nodeclipse dont work on Titanium or Aptana - node.js

I try to install nodeclipse on Titanium Studio, I added the link, I got all the packages, but when I install them, Titanium warns me that lot of them already exist, and I let him install the other ones.
But after the installation ends, and restarting Titanium, i dont find the Node.js support.
That happened too on Aptana Studio.
here is the video showing that:
Google drive pictures:

You don't need to install ALL plugins. E.g. latest Mylyn and EGit may be not compatible with Aptana that run on Eclipse 3.x API.
If you don't know what to install, there is picture on
Below is Enide-Recommended-Set-for-Nodejs for example.
Also look at Enide Studio 2014
Here is Enide Studio 2014.17 for win32 with ADT (Android tools) installed,
that I use
If there are still questions, raise issue on


Android studio 2022.1.1 where is SDK and sdkmanager

just installed Android studio 2022.1.1.
Before installation, deleted f:/AppData/local/Android/**
which is very old.
The installer did not install any new SDK?
and command-line tools?
From File > Project Structure: SDK is empty.
To check if you have the latest SDK and command-line tools, you can go to the Android Studio's "SDK Manager" and verify that you have the desired packages installed. If not, you can use the SDK Manager to install the missing components.
Android sdk not installed. please re-install sdk through SDK Manager
if not availabe sdk manager command-line-tool, please check sdk update sites.
You can manually add update sites url. easily fix this issue.
Best solution Please Re-install Android studio.
after unistall.. Please remove android IDE all files and folder's
Please follow the below link
How to completely uninstall Android Studio from windows(v10)?
After Install Android studio. works perfectly

Some conflicts were found in the installation area.(Android Studio)

I'm currently using Android Studio 4.0.1 and I've been trying to update it to the latest version that was recently released(4.0.2) but each time I click the update button, it displays the below error:
"Some conflicts were found in the installation area."
"Some of the conflicts below do not have a solution, so the patch cannot be applied."
"Press 'Cancel' to exit."
I have searched all the similar related issues on this site, some had similar issues with me but it didn't solve the error because the missing file it indicated has something to do with plugins and most people's own were different
A Screenshot of it:
I would like to know if there's anywhere I can get all the required latest plugins for Android studio because I previously uninstalled Android Studio, so maybe I wiped out the plugin files in the process. My current Android Gradle Plugin version is 4.0.1, then the Gradle version is 6.1.1.
Any Help will be appreciated
The folder where the studio is trying to install to may be the issue, You can always try to uninstall Android Studio and then install the version you wish to install.

Is Gradle included in Android Studio?

I run cordova requirements on an Android app created with cordova and are getting this error:
Gradle: not installed
Could not find an installed version of Gradle either in Android Studio,
or on your system to install the gradle wrapper. Please include gradle
in your path, or install Android Studio
First I would like to say that yes, I can install it manually, but why if it should be included?
So what is the issue here? Is it a lie that it should be sufficient to install Android Studio as the error message says? Do I need to install it manually also? Or do I simply need to set a path?
Gradle is probably included in Android Studio. At least, some of its tooling APIs must be included to provide Gradle interop.
However, Android Studion has nothing to deal with the command line commands you're running in console, like cordova requirements. You should probably install it and make available globally. SDKMAN! is a good tool to manage tools in Java world.

configure your forms app unable to select iOS on target platform

Hi all new to this but just downloaded and installed xamarin studio to my mac but iOS on the target platforms: section on the configure your forms app page is greyed out and cant be selected
any idea how to solve this please
The Xamarin studio don't install everything you need automatically.
1 - Install the latest iOS SDK.
2 - Install the latest version of Xcode.
3 - Install the Xamarin Studio.
Full Guide:
I had the same issue Visual Studio 7.2.2, the iOS box was disabled. There were couple of issues I had
I had the Xcode app named as in the application folder so VS was unable to find the location, so I fixed that one.
I then searched for installed components About VisualStudio--> ShowDetails and found that Xamarin.iOS10 was installed which seem to have incompatibility with XCode9 so I ran the VS installer once again and found that Xamarin.iOS11 was out and after installing the update and restarting, everything worked.
Download the visual studio for mac again and run the installer. It will show you the missing components and give you a way to install them correctly. Worked for me here. It will check what is already installed, you won't have to install everything again.

How to update SDK in Android Studio in the background

Today I'm trying to update the SDK in Android Studio on my Ubuntu, and looking for the menu that make the download process running in the background. So I want to download the SDK and continue to work in Android Studio.
As far as I can remember Eclipse has menu that can download in the background task so I can continue work while downloading.
I've tried to find the option in settings but I could not find it, and on the downloading GUI has no option to download it in the background, here is my screenshot:
Is anyone having the same issue here? How can I resolve this?
You can go to tools -> android -> sdk manager and click on Launch stand alone sdk manager hyperlink. This will open sdk manager outside android studio, select the packages and download. You can continue to work on android studio this way.
The "Launch standalone SDK Manager" option seems to be gone in Android Studio 2.3.3 for Windows. However, there is sdkmanager.bat in \tools\bin
It is possible to do it all by code using the sdkmanager tool.
The sdkmanager is a command line tool that allows you to view,
install, update, and uninstall packages for the Android SDK.
This is an example using the sdkmanager with the command line:
First at all, the sdkmanager is located in android_sdk/tools/bin/.
Go where the sdkmanager is located
List installed and available packages using this command:
sdkmanager --list
The result willl be something similar to this
In my case I want to Download a System Image with Release Name "P" with ABI x86 ( I saw this information from Android Studio)
The next step is to search that system image in your list
Finally install this package in this way:
./sdkmanager "system-images;android-P;google_apis;x86"
This will begin the process of downloading the package
After finish you can check that the image is available to use
For more info:
Upgrade to latest version of Android Studio (Currently in 2.3.1).
It now support download (both SDK and plugins) in background.
