EXEC_BAD_ACCESS signal received in an iphone application - ios4

In my iphone application i am getting an error 'EXEC_BAD_ACCESS'.First time when i run application it ran and at some point of time i got this error and the application terminated.After that i am not able to run it.
The error occurred at main.m in second line of code.

Check that you're not overreleasing something or that you are not calling on an object you have not allocate for, if you post a small code snippet we can possibly help you some more.


Forge design automation for Revit fail after our code finish

We are experimenting with Design automation for Revit and have gotten stuck on a failure that is hard to debug:
basically our code finish and then forge takes over and fails.
Here is part of the log: I have marked in green what part are "our" logs:
Basically the app takes an rfa and should output a json.
I have defined the activity like this:
What can I do to investigate what is causing this issue?
I found the issue:
you need to explicitly set the Succeeded property to true on the DesignAutomationReadyEventArgs. Otherwise it will report as failed.

GaxiosError: Internal error Google App Engine

Every week my Google App Engine throws an error:
GaxiosError: Internal error
.Gaxios._request ( /workspace/node_modules/gaxios/build/src/gaxios.js:129 )
It happens once or twice per week, and takes my application (NodeJS) down for ~8 minutes. Then it gets back up until the next time the error comes.
Does anybody know how to solve it?
That´s all I get from the error.
It seems that the error is coming from the line 129 in gaxios.js, but I couldn´t debug it.

UWP - Incorrect behaviour when Trial Expired

According to documentation when trial is expired and user opens the app, a message would be shown. But my app closes after showing splash screen without any message in this case.
There is the same question on the Microsoft's forum, but I can't write anything there (it returns me unexpected error when I try to submit my question) and there is no answer.
I get the following line in my event log:
App failed with error: No applicable app licenses found. See the Microsoft-Windows-Twin/Operational log for additional information.
Additional information:
< Data Name="ErrorCode" >-1058406399< /Data >
This is Microsoft's bug and they promise to fix it. You can get more details on the msdn-forum.

Random 'ECONNABORTED' error when using sendFile in Express/Node

I have set a node server with Express middleware. I get the ECONNABORTED error randomly on some files when loading an HTML file which triggers about 10 other loads (js, css, etc.). The exact error is:
{ [Error: Request aborted] code: 'ECONNABORTED' }
Generated by this simplified code (after I tried to debug the issue):
res.sendFile(res.locals.physicalUrl,function (err) {
if (err)
Many posts talk about this error resulting from not specifying the full path name. That is not the situation here. I do specify the full path and indeed the error is randomly generated. There are times when the page and all its subsequent links load perfectly and there are times when they do not. I tried to flush the cache and did not find any pattern to connect it with this.
This specific error appears to be a a generic term for socket connection getting aborted and is discussed in the context of other applications like FTP.
Having realized that the node worker threads can be increased, I tried to do so using:
process.env.UV_THREADPOOL_SIZE = 20;
However, my understanding is that even absent this, at most the file transfer may have to wait for a worker thread to be free and not get aborted. I am not talking about big files here, all files are less than 1 MB.
I have a gut feeling that this has nothing to do with node directly.
Please point to any other possibilities (node or otherwise) to handle this error. Also, any other indirect solutions? Retrying a few times could be one but that would be clumsy. EDIT: No, I cannot retry. Headers are already sent with the error!
Many examples on the use of sendFile skip using the callback thereby giving the impression that it is a synchronous call. It is not. Do use the callback at all times, check for success and only then move on to the "next" middleware or take appropriate steps if the send fails for whatever reason. Not doing so can make it difficult to debug the consequences in an asynchronous environment.
See https://stackoverflow.com/a/36949631/2798152
Could it be possible that in some cases you terminate the connection by calling res.end before the asynchronous call to res.sendFile ends?
If that's not the case - can you pastebin more of your application code?
Uninstalling and Re-installing MongoDB solved this for me.
I was facing the same problem. It started happening when I had to force restart my laptop because it became unresponsive. On restarting, trying to connect to mongo server using nodejs, always threw ECONNABORTED error

GWT browser returns an error, but GWT does not

I made some changes to GWT app without testing it in the client browser. I just now tested it in the browser and now the browser is throwing an error:
Error: uncaught exception: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Widget must be a child of this panel.
How do I figure out why this is being thrown and where to fix it?
I made so many changes in the code between now and last time I tested to figure out where it could possibly be from memory.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
This error message is thrown (at least) by an AbsolutePanel if you try to call setWidgetPosition, getWidgetLeft or getWidgetTop with a widget as argument that's not a child of the AbsolutePanel. Maybe you call the method before you attach the widget to the Panel.
For debugging you can try the following:
Run in hosted mode and set a debug pointer on the IllegalArgumentException.
Or if you only can find it in client code. I compile with -style pretty and run it in Firefox with FireBug debugger and set Script to break on errors or track throw/catch.
