How add related attributes like country+state+city+area in magento? - attributes

I am trying to add location of the product, how can I do that as states,cities and areas are related to each other.

You can use this extension, its free:


Views / edits current page xWiki

Is there a way to publish the amount of views/edits of a page in/on the page itself in xWiki?
I've used parts of this article to create an accessible form to see usages of different spaces. But I would also like to publish the views/edits on the pages itself.
Thanks in advance!
I would suggest you use an UIExtension point (see and the tutorial from the list of available ones ( to add the extra information to be displayed on each page.
I guess the most suitable UIXP would be the Content Footer one (
Inside the UIX you add, you can do a simple query to fetch the view/edit values from the statistics module (either with the API, if it exists) or with a HQL query, like in the example you've mentioned.

Write custom grid layouts with extbase/fluid but without any extension like gridelements

I look for a tutorial, help or an example that tells me what I have to do to write a grid element like 2-colums in basic typo3 (v9) with fluid but no other extension like gridelements, DCE, Templa Voila, etc. I want the same gridelements can do but I dont want to be depended to this extention and move it in my own site extention.
I tried the same with normal content elements (CE) like here:
But how can I nest a CE in a CE? And how can I do this by drag&drop in the backend?
You can't. The page module doesn't support nesting
You can't nest CEs in a CE. On database level this would mean that you have to make a tt_content record a subrecord of a parent tt_content record. You run into several problems, basically the multilanguage support will be broken and the shortcut element does not function as you will expect it to. That is why the extensions "gridelements" and "mask" exist.
I integrated the gridelements configuration into my sitepackage. So I do not need to bother anymore with it.
Just for your info:
There is now an initiative that works on integrating this functionality into the core (Structured Content Initiative, Stay tuned to it.
There is nothing special about providing Gridelements via external files, since it's based on TSconfig, TypoScript and Fluid. That's why there is not that much about it in the documentation, since it's the same thing you would do with any other kind of sitepackage. The TSconfig and TypoScript parameters are already explained there, while the Fluid would be up to you anyway.
To have a kind of kickstarter just take any extensions providing Gridelements layouts as an example. A very popular one would be bootstrap_grids, which can be found in the TER or here:
You don't necessarily need the flexform controller of that extension, but the Configuration and Resources folders, show you how to configure stuff and you can see how that is included via ext_localconf.php
There are even comments i.e. in the TSconfig files to explain what is possible there and how to handle i.e. mixed environments with record and file based setups. Although it would be recommended to go for files.
You would at least have to add the necessary backend rendering methods to a draw item hook, that will modify the preview of the container element.
So basically you would have to rewrite everything that DCE, Flux, Gridelements or other similar extensions already do.
Which brings us to the question, why you want to avoid those extensions, since especially those three are well known, widely spread, well supported and available for currently supported TYPO3 versions.

How to re-order weblinks in ModX

Currently on our site we have 4 weblink resources that are displaying in proper order (by the date on the title) on the page, but after adding one more weblink resource, it is added to the page but appears one below the first link, when it should be at the top.
I am not sure where to look to manually re-order these, and there doesn't seem to be any option to do this from the ModX interface or Resource Edit menu (setting the "index" does nothing).
Is there a way to accomplish this? Is it possible that this is custom and I need to find where the ordering is happening? I have looked in the Snippets folder for this page and wasn't able to find anything that looked like it was doing ordering.
Possibly related noob question: If we just want to manually re-order the links via html, how do we modify the source code directly, via ModX?
If you are using a custom snippet to extract the links then modx will not be doing any ordering for you at all, that would need to be written into the snippet itself.
if you are using getResources, [ ] look up the sortby option in the docs. I'm not 100% sure what the default is.
if you are using WayFinder [ ] the default sort order will be the order they appear in the resource tree, which I believe is menuindex. I believe WayFinder also has a sorting option. [see the docs]
if you are not seeing changes when moving things around in the resource tree, be sure to clear the cache as changes in the resource tree do not automatically refresh the cache.
to manually add the links into the page/resource, you need to find the chunk/snippet/template that is displaying the links and modify that accordingly.
To manually re-order resources in "Resources Tree" you just need "drag-and-drop" by mouse to change the resources places.

Hide Site Column to Readers?

in a List i have one 'Status' field that should be accessible to only Owners and to the Viewers/Readers it should not be accessible. Do anybody can guide me how to do this.
Well, you can, your view still is visible if the users know how to reach the default views of your list, if its not a security issue, you can use this:
Open your All Items View (/Lists/MyList/AllItems.aspx)
Edit the Page
Add the same List as a WebPart, twice
Delete the original webpart (the one with the Change View drop down)
Edit your WebParts and configure your views
In the Toolpart, on the Advanced [+] set Audience Targetting to your desired Groups
Either that or you can create a workflow that copies the item to a new list with its metadata, but without that specific column and only give the viewers rights to see that list.
If the question is one of security (it usually is, else just use a view), you can't lock down specific columns. You can find techniques to hide them, but then you're just plugging holes.
The workflow approach recommended by KoenVosters is probably the only secured way I can think of delivering this without coding.
This is not possible out of the box, but I came across this tool that will help to archive this with ease

Bug template in Bugzilla

Is there any way to enforce a template in Bugzilla to guide users fill in bugs descriptions ?
Actually, i'd like to put some markup texts in the bug description field and avoid the creation of custom fields.
I've installed version 3.2rc1.
Indeed, just check ../enter_bug.cgi?format=guided , which forms an example of the template feature. Half the work is already done for you.
The mechansism described under 6.2.5 Particular Templates (under the section called bug/create/create.html.tmpl and bug/create/comment.txt.tmpl) works pretty well for us. Even though you say you don't want to create custom fields, adding some arbitrary HTML is easy enough.
