How can I find out which (concrete) types satisfy a set of typeclass constraints? - haskell

Given a number of typeclass constraints:
{-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds, MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
import Data.Array.Unboxed(Ix,IArray,UArray)
type IntLike a = (Ord a, Num a, Enum a, Show a, Ix a, IArray UArray a)
How can I find out which types satisfy IntLike, i.e. all the mentioned constraints jointly?
I can puzzle together the information needed from the output of ghci's :info command, and then doublecheck my work by calling (or having ghci typecheck)
isIntLike :: IntLike -> Bool
isIntLike = const True
at various types, e.g. isIntLike (3::Int).
Is there a way to get ghci to do this for me?
I'm currently interested in concrete types, but wouldn't mind having a more general solution which also does clever stuff with unifying contexts!

Community Wiki answer based on the comments:
You can do this using template haskell.
main = print $(reify ''Show >>= stringE . show).
This won't work for type synonyms - rather, reify returns the AST representing the type synonym itself, without expanding it. You can check for type synonyms which are constraints, extract the constraints of which that type synonym consists, and continue reifying those.


When should TypeApplications be preferred over simple :: signatures or ScopedTypeVariables?

Considering this simple example of ambiguous type inference:
#! /usr/bin/env stack
{- stack runghc -}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-}
main :: IO ()
main = do
-- This will fail to compile without additional type info
-- let w = read "22"
-- print w
-- My go-to for this is type signatures in the expressions
let x = read "33" :: Integer
print x
-- Another possibility is ScopedtypeVariables
let y :: Integer = read "44"
print y
-- How does TypeApplications differ from the code above? When should this be chosen instead?
let z = read #Integer "55"
print z
My question is, in cases like this, is there an advantage to using TypeApplications?
In almost all cases, it is an aesthetic choice only. I make the following additional comments for your consideration:
In all cases, if a thing typechecks with some collection of type signatures, there is a corresponding collection of type applications that also causes that term to typecheck (and with the same choices of instance dictionaries, etc.).
In cases where either a signature or an application can be used, the code produced by GHC will be identical.
Some ambiguous types cannot be resolved via signatures, and type applications must be used. For example, foo :: (Monoid a, Monoid b) => b cannot be given a type signature that determines a. (This bullet motivates the "almost" in the first sentence of this answer. No other bullet motivates the "almost".)
Type applications are frequently syntactically lighter than type signatures. For example, when the type is long, or a type variable is mentioned several times. Some comparisons:
showsPrec :: Int -> Bool -> String -> String
showsPrec #Bool
sortOn :: Ord b => (Int -> b) -> [Int] -> [Int]
sortOn #Int
Sometimes it is possible to shuffle the type signature around to a different subterm so that you need only give a short signature with little repetition. But then again... sometimes not.
Sometimes, the signature or application is intended to convey some information to the reader or encourage a certain way of thinking about a piece of code (i.e. is not strictly for compiler consumption). If part of that information involves attaching the annotation in a specific code location, your options may be somewhat constrained.

Why is impredicative polymorphism allowed only for functions in Haskell?

In Haskell I can't write
f :: [forall a. a -> a]
f = [id]
• Illegal polymorphic type: forall a. a -> a
GHC doesn't yet support impredicative polymorphism
But I can happily do
f :: (forall a. a -> a) -> (a, b) -> (a, b)
f i (x, y) = (i x, i y)
So as I see GHC does support impredicative polymorphism which is contradict to the error message above. Why is the (->) type constructor treated specially in this case? What prevents GHC from having this feature generalized over all datatypes?
Higher-rank polymorphism is a special case of impredicative polymorphism, where the type constructor is (->) instead of any arbitrary constructor like [].
The basic problems with impredicativity are that it makes type checking hard and type inference impossible in the general case—and indeed we can’t infer types of a higher rank than 2: you have to provide a type annotation. This is the ostensible reason for the existence of the Rank2Types extension separate from RankNTypes, although in GHC they’re synonymous.
However, for the restricted case of (->), there are simplified algorithms for checking these types and doing the necessary amount of inference along the way for the programmer’s convenience, such as Complete and Easy Bidirectional Type Checking for Higher-rank Polymorphism—compare that to the complexity of Boxy Types: Inference for Higher-rank Types and Impredicativity.
The actual reasons in GHC are partly historical: there had been an ImpredicativeTypes extension, which was deprecated because it never worked properly or ergonomically. Part of the problem was that we didn’t yet have the TypeApplications extension, so there was no convenient way to explicitly supply a polymorphic type as a type argument, and the compiler attempted to do more inference than it ought to. In GHC 9.2, ImpredicativeTypes has come out of retirement, thanks to GHC proposal 274 and an algorithm, Quick Look, that infers a predictable subset of impredicative types.
In the absence of ImpredicativeTypes, there have been alternatives for a while: with RankNTypes, you can “hide” other forms of impredicativity by wrapping the polymorphic type in a newtype and explicitly packing & unpacking it to tell the compiler exactly where you want to generalise and instantiate type variables.
newtype Id = Id { unId :: forall a. a -> a }
f :: [Id]
f = [Id id] -- generalise
(unId (head f) (), unId (head f) 'x') -- instantiate to () and Char

On inferring fmap for ADTs

Suppose that two new types are defined like this
type MyProductType a = (FType1 a, FType2 a)
type MyCoproductType a = Either (FType1 a) (FType2 a)
...and that FType1 and Ftype2 are both instances of Functor.
If one now were to declare MyProductType and MyCoproductType as instances of Functor, would the compiler require explicit definitions for their respective fmap's, or can it infer these definitions from the previous ones?
Also, is the answer to this question implementation-dependent, or does it follow from the Haskell spec?
By way of background, this question was motivated by trying to make sense of a remark in something I'm reading. The author first defines
type Writer a = (a, String)
...and later writes (my emphasis)
...the Writer type constructor is functorial in a. We don't even have to implement fmap for it, because it's just a simple product type.
The emphasized text is the remark I'm trying to make sense of. I thought it meant that Haskell could infer fmap's for any ADT based on functorial types, and, in particular, it could infer the fmap for a "simple product type" like Writer, but now I think this interpretation is not right (at least if I'm reading Ørjan Johansen's answer correctly).
As for what the author meant by that sentence, now I really have no clue. Maybe all he meant is that it's not worth the trouble to re-define Writer in such a way that its functoriality can be made explicit, since it's such a "simple ... type". (Grasping at straws here.)
First, you cannot generally define new instances for type synonyms, especially not partially applied ones as you would need in your case. I think you meant to define a newtype or data instead:
newtype MyProductType a = MP (FType1 a, FType2 a)
newtype MyCoproductType a = MC (Either (FType1 a) (FType2 a))
Standard Haskell says nothing about deriving Functor automatically at all, that is only possible with GHC's DeriveFunctor extension. (Or sometimes GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving, but that doesn't apply in your examples because you're not using a just as the last argument inside the constructor.)
So let's try that:
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor #-}
data FType1 a = FType1 a deriving Functor
data FType2 a = FType2 a deriving Functor
newtype MyProductType a = MP (FType1 a, FType2 a) deriving Functor
newtype MyCoproductType a = MC (Either (FType1 a) (FType2 a)) deriving Functor
We get the error message:
Can't make a derived instance of ‘Functor MyCoproductType’:
Constructor ‘MC’ must use the type variable only as the last argument of a data type
In the newtype declaration for ‘MyCoproductType’
It turns out that GHC can derive the first three, but not the last one. I believe the third one only works because tuples are special cased. Either doesn't work though, because GHC doesn't keep any special knowledge about how Either treats its first argument. It's nominally a mathematical functor in that argument, but not a Haskell Functor.
Note that GHC is smarter about using variables only as last argument of types known to be Functors. The following works fine:
newtype MyWrappedType a = MW (Either (FType1 Int) (FType2 (Maybe a))) deriving Functor
So to sum up: It depends, GHC has an extension for this but it's not always smart enough to do what you want.

Resolving type ambiguities using available class instances

Given the following code:
import Data.Word
data T = T deriving (Eq, Show)
class C a where f :: a -> ()
instance C T where f _ = ()
instance C Word16 where f _ = ()
main = return $ f 0x16
GHC complains that it can't infer what the type for the literal 0x16 should be with the error:
No instance for (Num a0) arising from the literal ‘22’
The type variable ‘a0’ is ambiguous
It is easy to see why this would be -- Haskell allows numeric literals to be of any type which has an instance of Num, and here we can't disambiguate what the type for the literal 0x16 (or 22) should be.
It's also clear as a human reading this what I intended to do -- there is only one available instance of the class C which satisfies the Num constraint, so obviously I intended to use that one so 0x16 should be treated as a Word16.
There are two ways that I know to fix it: Either annotate the literal with its type:
main = return $ f (0x16 :: Word16)
or define a function which essentially does that annotation for you:
w16 x = x :: Word16
main = return $ f (w16 0x16)
I have tried a third way, sticking default (Word16) at the top of the file in the hope that Haskell would pick that as the default type for numeric literals, but I guess I'm misunderstanding what the default keyword is supposed to do because that didn't work.
I understand that typeclasses are open, so just because you can make the assumption in the context quoted above that Word16 is the only numeric instance of C that may not hold in some other module. But my question is: is there some mechanism by which I can assume/enforce that property, so that it is possible to use f and have Haskell resolve the type of its numeric argument to Word16 without explicit annotations at the call site?
The context is that I am implementing an EDSL, and I would rather not have to include manual type hints when I know that my parameters will either be Word16 or some other non-numeric type. I am open to a bit of dirty types/extensions abuse if it makes the EDSL feel more natural! Although if solutions do involve the naughty pragmas I'd definitely appreciate hints on what I should be wary about when using them.
Quick solution with "naughty pragmas" with GHC 7.10:
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies, FlexibleInstances #-}
class C a where f :: a -> ()
instance C T where f _ = ()
instance {-# INCOHERENT #-} (w ~ Word16) => C w where f _ = ()
And with GHC 7.8:
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies, FlexibleInstances, IncoherentInstances #-}
class C a where f :: a -> ()
instance C T where f _ = ()
instance (w ~ Word16) => C w where f _ = ()
Here, GHC essentially picks an arbitrary most specific instance that remains after trying to unify the instances heads and constraints.
You should only use this if
You have a fixed set of instances and don't export the class.
For all use cases of the class method, there is a single possible most specific instance (given the constraints).
Many people advise against ever using IncoherentInstances, but I think it can be quite fun for DSL-s, if we observe the above considerations.
For anybody else wondering about default (I know I was!)
Quoting section 4.3.4:
In situations where an ambiguous type is discovered, an ambiguous type variable, v, is defaultable if:
v appears only in constraints of the form C v, where C is a class, and
at least one of these classes is a numeric class, (that is, Num or a subclass of Num), and
all of these classes are defined in the Prelude or a standard library.
So that explains why your default clause is being completely ignored; C is not a standard library type-class.
(As to why this is the rule… can't help you there. Presumably to avoid breaking arbitrary user-defined code.)

List of existentially quantified values in Haskell

I'm wondering why this piece of code doesn't type-check:
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables, Rank2Types, RankNTypes #-}
{-# OPTIONS -fglasgow-exts #-}
module Main where
foo :: [forall a. a]
foo = [1]
ghc complains:
Could not deduce (Num a) from the context ()
arising from the literal `1' at exist5.hs:7:7
Given that:
Prelude> :t 1
1 :: (Num t) => t
it seems that the (Num t) context can't match the () context of arg. The point I can't understand is that since () is more general than (Num t), the latter should and inclusion of the former. Has this anything to do with lack of Haskell support for sub-typing?
Thank you for any comment on this.
You're not using existential quantification here. You're using rank N types.
Here [forall a. a] means that every element must have every possible type (not any, every). So [undefined, undefined] would be a valid list of that type and that's basically it.
To expand on that a bit: if a list has type [forall a. a] that means that all the elements have type forall a. a. That means that any function that takes any kind of argument, can take an element of that list as argument. This is no longer true if you put in an element which has a more specific type than forall a. a, so you can't.
To get a list which can contain any type, you need to define your own list type with existential quantification. Like so:
data MyList = Nil | forall a. Cons a MyList
foo :: MyList
foo = Cons 1 Nil
Of course unless you restrain element types to at least instantiate Show, you can't do anything with a list of that type.
First, your example doesn't even get that far with me for the current GHC, because you need to enable ImpredecativeTypes as well. Doing so results in a warning that ImpredicativeTypes will be simplified or removed in the next GHC. So we're not in good territory here. Nonetheless, adding the proper Num constraint (foo :: [forall a. Num a => a]) does allow your example to compile.
Let's leave aside impredicative types and look at a simpler example:
data Foo = Foo (forall a. a)
foo = Foo 1
This also doesn't compile with the error Could not deduce (Num a) from the context ().
Why? Well, the type promises that you're going to give the Foo constructor something with the quality that for any type a, it produces an a. The only thing that satisfies this is bottom. An integer literal, on the other hand, promises that for any type a that is of class Num it produces an a. So the types are clearly incompatible. We can however pull the forall a bit further out, to get what you probably want:
data Foo = forall a. Foo a
foo = Foo 1
So that compiles. But what can we do with it? Well, let's try to define an extractor function:
unFoo (Foo x) = x
Oops! Quantified type variable 'a' escapes. So we can define that, but we can't do much interesting with it. If we gave a class context, then we could at least use some of the class functions on it.
There is a time and place for existentials, including ones without class context, but its fairly rare, especially when you're getting started. When you do end up using them, often it will be in the context of GADTs, which are a superset of existential types, but in which the way that existentials arise feels quite natural.
Because the declaration [forall a. a] is (in meaning) the equivalent of saying, "I have a list, and if you (i.e. the computer) pick a type, I guarantee that the elements of said list will be that type."
The compiler is "calling your bluff", so-to-speak, by complaining, "I 'know' that if you give me a 1, that its type is in the Num class, but you said that I could pick any type I wanted to for that list."
Basically, you're trying to use the value of a universal type as if it were the type of a universal value. Those aren't the same thing, though.
