Bluetooth SPP module SPP-C SPP-CA BK3211 chip - entering AT mode? - bluetooth

I have Bluetooth SPP module SPP-C / SPP-CA , it is cheap module that should work the same way as well known HC-06 / HC-05 modules.
I have got one problem, everything works, module is communicating over serial interface pairing etc... but i can not enter the AT mode to change device name pin or baud rate. Does anyone had the same problem and how to solve it ? there is a very small data published and sellers are not responding.
So I assume that someone may help with that situation. that's the module. it is based on Beken BK3211 chip.

It seems that nothing special is needed to enter command mode on the SPP-CA module I have.
Whenever you connect or disconnect by bluetooth, the module will print:
.. serial data is transferred ..
When the module is disconnected, you can execute AT commands such as AT+BAUD just like with HC05 modules.

3 years later and I've looked everywhere for an answer to this question and finally stumbled upon the solution by fiddling away.
I am connecting via an FTDI module using Teraterm software to enter commands.
You need to power up the FTDI and BT modules by plugging into PC USB. open Teraterm and set up to see the COM port.
Now you have to momentarily connect GND to port 11 on the BT module to 'reset' the module. The module will power down and back up again and in doing so will enter AT mode and you should be able to communicate with the module.
Good luck

Old question however still relevant, I found the solution! It is pretty simple, you can use an breadboard and some jumper wires however you can also create an adapter like I did. Like explained in this document with AT-commands, you need another UART (serial connection) to program the SPP. The SPP must not connected to anything (discovery mode) to be able to program it.
You can do this, like I did, with another SPP or you can use serial programmer or an Arduino. Notice that the serial connection is 3V, so when using an Arduino you need some resistors (1K and 2K) to create a voltage divider (google it).
The schematic is pretty simple (when not using an Arduino), I designed this adapter:
You need these components to create the adapter (and maybe some wires):
Connect everything like in the schematic above (STATE and EN are not connected), insert the modules (take care of pin orientation!), insert an USB cable and connect it to some power source.
In Arduino IDE, select the com-port you want to configure and launch the Serial monitor, you can now enter AT-commands to configure the one that is not connected:
Done! That is pretty easy right? When you want to configure the other, disconnect the one that is connect and connect the other one. An overview of AT-commands can be found in the document in provided link above.
Hopes it helps ;-)


Make the HID keyboard with BLED112

I use the BLED112 and want to make it act like a HID keyboard.
The BLED112 receives the keystroke from the Mobile. For example, "p".
Then the dongle act like a keyboard so we can see the "p" is written on Notepad of PC.
Sending data from Mobile to dongle is not matter. I have already done.
My problem is to send the keystroke event to the PC so the dongle works like a keyboard.
I want an example or the full guide.
BLED112 is a Bluetooth Low Energy dongle provided by Bluegiga (Now acquired by Silicon labs). If you have studied the BLED112 user manual and bluegiga API reference documents, you'd understand that there can be two possible ways to read/write data via BLED112:
Use bgscript
use the bglib library into your C/C++ application
BLED112 is enumerated as a virual com port. I don't recall the name of the windows application that comes with BLED112 but it sounded like BLEGUI or something. This application uses the APIs to handle connections, read and write events. In a nutshell, you need to implement the same thing that this application does. For that, you can leverage the logs it spits on the console. This log will help you with all the commands you need to send and all the response that you need to handle.
Then, you need to make your application communicate with the virtual com port over which these commands will be send and responses will be received at.
Once you establish this, you'd be able to display your keystrokes.
It is a substantial work if you haven't worked with BLE. But like people say, there aren't free lunches!

Teensy 2.0 / Atmega32u4 as Keyboard: Send and Receive

I'm currently working on a device which is able to work as a keyboard and communicate via Serial with a self-written software.
Now I have to install serial drivers (from Arduino) on different computers if I want to communicate with my application which I actually want to avoid.
Is there any other solution to solve this problem? Is it possible that my microcontroller works as a keyboard AND is able to send and receive data as HID device?
Thanks and greetings!
I actually do something similar with a 32u4, but it receives its serial over the built-in UART. I do this because it's linking between two separate systems. If it were only one system I could implement a 2nd interface. (Don't forget, a USB HID device must have an IN endpoint even if you are not using it.) Or you could just throw a $2 USB/TTL converter on and do it the same as I did.

communication between bluetooth module and remote Human interface device

I have been using bluetooth module BC 417 of company "NOVA".
I have kept all UART setting as suggested by datasheet.
i.e. buad rate=9600, parity=none, stop bit=1
My connection is getting established with nokia 5130 bluetooth, but as soon as m going to send something from UART connection is disabled.
Whenever i go to connect this module to android phone's bluetooth, connection does not take place.
For making connection i am using this command BC:CS=<address of bluetooth>
So i have following question:-
Is there any another setting is required in hyper terminal?
Is there any firmware is available for nova comm control interface module version 1.2?
Sorry, I only have enough reputation to answer and not just comment. You might want to try making sure that hardware flow control is switched on. It's a little difficult to know for sure as details of your set-up are so sketchy. Are you connecting this to an embedded micro and then trying to connect to a phone? What are you connecting hyper terminal to? Another phone or this Nova module?

Bluetooth module doesn't receive

For a college project of mine, I am using an Arduino Duemilanove micro-controller to connect a bluetooth module to my Android Device Sony Xperia Tipo Dual using the app called BlueTerm. I have two bluetooth modules 1.Bluetooth Module UART, Model: RKI-1546 and 2.Model: RKI-1545.
But the problem I have is that, After I connect the micro-controller's RX to module's TX and vice versa, and send a character from my app, there is no change in the serial monitor(in the Arduino Software). I mean it doesn't display any character i had sent. However it works just fine the other way round. That is, when I type something on my serial monitor and press send, it readily appears on the mobile. I have tried 3 different RKI-1546's and a RKI-1545. I have tried using Arduino Mega(in place of Arduino Duemilanove) too. But this problem persists. The bluetooth module doesn't seem to recieve anything.
I hope if you can help me out on this.
Considering you can send data to your phone, you have set your baud rate correctly, and the pins wired correctly. Without your code I/we can't help you, so please post your code.
It is a hardware fault not software. Total error in Arduino Due.
Fix this bug:

Arduino Bluetooth N64 Controller - Writing a Linux Driver?

I'm working on a little Arduino project to create a bluetooth N64 joystick for my Ubuntu box.
I managed to find a sketch to output the controllers state via serial and it works great. Also sending the TX and RX to the little CSR bluetooth module I have works fine.
When I pair with the device I have to use "rfcomm bind" to see the device in my dev directory and 'cat'ing the output shows all the data is coming through as well.
My question is this, what are my next steps for getting Linux to recognize this device as a joystick - i.e. /dev/js0. If I know what I need to do to achieve this I can read up on the necessary steps but at the moment I have absolutely no clue where to start - having not done anything like this in the past. Should I be looking into creating a Kernel Module?
Any information or pokes in the right direction at all would be greatly appreciated - even if it's just an observation.
Writing custom kernel code is definitely not the way to go here.
To make your project appear as a joystick device in Linux you'll want to present it using the Bluetooth HID profile. With that in place everything should "just work" on the client side and you'll see an entry in /dev. The HID profile is pretty comprehensive and is used by most Bluetooth interface devices - keyboards, mice, game controllers etc. the Bluetooth part of this is actually mostly just a thin wrapper around the USB HID protocol.
From the sounds of things your device is currently not advertising itself using that profile.
