There appears to be a bug in VS 2012 with respect to data-bind attributes in .cshtml files and I'm wondering if anyone knows of a fix or workaround for this. I've verified that my co-workers experience the same issue, so I assume everyone does, but I can't find any reference to it (and I may just not be able to come up with a good enough set of search terms).
To reproduce the issue, take this text:
<input type="text" data-bind="value: myValue" />
and paste that into a cshtml file on an empty line twice. When you paste the second one, it adds 4 spaces to the data-bind and it looks like this:
<input type="text" data-bind=" value: myValue" />
It happens under various conditions (always seems to be pasting related). It's very frustrating to have to run around and then clean out all the spaces.
Does anyone know of a fix for this issue in VS2012 (VS2013 isn't a solution or us right now).
The only workable solution I've found so far is to disable Knockout support in intellisense (which I don't miss because I didn't realize it was there to begin with and all it does, as far as I can tell, is mess up my data-bind strings).
To disable it, I added the following RegEdit key:
[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\VisualStudio\11.0\HTML Editor]
I will not accept this answer, but post it here to inform others. I'll leave the answer unaccepted in the hope that someone will have a better solution at a later time.
I discovered this solution in an MSDN blog post.
I just got Dreamweaver CC and the color coding is not working what-so-ever. I've already done the following:
I tried to put checkmark by "Syntax Coloring"under the View menu, but it will not let me check it. It's not grayed out; it just won't let me check it.
I downloaded a new Color xml file,and placed it in the Configurations folder.
I tried changing the colors around in a file in the Preference menu, but it won't apply the colors.
I deleted the Configurations folder so it will reset to default, but nothing.
You guys are my last resort. If I can't get it to work I will have to re-install the entire program. Any suggestions?
Honestly, your best bet after going through all of those steps would be to, unfortunately, utilize your final option of re-installing Dreamweaver CC. Sorry if this isn't the answer you were expecting but that's what I would do at this point. Good luck!
I figured it out; and, I'm posting the solution to my own problem so readers won't endure as much suffering as I did trying to find the solution to this problem. This little bitty tinny issue made my life miserable for several days. Anyway, look below for the answer:
I had my HP Envy laptop running Win 8.1 color displayed set to high contrast. Big mistake! I changed it back to display colors and my problem was solved.
This is really frustrating, I am using Visual Studio 2012 for C++ for a project, and it worked fine for a while. Then out of the blue, it started having problems.
The build function does not update the project anymore. I need to do a REBUILD every time I modify anything in my project.
I have looked all over for a solution, but none helped. First of all, I didn't change any settings, but I looked anyway. Tools/Options/Build&Run, Project/Config Manager, you name it I have checked it. It doesn't look like it's a settings problem.
Another thing though, on other forums, I have read that this MIGHT be because of a bad include, that the file included is not there anymore, or something like that. But that is not possible either since I didn't delete any file from the project. But, this problem seems more plausible since, the project at a much earlier stage, had less includes, and it still works.
So, can you help me solve this problem? It is really annoying since most of the solutions out there are NOT working!
Whenever I have run into an issue like this it is usually something like missing project dependencies. You may want to take a look at "Build Solution" not working in Visual C++ anymore. If you are able to share your solution someone may be able to take a look at it.
I've had this issue several times and usually I can just shut down the program and restart it. But this time I have a bunch of windows open and I don't want to restart Dreamweaver.
My problem is that Dreamweaver brought up a code hint, but the code hint box now won't go away. It just sits there floating in the middle of the page. It doesn't matter if I click to Preview or any other tab in Dreamweaver, it still just sits on top of everything.
I'm working on a Mac, Dreamweaver CC (cloud, fully updated). Anyone else have this problem???
This has been a HUGE PAIN for me as well! You can make the code hint disappear though by finishing out an element that is in the code hint box. For instance if the code hint box appears and you can see class in the drop down... create a <div class="xyz"> real quick and the code hit box will dissipate after you close the quotes on the class because you used an element in that box. As to why this continually happens on the Mac version I have no idea, but I hope they fix it soon!
It's a known bug since years as you can read here:
Someone suggests as a workaround to set the Coding Hint delay to 0 (as said here: but for me, in Dreamweaver CC 2015 Windows fully updated via cloud app, this bug still occurs while I code JS files.
Awaiting for a final fix, I hope this suggestion can be useful for you on Mac. :)
So I have the typescript extension installed and I can see the new project type ("HTML App with TypeScript" and the ".ts" file type). Everything seems to work (compilation, error highlighting etc.) but I am not able to get IntelliSense to work correctly.
Hovering over a parameter displays its type but code completion and "list members" do not work. Doesn't matter if I press Strg + Space or select List Members from the menu, nothing happens.
I tried to disable/enable "auto list members" in the options, I even reset all the options.
IntelliSense works fine in C# projects and it even works fine in the .js file that is generated.
This is a wicked little Visual Studio issue. You need the leading "<" for this to work.
WRONG way to add a .ts reference:
/// reference path="myOtherFile.ts" />
RIGHT way:
/// <reference path="myOtherFile.ts" />
VS 2012 drops in the WRONG text when you drag a file from the solution explorer tree into a text file. Easily fixed but hard to notice the problem in the first place.
I'm a bit embarrassed on this one, but after about 4 hours of uninstalling/re-installing, re-booting etc... I looked at the references and noticed something strange:
When I drag a .d.ts (or any .ts file for that manner) I get this:
/// reference path="jquery.d.ts" />
Which is incorrect. Notice that this is an XML-comment and needs an opening tag <. I changed to the this:
/// <reference path="jquery.d.ts" />
And suddenly everything started working great.
This is very odd. Can you post some examples of places where you'd expect the completion list to show up, but it doesn't?
Just a sanity check, you don't see any members after typing the dot here?
var n = 3;
If that doesn't work, please do file a bug on the CodePlex project.
The issue to my problem was disabling Typescript Intellisense in Resharper. See this blog
I had the same problem, and after an Internet search found this stackoverflow question.
But then my box crashed I restarted my OS and then IntelliSense started to work.
My answer was to restart OS as well as VS2012.
This problem can be caused by the MySQL Visual Studio extension. Try uninstalling it and see if the problem is still there.
I'm using Dreamweaver CS4 on a Mac running OS 10.6.2 and I am experiencing issues with code hinting.
Two of my issues are:
Closing tags are not being generated after creating the open tag in the preferences I have selected. This should happen after typing the open tag's >.
Attributes/functions associated with tags are not displayed after opening one, for example: If I type <div and then start to type an attribute of a div tag, such as class, nothing is suggested.
I've already gone through the settings several times to no avail.
Can anyone offer any suggestions?
Thank you for your time.
I guess this is a bit old, but for reference, I wrote a post about this a while ago, I came across exactly the same issue: