How do you make a template for screens in ScreenManager? - python-3.x

I was wondering how you make a template for screens in kivy using ScreenManager.
I want to be able to have a template that will create screens with a grid layout in which I can change the background image of the screen and add a label and button to it.
I tried using
text: ctx.title
source: ctx.image
And then using
screen1 = Builder.template('ScreenMenu', title='Hello', image='C:/Users/mmoma_000/Pictures/Wallpapers/aot.png')
But I can't access the screens it makes (if it even successfully makes a screen)
I assume I will need to do something about adding the widgets to screen manager but I'm not sure what that is.
Any help is appreciated, thanks.

Templates are deprecated, don't use them, use dynamic classes instead.
I don't know exactly what your problem is though. Are you using Builder in the kv file or in python?
Of course, you could also solve the problem by just using a normal class.


Questions about Citymaps

1、I want to create a circle and set an image that customized to fill the circle,use this as a marker on the map, not only could change the image but also the color of circle anytime,what can I do to implements this function? Please look at the picture below!
2、Like your CityMaps app show,when I enlarge the map, some business icon that hide are show on the map,which are hide again while shrink the map, How to achieve this effect?
3、After I initialization the Object Marker and called the method marker.setFadeTime(3000),the software give my tips the method is no exist and I see the class but really not find the method,Why is it so?
4、I want to add some stars beside the marker like this:
What can I do to add the stars?the label only can set the text beside the marker.
5、I want to load your maps at the fragment,not the activity that extends FragmentActivity,I found the SupportCitymapsMapFragment is no use,What I can do to complete this requirement?
6、In your apps,it is locate that place after input New York in the search box,What can i do to complete this function whatever i input?
7、During I develop the apps about the Citymaps,I found a serious problem so that your apps had happend too. When I run the apps, the program force flash back all of a sudden and I run your apps Citymaps at this time,the problems are same of the front,I found some error in logical view that is follows:15327-15374/ A/libc﹕ Fatal signal 11 (SIGSEGV) at 0xdeadbaad (code=1), thread 15374 (Thread-1819).
To solve the problem,I must restart my device. Why is it so?
I am a developer on the Citymaps SDK, I will do my best to answer your questions.
1) I recommend using the Android Canvas API to construct the images, and then use a Marker to display it on the map. See the documentation for details:
2) This is built into the Citymaps BusinessLayer. This functionality is not exposed through an API. If you wish to use the Citymaps BusinessLayer, you should create a CitymapsMapView or CitymapsMapFragment/SupportCitymapsMapFragment and it will automatically be added to your map.
3) At this time, there appears to be a known issue with the fadeTime API. Thank you for bringing this to our attention. We will fix it in an upcoming release. For now, you can animate the alpha property of the Marker.
4) Once again, the functionality of the BusinessLayer is not directly exposed. If you wish to create similar markers, I recommend you construct the image using Android's Canvas and then adding it as a Marker to the map.
5) If you wish to load the map inside of a fragment, you can accomplish this using child fragments (check Android documentation for more details). You can also accomplish this by instantiating CitymapsMapView or MapView directly and adding it to your view hierarchy either in XML or in code. However if you do this, remember to call the lifecycle methods on your map instance, or else the map will not behave properly.
6) If you wish to have a search in your app, it is up to you to implement this feature. We do not currently provide a search API out of the box.
7) Thank you for the bug report. We will investigate this issue and fix it in a future release.
If you have any more questions, feel free to ask, and thank you for using the Citymaps SDK.

Form into a form with Tizen

I started using Tizen SDK to develop a native app. And I have to make a form into a form. Actually, it works, but I've some bugs with it. I mean, the footer bar is bugged, when I click on an item from the footer. The app crash immediatly...
Do you know how to resolve it ?
I don't think it a good choice to make a Form into a Form. If you want reuse UI form, it's better to use Panel instead.
Here is description of Panel from dev guide.
Tizen::Ui::Controls::Panel class is a general rectangular container that you can use to group UI controls, or even other panels. Panels can be used to create a custom background for a defined area, or for organizing and aligning UI controls. However, by default, the look-and-feel of a panel does not differ from its surrounding Tizen::Ui::Controls::Form control.

Create Custom view in Android

I need to create a Custom view in android which will have dynamic text like price, address etc. and also an ImageView inside it as shown in the image below. I tried to find google some tutorial for custom view but didn't find something satisfactory to do all these things. I also need to use onClick event on this view. Please guys, some code would be of great help. I'm a novice to android. I read google tutorial to create custom view but couldn't implement this.
Thanks for attention.
This is called Custom Overlay for MapView.
You can check example and implement as per your requirement - Android MapView Balloons
You can use FrameLayouts. It is very simple to use. FrameLayout can add several views on top of each other. It creates a stack of the views. Just add whatever views you want to inside FrameLayout and use the property setVisibility() to control when to show which view.

OrchardCMS - Can't find correct alternative to render widget

I'm trying to add a image carousel to my CMS site and in the process learn about Alternatives.
I've go the following content types
BannerImage (TextField and a MediaPicker field)
ImageGallery (Container)
I've created a bunch of images, added them as 'Containables' to a new ImageGallery and
I then create a widget, put it in BeforeContent and it renders as an ugly list (default rendering)
I have been able to customize the images by using the alternative Content-BannerImage.Summary.cshtml, sweet.. so far so good.
BUT I'm not able to customize the rendering of the ImageGallery at all. The alternative
Content-ImageGallery.Summary.cshtml or .Detail or even Widget-Container.cshtml do not work at all.
The alternative that IS being used is Widget.Wrapper.cshtml which came with the theme I'm using. I'm not able to find the correct alternative so I can prevent the ImageGallery from rendering it's name/title (which it does by default from the Widget.Wrapper.cshtml alternative.
Any help is greatly appreciated and before it's mentioned... I've read which is a great doco, but I'm too dumb to figure it out :)
To create an alternate (not alternative) for a widget, you first have to activate the Widget Alternates module.
Once you have done so, create your widget, and activate the Shape Tracing module. Go to the page where the widget appears, click on the shape tracing button on the bottom right corner to show the shape tracing and select your widget.
You should now see a list of possible alternates for your widget. Select one and click the link to create it. Now you just have to edit it to your taste.
Depending on how the image gallery module you're using is working, the shape that you need to override to render the list of images. It is probably the List shape that you need to change. This article should give you a good starting point:

How can a graphic be placed in the OneUI .lotusBanner area using the Application Layout Control

I am using the Extension Libraries Application Layout Control and need to have a banner graphic placed in the .lotusBanner div on the right. How can this be done as it seems that the Application Layout Control can't be modified.
You could use the utilityLinksFacet on the extended control that Steve Pridemore did.
or you could use onload javascript to add it.
I was able to place a graphic in the upper right of the Application Layout Control in the Banner area by doing the following:
In the control under the Banner > Utility links I added a Basic node. For the node I specified the href and image. This worked and placed the image n the correct spot.
Artifacts of this were the location of the Banner Application links. To remedy this I used some CSS for the .lotusBanner ul.lotusLinks {margin-top: 45px;position:absolute;}
The margin-top was to push the links down so I could enlarge the logo that is used by the Application Layout Control.
The applicationLayout control in ExtLib is, as you have found out, locked down to only allow certain aspects of the configuration to be changed by the developer. You can add links to different sections of the applicationLayout but nothing beyond that.
One possible alternative is to NOT use the applictionLayout control itself but create your own approximation of it in a custom control, You would need to add all the necessary panels/divs with the special oneUI2 classes in all the correct places and then add editable areas and callbacks within these panels for the parts that you would want to customize throughout the application. All of the other sections in the applicationLayout control, like the bannerUtilityLinks are created using the ListofLinks control that is also found in the Extension Library.
