Azure Mobile Services - complex processing - azure

I am fairly new to Azure and mobile services, and all the examples and tutorials I can find for the table and API scripts are fairly simplistic.
If I have some processes that are fairly complex and rely on pulling information from many different tables and processing contingent on that data, should I be doing that somewhere other than the API scripts? I am new to node.js as well so maybe that's the problem but I was wondering if there is a more appropriate place for business logic, such as some bridge I need to add to my stack?

There are a lot of examples of how to use MSSql object which is used to query tables and Node in general available. A healthy search will reveal just about anything you need. Since you said you are new to Node.js consider using the .NET backend instead. It is based on Entity Framework and there are lots of Entity framework examples out there for you too. Finally, there are some really good examples of complex logic being used in the back ends in the sample code available: (pick your client OS) and here: and here:
Let us know if you have specific questions!


If I'm integrating two seperate API's, is a MERN stack appropriate?

I have two separate cloud-based APIs that I am working on integrating together. Neither software directly talks to each other so I am creating something in the middle to get them to communicate. I have had trouble finding examples or documentation on how exactly to do this, does anyone know of any resources that could help me out?
My plan going in was to use a MERN Stack, running on a local server to do GET and POST requests to both APIs, use some mapping and logic to transpose the data into the correct format and send it to the other software. I do not have a client per se (other than myself) on my end, so I really will be skipping the React part of MERN, at least that is what I'm thinking. I'll be using Mongo to keep track of both sets of data for redundancy. I also considered using a LAMP Stack but felt that MERN would be faster in handling the data, and Mongo is more flexible in handling different data formats. If there is another process or technology that could help me that I'm not thinking of, I would be grateful to hear about it.
Has anyone encountered something like this before? Thank you.
As with most architecture questions, there's no completely right or wrong answer here. You could certainly design a well-built system to handle for this purpose with either stack; even more-so when you mention that your front-end framework is not an important consideration. Instead, ask yourself questions like this:
Which stack do you have more experience with, and is this an appropriate time to learn a new set of technologies, or is it important to do the best work you're capable of right now (how important is time, cost, or quality in this case)?
Another generalization I'll stick my neck out for is a data-first approach; what sort of data are you dealing with from each cloud integration, and what kind of data do you need to support and/or create in order to make your system work? Mongo, being a NoSQL persistence layer, will allow you to change your data model and handle more varied data in a quicker and easier manner than a SQL solution will. This is a double-edged sword, however, as lack of validation and a strongly-constrained (typed?) data model will make your application harder to work with and debug as it grows. In short - how big might this application grow?
If you have a handy and familiar way to manage the three different data models you're dealing with (cloud service 1, cloud service 2, and your app) via MySQL, then that's a compelling reason to use it. However, if your style is to start dumping data into your database and you're comfortable with a more iterative approach (which may require more, albeit shorter rounds of refactoring), then Mongo with MERN may be the preferable choice.
Finally, will others ever be working on this application? If so, which language would you prefer to be dealing with them upon - PHP or Javascript?

Social Network development in node.js and mongoDB

I want to know following things so that I can fix my server architecture and make it more flexible.
Is it good to store home feed data [ex: Facebook homeFeed] to the variable for future manipulation or just fetch data related to homeFeed and manipulate everything which needs to be done on run time.
Please note that data set of home feed can contain anything. [ not developed yet ]
Is there any limit to request to MongoDB at any given time which can create a delay in data processing?
Are node.js and MongoDB a good option for social network development?
If you know anything related to social network development then please share the pros and cons.
Is it good to store home feed data [ex: Facebook homeFeed] to the variable for future manipulation or just fetch data related to homeFeed and manipulate everything which needs to be done on run time.
You can (and sometimes should) pre-compute home feed data for certain users (for example those who are the most active). You don't store that in a variable though, you cache the results with something like Redis.
Generating the home feed on a "request" basis is also possible and good.
Both approaches require careful thinking about your system's architecture, performance, scalability, robustness, fault-tolerance, etc...
Is there any limit to request to MongoDB at any given time. which can create a delay in data processing?
Yes. A MongoDB instance (or any other database) has limited resources. Look at the Sharding and Replication docs of MongoDB for more info about how to work with MongoDb at scale.
Are node.js and MongoDB are a good option for social network development.
Node.js and MongoDb are a good combinations for quick prototyping, you can get productive fairly quickly. Any language(s) you are familiair with is/are a good choice here, since your focus seems to be on architecture. Go, Java and PHP are good candidates too.
In the real world social networks are built with a lot more tools than that. Since the teams use various programming languages, databases and frameworks depending on the task at hand.

What does building an application in Arango Foxx offer beyond a regular node application

I'm learning more about ArangoDB and it's Foxx framework. But it's not clear to me what I gain by using that framework over building my own stand alone nodejs app for API/access control, logic, etc.
What does Foxx offer that a regular nodejs app wouldn't?
Full disclosure: I'm an ArangoDB core maintainer and part of the Foxx team.
I would recommend taking a look at the webinar I gave last year for a detailed overview of the differences between Foxx and Node and the advantages of using Foxx when you are using ArangoDB. I'll try to give a quick summary here.
If you apply ideas like the Single Responsibility Principle to your architecture, your server-side code has two responsibilities:
Backend: persist and query data using the backend data storage (i.e. ArangoDB or other databases).
Frontend: transform the query results into a format acceptable for the client (e.g. HTML, JSON, XML, CSV, etc).
In most conventional applications, these two responsibilities are fulfilled by the same monolithic application code base running in the same process.
However the task of interacting with the data storage usually requires writing a lot of code that is specific to the database technology. You need to write queries (e.g. using SQL, AQL, ReQL or any other technology-specific language) or use database-specific drivers.
Additionally in many non-trivial applications you need to interact with things like stored procedures which are also part of the "backend code" but live in the database. So in addition to having the application server do two different tasks (storage and rendering), half the code for one of the tasks ends up living somewhere else, often using an entirely different language.
Foxx lets you solve this problem by allowing you to move the logic we identified as the "backend" of your server-side code into ArangoDB. Not only can you hide all the nitty gritty of query languages, edges and collections behind a more application-specific API, you also eliminate the network overhead often necessary to handle requests that would cause more than a single roundtrip to the database.
For trivial applications this may mean that you can eliminate the Node server completely and access your Foxx API directly from the client. For more complicated scenarios you may want to use Node to build external micro services your Foxx service can tap into (e.g. to interface with external non-HTTP APIs). Or you just put your conventional Node app in front of ArangoDB and use Foxx to create an HTTP API that better represents your application's problem domain than the database's raw HTTP API.
It's also worth keeping in mind that structurally Foxx services aren't entirely dissimilar from Node applications. You can use NPM dependencies and split your code up into modules and it can all live in version control and be deployed from zip bundles. If you're not convinced I'd suggest giving it a try by implementing a few of your most frequent queries as Foxx endpoints and then deciding whether you want to move more of your logic over or not.

AFIncrementalStore with Parse

I am developing an social app on iOS that have many-to-many relation, local persistency, and user interaction. I have tried using native Parse API in iOS and find it too cumbersome to do all the client-server logic. So my focus shifted to finding a syncing solution.
After some research I found AFIncrementalStore quite easy to use and it's highly integrated in CoreData. I just started to work on this and I have two questions to ask:
1) How to do the authentication process? Is it in AFRESTClient?
2) How to set up AFRESTClient to match Parse's REST API? (an example would be great!)
P.S. I also found FTASync, which seems to be another solution. Any thought on this framework?
Any general suggestion on client-server syncing solutions will be highly appreciated!
Lei Zhang
Back with iOS 5 Apple silently rolled out NSIncrementalStore to manage connection between APIs and persistent stores. Because I couldn't word it better myself:
NSIncrementalStore is an abstract subclass of NSPersistentStore designed to "create persistent stores which load and save data incrementally, allowing for the management of large and/or shared datasets". And while that may not sound like much, consider that nearly all of the database adapters we rely on load incrementally from large, shared data stores. What we have here is a goddamned miracle.
That being said, I've been working on my own NSIncrementalStore (built specifically for Parse and utilizing the Parse iOS/OS X SDK) and you're welcome to check out/use/contribute to the project at
Take a look at this StackOverflow question and at Chris Wagner's article on
The linked SO question has examples for how to include the authentication token with each request to Parse. So you'll just need to have the user log in first, and store their token to include it with each subsequent request.
Chris Wagner's tutorial has a sample AFHTTPClient named SDAFParseApiClient to communicate with the Parse REST API. You'd have to adapt it to be an AFRESTClient subclass, but it should give you a start.
Some other thoughts between the two solutions you're considering:
AFIncrementalStore does not allow the user to make any changes without a network connection, while FTASync keeps a full Core Data SQLite store locally and syncs changes to the server when you tell it to.
FTASync requires you to make all your synched managed objects subclasses of FTASyncParent, with extra properties for sync metadata. AFIncrementalStore keeps its metadata behind the scenes, not in your model.
FTASync appears not to be widely used and hasn't been updated in over a year; if you use it you will likely be maintaining it.

Saas model data isolation

I curently have an application writen in php using the symfony framework. Rather than have seperate installs for customer on a hosted server, I would like to move to as SaaS model with one install for all customers posible running of google code or another cloud based service. I am not tied to PHP though i would like to have the benifits of a good framework.
So the chalenge: If all customers are using the same application we then have fin a way isolating each customers data. Customers do for eample have admin access and can manager their own users and privlages. At a simplistic leve you could just have a organisation identifier in each table take and add that to all database operations. However most application framewors use and ORM of some kind, and I have not been able to find one that will easly / seemlesly facinatate this at a leve the has minimum impact on the application code.
Has anyone looked at this, are there any good aproaches to this problem?
As Itay says, a multi-tenant system is a common requirement. A while back I was doing some research on this problem and came across a pretty good presentation on the different ways to handle this issue, and the pros and cons of each:
This particular presentation is targeted to a Rails audience, but the principles are the same as with any language.
The approach you described is common, and PHP (One of the strengths) will allow you to comparatively easily go into the ORM code and modify it to your needs.
Second approach is to create a separate DB for each organization and a joint DB for shared resources.
A bit of a design challenge (but just a bit).
if you are really big, then you will even need to consider a separate DB server for each organization (I would say this is a serious overkill in 99.99999% of the cases).
This MSDN article gives you a very good overview of Data Architecture in Multi-tenancy:
