How to get max value or last value for default rating setting column in SharePoint 2013 - c#-4.0

I want latest rating count value for default ratting setting column instead of average count. How can
i achieve this by using out of box settings or by customization..? Thanks in advance.
I want Rating Value(0-5) of last user who rated the specific document/Image instead of average rating value.
Number of Ratings provide the count for users who had rated the document..

when you enable ratings on any list or library, the two Site Columns that gets added to the SharePoint list are:
Rating - which provides the average rating
Number of Ratings- Which provides the rating count.
Number of ratings field will provide the latest count value


How can I find out what features the total score returned from products is based on on Solr?

How can I find out what features the total score returned from products is based on on Solr? I'll print these scores one by one elsewhere.
I want to see what the total scores of the products returned from Solr are based on.

NetSuite Saved Search -- % of Total Summary

Not sure if this is possible in a saved search, but I want to run a calculation off the summed summary results and display it on the same line. I have a SUM of quantity column and a SUM of quantity fulfilled. I want another column that does qty fulfilled / qty as a percentage but it has to be calculated at the summary level.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Basically I want to do the following but based on the summary data only, in order to calculate the total fill rate (fulfilled/qty ordered) rather than an average fill rate per order. I don't know if it's possible in a summary saved search.(NVL({quantitycommitted},0)+NVL({quantityshiprecv},0))/NULLIF({quantity},0)
With the above and with the AVERAGE function, it's giving me the average of the individual order fill rates. I want the aggregate fill rate instead. If there are 10 orders and 9 filled at 90%, 1 at 0%, my current formula gives me 90%. But what if that 1 order had a way higher qty than the other orders? Then it would be misleading to show an average fill rate of 90% because on the order that counted, you missed all the sales.
Here's a similar logic you may use:
((sum({quantityshiprecv})/sum({quantity})) * 100)
#Dars is correct, but I thought I'd give you a picture of what that looks like in the NetSuite UI.
It doesn't matter what fields you Group by, and you can use the Minimum, Maximum, or Average Summary Type for your Formula (Percent) field

Netsuite saved searches -- calculating difference between max and min columns

I'm writing a Netsuite saved search for Sales Orders, and I'd like to know the difference between the maximum date for an ordered item and the minimum date for an ordered item.
In specific, I need to calculate the number of days between when an item was first and last ordered.
I can easily display the Maximum (and minimum) date an item was ordered using the "group" and summary columns, but not the difference between those two dates. Is this possible?
Group by Item, then create a Formula(Numeric) with Summary type Maximum (or Minimum - it makes no difference in this case) and use the following formula:
max({trandate}) - min({trandate})

Getting the value of a cell from its relative position

I've recently been asked to create a spreadsheet for work that will return the lowest bid price from any of our suppliers. I got the basic spreadsheet from management and they want me to get it working. It looks like this
I've found the minimum value from the four pricing columns easily enough, but I need to get the vendor id and the deal number and display them on the right side as well, as this spreadsheet could have tens of thousands of entries.
Does anyone know of any method I could use to get the Vendor ID and Deal Number values from their relative position to the smallest price value?
This will give you the lowest price vendor.
Since Vendor appears three columns to the left of price, you are offsetting match by -3. For bid number you will offset by -2.
However, there is more than one vendor with the lowest price, you will get the one who appears first.

Mark first distinct row in data set

I am trying to mark the first distinct occurence in some excel data. Basically, I have Products, which have an Insertion Date and a Price Deviation.
I managed to get the Max Date of each Product by using =MAX(IF(A2=$A$2:$A$13;$B$2:$B$13;"")), as an array formula. Furthermore, I also managed to get the latest deviation amount by using, =MAX(IF(E2 = $B$2:$B$13; $C$2:$C$13; "")).
My idea, was to check for the date and the deviation amount and find the products which have the latest insertion date and the highest deviation amounts on a distinct product level.
However, my insertion date and price deviation are not an unique identifier.
Here is an example:
Any suggestion, how to mark only the first occurence of an insertion date and deviation combination?
I appreciate your replies!
I'm sure this could be done more elegantly:
