Add two columns in Excel Pivot Table - excel

I'm running into a bit of a problem which I'm guessing there exists an easy solution to which I've overlooked.
I'm trying to add a column to a pivot table that is the sum of two other columns in the pivot table. All of the documentation that I've seen has told me how to make a calculated field based on the columns in the original data set.
I've added a column to the right of my pivot table that does exactly what I want - summing columns B and C in the pivot table:
Unfortunately this column is not considered as part of the pivot table so pivot charts do not include it.
There HAS to be an easy solution to this that I'm overlooking. Does anyone know what I'm doing wrong?
Best regards,


Hide the helper field for sorting in a pivot table

I have a table in B4:D8. I would like to create a pivot table on it, and sort the people by descending order of NoteA then descending order of NoteB.
As we can only apply one sort condition in a pivot table (correct me if i'm wrong), I need to define a field SortIndex=NoteA*1000+NoteB, then sort the pivot table by descending order of SortIndex.
The data is indeed sorted, but one disadvantage of this approach is that it seems that we have to show Sum of SortIndex in the pivot table.
Is it possible to not show it?
One way to "not show" the SortIndex is to
rename the Sum of SortIndex column in Pivot Table to (i.e., blank space)
and then use a "Custom Format" to make it look like there is no data in the column - use ;;; as the custom Number format of the column.
There is a similar question asked in the following link.
Maybe this workaround can help you out.
First, instead of using a calculated field on your pivot table, add it to your data source.
I added a column named RANK with this formula:
Second step would be creating your Pivot Table, which will order from A-Z by default, so you need to take fields RANK and NAME into fields section and then NOTEA, NOTEB into values section:
Now just hide column rank. It will be there and Pivot Table will be sorted properly because it's the first column and you can hide it and work easier.
I know hidding is dirty but could help you out in this case because you are hidding the FIRST column of your data so it not should be a problem to work with it:
Please, nothe this will work only if there is no name with same NoteA and NoteB. In case there could be duplicates, you need to update the formula at RANK field. You could add the name, or other criteria as you wish.

Is there a way to do a sum of columns in an Excel pivot table with a calculated field greyed out? (It contains distincts values fields)

I have a pivot table with distincts value. Short story it was needed for manual adjustment of quantity and also I have no access to Power Pivot.
Is there a way to sum columns inside the pivot table? I have to sort and filter by supplier and adding column with formula outside of the pivot table would not make it all follow when filter or sort.
Please see below image

Excel: Pivot Table Filtering Using VBA/Slicer?

Gold star for whoever solves this! :)
I have a pivot table that has data from various attributes attached to unique ID numbers from an OLAP cube report. When I select ID# as a pivot field and all the corresponding attributes ie: Name,age,etc I end up getting about 10k ID's with 10k corresponding attribute values. I have a list of 3k ID#'s which I want to filter my report by. What is the best way to do this?
Simple example: Pivot table displays ID# 1,2,3,4,5 and corresponding attributes such as name,age,etc
I want to filter ID#'s from a column of values I have in another worksheet for example the column in other worksheet would have ID#'s 1,2,3 (Which in theory would omit values 4 and 5 from pivot)
(Keep in mind I am dealing with thousands of rows this example is made simple just for explanation)
I thought a VBA slicer combo might work, but I have no clue how to set up a slicer so when it is created it has only values selected from a column of values.
In my example VBA slicer will have ID#'s 1,2,3 selected upon creation or an easy way to select multiple ID#s from a list or something as I can't feasibly click through 3k values
Possible Solutions I Brainstormed
I was also thinking maybe just a VLOOKUP or something that will pull ID#'s against the column and also bring all corresponding attributes? The thing is I like the cube report being dynamic and updating with the slicer.
I then also thought to create a slicer based off of another pivot table which is composed simply of a header of ID#'s and lists ID# 1,2,3 I created in another worksheet and try and use that simple slicer against the OLAP cube, but the issue is the slicers have different connections and they can't overlap. :(
Any and all help is much appreciated!!! :)

Excel Pivot Table - How to retrieve value of cell in Rows section

I have some raw data as shown below.
I created a Pivot Table for it, mainly just for formatting purposes (the ability to nicely group and expand the sub-items). The Pivot Table is shown below.
I need to display the LastUsageTime for each of the items (UsageName) listed in the Pivot Table. It is simply a lookup of the LastUsageTime column from the Raw Data.
From my research so far, it looks like I have to use Index+Match to do the lookup to match all 3 columns (TPC, TeamProjectName, UsageName). Something like:
{=INDEX('Raw Data'!A2:E2000,MATCH(1,('Raw Data'!A2:A2000=???????)*('Raw Data'!B2:B2000=??????)*('Raw Data'!C2:C2000=A6),0),5)}
However, I don't know what to use to retrieve the TPC and TeamProjectName of each UsageName in the Pivot Table.
I hope this makes sense, and thanks for any help!
For the sake of an answer:
Process your LastUsedTime data into what is recognised by Excel as Date/Time and then add a field to your PivotTable for Σ VALUES Max of LastUsageTime (or Max of ... whatever the column of adjusted LastUsageTime data is labelled).

Excel 2007 Pivot Tables Custom calculation?

Again I'm wrestling with Excel 2007! I have some data I'm using to generate a Pivot Table and I'd like to divide all of the data by 1000...
I know I could go in and change the original data by hand but I'd much rather have a formula in the Pivot table itself that does this for me.
Any thoughts?
ps: You guys are awesome!
Create your pivot table, then in the Pivot Table options select Formulas/Insert Calculated Field. Assuming your data field is named MonthlySum then the formulat would be =MonthlySum/1000. Change the name of the Calculated Field as desired. The newly named calculated field will now be available to add to the values in your Pivot Table. As a side note you cannot use calculated fields as row labels.
