Socket Scanner Error - SoftScan set status returned the error -43 - barcode-scanner

I am facing an error during socket barcode scanner SDK integration. When I launch the scanner for the first time it works correctly. When I launch the scanner for a second time it displays the error
SoftScan set status returned the error -43
I have checked Socket barcode scanner support but not found anything useful.
Please suggest how to handle this error.


Emulator fails with "Error connecting to the service protocol"

I am debugging flutter app from VS Code with Android emulator. I tried pixel 2 and 3. I use image 'Q'.
I am getting error:
Error connecting to the service protocol: HttpException: Connection closed before full header was received
What can be missing?
Something wrong with image 'Q'. Image 'Pie' works well.

How to resolve the following error message: Should have subtitle controller already set

I have an App that should play small sound files, and I get no error at the compilation state and the application runs successfully, but, unfortunately, it doesn't launch the sound.
At the same time I open the Logcat and see the following error message:
E/MediaPlayer: Should have subtitle controller already set
How can this be resolved?

Azure Machine Learning studio: Failed to parse parameter

I keep getting Error 002: Failed to parse parameter in the "Score Matchbox Recommender" box.
I'm using Azure's default "Recommender: Movie recommendation" sample project.
I've tried referring to an online video too, followed same steps but to no avail. Still getting error 002.
Full error code below.
requestId = 8ce5b273ae124cd5a5d872e5a509fe45 errorComponent=Module. taskStatusCode=400. {"Exception":{"ErrorId":"ParameterParsing","ErrorCode":"0002","ExceptionType":"ModuleException","Message":"Error 0002: Failed to parse parameter"}}Error: Error 0002: Failed to parse parameter Process exited with error code -2
Does anyone have any idea what's wrong?

HLS local http server on iOS8 doesn't work

I'm creating a local http server to provide http live streaming to a AVPlayer. It works fine on iOS 7, but failed in iOS 8 beta. Player never send request to my local server, its playerItem's status always become AVPlayerStatusFailed right after I call player's 'play' method.
The error I received is as following:
Error Domain=AVFoundationErrorDomain Code=-11800 "The operation could not be completed" UserInfo=0x179c675c0 {NSUnderlyingError=0x17a252c60 "The operation couldn’t be completed. (OSStatus error -12666.)", NSLocalizedFailureReason=An unknown error occurred (-12666), NSLocalizedDescription=The operation could not be completed}
I have asked this issue on iOS Developer forum and got response from Apple - "it's due to a bug in the first 8.0 seed".
However, they didn't say that they'll fix this bug and instead asking me why I need to do this. Does anyone have the same problem?

EXEC_BAD_ACCESS signal received in an iphone application

In my iphone application i am getting an error 'EXEC_BAD_ACCESS'.First time when i run application it ran and at some point of time i got this error and the application terminated.After that i am not able to run it.
The error occurred at main.m in second line of code.
Check that you're not overreleasing something or that you are not calling on an object you have not allocate for, if you post a small code snippet we can possibly help you some more.
