Bluetooth paired but no COM port - bluetooth

So I've built an Arduino module with a Bluetooth chip (HM-10) and it pairs succesfully with my Windows laptop. They both use Bluetooth BLE.
The problem is that the pairing doesn't seem to open a COM port, so I have no way to actually communicate across the connection.
There are no COM port connections when I go into Bluetooth settings->COM Ports, even though Windows is definitely telling me that the pairing was successfull.
Does anyone know why this could be?
Thanks for reading

I had the same problem on a Mac. Turns out it's not a problem. BLE doesn't quite work like regular ol' Bluetooth and you won't have a COM port. You need to write your own middleware to take care of the communication between the Arduino and your computer.
There are different projects working on that in Python or Node.js. A simple google search should provide with a proficiency of solutions.


Bluetooth SPP module SPP-C SPP-CA BK3211 chip - entering AT mode?

I have Bluetooth SPP module SPP-C / SPP-CA , it is cheap module that should work the same way as well known HC-06 / HC-05 modules.
I have got one problem, everything works, module is communicating over serial interface pairing etc... but i can not enter the AT mode to change device name pin or baud rate. Does anyone had the same problem and how to solve it ? there is a very small data published and sellers are not responding.
So I assume that someone may help with that situation. that's the module. it is based on Beken BK3211 chip.
It seems that nothing special is needed to enter command mode on the SPP-CA module I have.
Whenever you connect or disconnect by bluetooth, the module will print:
.. serial data is transferred ..
When the module is disconnected, you can execute AT commands such as AT+BAUD just like with HC05 modules.
3 years later and I've looked everywhere for an answer to this question and finally stumbled upon the solution by fiddling away.
I am connecting via an FTDI module using Teraterm software to enter commands.
You need to power up the FTDI and BT modules by plugging into PC USB. open Teraterm and set up to see the COM port.
Now you have to momentarily connect GND to port 11 on the BT module to 'reset' the module. The module will power down and back up again and in doing so will enter AT mode and you should be able to communicate with the module.
Good luck
Old question however still relevant, I found the solution! It is pretty simple, you can use an breadboard and some jumper wires however you can also create an adapter like I did. Like explained in this document with AT-commands, you need another UART (serial connection) to program the SPP. The SPP must not connected to anything (discovery mode) to be able to program it.
You can do this, like I did, with another SPP or you can use serial programmer or an Arduino. Notice that the serial connection is 3V, so when using an Arduino you need some resistors (1K and 2K) to create a voltage divider (google it).
The schematic is pretty simple (when not using an Arduino), I designed this adapter:
You need these components to create the adapter (and maybe some wires):
Connect everything like in the schematic above (STATE and EN are not connected), insert the modules (take care of pin orientation!), insert an USB cable and connect it to some power source.
In Arduino IDE, select the com-port you want to configure and launch the Serial monitor, you can now enter AT-commands to configure the one that is not connected:
Done! That is pretty easy right? When you want to configure the other, disconnect the one that is connect and connect the other one. An overview of AT-commands can be found in the document in provided link above.
Hopes it helps ;-)

Does the Universal Windows Application infrastructure support any Serial Port communications?

I have a WPF desktop application that would make a good candidate as a Universal Windows App. The application has a must-have dependence on USB or Bluetooth devices that act as a Serial Port.
In all my reading I've yet to discover whether there is any access to a SerialPort API in a UWA.
I suspect the answer is 'No support'. If so, does anyone know of a USB or Bluetooth GPS that supports whatever APIs the UWA has for that sort of thing. I have to be able to read things like ground speed, elevation, rate of climb, etc.
If the answer is 'Supported', could you point me to some documentation.
For the "Bluetooth devices that act as a Serial Port", I assume you mean the RFCOMM. They are both supported on Windows Runtime since Windows 8.1 and you can also use them in the Universal Windows Application.
namespace: Windows.Devices.Usb and Windows.Devices.Bluetooth.Rfcomm.
About the Bluetooth GPS, I'm not sure if it uses RFCOMM or not (it depends on the devices), and it is also possible to use the GATT.
Code Sample: Custom USB device access sample

How to connect to Bluetooth OBD II with visual C++ and for PC

I'm trying to use a Bluetooth OBDII (on-board diagnosis) to connect with a Bluetooth dongle connected to my computer (My OS is windows 7). The dongle connects to the device and assigns it 2 virtual com ports (COM4 for incoming and COM5 for outgoing), But unfortunately I couldn't communicate with this device over the virtual com port. I also attempted to work with winsock library but I didn't find any example for working with Bluetooth OBD and send and receive the instruments. I just found one Bluetooth API for android but it's not useful for me because I want to implement it inside the visual C++ and for PC. and right now I have 2 questions about that :
1. which method is better, Virtual com port or winsock and how ?
2. Do you have any sample code for working with Bluetooth OBD ?
1: Has your device a ELM327 chip? If so, you can setup a serial port over bluetooth, and communicate with that port. I don't know winsock very much, but I think a serial port is better suited for this job.
To set it up, have a look here:
Maybe if you can pair with the device, windows 7 will automagically set it up?
You might want to have a look at:
It's open-source, so you can have a peek how it works. There's also a simulator in the package, which could help you developing/testing. Mostly is Linux based, but it should give you hints where to go. There are also windows installers available for the simulator.

Tools for bluetooth monitoring

For my project I have an Android phone and an Arduino device that communicate via Bluetooth. I was wondering if anyone knows any software tools I could use to monitor a bluetooth communications between two devices. Something like a packet eavesdropping. Preferably for Linux.
Take a look at ubertooth one. In the linked webpage there are instructions on how to build the dongle, as well as links to shops selling assembled dongles may be bought. Ubertooth one should work well with Kismet, and thus in Linux, by using a BT plugin (disclaimer: I have no personal experience on this).
Sounds like you are after a Bluetooth sniffer.
Bad news: They are almost exclusively Windows OS based and cost mega-$.
If you were using BlueZ for one side of the communication you could use the BlueZ HCIDUMP app and Wireshark.
I don't think anyone has made a Linuz/Bluez Sniffer - could be wrong.

Controlling a parallel port via USB adaptor on modern hardware and OS

I have a USB to parallel port device that i want to interface with through c++ on a modern windows OS (xp and newer).
I've done a little research but the information is a bit patchy when it comes to programming to one of these USB to parallel port devices (most of the information is dated and assumes that you have a parallel port built right into the motherboard, something my brand new computer doesn't have). One reference even says that it is not possible to interface with a USB to parallel port from a C++ program without some sort of software changes.
All i want to do is to is be able to read or write 8 bits to the parallel port through a USB to parallel port device on a modern computer running a modern windows OS (with ports being dedicated to reading or writing only).
Is there any quick and easy way of doing this? Some sample code would be greatly appreciated.
Also, how many of these USB to parallel ports can I interface with my computer? Am i limited to 3 due to some sort of legacy addressing or can i have as many as my USB and CPU are able to support?
Working off VC++ 2008, running Windows 7 x64 with a Core i7 860.
Edit: a bit more information...
I've tried using inpout23 along with some prewritten test program. It compiled just fine and ran just fine claiming to have both read and written to a parallel port. I had my USB to parallel port connected to the computer and that port connected to a cable in which i had identified, stripped and soldered each of the 25 wires onto a sort of plug for quickly plugging into a breadboard for testing. None of the output pins had changed to what the program had said was written to them (instead they were all set to high and never changed).
I've done this in the past and I have good news and bad news.
The good news is that it always worked (sometimes with tweaking), which is a tribute to the electronic manufacturers of designing extremely robust protocols. Apparently the USB to parallel converters all provided the hardware port emulation.
The bad news is that performance was awful on the 'bitbanging' interface models. If you do not mind slow updates this is not an issue at all. I used it for programming uControllers and soon the price of serial or USB programmers was overcome by my impatience.
Just use the windows API to read/write the LPT or COM ports and it works (slowly).
I've worked with a USB-to-serial port adapter before and I guess USB-to-parallel should be the same. You should have got a driver along with the adapter - this does most of the work for you, hiding the USB interface and presenting it to the OS as a traditional parallel port. For example, when I plug my adapter into the USB port, it just shows up as COM4 in Device Manager. I'm guessing yours will show up as LPT1 or something. From there on, it's a matter of using the standard Windows API to access these ports. (see Communications Resources on MSDN)
Misteriously I succeed with the USB to LPT-DB25 Wire bought in
We should connect a LED between the /LF Line Feed and GND pins.
After discard the USB registers in order to find that one associated to the USB Cable, we should build an API (Application Programming Interface) to interact with the outputs/Registers.
I'm going to try to attach a picture to have a look how I managed it:
