Git Install Script How to enter shell command - linux

This is more of a git related question than openshift.
When I push files to the git server using git, I see that the file permissions of my perl index.cgi file gets changed to 700 in my openshift repo.
Hence every time I do a push, I have to log in to the server using ssh and do a chmod a+x index.cgi in my $OPENSHIFT_REPO_DIR to change it to 755.
I read in the git documentation it is possible to add a hook and I tried updating the post update script in the hooks directory with the following command
exec chmod a+x $OPENSHIFT_DATA_DIR/index.cgi
However that does not seemed to have worked.
Can you please tell me what I am doing wrong ?
How can I ensure I don't have to make the chmod change every time I push files ?
How does one execute shell commands via the git install script (I don't know what is install script, I assume it means the hooks)
based on a below suggestion i thought i would need to add the hook to the server so i tried it but i got an error
$ git add .git/hooks/post-update
error: Invalid path '.git/hooks/post-update'
error: unable to add .git/hooks/post-update to index
so i tried some options using action hooks by placing a "start" in the local .openshift/action_hooks directory.
The command there ive tried to use was
exec chmod a+x register.cgi and even chmod a+x register.cgi
Not much luck. Any inputs. I will be raising this as a separate q against actionhooks.

This is more of a git related question than openshift.
Actually, it is more related to openshift than it is to Git: Git only records 644 and 755 permissions.
But the destination system managing a checkout (and updating a working tree) would set the permission according to the default umask (which could be in your case 077).
Make sure the default umask is 022.
Regarding the hook, check its name ('post-update', no extension) and permission (it must be executable, 755 would be useful)

Bring authority in this case gitweb folder.
drwxr-xr-x 3 root root 4096 Sep 25 12:01 .
drwxr-xr-x 225 root root 12288 Oct 27 20:10 ..
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 251319 Sep 23 04:36 gitweb.cgi
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 10 Sep 23 04:36 index.cgi -> gitweb.cgi
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 Sep 25 12:01 static


user permissions in Amazon Linux: root vs ec2-user

In an Amazon Linux instance, after deployment using ElasticBeanstalk, all the files are owned by root user:
drwxr-xr-x 25 root root 4096 jan 01 00:00 var
But the current user is ec2-user so I don't have permissions to create/modify inside /var folder anything. What is the best approach to make it work? chown and modify owner to ec2-user? add user to a user group if exists which I don't know... any other idea?
I don't have permissions to create/modify inside /var folder anything.
you can use following ways to achieve this.
Try sudo [your command]
sudo chown user directory
sudo bash //this will make your root directly
But beware for 2 and 3 way, it can break your system if you do something wrong.There is a famous saying hope you know what you will do

"Read-only file system" error when Git tries to access index.lock

I haven't touched my local Git repository for a couple of days. Now when I cd to the root and type
git add -A :/
I get:
fatal: Unable to create '/home/james/code/winescan/Prototype/.git/index.lock': Read-only file system
Adding sudo to the command gives the same error. Then I tried ls -al:
drwxr-xr-x 8 james james 4096 Jul 28 16:24 .git
Then I tried changing the mode for the directory:
$ sudo chmod 0777 .git
[sudo] password for james:
chmod: changing permissions of '.git': Read-only file system
Nothing seems to work, what do I do?

Edit file with shell script that is in the same group but not the caller user

I would like to edit a file with a shell script which is in the same group but not the "caller" user.
-rwsr-xr-x 1 root root 4896 Oct 21 00:59 /usr/bin/luxus
-rw-rw-r-- 1 root root 4096 Oct 20 23:01 <path>/file1
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 0 Oct 20 23:00 <path>/dir1
/usr/bin/luxus: the shell script
file1: the file to edit
dir1: file1's parent directory (symlink)
In the shell script, this is the line where the permission issue is:
echo "string" > /usr/bin/tee <path>/file1
/usr/bin/tee: <path>/file1: Permission denied
I am trying to create an AUR package for the shell script. The latter is meant to be install on the system from a PKGBUILD. In vain, I attempted to give enough permissions to the script to edit the targeted file.
This is a PKGBUILD's sample:
install -Dm755 src/${pkgname} "${pkgdir}/usr/bin/${pkgname}"
chown root.root "${pkgdir}/usr/bin/${pkgname}"
chmod 4755 "${pkgdir}/usr/bin/${pkgname}"
After investigating, I think it is quite simply impossible because of security or because of the parent dir's rights.
Nevertheless I am asking you for a solution.
As you said "you can't do anything".
The following post quite simply explains why it won't work:

Can't write on hard drive owned by user and with permissions to write, read and execute

I am very puzzled by this problem I am having. I am trying to execute a file in Ubuntu 12.04 LTS via command line. I have a script that calls a program to run and write the results in a hard drive. I changed the permissions and ownership of everything to be wxr. Here is the ls -l of my script (called TEST-star):
-rwxrwxrwx 1 root root 950 Nov 15 13:16 TEST-star
Here is the ls -l of the package my script calls:
-rwxrwxrwx 1 root root 1931414 Nov 10 12:37 STAR
Finally the ls -l of the hard drive mounted in /media/CLC"
drwxrwxrwx 1 root root 8192 Nov 15 13:04 CLC
I have been trying to run it since yesterday and always get a message that I don't have permission to write the results:
EXITING because of FATAL ERROR: could not create output file ./_STARtmp//Unmapped.out.mate1.thread14
Solution: check that you have permission to write this file
I thought if I change the permissions to rwx and run my script as root it would not have a problem (using sudo). Right now I run out of options. Any suggestion would be appreciated. Please let me know what other information you would need solve this issue.
Thank you.
Here is the first line of script I am trying to run:
cd /media/CLC/ANOPHELES-STAR-v2.4f1/; mkdir GambFemAnt1 && cd GambFemAnt1; echo $PWD && echo Starting mapping of GambFemAnt1; /home/aedes/Documents/STAR_2.4.0f1/STAR --genomeDir /media/Galaxy/Galaxy_data/Anopheles/STAR/Genome --readFilesIn /media/Galaxy/Galaxy_data/Anopheles/QC/GambFemAnt1/GambFemAnt1.fastq --runThreadN 23 --outFilterMismatchNmax 4 --outFilterMatchNminOverLread 0.75 --seedSearchLmax 30 --seedSearchStartLmax 30 --seedPerReadNmax 100000 --seedPerWindowNmax 100 --alignTranscriptsPerReadNmax 100000 --alignTranscriptsPerWindowNmax 10000 --outSAMstrandField intronMotif --outFilterIntronMotifs RemoveNoncanonical --outSAMtype BAM SortedByCoordinate --outReadsUnmapped Fastx; mv Aligned.sortedByCoord.out.bam GambFemAnt1.bam; mv Unmapped.out.mate1 GambFemAnt1-unmapped.fastq; cp *.fastq /media/CLC/ANOPHELES-STAR-v2.4f1/UNMAPED-reads/; cd /media/CLC/ANOPHELES-STAR-v2.4f1 && echo $PWD && echo GambFemAnt1 mapping finished;
I also posted a question for the authors of the package.
Turns out all the permissions were set correctly. The problem resigns within the package. I found out that it works using --runThreadN 12 instead of --runThreadN 23.

'git clone' respects umask, except for top level project directory

I would like to clone a git project (from github, say), and have the top level directory be writable by group.
I tried a couple different things. First, just setting the umask before cloning.
$ umask
Files that I create are then writable by group
$ touch test
$ ls -l test
-rw-rw-r-- 1 user group 0 2012-05-17 09:32 test
Now I try git clone
$ git clone
Cloning into repo... [succeeds]
But the clone directory not writable by group.
$ ls -ld repo
drwxr-xr-x 11 user group 4096 2012-05-17 09:32 repo
I tried the same thing with a repo created with git init --shared=umask (which should already be the default) in a directory with 775 permissions. After pushing to github git clone gets the same results.
This isn't a huge deal, I can chmod in my checkout scripts. But if there's a right/builtin way to do this, that's preferable. Git is version on Ubuntu 11.04.
Any ideas or links are appreciated. I saw this post, but it uses chmod, I haven't been able to find much else on this. Thanks!
Try setting the global "core.sharedRepository=group" just for the clone command:
git -c "core.sharedRepository=group" clone
ls -ld repo/.git
drwxrwsr-x 8 user user 4096 Jul 4 22:16 repo/.git/
This was due to a bug, fixed in git >= v1.7.11.3
