and avoiding some people to install unwanted interpreter versions.
As an example, run this commands to make a sample file:
cat << EOF > && chmod +x
#!/usr/bin/env python
import sys
And run the following command if you want to set python2 as default:
sudo apt install python-is-python2
Or run this command if you want to set python3 as default:
sudo apt install python-is-python3
Finally you could see the python interpreter version that you have been selected by running:
The only drawback of this solution is that you could make your python scripts compatible across python interpreter versions, but thats your decision!
You can install which you want and change from python2 to python3 and vice- versa as you want, but the idea is to fix a python interpreter version in a system and not change it again unless definitive upgrade.


I cannot run pyinstaller on my computer even though I have installed it

This is the problem right here, do you have any advice for that?
installed pip and pyinstaller, but still got this error message when I tried to convert my project into an .exe.
From Pyinstaller installation guide:
If you cannot use the pyinstaller command due to the scripts directory not being in PATH, you can instead invoke the PyInstaller module, by running python -m PyInstaller (pay attention to the module name, which is case sensitive). This form of invocation is also useful when you have PyInstaller installed in multiple python environments, and you cannot be sure from which installation the pyinstaller command will be ran.
So you may run it as e.g.:
python -m PyInstaller
Or, as the issue seems that PATH Windows environment variable doesn't include Python's Script folder, it'd better to fix it. From the same guide:
If the command is not found, make sure the execution path includes the proper directory:
Windows: C:\PythonXY\Scripts where XY stands for the major and minor Python version number, for example C:\Python38\Scripts for Python 3.8)
To fix you may run where python to get exact location of Python on your machine (let's say it shows C:\Python38\). Then add to PATH env variable Scripts folder inside it (in this example it'd be C:\Python38\Scripts\)

Atom Script can't find the path for Python 3 on Mac

When using the script addon for Atom it brings up:
Unable to run
Did you start Atom from the command line?
atom .
Is it in your PATH?
PATH: /usr/bin/python3:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.7/bin:/usr/bin/python3:/usr/local/share/dotnet:/Library/Frameworks/Mono.framework/Versions/Current/Commands:~/.dotnet/tools
How do I get Atom to recognize Python 3?
I tried installing Python using Homebrew and it is installed to /usr/local/bin/python3 as well as using the Terminal to add all of the suggested path locations to /etc/paths.
You need to properly configure the script package to use a profile that points to the correct python3.
Open a Terminal and navigate to the directory containing your scripts.
$ pwd
Get the path to python3
If you installed it via Homebrew, then it should be at:
$ python3 -V
Python 3.7.3
$ which python3
You can also check that Homebrew already updated PATH to add /usr/local/bin, but unless you did something wrong with the Python installation, this part is unnecessary.
$ echo $PATH
Now, start Atom from the command line as explained in the package docs
Make sure to launch Atom from the console/terminal. This gives atom
all your useful environment variables. Additionally, make sure to run
it with the project path you need.
$ cd /path/to/scripts
$ atom .
$ atom /path/to/scripts
Go to Packages > Command Palette > Toggle (or use CMD+SHIFT+P)
Select Script: Run Options
Input the path to your scripts and the path to the python3 command
NOTE: On my machine, just setting python3 also works. But if you are having problems with your python path, you can try to specify the full path (/usr/local/bin/python3) as shown.
Save the profile (ex. as "Python3")
Now, when you want to run your Python scripts, use the Script: Run with Profile command and then select the profile you just created.
That should work now.

'python3' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file

I am using Python 3.5.2 version on Windows 7 and tried using python3 I am getting this error message:
'python3' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.
Is there any specific cause about why the python3 command is not working?
I also verified that the PATH is added to environment variables.
There is no python3.exe file, that is why it fails.
py is just a launcher for python.exe. If you have more than one python versions installed on your machine (2.x, 3.x) you can specify what version of python to launch by
py -2 or
py -3
You can also try this:
Go to the path where Python is installed in your system. For me it was something like C:\Users\\Local Settings\Application Data\Programs\Python\Python37
In this folder, you'll find a python executable. Just create a duplicate and rename it to python3. Works every time.
Python3.exe is not defined in windows
Specify the path for required version of python when you need to used it by creating virtual environment for your project
Python 3
virtualenv --python=C:\PATH_TO_PYTHON\python.exe environment
virtualenv --python=C:\PATH_TO_PYTHON\python.exe environment
then activate the environment using
Yes, I think for Windows users you need to change all the python3 calls to python to solve your original error. This change will run the Python version set in your current environment. If you need to keep this call as it is (aka python3) because you are working in cross-platform or for any other reason, then a work around is to create a soft link. To create it, go to the folder that contains the Python executable and create the link. For example, this worked in my case in Windows 10 using mklink:
cd C:\Python3
mklink python3.exe python.exe
Use a (soft) symbolic link in Linux:
cd /usr/bin/python3
ln -s python.exe python3.exe
In my case I have a git hook on commit, specified by admin. So it was not very convenient for me to change the script (with python3 calls).
And the simplest workaround was just to copy python.exe to python3.exe.
Now I could launch both python and python3.
If python2 is not installed on your computer, you can try with just python instead of python3
For Python 27
virtualenv -p C:\Python27\python.exe django_concurrent_env
For Pyton36
virtualenv -p C:\Python36\python.exe django_concurrent_env
Enter the command to start up the server in that directory:
py -3.7 -m http.server
I had a related issue after installing windows 11, where python3 in cmd would open the windows store. I was able to sort it out between this post and this other one. In short, I reinstalled python and made sure to add it to PATH. Then, in settings, Apps > Apps & Features > App Execution aliases. Here, all I had to do was make sure that every single python .exe (including idle and pip) were turned off EXCEPT FOR the python3.exe alias. Now it works like a charm.
The root of this issue is not with you or with python. Apparently, Microsoft wanted to make installing python easier for young kiddos getting interested in coding, so they automatically add an executable to PATH. For those of us that already have this executable, it can cause these issues.
Found out instead press the play button the top right and it should work in visual studios:
Do not disable according to first answer
Saying python3 in the command will not work by default.
After figuring out the problem with the modules (Solution):
To import python modules in case of problem to import modules:
Hover over python in search:
Click open in folder
Hover over and right click
click properties
copy everything in path before \python.exe
close those windows
For cmd (administrator):
cd --path that was copied--
then python -m pip install --upgrade pip
cd Scripts
pip install "Name of Package" such as pip install --module (package) --
Im on win10 and have 3.7, 3.8 and 3.10 installed.
For me "python" launches version 3.10 and does not accept commands (like -3.7), "py" launches newest version but does accept commands, and "python3" does nothing.
Uninstalled 3.10 and "python" now does nothing, and "py" launches 3.8.
I am unable to add a comment, but the mlink option presented in this answer above by #Stanislav preserves cross-platform shebangs at the top of scripts (#!/usr/bin/env python3) and launches the right python.
(Even if you install python from, Windows will direct you to the app marketplace nowadays if you type python3 on the command line. If you type python on the same cli it will launch the version repl. It leads to scripts that generate no output, but more likely silently failed completely. I don't know ho common this is but have experienced it on a couple of different devices)
If you have this at the top of your script to ensure you launch python3 and don't feel like editing everything you own, it is not a bad approach at all... lol.

BASH script look up in /usr/bin

I have two versions of python installed on my Linux box 2.6 and 2.7, as indicated in the link I have installed python 2.7 in /usr/local/bin/ and have created alias and updated PATH variable. The 2.6 is installed in /usr/bin/.
After this when I check the python version it displays 2.7.3 on terminal but on the same terminal when I run a bash script (that need to detect the python version) it displays as 2.6.
How should I enforce the bash script to refer to alias or /usr/local/bin for picking the right python version.
You have an alias in your profile. However, aliases do not carried along when running a script.
So what you need to do is to either use the full path everywhere in the script or to indicate the path in the very beginning.
And then call it like:
$MY_PYTHON ... things
You need to update your PATH. Then you can use, like this:
export PATH="/usr/local/bin:$PATH"
Note I am including usr/local/bin before the other path
Include path before it. Include this in ~/.bashrc or ~/.bash_profile so that you don't need to do this every time you open a new shell.

Loading python modules through a computing cluster

I have an account to a computing cluster that uses Scientific Linux. Of course I only have user access. I'm working with python and I need to run python scripts, so I need to import some python modules. Since I don't have root access, I installed a local python copy on my $HOME with all the required modules. When I run the scripts on my account (hosting node), they run correctly. But in order to submit jobs to the computing queues (to process on much faster machines), I need to submit a bash script that has a line that executes the scripts. The computing cluster uses SunGrid Engine. However when I submit the bash script, I get an error that the modules I installed can't be found! I can't figure out what is wrong. I hope if you can help.
You could simply call your python program from the bash script with something like: PYTHONPATH=$HOME/lib/python /path/to/my/python my_python_script
I don't know how SunGrid works, but if it uses a different user than yours, you'll need global read access to your $HOME. Or at least to the python libraries.
First, whether or not this solution works for you depends heavily on how the cluster is set up. That said, the general solution to your problem is below. If the compute cluster has access to the same files as you do in your home directory, I see no reason why this would not work.
You need to be using a virtualenv. Install your software inside that virtualenv along with any additional python packages you need. Then in your batch bash script, provide the full path to the python interpreter within that virtualenv.
Note: to install python packages inside your virtualenv, you need to use the pip instance that is in your virtualenv, not the system pip.
$ virtualenv foo
$ cd foo
$ ./bin/pip install numpy
Then in your bash script:
/path/to/foo/bin/python /path/to/your/
Have you tried to add these in your python code:
import sys
from myOtherPackage import myPythonFile
This works very well for my code when I run it on Cluster and I wanted to call my "myPythonFile" from other package "myOtherPackage"
