How to ignore specific errors from the New Relic Dashboard - node.js

My application is a web server that fires many requests to other servers. We set up a maximum timeout on those requests, and whenever the timeout is reached, the connection is closed and a ESOCKETTIMEDOUT rises.
Error: socket hang up
at createHangUpError (http.js:1472:15)
at Socket.socketCloseListener (http.js:1522:23)
at Socket.EventEmitter.emit (events.js:117:20)
at TCP.close (net.js:465:12)
I want to exclude these errors from the New Relic Dashboard, since they distort the error rate and other metrics. Hiding them doesn't work either, because they still count in the error rate.
How can remove specific errors (that do not have a HTTP status code) from my Dashboard?

You can pass status codes to ignore to the error collector. If you are configuring the New Relic agent using environment variables you can use a comma separated list of codes as the value for NEW_RELIC_ERROR_COLLECTOR_IGNORE_ERROR_CODES.
See the README.
If you are using newrelic.js to do so you can set the error_collector.ignore_codes value to an Array of status codes to ignore:
See the example config.
Important caveat: when setting this value manually you are overriding the default value of 404 which means that if you do not specify 404 in your manual configuration the Error Collector will start logging all 404 errors in your application (which you probably do not want).

I noticed you have javascript, I'm not sure if my solution can help you but I'll answer in the hope it does.
I use Java agent, and we have the same kind of problem. So far the only way that I found that can do something near what I want is having the specific errors wrapped in a dedicated exception ("NewRelicIgnorableException") and wrap whatever error I don't want to see in it.
Then I'd have to go into the dashboard/application and select "error collection". Last, I'd fill in the "Ignore these errors" with the full package name AND exception class name, like com.mypackage.NewRelicIgnorableException. Save and enjoy. These particular errors should not impact your apdex, but they will still count towards RPM and other metrics.
Other solutions have drawbacks. For example if I call ignoreexception the RPM and time metrics will not count. If you click the "hide error" button you only hide them from the error panel, but everything else will be as usual. If you ignore by status code you can get more or less the same results as ignoring the specific exception, but without any hope for fine control.
It's a pity that there's so little documentation on their site, I had to run tests to find these out.


What is Comunication Failure in Shopware 5?

when creating new theme there's error occurred.
0 - Communication Failure
Why this happen? could you please help me?
This usually happens due to a timeout that occurs when the Theme-controller tries to read the Theme's configuration for the first time. Unfortunately, this is quite a resource-heavy process; on weaker servers, timeouts may occur during this process quite often.
You can confirm this by opening the Theme-Manager, opening your browser's developer tools, refreshing the Theme overview and look at the response of the backend/Themes/list-Request.
You can give your server more time with the php-function set_time_limit. In engine/Shopware/Components/Theme/Installer.php, in the synchronize-method, prepend set_time_limit(0):
public function synchronize()
Alternatively, prepend set_time_limit(0); to your shopware.php file, but don't forget to remove it again once the theme-overview loaded successfully.

Unable to find response container for <UUID>

I see this error in a Liferay log file:
INFO [Incoming-1,liferay-channel-control,FOO03-38099][ClusterRequestReceiver:250]
Unable to find response container for b62ef2ea-00c6-11e8-ba89-0ed5f89f718b
When searching the Internet, there are only 7 results, mostly source code, plus 2 Liferay issues that seem to ignore the message.
My question:
What does this message mean really?
Can I safely ignore it?
The context you're describing doesn't contain a lot of hints as to when this is occuring. Due to the location of the code deep within clustering, it's quite abstract.
Based on the fact that
it's not an ERROR but an INFO
The comment on LPS-56376: "Has no real impact to system other than info level log messages stating: Unable to find response container for:... from ClusterRequestReceiver"
The title of LPS-56376: "ClusterableAdvice is not flagging methods that return void as "fire and forget""
and without deeper analysis, I'd ignore this message.

SailJs is Deleting Data from pg database

Something strange is happening with my app, I am using SailsJs with official PostgreSQL driver and my data gets deleted. I don't have any pattern or list of specific events which deletes the data but I have following observations.
Few days back i was writing a function to destroy data and when I
executed that function it gave me an error I fixed the error and ran
my web app again and whoa data from one of my table was all gone.
Yesterday i wrote a function and I tried to get the HTTP call to that
function but it was giving me 500 server error, I started debugging it
and after executing my program 3 to 4 times with this error partial
data was deleted from one of my database table. Later the error was i
had a typo in URL.
If any of you guys had any experience with what is happening to me please let me know how to fix it? or at least help me on how to reproduce this issue ?
I activated the logs and was waiting for it to happen again and it happened again and here is the log from sailsjs
In the logs I saw that its talking about alter.js sync strategy but i have selected it to be the safe strategy
It has happened to me quite a few times, when lifting the app and it is in the process of making changes to the db and it fails, sometimes due to ORM timeout.
What sails do when its lifting and needs to update the data structure is controlled in config/models.js migrate: 'alter', usually commented out, you get a prompt for what to do 1... 2... 3... (writing from the top of my head, i dont remember the actual messages) and a warning about using alter on a production system.
config/orm.js to have this
// config/orm.js
module.exports.orm = {
_hookTimeout: 60000 // I used 60 seconds as my new timeout
And for reasons I don't know changing config/pubsub.js
// config/pubsub.js
module.exports.pubsub = {
_hookTimeout: 60000 // I used 60 seconds as my new timeout
has helped me, avoid data loss.

How to handle exceptions thrown in Isolates?

I'm experimenting with Dart and using the new streamSpawnFunction to create a new isolate.
I'm running my code in Dartium but i've noticed that if some kind of unrecoverable error occurs in the isolate i get no error message on the console. Because breakpoints in Isolate code are not working debugging is really painful.
The old Port based Isolate spawn function (spawnFunction) has a callback function for handling errors. I wonder why this is not available with streamSpawnFunction. Is there a new way to subscribe to the error events of an Isolate?
The missing functionality of streamSpawnFunction is just an oversight. I filed and I will try to fix it next week.
I'm not sure if it is a known problem that breakpoints don't work in isolates. I will let you file a bug-report ( so the devs can ask you questions and you are kept informed on the process.

Quicklfix related question(FIX::Application)

I am trying to use FIX::Application along with SessionSettings.
The Fix server I am trying to connect to does not see any incoming connection. From my side I see a Logon Message being formulated in toAdmin() callback(which I print out and add certain fields to.
The Question is
1. Do I need to call some form of sendTarget in toAdmin?(I tried that but get a Session not found error)
2. Is there anyway I can increase logging(start logging whats going on under the hood).
Firstly the sendTOTarget need not be called in the toAdmin.
As far as logging goes, what i hear is passing th in FIX::LogFactory should be enough.
