Embedded DocuSign signing: using recipient's language - docusignapi

I'm using DocuSign's REST API to create envelopes in embedded signing mode.
I authenticate the signers on my website, then ask DocuSign for recipient view. Users can sign documents, that's ok.
My problem is: the embedded signing view is in english, whereas my users may speak other languages.
As an example, how to redirect signers to embedded signing view in french?
I saw "emailNotification" option when adding signers to an envelope (https://www.docusign.com/p/RESTAPIGuide/Content/REST%20API%20References/Recipients/Signers%20Recipient.htm). But it looks like it is about language of email notifications sent by DocuSign to signers. I guess it does not apply to my use case, because I use embedded signing mode, where my website sends email notifications, DocuSign doesn't.
Note: I do not want to translate the documents in envelope. I want signers to display DocuSign's user interface using their native language.

DocuSign supports most languages for signers via a UI user control at the bottom of the screen that allows the user to choose the language, including you when testing. The assumption is that setting the emial notification language means that user is using that language and thus the "browser default" will already be set to that language.
You DO NOT set the language that the browser will view the envelope in, only email noticifications, the user/signer sets that in the browser (known in the drop down mentioned as browser default) or by manually selecting what language they want to view the signing experience in.
Here is a link to the supported language documentation https://www.docusign.com/support/classic/documentation/cdse-user-guide/console-overview/supported-languages

Response #2 above no longer work on my case instead on the Summer '15 release, the language parameter should be appended to the response URL.
This is done by appending a locale parameter (&locale={languageCode}) to the URL provided in the response to a POST recipient view request before loading it in your iframe or web control/view.

Setting the "emailNotification" language does also control the language the signer gets in the UI when they are signing. It's not documented that way but I have it working. Yes it's odd because for an embedded scenario you'd assume you have no need to set that value.
You might need to make sure you have "Set Recipient Sign Language" checked under Preferences -> Features. I recall that I needed to have DocuSign enable that so I could see it as an admin, then check it. That, combined with setting the language inside "emailNotification" did work.
** Update **
For new Docusign UI, the setting is under: Admin >> Sending Settings >> Fields and Properties >> Enable custom email and language for each recipient


Is there a way to embed the DocuSign prepare or send envelope control panel in my webpage?

I am working on a DocuSign integration and want to allow the sender of the envelope to view the control panel to drag and drop signature tabs onto the document.
I already have a successful implementation that sends an embedded envelope to the signers. However, for this specific requirement, I do not know a) the X/Y coordinates of the signing tabs, or b) any anchor string for the signature tabs.
I have looked at the DocuSign api and I cannot see a way outside of java, which isn't really what im going for.
I am hoping to use this in an iframe, similar to how the embedded signing panel is done.
I believe the EnvelopeViews::CreateSenderView method is what you're looking for.
You can create a draft, then do the CreateSenderView call to request a url to a session of the DocuSign tagging screen. Since you're wanting to go straight to the tagger, you can leave the send=1 parameter as-is. If you wanted the URL to go to the Documents/Recipients screen instead of the tagger, you could change the url you recive from DocuSign to end with send=0 instead.
Do heed the Information Security warning on that API call: The Sender View URL will provide full access to the Web Console for whoever the authenticated user is. This is not a concern if you have one membership per user, but if you are using a shared membership everyone will have access to all envelopes on that membership.

scoping out docusign for a client

I just wanted to understand certain terms such as
1) what is a template in context of docusign
2) What is an envelope an when do we use it ?
3) What is embedding signature ?
Basically my client wants to populate a pdf contract form with certain data got from a form. Would liek to send the pdf form to get it signed by the client...
Although the form maybe same the data fields in it may change ..
so what approach should be taken
a) template or b) embedded ?
assuming a blank form needs ot be sent for signing how does that work ? does the form goto the client phsycially ? or do they come on your site to sign it ...
i am sorry if i am all over i just wanted to understand the process frolm a developers stand point.
I suggest you read up on the DocuSign Developer Center. In particular the Explore -> Features section has pages dedicated to Templates and Embedding (among other topics) that have much of this info.
what is a template in context of docusign
Templates help streamline the sending process by allowing you to - at design-time - save document(s), recipients (or placeholder roles for recipients), tab locations and types for those recipients, routing and workflow, and more. Then at real-time when you want to request a signature you simply match a recipient to a role on your template and they automatically inherit all that previously configured workflow. The data they enter into their fields will still be specific to them, but things like the location of the signature tabs you've placed for them will always be the same, any conditional or dynamic workflows will be the same, etc. Templates are very flexible and have many features and options so I suggest you read up on them both through the Features -> Templates page but also through the API docs.
An alternative to requesting a signature from a Template is to request a signature on a Document. This is a similar call except that you need to define the tab locations, recipients, routing, etc every time before sending. With a template you just define all of that stuff once, at design time.
What is an envelope an when do we use it?
Definition from Explore page overview: "An envelope is basically a "container" used to send documents to recipients. The envelope carries information about the sender and timestamps to indicate the progress of the delivery procedure. It can contain collections of Documents, Tabs and Recipients and is analogous to a physical envelope you would send through the mail".
An envelope can have as many documents as you want in it (I think there's a total size limitation but that it's set high) and can be addressed to 1 or more recipients (actually up to 1,000 if using Bulk Send feature). And once the last person is done signing the docs in the envelope a Certificate of Completion (CoC) PDF doc is automatically generated and placed inside the envelope as part of an audit trail for your review.
What is embedding signature ?
Embedding allows you Embed the signing workflow directly into your website or app or whatever you are building. The signing still takes place through a DocuSign endpoint but you can generate the unique signing URLs yourself and open in an iFrame or Webview. You can control the branding around the signing experience and you also have control over where the user is re-directed to after they sign. See the Features -> Embedding page.
Regarding your questions about form fields, yes DocuSign also supports that- you want to use Data Fields (called textFields in the API), see the Features -> Stick-eTabs page.
Lastly, in terms of what approach should be taken (Template or Embedded) - hopefully my first answer cleared this up but those are not mutually exclusive. You can create an envelope from a Template or from a Local Document(s), and you can either Embed the signing experience or have it remote (i.e. recipient receives an email to start signing). To make a recipient an Embedded one, you have to set their clientUserId property. See the links I've referenced.
DocuSign also has sample code in 6 different languages for 9 common API scenarios, including Embedding, Requesting a signature from a Template, on a Document, and more. See the API Walkthroughs:
DocuSign has free code samples in 6 different languages

How to set UI and Email to recipient spoken language

I'm having trouble making this work. I have an embedded signing view for my users as well as email notifications that are sent to the user as the flow progresses, such as perhaps reminders or CC's when signing is complete.
From what I understand the UI and the email are controlled separately
The UI is supposed to pick up on the browser settings and display accordingly
The email I can set in the emailNotification setting in the Recipient through the API for each recipient
I haven't gotten around to number 2 yet, but please confirm. As for the first, I have changed my browser (Google Chrome) to be in Spanish through their Settings/language and Input settings. Relaunched Chrom and it is in Spanish. For instance the Settings page is all in Spanish. But when I click on the signing link on my page and it takes me to the embedded signing view, it still is in English.
How can I ensure the UI will be in Spanish for my Spanish customers? I don't want them to have to set it themselves via the hard-to-find language control at the bottom of the page.
Setting the emailNotification/supportedLanguage on the Recipient changes both the language presented in the embedded signing view as well as any email notifications that recipient gets. This despite contrary information I have seen in these forums and is the only way I got it to work. The embedded view DID NOT pick up the language set in the browser as is alleged throughout this forum as well as in DocuSign support documents

Docusign - SignTab and Sign Anywhere in document

I would like send an envelope with below two options.
Here we go,
User should sign in SignTab if it is first page of document.
User can sign anywhere if it is other that first page.
Is it possible to have this option using docusign API.
If Yes, Please let me know what are the parameters should I send?
Unfortunately you can only have it one way or the other currently- either you make the signing experience a Free Form signing experience (meaning the recipients can place tabs anywhere they want on any page of the envelope), OR you set 1 or more tabs in the envelope document(s) and the recipient will only be able to take action on those tabs and they will not be able to place tabs wherever they want.
The DocuSign Developer Center has a page devoted to Stick-eTabs under the Features section, they also talk about Free Form signing further down:

Can we view document in another language like Norwegian using DocuSign API

We have implemented the embedded signing process and at last step we get the embedded url. So, what we want is when I click on the embedded url I want to see the document in another language for eg. Norwegian.
Is it possible that using DocuSign API we can view documents in another language like Norwegian.
Thanks and Regards
DocuSign will always present the documents in the same exact state as the sender supplies them in -- having DocuSign translate the documents to another language, or make any other changes to the documents is not possible. The ability to configure "language" in DocuSign applies only to the DocuSign web console UI and other instructions that DocuSign displays to the Signer during the signing process -- not to the documents themselves.
