Construct GitLab URL without slug - gitlab

Is there any way to build a GitLab URL for a milestone or project based on its id property instead of the slug?
I have an app that I use as a GitLab web hook, and from its front end would like to link back to GitLab. I'm keeping the project and milestone ids, as they are unique, but can't find a way to link back to them. Ideally something like: or even would work for me (even if they do a redirect).

Examining rake routes and config/routes.rb tells me that such routes do not exist.
The only options I can see are:
store just the slugs which are also unique. Your request and memory usage will be slightly larger, but it's worth it.
make an extra API request to get the slugs. This requires 2 requests, so it is worse than having a larger request.
For new routes of form /something to be created in gitlab, something needs to be blacklisted at, and interestingly projects is already blacklisted, but it is currently only used for project creation.
milestones however is not blacklisted: so a user could be called milestiones and that would generate ambiguity.
I would also take a close look at how GitHub organizes its API and paths, as it is likely to be optimal: is ID web access possible in GitHub?


How To Use Netlify Split Testing Based on a Condition?

newbie here
I want to try the Netlify split testing feature which basically split the traffic randomly on multiple GitHub branches (but keeps the same URL).
But what I need to do is instead of splitting the traffic randomly on different versions, I want to split the traffic based on conditions, especially by using the document.referrer request.
For example, a user from Facebook will see the site from branch A, and others will see branch B.
Is there any way to do this?
Thank you.
It doesn't look like Netlify has built-in referrer targeting options built into their split testing product. At least, not according to their docs. Tools like Google Optimize and Optimizely provide options to split test against the HTTP Referer header, which is the URL of the site the user was on before they hit your page.
Netlify does, however, mention the following on the above page:
We set a cookie called nf_ab to ensure that the same visitor always gets the same branch. By default, the value of the cookie is a random number between zero and one and is configured out of the box to ensure that your site visitors have a consistent experience. If you'd like your visitors to manually opt in to a split test, you can also use client-side JavaScript to manually set the value of the nf_ab cookie to a branch name, which Netlify's CDN will read and serve accordingly.
So I believe your only option would be to write custom client-side JS that checks the HTTP Referer header value and sets the value of the nf_ab cookie used by Netlify to the branch you want that user to be served a version of your site from.

Race condition on website deployment

Say I have a website with 2 files, which are statically hosted on S3:
I have a scheme where these files are updated via a git pull from a remote origin every time I push. This got me thinking, though, that there's the possibility for a request to be made to the server as a git pull is happening to update the files. This seems like it could create two problems that would cause page errors:
A partially-updated index.html or script.js is returned.
An old index.html is returned to the client. The files are then updated on the server. The client then makes a request for script.js, which returns the new version.
What is a good practice for mitigating these two issues?
I imagine the first issue won't be a problem, assuming filesystem operations are atomic and the files are updated in a single go. However, I haven't seen anything that addresses the second issue, which seems more difficult to address.
One way of addressing #2 is to use the cache-busting method of programmatically adding a hash to the script.js filename on compile, e.g.
<script src="script.js"> becomes <script src="script-79b1264ad3bc303fd.js">
Now, when script-[whatever].js is requested via a non-matching index.html, the client gets a 404 rather than the wrong script.
As for how you'd go about deploying this, it depends on your build pipeline. Are you using Grunt/Gulp/etc?

Is meteor keeping cache for each "publish"

I'm using Iron Router (with RouteControllers) and I'd like to know if meteor keep cache for "publishes" when page (url) change.
Example :
I want use meteor for a cooking site, so I've a section with a BIG list of recipes, and I can filter this list (by theme, preparation time, etc.). So, potentially, there will be a lot of different lists.
(This is a use case but my question can be valid for classic schema : a user visits a recipe detail page, and go away... does meteor clean cache for this subscription on server (which published the recipe datas) ?)
If I use subscriptions, does meteor keep cache when I change filter information ? And if not, how to do that without keep cache on local user database (and on server) for each request use can make ?
Sorry, I'm a beginner in meteor and it's a little confused for me. When I read documentation about meteor and publish/subscribes, I think that my app usage will increase memory excessively...
There is multiple scenarios to take into consideration:
The user closes the page and re-opens it, or refreshes.
In that case, no subscription whatsoever is natively kept.
The user changes page with a router (no reload or page closing), templates are destroyed
If the publication is done inside the router controls, it's generally cancelled (not kept) on page change. I think this is valid for both iron:router and meteorhacks:flow-router.
If the publication is done inside the template control, it is cancelled on destruction.
Else if it is done outside these pre-defined controls then the subscription is not cancelled.
You will need to adapt to these behaviours. If you want, for example, to remember the subscriptions across router pages, you will need to store them externally and control them in your own way.
afaik the cache is client-side, in minimongo. The publication on the server isn't actually used until you subscribe to it on the client. i.e.:
return Recipes.find();
Doesn't do anything by itself. A client subscription needs to refer to it.
If your collection of recipes is very large and you don't want to have a lot of network overhead to move it all to the client, then you can implement server-side search in your subscription, for example with

Orchard's Lost Password returning 302 and redirecting

We are experiencing some odd behaviour when attempting to POST to the Lost Password action on the Account Controller in Orchard.Users.
The important details
We are not directly using Orchard source code, we are using a compiled re-distributable and building modules that are deployed to the redist host, so direct debugging is a challenge.
We have tried this with the vanilla Orchard 1.8.1 (the version of our redist) so we can all but eliminate any of our module's code.
When POSTing the form we get back a 302 Moved response with the Location Header set to /. This then does end up to root rather than to the Success page or back to the Enter New Details password. The user's password is not successfully changed.
Looking at the Account Controller in source shows that the only result that expressly returns the root is when the the call IUserService.ValidateLostPassword(nonce) fails and the return Redirect("~/"); is called.
Seeing as direct debugging is a little complex, we acquired a copy of the Controller from source and moved the action code and all related service call logic into an Orchard command for testing. This has succeeded in changing a user's password. and returning without error, using the NOnce captured from the reset email.
So we suspect this may be a bug with Orchard itself though more likely to be with our instance and it's configuration seeing as "Cannot change password" is a pretty expansive issue.
Anyone have any advice to offer? Known bugs that may apply?
Update 1:
Thank you Bertrand. We have not tried it with Orchard 1.9 yet but did manage to get a completely clean 1.8 (as this is the version we are currently running out in the wild from with one of our repos. P.S. Are you aware that your GitHub repo braches go 1.4.x, 1.5.x, 1.9.x? No 1.8.x available. Anyway.) and this worked. The short version: we played around with what could be different and we got it down to it works when our theme is off and doesn't when it on.
A little digging showed that our FE guys has overwritten the Lost Password view to match our business look. Here is what I found:
In the default Orchard view the form is started using:
#using (Html.BeginFormAntiForgeryPost()) {
and ends up looking like
<form action="/OrchardLocal/Users/Account/LostPassword?nonce=Vc7ABvKcwfMO0jrRkJFxiBWoJzbdGAqQ7bbEgGySqlyAAKnHPTIkyhzG8nn%2FXJsqKkh6e9sreTnHx223BKFOs17gY%2FDWMggtCZw%2BSfz194Mviua5smhl5d%2FnACXCI%2BrdQaGcJj%2BjvoFE7m2OIiaX8w%3D%3D" method="post">
all fine and dandy. I presume that because the nonce came in as a query param on the get, it is persisted to the post through inference in calling the default Begin Form without any additional settings.
However, our override currently uses:
#using (Html.BeginFormAntiForgeryPost(Url.Action("LostPassword"), FormMethod.Post, new{ #class="form-lost-password"} ) ) {
Here we specify some additional class for the needs of our theme and on the page we get:
<form action="/Users/Account/LostPassword" class="form-lost-password" method="post">
The nonce has disappered (or rather has not been added at all since we are specifying an particular route). So the ready solution is the add the nonce on using the
Action(String, String, Object)
form of Url.Action() to specify it as a route value.
However, the nonce is not passed through as either a member on the Model nor through the ViewBag (like the minimum password length is).
I found this this previous question from the time of Orchard 1.6/1.7 which suggests updating the controller to add the nonce to the Viewbag but we are using a pre-compiled re-dist of Orchard so this is less than ideal for our needs.
I will be other ways of writing that form using what we have available to us without updating the Controller but is there any plan to make the nonce available to this view for use?

How to make a asynchronous app with Node, Express

I'm working on an app that i being built using Node and Express. All is fine, however the app is currently not asynchronous and I'd like it to be, so I'm currently investigating what would be the best way to do it.
As far as I can tell, seems to be the preferred choice to go with Node.
My question is, is's methodology the best way to move data between the server and client or is there a better, more robust way to do it? Maybe something accomplished with Node only?
PS: I think sounds really nice. Its just that I'm new to Node and though there would be a simpler way to move data back and forth.
Many thanks
Ok, I've seen the term "realtime" used before and was frown upon. The commenter implied that technically there is no "realtime" application, hence me choosing asynchronous, however realtime does describe what I'm after: An app that will be all ajax-like. For instance, in my app, when I need to edit a saved document (mongodb records are called documents), I need to redirect the page passing the document id as argument. I don't want that. I want all through ajax. I can achieve this with jQuery, however behind the scenes the server will still be moving through urls (I'll need to create loads of app.get('product/:id/edit', ...),'/product/:id/edit'. ... and then use $.ajax to get and post stuff ) so I was wondering what's the best way to achieve this.
PS: I might be looking at this completely wrong. Like I said, I'm new to Node and for app development for that matter.
EDIT2: An example: Let's say I have a page with a table in it where I list all products. Each product will have a EDIT/DELETE button. At the moment, when I click edit, I'm redirected to another page where I can edit the product and save it, then I'm redirected to the product listing. I'd prefer to load the product into a modal window, make whatever edits I need, then update the product/listing without leaving the page.
Using $.ajax I can use the product ID, enquiry the db for that particular product, populate the field in the modal with the product details and display to the user. Then allow the user to make the changes and update the products, however the part in which I need to enquiry the db in order to populate the modal is muddy because the id needs to be passed through the url...
I don't know how to pass the id to the application unless is through app.get('/product/:id/edit', ...) then'/product/:id/edit').
