Connect to specific route via - node.js

I need to access Web sockets via specific path, I mount my on the client with a path ('ws')
Server code:
var io = require('')(server, {path: '/notif'});
Client code:
var socket = io('//', {path: '/notif'});
This does not work due to “ws” on client. I suspect it's because I don't have the equivalent on the server (e.g. require server on specific path).
(when removing the /rt mount, everything seems to work as expected).
What is the server api to set up ws to listen on specific URL ?

Are you sure you know what /ws/ in your url is used for?
Here you are asking to connect to the ws namespace.
To receive connection for that namespace on the server you have to write:
io.of('/ws').on('connection', function(socket){
console.log('someone connected');
Also you don't need to call socket.connect();
Calling io() or io.connect() will already try to establish connection with the server.


URL generated by SocketIO in NodeJS running locally

I'm using Socket.IO to run a WebSocket server locally in NodeJS using the following code:
import express = require('express');
const path = require('path');
import http = require('http');
import { Socket } from '';
const app = express();
const server = http.createServer(app);
const socketio = require('')(server);
app.get('/', (req, res) => {
res.send("Node Server is running");
server.listen(3000, function () {
console.log('Example app listening on port 3000!');
socketio.on("connection", (socket: Socket) => {
console.log(`connect ${}`);
console.log(`connect ${socket.handshake.url}`);
socket.on("disconnect", () => {
console.log(`disconnect ${}`);
Using a tool like Firecamp, I try to establish a connection on ws://localhost:3000, but to no avail. I eventually use the Socket.IO client to connect from a simple web page by running let socket = io(). It seems the only reason this works is because that call connects to the host serving the page by default, as stated here. Running console.log(socket) and looking at the output, I eventually find that the URL inside the engine field is ws://localhost:3000/
My question is why is the URL so complicated rather than simply ws://localhost:3000? And is there no easier way to get the URL instead of having to access it through dev tools?
A server does not accept generic webSocket connections. It only accepts connections as goes through an extra layer of preparation stuff (over http) before establishing the actual webSocket connection. It then also adds a layer on top of the regular webSocket packet format to support some of its features (such as message names).
When using a socket client to connect to a server in the default configuration, first makes a few regular http requests to the server and with those http requests it sends a few parameters. In your URL:
The path:
Is the path that the server is looking for requests on as destined for the server. Since this is a unique path and not generally used by other requests, this allows you to share an http server between and other http requests. In fact, this is a common way to deploy a server (hooking into an http server that you are already using for http requests).
In fact, the path / is also served by the server and that will return the client-side file. So, clients often use this in their HTML files:
<script src="/"></script>
as a means of getting the client code. Again you see the use of the path prefix / on all related URLs.
In your original URL, you can see parameters for:
EIO=4 // protocol version
transport=websocket // desired transport once both sides agree
sid=qerg3iHm3IKMOjdNAAAA // client identifier so the server knows which client this
// is before the actual webSocket connection is established
Once both sides agree that the connection looks OK, then the client will make a webSocket connection to the server. In cases where webSocket connections are blocked (by network equipment that doesn't support them or blocks them), then will use a form of http polling where it repeatedly "polls" the server asking for any more data and it will attempt to simulate a continuous connection. The client configuration can avoid this http polling and go straight to a webSocket connection if you want, but you would give up the fallback behavior in case continuous webSocket connections are blocked.
And is there no easier way to get the URL instead of having to access it through dev tools?
Not really. This URL is not something you have to know at all. The client will construct this URL for you. You just specify http://localhost:3000 as the URL you want to connect to and the client will add the other parameters to it.

How to proxy websocket connections to other websockets in NodeJS

I need to create a small authentication layer on top of a 3rd party web-socket based chat application. I have a simple API (get) that can validate api tokens from requests. What I want to do is essentially validate their token (which I know how to do) then proxy the websocket connection to the actual chat server.
I've been looking for solutions and this thread seems to give some pointers in the right direction however I can't get any of the solutions to work.
var http = require('http'),
WebSocket = require('faye-websocket'),
conf = require('./conf.json');
var server = http.createServer();
server.on('upgrade', function(request, socket, body) {
console.log('upgrade fired');
var frontend = new WebSocket(request, socket, body),
backend = new WebSocket.Client('ws://');
server.on('connection', function(socket) {
backend = new WebSocket.Client('ws://');
console.log('Listening on '+port.conf);
The connection event is fired, however the upgrade event which is supposed to be fired on a ws connection never is.
The goal is to first authenticate a api key to an external server, then open a proxy to the chat websocket all through a request to this node server via a websocket connection. I'll most likely pass the api key as a get parameter for simplicity. I also looked at this package and attempted using it however it didn't work as well.
The issue ended up being with nginx. I forgot I was proxying requests through the reverse proxy and by default nginx does not support the ws:// connection so it drops it. client side in nodejs app

i am using for communication between server and client.
My client side is not a html. My client side is javascript file. so here is my code of client side
var io = require('')
var socket = io.connect('http://localhost:3000/home');
socket.on('connect', function () {
console.log(' Connected!');
On server side i have received the connection event but on client side connect event doesn't fire. I have tested through html way, it works but why its not working through a java script file.
I have no idea what you mean with tested through html way, but try socket.on("connection", ...),
not "connect".
could be related to the fact that you're specifying a namespace different from the default.
try to handle the connection at http://localhost:3000, instead of http://localhost:3000/home
var socket = io.connect('http://localhost:3000');
found a similar situation here

Generating at Server side as Rest request

There is a way to manage the creation at Server Side?, Currently, I couldn't found any doc, Only found in relation with the socket is created per request from a client "io.connect(server)".
The current flow work OK:
Set (at Node.js) at SERVER:PORT
Client connect to SERVER
using io.connect(SERVER:PORT)
I wonder if it is possible ? Trying to do:
Set (at Node.js) at SERVER:PORT
Recieved a POST (REST) - Server side
Create/Open a server side.
At response of Post send the id?
the clien open a
Sent to client to client as
So Far, looking in deep on the code and doc, I found that support namespaces, so I used this in order to manage client connection id.
at server.js
var app = express();
var server = require('http').createServer(app),
io = require('').listen(server,{ log: false });
// Rest New Process
function generateNameSpaceWs (responce, request) {
io.of("/" + id).on('connection', handler);
}"/newWS", function (res, req) {
return generateNameSpaceWs(res, req);
at Client.js
function makeWS(){
var ws, c = new XMLHttpRequest();"GET", url, false);
if (c.status == 200){
id = JSON.parse(c.responseText);
ws = new io.connect("server/" + id)
So far you are doing right, if I understand your question correctly, you are trying to authenticate connection via POST, so that user can only connect to server via socket if server responds to ID. This is a roundabout way. Use the socket instead of POST.
Socket server has to be running already, and accepts connection via io.sockets.on('connection'), at server you can choose whether to accept it or reject it ,do socket.disconnect('unauthorized') to close connection from server.
I would you suggest you do this :
Set (at Node.js) at SERVER:PORT
Client connect to SERVER using io.connect(SERVER:PORT)
Send what you are sending in POST over socket.
Authenticate/Process on io.sockets.on('connection', function(socket) at server.
Close socket if unathorized.
Send back ID data to client.
This doesn't seem possible -- while the official documentation for is lacking, the documentation for the net module indicates that the only way to create a socket is to initiate it server side.
However, you can still achieve the desired effect by creating an id for the socket on the server to associate with the socket. That is,
Set (at Node.js) at SERVER:PORT
Recieved POST (REST) - Server side
Create id (Note:This could be done before step 2)
At response of Post send the id!
Client connect to SERVER
using io.connect(SERVER:PORT)
The client sends the id to the server using something like
The server recieves the id and associates it with the socket using something like
Now you can reference the socket using the id that you created!
Good luck!

Can client connect to two different servers/ports?

Can client connect to two different ports on the same server?
Can client connect to two different server?
var io1 = require('').listen(8001);
io1.sockets.on('connection', function (socket) {
socket.emit('news', { hello: 'world' });
var io2 = require('').listen(8002);
io2.sockets.on('connection', function (socket) {
socket.emit('flash', { hello: 'world' });
Perhaps this is an interesting read: (from github)
// connect at the same host / port as your website
var socket = io.connect();
// different port or host
var socket = io.connect('');
// secure
var socket = io.connect('https://localhost');
Can client connect to two different ports on the same
I assume both machines share same domain. I believe it can use long-polling(websockets, flashsockets, etc also work), even passing along cookie. But I still need to test this on Internet Explorer because that browser never does what I want...
Can client connect to two different server?
The big question is if those both machines are on different domains. If on same domain it will work just fine even passing along cookie(s). If they are on different domains then on some browser we fall-back to json-p transport(worst transport imaginable), but it will work. Unfortunately then the cookie is not passed along, because of same origin policy. Right now I am toying to get around this cookie restriction(hard problem)...
