Bash split a space-delimited string into a variable number of substrings - string

Suppose I have two space-delimited strings in my bash script, which are
permitted_hosts="node1 node2 node3"
runs_list="run1 run2 run3 run4 run5"
These respectively represent the list of permitted hosts and the list of runs to execute. So, I need to run each of the runs in $runs_list on 1 of the hosts in $permitted_hosts.
What I'd like to do is divide $runs_list into $N substrings, where $N is the number of elements in $permitted_hosts and where each of the $N substrings is mapped to a different element in $permitted_hosts.
If that's confusing, then consider this concrete workaround solution. For the exact given values of $permitted_hosts and $runs_list above, the following bash script checks the current host, and if the current host is in $permitted_hosts, then it launches the runs in $runs_list that are associated with the current host. Of course, this script doesn't use the variables $permitted_hosts and $runs_list, but it achieves the desired effect for the given example. What I'm really trying to do is modify the code below so that I can modify the values of variables $permitted_hosts and $runs_list and it will work appropriately.
if [ "$hostname" == "node1" ]; then
runs="run1 run2"
elif [ "$hostname" == "node2" ]; then
runs="run3 run4"
elif [ "$hostname" == "node3" ]; then
echo "ERROR: Invoked on invalid host ('$hostname')! Aborting."
exit 0
for run in $runs; do
./launch $run

So, firstly — instead of space-delimited strings, you should probably use arrays:
permitted_hosts=(node1 node2 node3)
runs_list=(run1 run2 run3 run4 run5)
If you have to start out with space-delimited strings, you can at least convert them to arrays:
That out of the way . . . basically you have two steps: (1) convert the hostname into an integer representing its position in permitted_hosts:
num_hosts="${#permitted_hosts[#]}" # for convenience
while true ; do
if [[ "${permitted_hosts[host_index]}" = "$hostname" ]] ; then
(( ++host_index ))
if (( host_index > num_hosts )) ; then
printf 'ERROR: Invoked on invalid host ('%s')! Aborting.\n' "$hostname" >&2
exit 1
# host_index is now an integer index into permitted_hosts
and (2) convert this integer into an appropriate subset of runs_list:
num_runs="${#runs_list[#]}" # for convenience
for (( run_index = host_index ; run_index < num_runs ; run_index += num_hosts )) ; do
./launch "${runs_list[run_index]}"
So, for example, if you have H hosts, then host #0 will launch run #0, run #H, run #2H, etc.; host #1 will launch run #1, run #H+1, run #2H+1, etc.; and so on.


Bash shell how to remove string from array with -= operator [duplicate]

I need to remove an element from an array in bash shell.
Generally I'd simply do:
array=("${(#)array:#<element to remove>}")
Unfortunately the element I want to remove is a variable so I can't use the previous command.
Down here an example:
array( ${array[#]/$delete} ) -> but clearly doesn't work because of {}
Any idea?
The following works as you would like in bash and zsh:
$ array=(pluto pippo)
$ delete=pluto
$ echo ${array[#]/$delete}
$ array=( "${array[#]/$delete}" ) #Quotes when working with strings
If need to delete more than one element:
$ delete=(pluto pippo)
for del in ${delete[#]}
array=("${array[#]/$del}") #Quotes when working with strings
This technique actually removes prefixes matching $delete from the elements, not necessarily whole elements.
To really remove an exact item, you need to walk through the array, comparing the target to each element, and using unset to delete an exact match.
array=(pluto pippo bob)
for target in "${delete[#]}"; do
for i in "${!array[#]}"; do
if [[ ${array[i]} = $target ]]; then
unset 'array[i]'
Note that if you do this, and one or more elements is removed, the indices will no longer be a continuous sequence of integers.
$ declare -p array
declare -a array=([0]="pluto" [2]="bob")
The simple fact is, arrays were not designed for use as mutable data structures. They are primarily used for storing lists of items in a single variable without needing to waste a character as a delimiter (e.g., to store a list of strings which can contain whitespace).
If gaps are a problem, then you need to rebuild the array to fill the gaps:
for i in "${!array[#]}"; do
new_array+=( "${array[i]}" )
unset new_array
You could build up a new array without the undesired element, then assign it back to the old array. This works in bash:
array=(pluto pippo)
for value in "${array[#]}"
[[ $value != pluto ]] && new_array+=($value)
unset new_array
This yields:
echo "${array[#]}"
This is the most direct way to unset a value if you know it's position.
$ array=(one two three)
$ echo ${#array[#]}
$ unset 'array[1]'
$ echo ${array[#]}
one three
$ echo ${#array[#]}
This answer is specific to the case of deleting multiple values from large arrays, where performance is important.
The most voted solutions are (1) pattern substitution on an array, or (2) iterating over the array elements. The first is fast, but can only deal with elements that have distinct prefix, the second has O(n*k), n=array size, k=elements to remove. Associative array are relative new feature, and might not have been common when the question was originally posted.
For the exact match case, with large n and k, possible to improve performance from O(nk) to O(n+klog(k)). In practice, O(n) assuming k much lower than n. Most of the speed up is based on using associative array to identify items to be removed.
Performance (n-array size, k-values to delete). Performance measure seconds of user time
N K New(seconds) Current(seconds) Speedup
1000 10 0.005 0.033 6X
10000 10 0.070 0.348 5X
10000 20 0.070 0.656 9X
10000 1 0.043 0.050 -7%
As expected, the current solution is linear to N*K, and the fast solution is practically linear to K, with much lower constant. The fast solution is slightly slower vs the current solution when k=1, due to additional setup.
The 'Fast' solution: array=list of input, delete=list of values to remove.
declare -A delk
for del in "${delete[#]}" ; do delk[$del]=1 ; done
# Tag items to remove, based on
for k in "${!array[#]}" ; do
[ "${delk[${array[$k]}]-}" ] && unset 'array[k]'
# Compaction
Benchmarked against current solution, from the most-voted answer.
for target in "${delete[#]}"; do
for i in "${!array[#]}"; do
if [[ ${array[i]} = $target ]]; then
unset 'array[i]'
Here's a one-line solution with mapfile:
$ mapfile -d $'\0' -t arr < <(printf '%s\0' "${arr[#]}" | grep -Pzv "<regexp>")
$ arr=("Adam" "Bob" "Claire"$'\n'"Smith" "David" "Eve" "Fred")
$ echo "Size: ${#arr[*]} Contents: ${arr[*]}"
Size: 6 Contents: Adam Bob Claire
Smith David Eve Fred
$ mapfile -d $'\0' -t arr < <(printf '%s\0' "${arr[#]}" | grep -Pzv "^Claire\nSmith$")
$ echo "Size: ${#arr[*]} Contents: ${arr[*]}"
Size: 5 Contents: Adam Bob David Eve Fred
This method allows for great flexibility by modifying/exchanging the grep command and doesn't leave any empty strings in the array.
Partial answer only
To delete the first item in the array
unset 'array[0]'
To delete the last item in the array
unset 'array[-1]'
To expand on the above answers, the following can be used to remove multiple elements from an array, without partial matching:
ARRAY=(one two onetwo three four threefour "one six")
TO_REMOVE=(one four)
for pkg in "${ARRAY[#]}"; do
for remove in "${TO_REMOVE[#]}"; do
if [[ ${pkg} == ${remove} ]]; then
if ${KEEP}; then
This will result in an array containing:
(two onetwo three threefour "one six")
Here's a (probably very bash-specific) little function involving bash variable indirection and unset; it's a general solution that does not involve text substitution or discarding empty elements and has no problems with quoting/whitespace etc.
delete_ary_elmt() {
local word=$1 # the element to search for & delete
local aryref="$2[#]" # a necessary step since '${!$2[#]}' is a syntax error
local arycopy=("${!aryref}") # create a copy of the input array
local status=1
for (( i = ${#arycopy[#]} - 1; i >= 0; i-- )); do # iterate over indices backwards
[[ $elmt == $word ]] && unset "$2[$i]" && status=0 # unset matching elmts in orig. ary
return $status # return 0 if something was deleted; 1 if not
array=(a 0 0 b 0 0 0 c 0 d e 0 0 0)
delete_ary_elmt 0 array
for e in "${array[#]}"; do
echo "$e"
# prints "a" "b" "c" "d" in lines
Use it like delete_ary_elmt ELEMENT ARRAYNAME without any $ sigil. Switch the == $word for == $word* for prefix matches; use ${elmt,,} == ${word,,} for case-insensitive matches; etc., whatever bash [[ supports.
It works by determining the indices of the input array and iterating over them backwards (so deleting elements doesn't screw up iteration order). To get the indices you need to access the input array by name, which can be done via bash variable indirection x=1; varname=x; echo ${!varname} # prints "1".
You can't access arrays by name like aryname=a; echo "${$aryname[#]}, this gives you an error. You can't do aryname=a; echo "${!aryname[#]}", this gives you the indices of the variable aryname (although it is not an array). What DOES work is aryref="a[#]"; echo "${!aryref}", which will print the elements of the array a, preserving shell-word quoting and whitespace exactly like echo "${a[#]}". But this only works for printing the elements of an array, not for printing its length or indices (aryref="!a[#]" or aryref="#a[#]" or "${!!aryref}" or "${#!aryref}", they all fail).
So I copy the original array by its name via bash indirection and get the indices from the copy. To iterate over the indices in reverse I use a C-style for loop. I could also do it by accessing the indices via ${!arycopy[#]} and reversing them with tac, which is a cat that turns around the input line order.
A function solution without variable indirection would probably have to involve eval, which may or may not be safe to use in that situation (I can't tell).
Using unset
To remove an element at particular index, we can use unset and then do copy to another array. Only just unset is not required in this case. Because unset does not remove the element it just sets null string to the particular index in array.
declare -a arr=('aa' 'bb' 'cc' 'dd' 'ee')
unset 'arr[1]'
declare -a arr2=()
for element in "${arr[#]}"
echo "${arr[#]}"
echo "1st val is ${arr[1]}, 2nd val is ${arr[2]}"
echo "${arr2[#]}"
echo "1st val is ${arr2[1]}, 2nd val is ${arr2[2]}"
Output is
aa cc dd ee
1st val is , 2nd val is cc
aa cc dd ee
1st val is cc, 2nd val is dd
Using :<idx>
We can remove some set of elements using :<idx> also. For example if we want to remove 1st element we can use :1 as mentioned below.
declare -a arr=('aa' 'bb' 'cc' 'dd' 'ee')
echo "${arr2[#]}"
echo "1st val is ${arr2[1]}, 2nd val is ${arr2[2]}"
Output is
bb cc dd ee
1st val is cc, 2nd val is dd
${PARAMETER#PATTERN} # remove from beginning
${PARAMETER##PATTERN} # remove from the beginning, greedy match
${PARAMETER%PATTERN} # remove from the end
${PARAMETER%%PATTERN} # remove from the end, greedy match
In order to do a full remove element, you have to do an unset command with an if statement. If you don't care about removing prefixes from other variables or about supporting whitespace in the array, then you can just drop the quotes and forget about for loops.
See example below for a few different ways to clean up an array.
options=("foo" "bar" "foo" "foobar" "foo bar" "bars" "bar")
# remove bar from the start of each element
# options=("foo" "" "foo" "foobar" "foo bar" "s" "")
# remove the complete string "foo" in a for loop
for ((i = 0; i < count; i++)); do
if [ "${options[i]}" = "foo" ] ; then
unset 'options[i]'
# options=( "" "foobar" "foo bar" "s" "")
# remove empty options
# note the count variable can't be recalculated easily on a sparse array
for ((i = 0; i < count; i++)); do
# echo "Element $i: '${options[i]}'"
if [ -z "${options[i]}" ] ; then
unset 'options[i]'
# options=("foobar" "foo bar" "s")
# list them with select
echo "Choose an option:"
PS3='Option? '
select i in "${options[#]}" Quit
case $i in
Quit) break ;;
*) echo "You selected \"$i\"" ;;
Choose an option:
1) foobar
2) foo bar
3) s
4) Quit
Hope that helps.
There is also this syntax, e.g. if you want to delete the 2nd element :
array=("${array[#]:0:1}" "${array[#]:2}")
which is in fact the concatenation of 2 tabs. The first from the index 0 to the index 1 (exclusive) and the 2nd from the index 2 to the end.
POSIX shell script does not have arrays.
So most probably you are using a specific dialect such as bash, korn shells or zsh.
Therefore, your question as of now cannot be answered.
Maybe this works for you:
unset array[$delete]
What I do is:
array="$(echo $array | tr ' ' '\n' | sed "/itemtodelete/d")"
BAM, that item is removed.
This is a quick-and-dirty solution that will work in simple cases but will break if (a) there are regex special characters in $delete, or (b) there are any spaces at all in any items. Starting with:
Delete all entries exactly matching $delete:
array=(`echo $array | fmt -1 | grep -v "^${delete}$" | fmt -999999`)
resulting in
echo $array -> pippo, and making sure it's an array:
echo $array[1] -> pippo
fmt is a little obscure: fmt -1 wraps at the first column (to put each item on its own line. That's where the problem arises with items in spaces.) fmt -999999 unwraps it back to one line, putting back the spaces between items. There are other ways to do that, such as xargs.
Addendum: If you want to delete just the first match, use sed, as described here:
array=(`echo $array | fmt -1 | sed "0,/^${delete}$/{//d;}" | fmt -999999`)
Actually, I just noticed that the shell syntax somewhat has a behavior built-in that allows for easy reconstruction of the array when, as posed in the question, an item should be removed.
# let's set up an array of items to consume:
for (( i=0; i<10; i++ )); do
# here, we consume that array:
while (( ${#x[#]} )); do
i=$(( $RANDOM % ${#x[#]} ))
echo "${x[i]} / ${x[#]}"
x=("${x[#]:0:i}" "${x[#]:i+1}")
Notice how we constructed the array using bash's x+=() syntax?
You could actually add more than one item with that, the content of a whole other array at once.
In ZSH this is dead easy (note this uses more bash compatible syntax than necessary where possible for ease of understanding):
# I always include an edge case to make sure each element
# is not being word split.
start=(one two three 'four 4' five)
# How to remove a single element easily.
# Also works for associative arrays (at least in zsh)
echo "Array size went down by one: "
[[ $#work -eq $(($#start - 1)) ]] && echo "OK"
echo "Array item "$val" is now gone: "
[[ -z ${work[(r)$val]} ]] && echo OK
echo "Array contents are as expected: "
wanted=("${start[#]:0:1}" "${start[#]:2}")
[[ "${(j.:.)wanted[#]}" == "${(j.:.)work[#]}" ]] && echo "OK"
echo "-- array contents: start --"
print -l -r -- "-- $#start elements" ${(#)start}
echo "-- array contents: work --"
print -l -r -- "-- $#work elements" "${work[#]}"
Array size went down by one:
Array item two is now gone:
Array contents are as expected:
-- array contents: start --
-- 5 elements
four 4
-- array contents: work --
-- 4 elements
four 4
To avoid conflicts with array index using unset - see and for more information - reassign the array to itself: ARRAY_VAR=(${ARRAY_VAR[#]}).
ARRAY_VAR=(0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9)
unset ARRAY_VAR[5]
unset ARRAY_VAR[4]
echo ${ARRAY_VAR[#]}
for (( i=0; i<=$(( $A_LENGTH -1 )); i++ )) ; do
echo ""
echo "INDEX - $i"
echo "VALUE - ${ARRAY_VAR[$i]}"
exit 0
[Ref.: ]
How about something like:
array=(one two three)
array_t=" ${array[#]} "
array=(${array_t// $delete / })
unset array_t
echo "# define array with six elements"
arr=(zero one two three 'four 4' five)
echo "# unset by index: 0"
unset -v 'arr[0]'
for i in ${!arr[*]}; do echo "arr[$i]=${arr[$i]}"; done
arr_delete_by_content() { # value to delete
for i in ${!arr[*]}; do
[ "${arr[$i]}" = "$1" ] && unset -v 'arr[$i]'
echo "# unset in global variable where value: three"
arr_delete_by_content three
for i in ${!arr[*]}; do echo "arr[$i]=${arr[$i]}"; done
echo "# rearrange indices"
arr=( "${arr[#]}" )
for i in ${!arr[*]}; do echo "arr[$i]=${arr[$i]}"; done
delete_value() { # value arrayelements..., returns array decl.
local e val=$1; new=(); shift
for e in "${#}"; do [ "$val" != "$e" ] && new+=("$e"); done
declare -p new|sed 's,^[^=]*=,,'
echo "# new array without value: two"
declare -a arr="$(delete_value two "${arr[#]}")"
for i in ${!arr[*]}; do echo "arr[$i]=${arr[$i]}"; done
delete_values() { # arraydecl values..., returns array decl. (keeps indices)
declare -a arr="$1"; local i v; shift
for v in "${#}"; do
for i in ${!arr[*]}; do
[ "$v" = "${arr[$i]}" ] && unset -v 'arr[$i]'
declare -p arr|sed 's,^[^=]*=,,'
echo "# new array without values: one five (keep indices)"
declare -a arr="$(delete_values "$(declare -p arr|sed 's,^[^=]*=,,')" one five)"
for i in ${!arr[*]}; do echo "arr[$i]=${arr[$i]}"; done
# new array without multiple values and rearranged indices is left to the reader

How not to interrupt the execution of the loop in case of errors and write them to a variable?

I want to backup mikrotiks via scp. This script loops through the hosts from the hosts.txt. One by one, connects to each device from the list. Does backup and all manipulations. If at some stage it was not possible to connect to the device, then an empty backup is formed, which is then sent to the cloud.
I want to check. If it was not possible to connect to the host, then write this host into a variable, line by line, and go to the next device. Next, I will notify about all failed connections.
The problem is that only the first error is written to the variable, all subsequent ones are ignored.
Tell me who knows what.
readarray -t hosts < hosts.txt
DATE=$(date +'%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S')
ERR=( )
#Get values from main list
for host in ${hosts[*]}
#Get values from sub list
hostname=($(echo ${host} | tr "_" " "))
echo ${hostname[0]} - ${hostname[1]}
#connect & backup & transfer & archive & rm old files & moove to cloud
if ssh backup#${hostname[0]} -C "/system backup save name=${hostname[1]}_$DATE"; then
scp backup#${hostname[0]}:"${hostname[1]}_$DATE.backup" ./
ssh backup#${hostname[0]} -C "rm ${hostname[1]}_$DATE.backup"
tar -czvf ./${hostname[1]}_$DATE.tar.gz ${hostname[1]}_$DATE.backup
scp ./${hostname[1]}_$DATE.tar.gz
rm ${hostname[1]}_$DATE.backup ${hostname[1]}_$DATE.tar.gz
ERR+=(${hosts[*]} "is not ready")
As I noted in the comments, you're misusing the array notation. Your line ERR=(${hosts[*]} "is not ready") should be ERR+=(${hosts[*]} "is not ready") and you should define ERR as an array, not a scalar: ERR=( ) for example, or declare -a ERR. Similarly with ROS.
Here's a test script that avoids all the ssh and scp work to demonstrate that lists of passing and failing hosts work — that the arrays hosts, ROS and ERR are handled correctly.
Note the use of "${ERR[#]}" with double quotes and # instead of no quotes and *. The difference matters because the values in the array contain spaces. Try the alternatives. Note, too, that printf always prints, even when there is no argument corresponding to the %s in the format string. Hence the check on the number of elements in the array before invoking printf.
# Needs Bash 4.x - Bash 3.2 as found on Macs does not support readarray
# readarray -t hosts < hosts.txt
hosts=( passed-1 failed-2 passed-3 failed-4 passed-5 )
declare -a ERR
declare -a ROS
for host in "${hosts[#]}"
if [ "$status" = "passed" ]
then ROS+=( "$host $status" ); status="failed"
else ERR+=( "$host $status" ); status="passed"
# Brute force but handles empty lists
for passed in "${ROS[#]}"
do printf "== PASS == [%s]\n" "$passed"
for failed in "${ERR[#]}"
do printf "!! FAIL !! [%s]\n" "$failed"
# Alternative - better spread over multiple lines each
if [ "${#ROS}" -gt 0 ]; then printf "== PASS == [%s]\n" "${ROS[#]}"; fi
if [ "${#ERR}" -gt 0 ]; then printf "!! FAIL !! [%s]\n" "${ERR[#]}"; fi
== PASS == [passed-1 passed]
== PASS == [passed-3 passed]
== PASS == [passed-5 passed]
!! FAIL !! [failed-2 failed]
!! FAIL !! [failed-4 failed]
== PASS == [passed-1 passed]
== PASS == [passed-3 passed]
== PASS == [passed-5 passed]
!! FAIL !! [failed-2 failed]
!! FAIL !! [failed-4 failed]
I'm sorry there are so many failures to backup your data!

How to iterate over a series of numbers passed as arguments to a bash function and then return a count of even numbers?

#this function checks if a number is even
#checks only 1 argument
function isiteven {
if [[ $1%2 -eq 0 ]]
echo "1"
echo "0"
I need to use this file as source to another file and create a function that returns the count of even numbers passed to a function called 'nevens'.
I tried this code:
function nevens {
for check in $#
if [[ -e isiteven$# ]]
let count=count+1
echo $count
I am confused what shell sign to use to iterate in for loop and to check in if statement.
Since you're outputting a 0 or a 1 from isiteven, you can just unconditionally add the output of the function:
function nevens {
local count=0
for check; do # implicit `for check in "$#"`
(( count += $(isiteven $check) )) # add output of `isiteven $check`
echo $count
This assumes that your input is all valid, so if that's not guaranteed to be the case, you will need to add some checks.
Note that this script uses several non-standard features that won't work in all shells:
source instead of the standard .
function keyword instead of just nevens () {
local keyword to declare a local variable inside the function
+=, instead of the standard count=$(( count + $(isiteven $check) ))

Recursive breadth first traversal in Bash

I'm trying to discover why my traversal isn't working. I believe I've isolated the problem to the point in code where it says "directory contains" and then what was passed to the function. The function gets passed an array containing all of the new file paths to echo but for some reason it is only receiving the first one. Am I passing the array incorrectly or could it be something else?
for x in ${directory[#]}; do
echo "directory contains: " ${directory[#]}
temp=(`ls $x`)
new_temp=( )
for y in ${temp[#]}; do
echo $x/$y
new_temp=(${new_temp[#]} $x/$y)
if [ $depth -gt 0 ]; then
traverse $new_temp
You cannot pass arrays as arguments. You can only pass strings. You'll have to expand
the array to a list of its contents first. I've taken the liberty of making depth
local to your function, rather than what I assume is a global variable.
local depth=$1
# Create a new array consisting of all the arguments.
# Get into the habit of quoting anything that
# might contain a space
for x in "$#"; do
echo "directory contains: $#"
for y in "$x"/*; do
echo "$x/$y"
new_temp+=( "$x/$y" )
(( depth-- ))
if (( depth > 0 )); then
traverse $depth "${new_temp[#]}"
$ dir=( a b c d )
$ init_depth=3
$ traverse $init_depth "${dir[#]}"

Problem with bash code

function dec_to_bin {
if [ $# != 2 ]
return -1
declare -a ARRAY[30]
declare -i INDEX=0
declare -i TEMP=$2
declare -i TEMP2=0
while [ $TEMP -gt 0 ]
#printf "%d" "$TEMP2"
INDEX=$[ $INDEX + 1 ] #note
for (( COUNT=INDEX; COUNT>-1; COUNT--)){
printf "%d" "${ARRAY[$COUNT]}" <<LINE 27
#echo -n ${ARRAY[$COUNT]} <<LINE 28
why is this code giving this error line 27: ARRAY[$COUNT]: unbound variable
same error comes with line 28 if uncommented
One more question, I am confused with the difference b/w '' and "" used in bash scripting any link to some nice article will be helpfull.
It works fine for me except that you can't do return -1. The usual error value is 1.
The error message is because you have set -u and you're starting your for loop at INDEX instead of INDEX-1 (${ARRAY[INDEX]} will always be empty because of the way your while loop is written). Since you're using %d in your printf statement, empty variables will print as "0" (if set -u is not in effect).
Also, it's meaningless to declare an array with a size. Arrays in Bash are completely dynamic.
I would code the for loop with a test for 0 (because the -1 looks confusing since it can't be the index of an numerically indexed array):
for (( COUNT=INDEX - 1; COUNT>=0; COUNT--))
This form is deprecated:
INDEX=$[ $INDEX + 1 ]
Use this instead:
INDEX=$(( $INDEX + 1 ))
or this:
I also recommend using lower case or mixed case variables as a habit to reduce the chance of variable name collision with shell variables.
You're not using $1 for anything.
