I'm trying to implement a line renderer that expands the line vertices in the vertex shader, so that they expand in screen space, so that all segments of lines are exactly the same size, regardless of how far they are from the camera, each other, or the origin.
I first tried implementing my own version, but could not seem to cancel out the perspective scaling that seems to happen automatically in the graphics pipeline. I then adapted some components from this website: https://mattdesl.svbtle.com/drawing-lines-is-hard (see Screen-Space Projected Lines section). See their full vertex shader here: https://github.com/mattdesl/webgl-lines/blob/master/projected/vert.glsl
In my version, the c++ code uploads two vertices for each end of the line, along with a direction vector pointing from line point A to B, and a scalar sign (-1 or +1) used to expand the line in opposite perpendicular directions, to give it thickness. The vertex shader then constructs two screen space coordinates, generates a screen space direction, then generates a perpendicular direction (using the signed scalar) from that.
In the website's code, they upload 3 positions (prev, cur, next) - I believe so that they can generate joints. But in my case, I just want a simple segment, so I upload the current position, along with a world-space direction to the next position (all vertices of a segment get the same world space line direction). Then in my vertex shader, I construct the "next world position" by adding the world line direction to the current world/vertex position, then transform both into screen space. I probably could have just transformed the world space direction into screen space, but I'm currently trying to rule out all sources of unknowns.
Here is the code I have so far. I believe I've transformed and scaled my vectors just as they have, but my lines are still scaling as they change depths. I'm not sure if I've missed something from the web-page, or if this is the result they were after. But since they are dividing their projected xy coordinates by their projected w coordinate, it sure seems like they were trying to cancel out the scaling.
The closest I've came to achieving the result I want (constant thickness) was to override the w component of all projected positions with the Scene.ViewProj[3][3] component. It almost seemed to work that way, but there was still some strange scaling when the view was rotated. Anyway, here is the code trying to emulate the logic from the website. Any advice on how to make this work would be very much appreciated:
struct sxattrScene
float4x4 Eye; // world space transform of the camera
float4x4 View; // view transform - inverted camera
float4x4 Proj; // projection transform for camera perspective/FOV
float4x4 ViewProj; // view * projection transform for camera
float4x4 Screen; // screen projection transform for 2D blitting
float2 Display; // size of display
float Aspect; // aspect ratio of display sizes
float TimeStep; // time that advanced from last frame to this one, in milliseconds
ConstantBuffer<sxattrScene> Scene; // constant buffer scene
// input vertex
struct vinBake
// mesh inputs
float4 Position : ATTRIB0; // world position of the center of the line (2 verts at each end)
float4 Color : ATTRIB1; // color channels
float3 TexCoord : ATTRIB2; // x=sign, y=thickness, z=feather
// enhanced logic
float4 Prop : ATTRIB3; // xyz contains direction of line (from end points A -> B)
float4 Attr : ATTRIB4; // not used here
// 3D line drawing interpolator
struct lerpLine3D
float4 ClipPos : SV_POSITION; // projected clip-space screen position of vertex
float4 Diffuse : COLOR0; // diffuse color
float3 ScrPos : TEXCOORD0; // screen-space position of this point
float Factor : TEXCOORD1; // factor value of this position (0->1)
float Feather : TEXCOORD2; // falloff of line
// vertex shader
lerpLine3D vs(vinBake vin)
// prepare output
lerpLine3D lerp;
// float ww = Scene.ViewProj[3][3];
// generate projected screen position
lerp.ClipPos = mul( Scene.ViewProj, float4( vin.Position.xyz, 1.0) );
// generate a fake "next position" using the line direction, then transform into screen space
float4 next_proj = mul( Scene.ViewProj, float4( vin.Position.xyz + vin.Prop.xyz, 1.0) );
// remove perspect from both positions
float2 curr_screen = lerp.ClipPos.xy / lerp.ClipPos.w;
float2 next_screen = next_proj.xy / next_proj.w;
// correct for aspect ratio
curr_screen.x *= Scene.Aspect;
next_screen.x *= Scene.Aspect;
// generate a direction between these two screen positions
float2 dir = normalize( next_screen - curr_screen );
// extract sign direction .. -1 (neg side) to +1 (pos side)
float sign = vin.TexCoord.x;
// extract line size
float thickness = vin.TexCoord.y;
// extract alpha falloff (used in pixel shader)
lerp.Feather = vin.TexCoord.z;
// remap sign (-1 to +1) into line factor (0 to 1) - used in ps
lerp.Factor = ( sign + 1.0 ) * 0.5;
// compute our expanse, defining how far to push our line vertices out from the starting center point
float expanse = thickness * sign;
// compute our offset vector
float4 offset = float4( -dir.y * expanse / Scene.Aspect, dir.x * expanse, 0.0, 1.0 );
// push our projected position by this offset
lerp.ClipPos += offset;
// copy diffuse color
lerp.Diffuse = vin.Color;
// return lerp data
return lerp;
// compute a slope for the alpha falloff of a line draw
float ComputeLineAlpha(float t,float feather)
// slope feather to make it more useful
float ft = 1.0 - feather;
float ft4 = ft*ft*ft*ft;
// compute slope
return min( 1.0, t * 40.0 * ( 1.0 - t ) * ( 0.1 + ft4 ) );
// pixel shader
float4 ps(lerpLine3D lerp) : SV_TARGET
// compute line slope alpha
float alpha = ComputeLineAlpha( lerp.Factor, lerp.Feather );
// return the finished color while scaling the curve with alpha
return float4( lerp.Diffuse.rgb, lerp.Diffuse.a * alpha );
I think I'm really close to figuring this out. I have things setup so that the lines are scaled correctly as long as all parts of a visible line are in front of the camera. Here is the updated vertex shader code, which is simpler than before:
lerpLine3D main(vinBake vin)
// prepare output
lerpLine3D lerp;
// generate projected screen position
lerp.ClipPos = mul( Scene.ViewProj, float4( vin.Position.xyz, 1.0 ) );
// generate fake clip-space point in the direction of the line
// + vin.Prop.xyz contains the world space direction of the line itself (A->B)
float4 next_proj = mul( Scene.ViewProj, float4( vin.Position.xyz + vin.Prop.xyz, 1.0 ) );
// generate a directiion between these two screen positions
float2 dir = normalize( next_proj.xy - lerp.ClipPos.xy );
// extract sign direction .. -1 (neg side) to +1 (pos side)
float sign = vin.TexCoord.x;
// extract line size from input
float thickness = vin.TexCoord.y;
// extract alpha falloff from input
lerp.Feather = vin.TexCoord.z;
// remap sign (-1 to +1) into line factor (0 to 1)
lerp.Factor = ( sign + 1.0 ) * 0.5;
// compute our expanse, defining how far to push our line vertices out from the starting center point
float expanse = thickness * sign;
// compute our offset vector
float2 offset = float2( -dir.y * expanse, dir.x * expanse * Scene.Aspect );
lerp.ClipPos.xy += offset * abs( lerp.ClipPos.w * 0.001 ); // <----- important part
// copy diffuse color
lerp.Diffuse = vin.Color;
// return lerp data
return lerp;
However, there is one serious problem I could use some help with, if anyone knows how to pull it off. Notice the updated code above that has the "important part" comment. The reason I placed an abs() here is because sometimes the end-points of a single line segment can cross through the camera/screen plane. In fact, this is pretty common, when drawing long lines, such as for a grid.
Also notice the 0.001 on that same line, which is an arbitrary number that I plugged in to make the scale similar to pixel scaling. But I'm pretty sure there is an exact way to calculate this scaling that will take things into account, such as lines crossing the screen plane.
The updated code above seems to work really well as long as both ends of the line segment are in front of the camera. But when one end is behind the camera, the line is expanded incorrectly. My understanding of the w component and perspective scaling is very limited, beyond knowing that things that are further away are smaller. The w component seems to be heavily derived from the 'z'/depth component after transforming into clip space, but I'm not sure what its min/max range would be under normal 3D circumstances. I'm wondering if just having the correct scaler in that line of code might fix the problem - something like this:
lerp.ClipPos.xy += offset * ((lerp.ClipPos.w-MIN_W_VALUE)/ENTIRE_W_RANGE);
But I'm honestly not familiar with these concepts enough to figure this out. Would anyone be able to point me in the right direction?
Edit: Well, in my engine at least, the w component seems to literally just be world-space depth, relative to the camera. So if something is 100 units in front of the camera, its w value will be 100. And if -100 units behind the camera, then it will be -100. Unfortunately, that seems like it would then have no range to lock it into. So its possible I'm going about this the wrong way. Anyway, would really appreciate any advice.
I'm building my own path tracer by self-learning from online resources. But I find that my implementation has an issue with emissive objects in the scene, especially in a dark environment (no skybox).
For example, in the following environment:
The box in the middle is the only light source in the environment, with emission value of (3.0,3.0,3.0), and all other objects emission value of (0.0,0.0,0.0). I was expecting the light to scatter smoothly on the walls, but it looks like they are biased towards one direction.
My cosine sampling function is (modified from lwjgl3-demos):
float3 SampleHemisphere3(float3 norm, float alpha = 0.0)
float3 randomVec = rand3();
float r = saturate(pow(randomVec.x, 1.0 / (1.0 + alpha)));
float angle = randomVec.y * PI_TWO;
float sr = saturate(sqrt(1.0 - r * r));
float3 ph = float3(sr * cos(angle), sr * sin(angle), r);
float3 tangent = normalize(randomVec * 2.0 - 1.0);
float3 bitangent = cross(norm, tangent);
tangent = cross(norm, bitangent);
return mul(ph, float3x3(tangent, bitangent, norm));
This is how I compute the shading and next ray info:
float3 Shade(inout Ray ray, HitInfo hit)
ray.origin = hit.pos + hit.norm * 1e-5;
ray.dir = normalize(SampleHemisphere3(hit.norm, 0.0));
ray.energy *= 2.0 * hit.colors.albedo * saturate(dot(hit.norm, ray.dir));
return hit.colors.emission;
And the recursion happens here:
// generate ray from camera
Ray ray = CreateCameraRay(camera, PixelCenter);
// trace ray
float3 color = 0.0;
for (int i = 0; i < _TraceDepth; i++)
// get nearest ray hit
HitInfo hit = Trace(ray);
// accumulate color
color += ray.energy * Shade(ray, hit);
// if ray has no energy, stop tracing
// write to frame target
_FrameTarget[id.xy] = float4(color, 1.0);
I learned the last two functions from GPU Path Tracing in Unity.
Here is another example of the similar error:
I feel that the problem is caused by the cosine weighted hemisphere sampling, but I have no idea how to fix it.
What should I do to get distributed light effect from emissive objects on the diffuse surfaces? Do I have to specify light sources and shapes and sample from them directly instead of emissive objects?
It is indeed the cosine weighted sampling that is causing the problem.
Instead of:
float3 tangent = normalize(randomVec * 2.0 - 1.0);
I should have another vector of independent random values:
float3 tangent = normalize(rand3() * 2.0 - 1.0);
Now it is shows
Still not perfect, because it is clearly a cross shape. (Probably caused by sparsity of floating values)
How can I further improve this?
Edit 2:
After some more debugging and experiments, I figure out the "solution", but I don't understand the reason behind it.
The random value generator is from this Shadertoy project, because I see that GLSL-PathTracer is also using it.
Here is part of it:
void rng_initialize(float2 p, int frame)
//white noise seed
RandomSeed = uint4(p, frame, p.x + p.y);
void pcg4d(inout uint4 v)
v = v * 1664525u + 1013904223u;
v.x += v.y * v.w;
v.y += v.z * v.x;
v.z += v.x * v.y;
v.w += v.y * v.z;
v = v ^ (v >> 16u);
v.x += v.y * v.w;
v.y += v.z * v.x;
v.z += v.x * v.y;
v.w += v.y * v.z;
float3 rand3()
return float3(RandomSeed.xyz) / float(0xffffffffu);
float4 rand4()
return float4(RandomSeed) / float(0xffffffffu);
At initialization, I pass float2(id.xy) from SV_DispatchThreadID and current frame counter to rng_initialize.
And here is my new cosine weighted hemisphere sampling function:
float3 SampleHemisphere3(float3 norm, float alpha = 0.0)
float4 rand = rand4();
float r = pow(rand.w, 1.0 / (1.0 + alpha));
float angle = rand.y * PI_TWO;
float sr = sqrt(1.0 - r * r);
float3 ph = float3(sr * cos(angle), sr * sin(angle), r);
float3 tangent = normalize(rand.zyx + rand3() - 1.0);
float3 bitangent = cross(norm, tangent);
tangent = cross(norm, bitangent);
return mul(ph, float3x3(tangent, bitangent, norm));
And the results are: (which looks much better)
My discoveries from the experiments are:
r in the sampling function has to be dependent on w component of random values.
angle can be any in x, y, z.
tangent has to be dependent on current xyz values and a new vector of random xyz values. Order doesn't matter so I use zyx here. Missing either current xyz or new xyz will result in a cross shape on the wall.
I'm not sure if this is a correct solution, but as far as my eyes can tell, it solves the problem.
I'm trying to computing the exact prospective transformation of a 3D object starting from a vanishing points and horizon line of a picture.
What I want is, fixed the vanishing points and horizontal line of a picture, I want rotate and skew an 3D object according with vanishing points and horizontal lines that I set starting from the picture
Below the final result that I expected.
How can I obtain this result?
What kind of transformation can I use?
In this video is possibile to see the result that I want.
This is nowhere near my cup of tea so handle with extreme prejudice and also far form solution just some start point hints...
First of all we need to define some constraints/assumptions in order to make this to work.
user selects 4 lines representing 2 perpendicular planes and these 2 QUADs have the same height and altitude. Also the object height axis is almost the same as camera y axis (not rotated images).
perspective is centered around image center so central pixel represents view direction
pixels are squares
So what you want to obtain is a 4x4 homogenous matrix that converts from some global 3D coordinates into 2D image coordinates + the perspective division.
|x'| | Xx Yx Zx Ox | |x|
|y'| = | Xy Yy Zy Oy | .|y|
|z'| | Xz Yz Zz Oz | |z|
|w'| | a b c 1 | |1|
where (x,y,z) represents some 3D position and (x'/z',y'/z') represents 2D position on screen (image). To make this simple let assume that image center is (0,0).
To construct your perspective matrix you need to know the FOV angles of camera and its focal length znear. Without it you can estimate it from known stuff on the image...
Another option is to fit this matrix until the points match. But as it is 15 unknowns it would be very slow (even if many of the parameters are dependent and can be computed from the others).
[complete reedit] Simple C++ approach example
I would start with computing quad per each of the planes:
To ease up the code later on the points should have a specific order. I programaticaly sort them so they are CCW and first point of each QUAD is in top right corner. First QUAD is on the right (representing Z axis of building or YZ plane) and second is on the left (representing X axis of building or XY plane).
I also compute the mid point (avg point) for each quad and sort the points by angle between screen x axis this point and sorted point. After this its needed to make a correction of position (shift all points by 1 in case screen x axis is colliding with quad horizontal axis) so the first point of quad is the to right corner.
Now we need to turn our lines into QUAD. For that we need the building y axis direction ... At first I was casting a 2D normal from each of the 4 lines and average them together. Beware they should all be in the same direction ... so if added normal has negative dot product with the average negate it before adding. This averaged normal is the UP vector projection onto XY plane.
But later on I changed this I computed 2 intersection points between corresponding left and right QUAD horizontal lines (obtaining the UP vector/direction of the building edge between QUADs). This prove more accurate and also easier to compute.
Now to convert your lines into QUADS simply find intersections between the lines and normal casted from endpoints of one of the lines per plane. After this the intersection will be aligned exactly as the QUAD corners so we can use that from now...
As our building is most likely a box with right angles between its plane so our 2 QUADs should be also perpendicular to each other in 3D. We can use this ... as if we connect their vanishing points with their mid points the lines in 3D should be also with 90deg right angle. So we can directly obtain the FOVx angle from this...
So the ratio between FOVx and 90.0deg is the same as ratio between screen x resolution and the 2 vanishing points distance in pixels... So from that:
FOVx = 90.0*deg * image_x_resolution / intersections_x_distance
As we also know the screen resolution than the znear is also directly computable. for example I use coordinates <-1,+1> in OpenGL for screen so:
znear = 1.0/tan(0.5*FOVx)
Of coarse this will affect the overall scale of the result so do not expect meters units...
The zfar should be chosen wisely so the building is actually in the viewing frustrum. For example:
zfar = 1000.0*znear
It only affects the view depth relative to znear ... but it does not affect perspective itself.
building 3D coordinates
The QUADs vertical line sizes gives us the scale depended on depth. This can be used to compute Z coordinate for each point we have ... But for that we need to know original height of our QUADs. Luckily for us the unprojected 2D screen coordinates of the QUADs into 3D should form right angles. So if we use 3 points (the QUAD midpoints and midpoint of the edge between them) and do a dot product of the unprojected lines direction the result should be zero. So we got 4 equations and 4 unknowns which is algebraically solvable...
The depth relation is as follows:
scale(z) = znear/z
so if we compute the height of QUAD at place where our point in question is we can get the scale relative to original QUAD height l... As we have 3 points then:
z0 = znear*l0/l
z1 = znear*l1/l
z2 = znear*l2/l
where unprojected points: pnt0(x0,y0,z0) is the mid point of the edge between QUADs and pnt1(x1,y1,z1) and pnt2(x2,y2,z2) are the midpoints of the QUADs. The l0,l1,l2 are the corresponding height sizes. So the only unknonws here are z0,z1,z2,l ...
btw these unprojected points give us 2 basis vectors and position of the buildings coordinate system directly. So we can compose its matrix too... The third can be also unprojected or use cross product instead ...
Here a debug rendered cube with the reversed perspective overlay:
As you can see the fit is not perfect that is due some bug in my 3D view related to viewing window aspect ratio. If the window is square (not the image just the GL window) fit is perfect. If I add aspect ratio to the 3D view (scale) the fit is perfect but the basis vectors of the coordinate system are not visually the same size... Need to think about it some more to repair... its most likely some silly simple thing not related to the reversing perspective at all... Here square view screen shots:
Here my actual C++/GL code for this... but beware I am using some stuff from my rendering engine (like vector math etc...)
#ifndef _ReversePespective_h
#define _ReversePespective_h
class ReversePerspective
double FOVx; // [rad] perspective parameters
double znear,zfar;
double per[16]; // perspective projection matrix used
reper rep; // selected coordinate system
double asp,_asp; // screen ys/xs
double zoom,_zoom; // view zoom
double panx,pany; // view position
double ms[3],mw[3]; // mouse position [screen] , [world]
enum _p2D_enum
_p2D_quad0= 0, // 2x guad points (same altitude and perpendicular planes)
_p2D_quad1= 8, // 10 8 | A | 2 0
_p2D_qmid0=16, // V1 18 | | 16 V0
_p2D_qmid1=18, // 12 14 | B | 4 6
_p2D_A =20,
_p2D_B =22,
_p2D_V0 =24, // quad0 vanishing point (right)
_p2D_V1 =26, // quad1 vanishing point (left)
_p2Ds =36,
double p2D[_p2Ds];
enum _p3D_enum
_p3D_O = 0, // Y
_p3D_X = 3, // X O Z
_p3D_Y = 6, //
_p3D_Z = 9,
_p3Ds =12,
double p3D[_p3Ds];
int sel; // mouse selected p2D point
bool _redraw; // App need redraw?
ReversePerspective() { asp=1.0; _asp=1.0; reset(); }
ReversePerspective(ReversePerspective& a) { *this=a; }
~ReversePerspective() {}
ReversePerspective* operator = (const ReversePerspective *a) { *this=*a; return this; }
//ReversePerspective* operator = (const ReversePerspective &a) { ...copy... return this; }
void reset() // init points
sel=-1; _redraw=true;
zoom=1.0; _zoom=1.0;
panx=0.0; pany=0.0;
znear=0.1; zfar=1.0;
p2D[ 0]=-0.5; p2D[ 1]=-0.5;
p2D[ 2]=-0.5; p2D[ 3]=+0.5;
p2D[ 4]=-0.9; p2D[ 5]=+0.5;
p2D[ 6]=-0.9; p2D[ 7]=-0.5;
p2D[ 8]=+0.5; p2D[ 9]=-0.5;
p2D[10]=+0.5; p2D[11]=+0.5;
p2D[12]=+0.9; p2D[13]=+0.5;
p2D[14]=+0.9; p2D[15]=-0.5;
void view2D() // set 2D mode view
void view3D() // set 3D mode view
void draw2D() // render 2D mode
int i; double c[3]; _redraw=false;
// up axis
// quads vanishing points/lines
glColor3f(0.3,0.7,0.3); glBegin(GL_LINES);
glVertex2dv(p2D+_p2D_V0); glVertex2dv(p2D+ 0);
glVertex2dv(p2D+_p2D_V0); glVertex2dv(p2D+ 6);
glVertex2dv(p2D+_p2D_V1); glVertex2dv(p2D+10);
glVertex2dv(p2D+_p2D_V1); glVertex2dv(p2D+12);
glVertex2dv(p2D+_p2D_V0); glVertex2dv(p2D+_p2D_V1);
glVertex2dv(p2D+_p2D_A); glVertex2dv(p2D+_p2D_B);
// quads circumference
glBegin(GL_LINE_LOOP); for (i=0;i< 8;i+=2) glVertex2dv(p2D+i); glEnd();
glBegin(GL_LINE_LOOP); for ( ;i<16;i+=2) glVertex2dv(p2D+i); glEnd();
// quads fill
glEnable(GL_BLEND); glBegin(GL_QUADS);
glColor4f(0.0,0.0,1.0,0.2); for (i=0;i< 8;i+=2) glVertex2dv(p2D+i);
glColor4f(1.0,0.0,0.0,0.2); for ( ;i<16;i+=2) glVertex2dv(p2D+i);
glEnd(); glDisable(GL_BLEND);
// endpoints
glPointSize(5.0); glBegin(GL_POINTS);
for (i=0;i<=_p2D_qmid1;i+=2)
if ((i==0)||(i==8)){ c[0] =0.7; c[1] =0.7; c[2] =0.2; }
else { c[0] =0.7; c[1] =0.2; c[2] =0.7; }
if (i==sel) { c[0]+=0.2; c[1]+=0.2; c[2]+=0.2; }
glEnd(); glPointSize(1.0);
void draw3D() // render 3D mode
int i; _redraw=false;
// reper
glLineWidth(1.0); glBegin(GL_LINES);
glColor3f(0.9,0.0,0.0); glVertex3dv(p3D+_p3D_O); glVertex3dv(p3D+_p3D_X);
glColor3f(0.0,0.9,0.0); glVertex3dv(p3D+_p3D_O); glVertex3dv(p3D+_p3D_Y);
glColor3f(0.0,0.0,0.9); glVertex3dv(p3D+_p3D_O); glVertex3dv(p3D+_p3D_Z);
glEnd(); glLineWidth(1.0);
// endpoints
glPointSize(5.0); glBegin(GL_POINTS);
glColor3f(0.0,0.3,0.9); for (i=0;i<_p3Ds;i+=3) glVertex3dv(p3D+i);
glEnd(); glPointSize(1.0);
void compute() // compute all from quad points
int i,j,k,ix[10];
double l,l0,lp,lq;
double *p,*q,*p0,ang[10],a,b;
// [avg points] for each quad
for (i=16;i<20;i++) p2D[i]=0.0;
for (i= 0;i< 8;i++){ p2D[16]+=p2D[i]; i++; p2D[17]+=p2D[i]; }
for (i= 8;i<16;i++){ p2D[18]+=p2D[i]; i++; p2D[19]+=p2D[i]; }
for (i=16;i<20;i++) p2D[i]*=0.25;
// [reorder points] to maintain specific order
// compute angle from mid point to quad corner
for (k=0;k<2;k++)
p =p2D+(k<<3);
for (j=(k<<2),i=0;i<8;i+=2,j++){ ix[j]=j+j; ang[j]=atanxy(p[i+0]-p0[0],p[i+1]-p0[1])*rad; }
ix[8]=16; ang[8]=0.0;
ix[9]=18; ang[9]=0.0;
// sort by angle
#define swap(i0,i1) { int j0=i0<<1,j1=i1<<1,b; double a; b=ix[i0]; ix[i0]=ix[i1]; ix[i1]=b; a=ang[i0]; ang[i0]=ang[i1]; ang[i1]=a; a=p2D[j0+0]; p2D[j0+0]=p2D[j1+0]; p2D[j1+0]=a; a=p2D[j0+1]; p2D[j0+1]=p2D[j1+1]; p2D[j1+1]=a; }
if (ang[0]>ang[1]) swap(0,1);
if (ang[1]>ang[2]) swap(1,2);
if (ang[2]>ang[3]) swap(2,3);
if (ang[0]>ang[1]) swap(0,1);
if (ang[1]>ang[2]) swap(1,2);
if (ang[0]>ang[1]) swap(0,1);
if (ang[4]>ang[5]) swap(4,5);
if (ang[5]>ang[6]) swap(5,6);
if (ang[6]>ang[7]) swap(6,7);
if (ang[4]>ang[5]) swap(4,5);
if (ang[5]>ang[6]) swap(5,6);
if (ang[4]>ang[5]) swap(4,5);
// first quad on right (YZ plane) second on the left (XY)
if (p2D[16]<p2D[18]){ swap(0,4); swap(1,5); swap(2,6); swap(3,7); swap(8,9); }
// correct order if wrong by 1 point
if ((fabs(p2D[0]-p2D[ 6])>fabs(p2D[1]-p2D[ 7]))||(fabs(p2D[0]-p2D[ 2])<fabs(p2D[1]-p2D[ 3]))){ swap(0,3); swap(1,3); swap(2,3); }
if ((fabs(p2D[8]-p2D[14])>fabs(p2D[9]-p2D[15]))||(fabs(p2D[8]-p2D[10])<fabs(p2D[9]-p2D[11]))){ swap(4,7); swap(5,7); swap(6,7); }
#undef swap
// correct sel
if (sel>=0) for (i=0;i<10;i++) if (sel==ix[i]){ sel=i+i; break; }
// [intersections] . 18 A 16
// 10 8 | A | 2 0 . | | |
// V1 18 | | 16 V0 . lp l0 lq
// 12 14 | B | 4 6 . | | |
// . 18 B 16
Intersect2DAxisAxis(p2D+_p2D_A ,p2D+ 0,p2D+ 2,p2D+ 8,p2D+10);
Intersect2DAxisAxis(p2D+_p2D_B ,p2D+ 4,p2D+ 6,p2D+12,p2D+14);
Intersect2DAxisAxis(p2D+_p2D_V0,p2D+ 0,p2D+ 2,p2D+ 4,p2D+ 6);
Intersect2DAxisAxis(p2D+_p2D_V1,p2D+ 8,p2D+10,p2D+12,p2D+14);
// 2D basis vectors (flat)
for (j=0;j<2;j++) p3D[_p3D_O+j]=0.5*(p2D[_p2D_A+j]+p2D[_p2D_B+j]);
for (j=0;j<2;j++) p3D[_p3D_X+j]=p2D[18+j];
for (j=0;j<2;j++) p3D[_p3D_Y+j]=p2D[_p2D_A+j];
for (j=0;j<2;j++) p3D[_p3D_Z+j]=p2D[16+j];
// [perspective]
// znear=1.0/tan(0.5*FOVx);
// p2D[18] = (x0,y0)
// p2D[_p2D_O] = (x1,y1)
// p2D[16] = (x2,y1)
// z0 = znear*l0/l
// z1 = znear*l1/l
// z2 = znear*l2/l
// dot(p2D[18]-O,p2D[16]-O)=0
#define size(i0,i1) sqrt(((p2D[i0]-p2D[i1])*(p2D[i0]-p2D[i1]))+((p2D[i0+1]-p2D[i1+1])*(p2D[i0+1]-p2D[i1+1])))
p0=p3D+_p3D_O; l0=size(_p2D_A,_p2D_B);
p =p2D+18; lp=0.5*(size(8,14)+size(10,12));
q =p2D+16; lq=0.5*(size(0, 6)+size( 2, 4));
// 2D -> 3D
for (i=_p3D_O;i<=_p3D_Z;i+=3) scr2world(p3D+i,p3D+i);
#undef size
// p3D -> reper
p=p3D+_p3D_X; vector_sub(p,p,p0); vector_one(p,p);
p=p3D+_p3D_Y; vector_sub(p,p,p0); vector_one(p,p);
p=p3D+_p3D_Z; vector_sub(p,p,p0); vector_one(p,p);
// 3D basis vectors aligned to Y,X
// vector_mul(p3D+_p3D_Z,p3D+_p3D_Y,p3D+_p3D_X);
// vector_mul(p3D+_p3D_X,p3D+_p3D_Y,p3D+_p3D_Z);
rep.gpos_set (p3D+_p3D_O);
// convert back to points
p=p3D+_p3D_X; vector_mul(p,p,a); vector_add(p,p,p0);
p=p3D+_p3D_Y; vector_mul(p,p,a); vector_add(p,p,p0);
p=p3D+_p3D_Z; vector_mul(p,p,a); vector_add(p,p,p0);
void load(AnsiString name)
int hnd,i; _redraw=true;
hnd=FileOpen(name,fmOpenRead); if (hnd<0) { reset(); return; }
void save(AnsiString name)
int hnd,i; _redraw=true;
hnd=FileCreate(name); if (hnd<0) return;
void mouse(double x,double y,TShiftState sh)
int i,sel0=sel;
double ll,dx,dy,sz;
mouse2scr(x,y); ms[0]=x; ms[1]=y; ms[2]=znear; scr2world(mw,ms);
sz=0.05*_zoom; sz*=sz;
if (sh.Contains(ssLeft))
if (sel>=0)
dx=x-p2D[sel+0]; p2D[sel+0]=x;
dy=y-p2D[sel+1]; p2D[sel+1]=y;
if (sel==16) for (i=0;i< 8;i+=2){ p2D[i+0]+=dx; p2D[i+1]+=dy; }
if (sel==18) for (i=8;i<16;i+=2){ p2D[i+0]+=dx; p2D[i+1]+=dy; }
compute(); _redraw=true;
// select closest point
for (sel=-1,i=0;i<20;i+=2)
dx=p2D[i+0]-x; dx*=dx;
dy=p2D[i+1]-y; dy*=dy; dx+=dy;
if (dx<sz) if ((sel<0)||(dx<ll)){ sel=i; ll=dx; }
void dzoom(double d)
double x,y; _redraw=true;
x=ms[0]; y=ms[1];
zoom*=d; _zoom=divide(1.0,zoom);
bool Intersect2DAxisAxis(double *pi,double *p0,double *p1,double *p2,double *p3) // pi[2] = intersection point if return true
double s,t,a,b;
const double _zero=1e-30;
if (fabs(a)>=fabs(b)) { b=a; a=((p1[0]-p0[0])*(p0[1]-p2[1]))+((p1[1]-p0[1])*(p2[0]-p0[0])); }
else { a=((p1[1]-p0[1])*(p0[0]-p2[0]))+((p1[0]-p0[0])*(p2[1]-p0[1])); }
if (fabs(b)<=_zero) // paralelne alebo nulove ciary
double x0,x1,x2,x3,y0,y1,y2,y3;
if (p0[0]<p1[0]) { x0=p0[0]; x1=p1[0]; } else { x0=p1[0]; x1=p0[0]; }
if (p0[1]<p1[1]) { y0=p0[1]; y1=p1[1]; } else { y0=p1[1]; y1=p0[1]; }
if (p2[0]<p3[0]) { x2=p2[0]; x3=p3[0]; } else { x2=p3[0]; x3=p2[0]; }
if (p2[1]<p3[1]) { y2=p2[1]; y3=p3[1]; } else { y2=p3[1]; y3=p2[1]; }
if (x1-x0>_zero){ if (x3<x0) return false; if (x2>x1) return false; if (fabs(y3-y0)<=_zero) return true; return false; }
if (y1-y0>_zero){ if (y3<y0) return false; if (y2>y1) return false; if (fabs(x3-x0)<=_zero) return true; return false; }
if (fabs(y3-y0)+fabs(x3-x0)<=_zero) return true;
return false;
} else t=a/b;
if (fabs(a)>=fabs(b)) { b=a; a=(p2[0]-p0[0])+((p3[0]-p2[0])*t); }
else { a=(p2[1]-p0[1])+((p3[1]-p2[1])*t); }
if (fabs(b)<=_zero){ b=1/0; } else s=divide(a,b);
if ((s<0.0)||(s>1.0)) return false;
if ((t<0.0)||(t>1.0)) return false;
return true;
void mouse2scr(double &x,double &y) // <-1,1> raw screen -> zoom+pan screen <-1,1>
y=(y*_zoom )-pany;
void scr2mouse(double &x,double &y) // <-1,1> raw screen <- zoom+pan screen <-1,1>
void world2scr(double *s,double *w)
// camera [LCS]
// eye->g2l(s,w);
// [camera units] -> <-1,+1> NDC
void scr2world(double *w,double *s)
// <-1,+1> NDC -> [camera units]
// world [GCS]
// eye->l2g(w,w);
void perspective(double fovy,double aspect,double zNear,double zFar) // [deg]
double f;
for (int i=0;i<16;i++) per[i]=0.0;
// original gluProjection
// f=divide(1.0,tan(0.5*fovy*deg))
// per[ 0]=f/aspect;
// per[ 5]=f;
// corrected gluProjection
per[ 0]=f;
per[ 5]=f*aspect;
// z range
// _pertan=per[0];
void resize(double xs,double ys)
The important stuff in here is the compute function that reverses the QUAD points into perspective parameters/matrix and coordinate system ... all the rest is just for rendering/resizing and mouse handling...
I'm trying to get a screen position of a vertex in pixels inside a vertex shader,
I saw some others posts here but I can't find answer that works for me.
this is what I've got in my vertex Shader:
#version 400
layout (location = 0) in vec3 inPosition;
uniform mat4 MVP; // modelViewProjection
uniform vec2 window;
void main()
// vertex in screen space
vec2 fake_frag_coord = (MVP * vec4(inPosition,1.0)).xy;
float X = (fake_frag_coord.x*window.x/2.0) + window.x;
float Y = (fake_frag_coord.y*window.y/2.0) + window.y;
It's not working very well and I know it's a strange think to do inside a vertex shader but I want to multiply my vertex offset by a 2d texture, so I need to find the pixel the vertex is on top to be able to multiply it by the pixel of the texture.
I have corrected your vertex shader with proper terms, and shown you the exact sequence of transformations that actually happens when GL computes gl_FragCoord (window-space).
#version 400
layout (location = 0) in vec4 inPosition; // Always use vec4, it makes life easier!
uniform mat4 MVP; // modelViewProjection
uniform vec2 window;
void main()
// Vertex in clip-space
vec4 fake_frag_coord = (MVP * inPosition); // Range: [-w,w]^4
// Vertex in NDC-space
fake_frag_coord.xyz /= fake_frag_coord.w; // Rescale: [-1,1]^3
fake_frag_coord.w = 1.0 / fake_frag_coord.w; // Invert W
// Vertex in window-space
fake_frag_coord.xyz *= vec3 (0.5) + vec3 (0.5); // Rescale: [0,1]^3
fake_frag_coord.xy *= window; // Scale and Bias for Viewport
// Assume depth range: [0,1] --> No need to adjust fake_frag_coord.z
Texture coordinates and window-space coordinates are very different things, however. Generally you need normalized coordinates for traditional texture fetches, that means you want the coordinates in the range [0,1].
Luckily window-space and texture-space share the same origin convention (0,0) = bottom-left, so you can cut out the line below to get the appropriate texture coordinates:
fake_frag_coord.xy *= window; // Scale and Bias for Viewport
I think Andon M. Coleman's answer is fine. However, I like to point out a more general issue with the approach discussed in the question: there might be no meaningful screen space position for a vertex at all.
The vertex might lie utside the viewing frustum. This will not be a a problem if the vertices you draw are guaranteed to lie in the frustum, or if you are drawing only points.
But it will fail if you have primitives intersecting the near plane. You might think that in such a case, you just get some coordinates which are outside [-1,1] in NDC space, and if you just use them to assign some output value for the vertex, the clipping state will make it right. But that assumption is wrong. You might values which are pefectly in [-1,1] in NDC space even for vertices which are outside the frustum, and it it will appear as if the vertices lie in front of the camera for all vertices wich actually lie behind the camera. And no subsequent clipping stage is able to fix this.
The only way to get this right would be to actually carry out the clipping operation, before doing the divide by w. And this is something you don't want to do in a vertex shader.
If you want to get this working on the js part of things, this is how I adapted Andon M. Coleman's reply:
var winW = window.innerWidth;
var winH = window.innerHeight;
// Not sure about the order of these! I was using orthographic camera so it didn't matter but double check the order if it doesn't work!
var MVP = camera.projectionMatrix.multiply(camera.matrixWorldInverse);
// position to vertex clip-space
var fake_frag_coord = position.applyMatrix4(MVP); // Range: [-w,w]^4
// vertex to NDC-space
fake_frag_coord.x = fake_frag_coord.x / fake_frag_coord.w; // Rescale: [-1,1]^3
fake_frag_coord.y = fake_frag_coord.y / fake_frag_coord.w; // Rescale: [-1,1]^3
fake_frag_coord.z = fake_frag_coord.z / fake_frag_coord.w; // Rescale: [-1,1]^3
fake_frag_coord.w = 1.0 / fake_frag_coord.w; // Invert W
// Vertex in window-space
fake_frag_coord.x = fake_frag_coord.x * 0.5;
fake_frag_coord.y = fake_frag_coord.y * 0.5;
fake_frag_coord.z = fake_frag_coord.z * 0.5;
fake_frag_coord.x = fake_frag_coord.x + 0.5;
fake_frag_coord.y = fake_frag_coord.y + 0.5;
fake_frag_coord.z = fake_frag_coord.z + 0.5;
// Scale and Bias for Viewport (We want the window coordinates, so no need for this)
fake_frag_coord.x = fake_frag_coord.x / winW;
fake_frag_coord.y = fake_frag_coord.y / winH;