How to launch a Firefox OS app on startup - mozilla

Is there some way to launch a Firefox OS app on startup? I originally thought it could be dictated in the app manifest but as far as I know, no such property exists.
Does some event fire when Firefox OS boots up?
Thanks a bunch!

It's not possible yet. Though you might want to file it on Bugzilla as a feature: (


PhpStorm looks for Google Chrome when I set up Firefox

PhpStorm 2021.2.2 on Ubuntu 20.04. I set up a Run Configuration as follow:
But when I launch this Run Configuration I get:
I don't understand why it look for Google Chrome if I selected Firefox as a browser.
Sadly that is correct / no error here.
JavaScript debug is done with Chrome-based browsers only (has been like that for quite some time now).
Debugging of JavaScript code is only supported in Google Chrome and in other Chromium-based browsers.
To debug JavaScript using Firefox you need to use Firefox Remote type of Run/Debug Configuration (need to manually create and use it) and enable Remote Debugging in Firefox in advance. has all the info.
A ticket to watch after:
NOTE: the aforementioned Firefox Remote type of Run/Debug Configuration is no longer present in current 2021.2 version. The last version that has it is 2021.1.
In addition to the above, from
Unfortunately, there's nothing we can offer for debugging in Firefox now :(
We used to support Firefox Remote Debugging (but without source maps) through the Firefox Remote run configuration, but our solution doesn't work in the latest Firefox versions due to changes in the protocol, and there doesn't seem to be an easy way to fix it. We've made some progress recently, but there are still some blocking issues.
Related tickets:

jitsi cannot share certain applications (screensharing)

the problem I'll be describing might be caused by different reasons:
on linux opensuse leap 15.1 gnome (wayland) I can share e.g. mupdf but not evince or libreoffice in chromium jitsi session with screen share application window
another participant on windows tried to share a pdf document using microsoft office 365 and it seemed to show on his browser, but not on the other conference participants' browsers (one chromium on linux as in 1., the other firefox on windows), so he could not share his screen
I could not find any information on this topic using search machines. So I would appreciate if there is any answer on this out there in the community.
Looking forward to solving this ...
PS: on the setup described in 1. also obs studio fails to screencast, maybe there is something related to this system setup causing this problem, some video driver setting e.g.?
This is probably related to Wayland, which has more restrictions than classic Gnome. Since you are having the same issue with OBS this sounds like this a classic Wayland permission issue.
I know they are working on implementing screen sharing support via pipewire but no idea how far this is.
You might try to switch back to Gnome on the X-Server until this is properly implemented.

Node webkit window manager on boot

I have written a node webkit application that also works as a window manager.
I want to achieve the following on Ubuntu on boot:
Bypass Ubuntu loading screen (skip it or customize it)
Start and display my app instead of and before anything else
Is that possible? And if yes how can it be achieved? Thanks.
I take it that you are launching node-webkit in kiosk mode?
To add your app in Ubuntu as apps to start as soon as linux has booted:

Is is possible to package a .app for OS X?

I've read about Packaged Apps and played with the example apps. I can load them into my Chrome Canary, but I can't seem to find a way to build/package a .app for OS X. Is this not possible yet, or am I just missing something?
Previously Google Chrome packaged apps were only for Google Chrome. According to a recent blog post by Sriram Saroop, the product manager for Chromium, there is an available Chrome App Launcher to run Google Chrome packaged apps outside of the browser.
The Chrome App Launcher will be coming "soon" to Mac and Linux.

Android emulator constantly rebooting on Ubuntu Maverick

and thank you for your time.
I am using Titanium Appcelerator to write an app for Android, and as compared to Windows, where the emulator was quite stable, in Linux I get the following symptoms:
emulator restart with no reason, sometimes after a runtime error, sometimes right after launching my app, and sometimes just right after booting completely after being launched
emulator informs that "process $1 is not responding", where $1 is generally the system process, but sometimes may be acore, or the calendar. This may happen while installing my app on the emulator, right after loading it, or right after unlocking the screen.
As it is easy to imagine, testing code like this can be quite difficult, so I was wondering, has anyone else stumbled upon this problem, and/or know how it could be solved?
Thank you very much in advance, and pls let me know of any info I should provide.
You should verify that the emulator is working fine without Appcelerator first. Definitely update to the latest SDK (r8) and create a new emulator AVD and see if the problem is there without Appcelerator.
I think I found a solution, but I don't claim it is universally valid: I just erased the virtual device created under Titanium, changed the project file for it to use SDK 1.4.2, and had it launched again under 1.4.2. It certainly didn't build my app, but at least it created a new virtual device, which I use now to build against 1.5.0, working like a charm so far.
Thanks again Manfred for pointing me in the right direction!
