301 redirect DNS issues - linux

I think I screwed up something in my DNS configuration and now its bugging me for hours. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
I own a domain lets call it abc.com
Before all the issues happened DNS was configured in the following way at my registrar:
abc.com 'A' record Points to a wordpress server
www.abc.com 'A' record Points to a wordpress server
app.abc.com 'A' record points to amazon server.
We had a requirement where I had to achieve the following:
abc.com point to amazon server. //not the wordpress but amazon.
www.abc.com point to a wordpress server
app.abc.com point to amazon server.
*.abc.com point to amazon server
What I did to achieve this I believe is causing me all the issues. I went ahead and modified the DNS records in the following order
abc.com 'A' record points to amazon server. //earlier pointed to wordpress
www.abc.com 'A' record points to a amazon server
app.abc.com 'A' record points to amazon server.
I changed my nginx configuration in
such a way that
http://*.abc.com would always redirect to https://abc.com and I made the redirect permanent
listen 80; # default;
server_name abc.com *.abc.com;
location / {
include proxy_params;
proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr;
proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;
proxy_set_header Host $http_host;
proxy_redirect off;
proxy_headers_hash_max_size 8192;
proxy_headers_hash_bucket_size 256;
return 301 https://$server_name$request_uri;
After a while I realized I made a mistake as I wanted the www.abc.com to point to wordpres. So I went ahead and modified the DNS records again.
abc.com 'A' record points to amazon server.
www.abc.com 'A' record points to a wordpress //earlier pointed to amazon/nginx
app.abc.com 'A' record points to amazon server.
And whatever I do, the change to www.abc.com isn't reflected on the web. It just redirects to the amazon server. I tried it using different machines, installed browsers afresh still no luck.
I tried pinging abc.com and www.abc.com and they do point to amazon and wordpress (as configured in DNS), I even tried checking DNS propagation at whatsmydns.com and it shows the IPs based on my DNS conf. But I don't understand why they don't work in the browser.
I tried checking the redirect flow of the site at http://redirectcheck.com/index.php and it still shows 301 permanent redirect despite me going ahead and modifying the DNS records.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.

You've made what's called a "DNS propagation" - which can take up to 24 hours to take effect - Domain Names - How long do DNS changes take?
If 24 hours have passed, try Clearing the DNS Cache on Computers and Web Browsers


DNS records on suffix of domain not subdomain

I use Cloudflare for DNS. Is it technically possible to set records on the extended domain rather than subdomain.
EG: domain.com -> Server 1 and domain.com/abc -> Server 2. The practical side effect is the root switches from '/' to '/suffix' at the DNS level
Currently its setup to use subdomains eg: abc.domain.com
No, that's not possible to do with DNS. However, you could proxy that path to Server 2. On NGINX, this will be a proxy_pass to Server 2 in the location /abc block.
You can't do it. You can use iFrame or redirect.

Why this unregistred subdomain redirect to my wordpress?

Im using powerdns in my VPS, yesterday in poweradmin I entered a subdomain to redirect to wordpress. Today, I decided to delete this subdomain, I delete it from poweradmin and its VirtualHost, but this subdomain continue redirecting to my wordpress. I've checked many times virtualhost and all is ok, I executed dig command, and it says this subdomain doesn't exist. I don't know what's happening, if I deleted the subdomain from poweradmin, it oughtn't redirect to wordpress
All DNS servers cache queries. Until the TTL (time to live) of your record expires, some DNS servers will return the address you entered yesterday.

www.example.com is not openning while example.com is working fine how to resolve it?

when i am trying to access my domain with www it shows an error like "This site can’t be reached
www.sustainabletourism.co.in’s server IP address could not be found.
Search Google for sustainable tourism co
and working with out wwww.
all dns records are set correctly
plz help me
As you mentioned DNS is configured corrent, than its is most probably due to wrong setup of virtual host for web server. Depending of the web server in use(eg. Apache or nginx or some other) you can correct this.
In the server alias, you need to add both www and without www of your domain.

DNS not pointing to my website

I am very new to hosting. I have just got VPS with no prior experience (just a little bit working with in a shared hosting with Cpanel)
The VPS came with CentOS and Cpanel installed. So, I just needed to go through initial setup of WHM. I did not change any thing. Apparently, there name severs and an IP were already allocated to my host. I did not change them.
Right after Creating Cpanel for a website I already had somewhere else (and It was working), I went and changed the name servers of domain to names servers of my new host.
I know it can take up to 48 hrs for name servers to propagate through internet but it is close to 48hrs and I still have below situation
https://IP of my host -> new website shows up
http:// IP of my host -> websites doesn't show up(the gray sorry! page ....)
www.mywebsite.com -> websites doesn't show up (nothing at all)
I have already flushed my dns so it has nothing to do with cash
I have checked with DNS checker websites. My dns name servers ARE propagated.
IP of name servers and my host IP is also returns positive.
just www.mydomain.com does not return result.
Should I wait more or there is something wrong with server configuration or do I need to reset something on server?
Thanks in advance
Make sure that you have a valid CNAME record set for www.yourdomain.com . If your non-www domain name works fine and the www doesn't , you should set a CNAME record for www.yourdomain.com to resolve to yourdomain.com .

How to have multiple IP address mapped to a single server's files

I have a dedicated linux hosting machine from godaddy. I also have purchased two website domains. Say it is abc.com and xyz.com.
xyz.com is already setup to the server.
I want to get abc.com's traffic to a subfolder of xyz.com but the links must remain as abc.com. i.e abc.com/index.html must be in xyz.com/abc/index.html path. But xyz.com/abc/index.html must return a 404 while abc.com/index.html must return the proper page.
If you are using apache with mod_proxy enabled, configuring a ReverseProxy will do the job. This is an example of the directives to add in abc.com domain's apache configuration:
ProxyPass / http://xyz.com/subfoder
ProxyPassReverse / http://xyz.com/subfolder
These will forward all requests to http://xyz.com/subfoder`
Also have a look to apache's documentation
