csproj* Cannot save web project - web

I have an web project using WebAPI 2 with is compile clean and starts with owin.
So everything seam to be ok, but if i open the project properties their is always a star next to my project settings tab.
I can save it, (File => SaveAll or Ctrl + s) but the star does not disappear.
The resulting problem is that this project cannot be checked in to TFS which shows me an error message that I have to save my project.
This project is migrated from vss but the modification problem occured also before the migration

I fiugred it out:
The problem was, that in .csproj the ProjectTypeGuids tag was surrended with comments
After uncomment the line the project can be saved


Unable to publish customization from Customization Project Browser screen

I am having a weird case where I am unable to publish customization from Customization Project Browser. Whenever I click on Publish Current Project menu item from Publish menu, it opens up Compilation immediate window with Publish Customization heading but then it just stuck there with no further process.
But, I can publish the same project from Customization Projects Screen where I select the Customization Project with checkbox and click on Publish action icon.
Currently, that's the workaround I am using to publish but is there any other way that I can do to fix this issue?
I have cleaned up ASP.NET Temporary Files and Acumatica's Apply Updates.
that's due to some update in .net framework.
the solution is to update acumaticaERP to the latest, or do some workaround.
publish from custom project form
edit web.config and add <add key="aspnet:DisableAppPathModifier" value="false" /> to appSettings
I discovered the reason for this strange behavior, as well as the solution. It happened to me as well.
Reason: the w3wp process encounters an error during publishing. The folder permissions for c:\Program Files\Acumatica ERP\TemporaryAspFiles[yourAppName]
have been removed or deleted for the speficic windows account, which is used by the ERP, and the temporary sub-folders can't be created without create permission. I can't see how it happened, but I noticed the strange behavior occurred after the last "major" windows update. See the screenshot for the proof.
Solution: re-apply the user account security for your application folder. That is how I fixed the publish problem on my end.

Unable to get latest from TFS

I have my source code in TFS.
The issue is that when i try to get the latest files from the TFS, I am made to wait for 5 minutes for connecting to server to get. and then it says timed out! Then i will have to connect to the TFS again.
Still not able to get the code!
I had tried mapping it to a different folder but even that failed.
I am using Visual Studio 2012 Express for web.
I have already tried clearing all the local data, cache and all that kind o stuff. I even tried resetting the user data.
Also tried logging in with another account to check weather if it was an issue with my Hotmail account(it's not. because i am not able to get it even with another Id).
Nothing helped!
Issue Fixed!
Here are the steps i did to fix it.
Since clearing all files may reset all your settings on visual studio, this should be the last possible option to do.
Just did a repair on the VS 2012,
cleared everything from
C:\Users\(Username)\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Team Foundation\4.0\Cache
Clear everything from
Clear everything from
But here is another issue.
I had added a file by mistake to a different repo. I have deleted that from the server(Online). but the deleted project file is still shown in my source explorer in VS with a plus sign! How do i remove those?
if anyone have any idea, please help! Thanks a lot..!
Seems your project file still have some source control bindings. So that file can be detect as new add file in source control explorer. You need to remove source control bindings.
There is a tool to remove Source Control Bindings from Visual Studio Solutions and Projects from msdn: Remove Source Control Bindings from Visual Studio Solutions and Projects Detail steps as below:
Delete the .suo next to the .sln file, and then opened the .sln file in Notepad and deleted this entire section:
GlobalSection(TeamFoundationVersionControl) = preSolution
SccNumberOfProjects = 2
SccEnterpriseProvider = {xxxxx}
SccTeamFoundationServer = http://some-other-guys-tfs-server/
SccLocalPath0 = .
SccProjectUniqueName1 = xxDemo\\xxDemo.csproj
SccProjectName1 = xxDemo
SccLocalPath1 = xxDemo
Save the .sln in Notepad and then open in Visual Studio.
More ways and more information for you reference: How can I completely remove TFS Bindings
Solution for the second question!
It was a misunderstanding of the pending Change.
I had deleted the folder from the server but the file names still appeared on the TFS source explorer on VS.
It was just because VS did recognize it as a pending change to be checked in even-though it wasn't one!
So just an undo pending changesdid the trick for me!
In TFS server have you set all privileges (access) for your account. If not then add Administrative access for your account on TFS.

Creating liferay 7 plugin project

I am trying to create an liferay 7 plugin project using Ant and I am always recieving the below error, can someone help ?
it seems that the server mirrors.lax.liferay.com is down
[Console output redirected to file:/Users/yjradeh/foo/java/workspace/.metadata/.plugins/com.liferay.ide.sdk.core/sdk.log]
Buildfile: /Users/yjradeh/foo/java/liferay-plugins-sdk-7.0/portlets/build.xml
[get] Getting: http://mirrors.lax.liferay.com/cdn.repository.liferay.com/nexus/content/repositories/liferay-snapshots-ce/com/liferay/org.apache.ivy/2.4.0.LIFERAY-PATCHED-1-SNAPSHOT/org.apache.ivy-2.4.0.LIFERAY-PATCHED-1-SNAPSHOT.jar
[get] To: /Users/yjradeh/.liferay/mirrors/cdn.repository.liferay.com/nexus/content/repositories/liferay-snapshots-ce/com/liferay/org.apache.ivy/2.4.0.LIFERAY-PATCHED-1-SNAPSHOT/org.apache.ivy-2.4.0.LIFERAY-PATCHED-1-SNAPSHOT.jar
[get] Error getting http://mirrors.lax.liferay.com/cdn.repository.liferay.com/nexus/content/repositories/liferay-snapshots-ce/com/liferay/org.apache.ivy/2.4.0.LIFERAY-PATCHED-1-SNAPSHOT/org.apache.ivy-2.4.0.LIFERAY-PATCHED-1-SNAPSHOT.jar to /Users/yjradeh/.liferay/mirrors/cdn.repository.liferay.com/nexus/content/repositories/liferay-snapshots-ce/com/liferay/org.apache.ivy/2.4.0.LIFERAY-PATCHED-1-SNAPSHOT/org.apache.ivy-2.4.0.LIFERAY-PATCHED-1-SNAPSHOT.jar
[get] Getting: http://cdn.repository.liferay.com/nexus/content/repositories/liferay-snapshots-ce/com/liferay/org.apache.ivy/2.4.0.LIFERAY-PATCHED-1-SNAPSHOT/org.apache.ivy-2.4.0.LIFERAY-PATCHED-1-SNAPSHOT.jar
[get] To: /Users/yjradeh/.liferay/mirrors/cdn.repository.liferay.com/nexus/content/repositories/liferay-snapshots-ce/com/liferay/org.apache.ivy/2.4.0.LIFERAY-PATCHED-1-SNAPSHOT/org.apache.ivy-2.4.0.LIFERAY-PATCHED-1-SNAPSHOT.jar
/Users/yjradeh/foo/java/liferay-plugins-sdk-7.0/portlets/build.xml:5: The following error occurred while executing this line:
/Users/yjradeh/foo/java/liferay-plugins-sdk-7.0/build-common-plugins.xml:5: The following error occurred while executing this line:
/Users/yjradeh/foo/java/liferay-plugins-sdk-7.0/build-common.xml:57: The following error occurred while executing this line:
/Users/yjradeh/foo/java/liferay-plugins-sdk-7.0/build-common-ivy.xml:130: The following error occurred while executing this line:
/Users/yjradeh/foo/java/liferay-plugins-sdk-7.0/build-common-ivy.xml:81: HTTP Authorization failure
Total time: 1 second
I had the same issue while trying to compile the SDK, you can try this url: https://repository.liferay.com/nexus/content/repositories/liferay-public-snapshots/com/liferay/org.apache.ivy/2.4.0.LIFERAY-PATCHED-1-SNAPSHOT/. Instead of the old one.
They apparently change the repository of Liferay, you can check it on Date Modification on :https://repository.liferay.com/nexus/content/repositories/.
Steps/Prerequisite for liferay on windows:
Firstly we need liferay IDE, which we can download from https://web.liferay.com/downloads/liferay-projects/liferay-ide , If you dont have eclipse editor select eclipse neon 2+liferay IDE. Or if you are having eclipse go for update archive file.
Second we need liferay plugin sdk here’s the link: https://www.liferay.com/downloads , under liferay portal CE(Community Edition) select plugins sdk.
Third, you need to download apache ant.
Download tomcat bundle from link provided in 2nd point.
Setup ANT_HOME, ANT_OPTS, CATLINA_HOME,JAVA_HOME,and JRE_HOME, and append their path accordingly in the Path field.
Let’s configure the sdk file before moving next. Keep the bundled tomcat and sdk extracted files at same folder location(mandatory). That is keep same extraction folder for tomcat and sdk plugins.
In plugins folder which you would extract, you’ll find build.properties. Replicate that file with build.username.properties. For example in my case it would be build.Jennis.properties, Keep in mind the case of the Username of your PC/laptop. And add the following line of code at the end of the file
app.server.dir=path_to_sdk../bundles/path_to_tomcat in
build.username.porperties. In my case the appended line would be
Create a bundles folder and keep the extracted folder other than SDK plugins in bundles folder.
Now we are ready to go with directly eclipse for liferay 7.0.2 installation in eclipse. Open Eclipse →Help →Install New Software. Locate the liferay IDE archive from browse button.
Now we need to add the server for liferay, to do so right click in servers window in eclipse and click on new select liferay →liferay7.x configure it and give path to tomcat8.0.32 bundle.
Run the server it will lead you to localhost:8080, configure it with defaults(not mandatory) for our example defaults are fine.
After eclipse installs the new software, it would restart in toolbar menu find the below icon and click new liferay plugin project!
If toolbar doesn't show than find it from Window →Appearance → Show Toolbar. Now click above icon and click new liferay plugin project!
Give your portlet a name.
Select build type as: Ant(liferay-plugins-sdk).
Select liferay MVC for sake of simplicity.
Next you will be prompted with SDK location give the location of SDK plugin extracted folder, which were kept at same folder at time of extracting it.
Project would be created and celebrate the first portlet.
I have also ran into this problem. The solution was in my case to change the ivy settings in build.properties (in plugins SDK root directory) like this:
I'm however not familiar with changes Liferay made in the PATCHET version of ivy, so it could possibly lead to some other problem. But it works for portlets apparently.

I can't add/remove service reference after migration to VS2012

I get this error after I try to Update/Delete/Create a service reference:
The configuration for the service reference could not be added due to the following issue: Attribute 'binding' is required on element 'endpoint'.
In VS2010 it was working fine.
I've tried a lot of things included:
Strike one:
Unchecked the "Reuse Types in referenced assemblies" checkbox in the Configure Service reference dialog.
Strike two:
Remove all the references from the project, add them again
Unchecked the non-Microsoft dlls in the Configure Service reference dialog.
Strike three:
-Uninstalled/Reinstalled VS2012
-Deleted/Remapped original project
-Added the service reference in a brand new project
-Delete old service .wsdl's, .xsd's, .disco's, .svcinfo, .svcmap from the original project
-Edited the .csproj xml to remove the old files and insert the new files
-Copied the service files from the new project to the original project
-Now the old project builds but I still can't add/remove/update any service references
P.S. I really loved VS2010 but I can't say the same about VS2012... still...
1.Just open your VS-2012 solution in VS -2010
Clean the client project
Add service like as you add your service previous => Configure service=>Update Service
Close the solution from vs-2010
Now Open your solution in VS-2012
Your Project is ready for VS-2012
You can also see the link
Add Service After Migrate VS-2012

deploy an Application page of Sharepoint 2010 to another production server

How to deploy an Application page of Sharepoint 2010 to another production server.
I've created an Application page of Sharepoint 2010 inside the mapped layout folder. Everything works nicely now in Visual Studio 2010.
I can debug it after pressing F5, I can retract it and deploy it with Visual Studio 2010.
But when it comes to deploying it to another production server, I have tons of questions.
Basically I don't know how to deploy it to another production server. My first thought was just copy the pages to the Layout folder of IIS and register the referenced dlls. But after I studied a little bit of deployment, I feel my thought is ugly.
I tried "right clicking" on the project name and "package". The Visual Studio generates a "MyProjectName.wsp" in the bin folder. I used the central administration to upload this wsp file. But when I activate it, it raised an error saying "This solution contains invalid markup or elements that cannot be deployed as part of a sandboxed solution. Solution manifest for solution 'af2f9404-3b39-4f90-87f5-31e14b2f9a9a' failed validation, file manifest.xml, line 6, character 4: The element 'Solution' in namespace 'http://schemas.microsoft.com/sharepoint/' has invalid child element 'TemplateFiles' in namespace 'http://schemas.microsoft.com/sharepoint/'. List of possible elements expected: 'FeatureManifests, ActivationDependencies' in namespace 'http://schemas.microsoft.com/sharepoint/'." It seems that my application is not a sandbox, but I can't change it to a sandbox. Because when I do change it, the Visual Studio tells me "The deployment type "TemplateFile" of file "ApplicationPage1.aspx" in Project Item "Layouts" is not compatible with a Package in a Sandboxed Solution.
The Project Item "Layouts" cannot be deployed through a Package in a Sandboxed Solution.
Package validation failed."
Besides, even if I can successfully activate the .wsp file, I am not sure if the application page can be added to the Layout folder. Because I don't know how the .wsp file locate and find my application page? It doesn't have the page in it. Can anyone explain a bit on it?
Thanks for your answers.
1) It's strongly recommended that you use powershell to run your test and production deployments: http://dotnet.sys-con.com/node/1208275
2) Try changing your SharePoint solution to a farm solution and repackaging your wsp.
3) By right clicking on your project in visual studio and adding the mapped Layouts folder the solution packaging handles placing any application pages/user controls that you have in the appropriate directory inside your wsp.
