Erlang garbage collection - garbage-collection

I need your help in investigation of issue with Erlang memory consumption. How typical, isn't it?
We have two different deployment schemes.
In first scheme we running many identical nodes on small virtual machines (in Amazon AWS),
one node per machine. Each machine has 4Gb of RAM.
In another deployment scheme we running this nodes on big baremetal machines (with 64 Gb of RAM), with many nodes per machine. In this deployment nodes are isolated in docker containers (with memory limit set to 4 Gb).
I've noticed, that heap of processes in dockerized nodes are hogging up to 3 times much more RAM, than heaps in non-dockerized nodes with identical load. I suspect that garbage collection in non-dockerized nodes is more aggressive.
Unfortunately, I don't have any garbage collection statistics, but I would like to obtain it ASAP.
To give more information, I should say that we are using HiPE R17.1 on Ubuntu 14.04 with stock kernel. In both schemes we are running 8 schedulers per node, and using default fullsweep_after flag.
My blind suggestion is that Erlang default garbage collection relies (somehow) on /proc/meminfo (which is not actual in dockerized environment).
I am not C-guy and not familiar with emulator internals, so could someone point me to places in Erlang sources that are responsible for garbage collection and some emulator options which I can use to tweak this behavior?

Unfortunately VMs often try to be smarter with memory management than necessary and that not always plays nicely with the Erlang memory management model. Erlang tends to allocate and release a large number of small chunks of memory, which is very different to normal applications, which usually allocate and release a small number of big chunks of memory.
One of those technologies is Transparent Huge Pages (THP), which some OSes enable by default and which causes Erlang nodes running in such VMs to grow (until they crash).
So, ensuring THP is switched off is first thing you can check.
The other is trying to tweak the memory options used when starting the Erlang VM itself, for example see this post:
Erlang: discrepancy of memory usage figures
Resulting options that worked for us:
-MBas aobf -MBlmbcs 512 -MEas aobf -MElmbcs 512
Some more theory about memory allocators:
And more detailed description of memory allocator flags:

First thing to know, is that garbage collection i Erlang is process based. Each process is GC in their own time, and independently from each other. So garbage collection in your system is only dependent on data in your processes, not operating system itself.
That said, there could be some differencess between memory consumption from Eralang point of view, and System point of view. That why comparing erlang:memory to what your system is saying is always a good idea (it could show you some binary leaks, or other memory problems).
If you would like to understand little more about Erlang internals I would recommend those two talks:
And from little better debugging of your memory management I could reccomend starting with


How To implement swapfile cross operating system

There are use cases where I can't have a lot of ram, and sometimes due to docker based services doesn't always provide more than 512mb/1gb of ram, or if I run multiple rust based gui apps and if each take 100mb of ram normally, how can I implement a swapfile/ virtual ram to exceed allotted ram? Also os level swapfiles don't let users choose which app can use real ram and which swapfile, so it can become a problem too. I want to use swapfile as much as possible, and not even real ram, if possible. Users and hosting services provide with lot of storage usually (more than 10gb normally) so it would be a good way to use the available storage too!
If swapfile or anything like that aren't possible, I would like to know if there is any difference in speed and cpu consumption between "cache data in ram" apps and "cache data in file and read it when required" apps. If the latter is slow normally and not as efficient as swapfiles, I would like to know the possible ways how os manages to make swapfiles that efficient than apps.
An application does not control whether the memory they allocate is allocated on real RAM, on a swap partition, or else. You just ask for memory, and the OS is responsible for finding available memory to give to you.
Besides that, note that using swap (sometimes called swapping) is extremely bad performance-wise. How much depends a lot on your hardware, but it's about three orders of magnitude. This is even amplified if you are interacting with a user: a program that is fetching some resources will not be too bothered if it has to wait one minute to get them instead of a few milliseconds because the system is under heavy load, but a user will generally not be that patient.
Also note that, when swapping, the OS does not chose which application gets the faster RAM and which ones get the swap memory at random. It will try to determine which application should be prioritized, by how much, etc. based on how it was configured (at least for the Linux kernel), so in reality it's the user who, in the end, decides which applications get the most RAM (ahead of time, of course: they are not prompted each time the kernel has to make that decision with a little pop-up...).
Finally, modern OS allow several applications to allocate memory that overlap, as long as each application is not fully using the memory it asked for (which is kind of usual), allowing you to run applications that in theory require more RAM that you actually have.
This was on the OS part: now to the application part. Usually, when you write a program (whose purpose is not specifically RAM-related), you should not really care for memory consumption (up to a certain point), especially in Rust. Not only that is usually handled by the OS in case you used a little bit too much memory, but when it's possible, most people prefer to trade a little more memory usage (even a lot more) for better CPU performance, because RAM is a lot cheaper than CPU.
There are exceptions, of course, in which the memory consumption is so high that you can't really afford not paying attention. In these cases, either you let the user deal with this problem (ie. this application is known to consume a lot of memory because there are no other ways to do this, so if you want to use it, just have a lot of memory), as often video games do, or you rethink your application to reduce the memory usage trading it for some CPU efficiency, as for example is done when you are handling graphs so huge you couldn't even store them on all the hard disks of the world (in which case your application has to be smart enough to be able to work on small parts of the graph at the time), or finally you are working with a big resource but which can be stored on the hard disk, so you just write it on a file and access it chunks-by-chunks, as some database managers do.

Apache Yarn - Allocating more memory than the Physical memory or RAM

I was considering changing yarn.nodemanager.resource.memory-mb to a value higher than the RAM available on my machine. Doing a quick search revealed that not many people are doing this.
Many long lived applications on yarn, are bound to have a jvm heap space allocation in which some of their memory is more frequently used and some of it is rarely used. In this case, it would make perfect sense for such applications to have some of their infrequently used memory portions swapped to disk and reallocating the available physical memory to other applications that need it.
Given the above background, can someone either please corroborate my reasoning or offer an alternate perspective? Also, can you please also clarify how the parameter yarn.nodemanager.vmem-pmem-ratio would work in the above case?
This is not a good idea. Trying to use more memory than what is available will eventually crash your Node Manager hosts.
There already is a feature called opportunistic containers which uses spare memory not used by the NMs and adds more containers to those hosts. Refer to:
YARN-1011 [Umbrella] Schedule containers based on utilization of currently allocated containers
In addition, Pepperdata has a product that does almost the same thing if you can't wait for YARN-1011.
As for yarn.nodemanager.vmem-pmem-ratio, don't enable this as it's not recommended anymore.
YARN-782 vcores-pcores ratio functions differently from vmem-pmem ratio in misleading way

lock contention in memory allocation - multi-threaded vs. multi-process

We have developed a big C++ application that is running satisfactorily at several sites on big Linux and Solaris boxes (up to 160 CPU cores or even more). It's a heavily multi-threaded (1000+ threads), single-process architecture, consuming huge amounts of memory (200 GB+). We are LD_PRELOADing Google Perftool's tcmalloc (or libumem/mtmalloc on Solaris) to avoid memory allocation performance bottlenecks with generally good results. However, we are starting to see adverse effects of lock contention during memory allocation/deallocation on some bigger installations, especially after the process has been running for a while (which hints to aging/fragmentation effects of the allocator).
We are considering changing to a multi-process/shared memory architecture (the heavy allocation/deallocation will not happen in shared memory, rather on the regular heap).
So, finally, here's our question: can we assume that the virtual memory manager of modern Linux kernels is capable of efficiently handing out memory to hundreds of concurent processes? Or do we have to expect running into the same kind of problems with memory allocation contention that we see in our single-process/multi-threading environment? I tend to hope for a better overall system performance, as we would no longer be limited to a single address space, and that having several independent address spaces would require less locking on the part of the virtual memory manager. Anyone have any actual experience or performance data comparing multi-threaded vs. multi-process memory allocation?
I tend to hope for a better overall system performance, as we would no longer be limited to a single address space, and that having several independent address spaces would require less locking on the part of the virtual memory manager.
There is no reason to expect this. Unless your code is so badly designed that it constantly goes back to the OS to allocate memory, it won't make any significant difference. Your application should only need to go back to the OS's virtual memory manager when it needs more virtual memory, which should not occur significantly once the process reaches its stable size.
If you are constantly allocating and freeing all the way back to the OS, you should stop doing that. If you're not, then you can keep multiple pools of already-allocated memory that can be used by multiple threads without contention. And, as a benefit, your context switches will be cheaper because TLB's don't have to be flushed.
Only if you can't reduce the frequency of address space changes (for example, if you must map and unmap files) or if you have to change other shared resources (like file descriptors) should you look at multiprocess options.

How can I detect my RAM free and total space in Python?

So, the title describes almost all the necessary to answer me. Just one more thing: please, just reply about libraries installed with Python by default, as the app which I'm developing is part of the Ubuntu App Showdown.
Running Python 2.7, Ubuntu 12.04.
You are asking for a number that is nearly impossible to calculate and has very little value.
Any Linux system that is running for an amount of time will have hardly any 'free' ram available. Just cat /proc/meminfo - the MemFree entry is usually in order of just a few megabytes.
So, where did that memory go?
The kernel caches all disk access, for starters.
That's usually visible in the Cached entry. Disk cache will be pruned when you require more memory, so you could add that number to MemFree .
But, if an application allocates (malloc() in C) 2 gigabytes on a system with exactly 2 gigabytes of RAM, that usually will just be granted: you get a valid pointer back.
However, none of the RAM is actually reserved for your application - that only happens when your application starts touching memory pages - each touched page will be allocated.
The maximum size you can ask for is available as CommitLimit.
But the application code itself might not be in RAM either - binary file and libraries are mmapp()ed, so again only pages that are touched are loaded into RAM.
If you run a tool like top - you get all kinds of memory info per process, including VIRT, RES and SHR.
VIRT is for 'virtual' - all memory pages that the app would need if it would claim all pages it has asked for.
RES is 'resident' - the amount of memory actually used
SHR is 'shared' - the amount of pages that are shared with other applications, like e.g. libraries that are loaded in multiple applications.
So, what is the value of knowing how much memory is available?
You can start an application that could require significantly more RAM than your system has, and yet it runs...
You might even be able to run the application twice or thrice - code pages are shared anyway...
Note: the above answer cuts quite a few corners, the real mechanisms are significantly more complex. And I haven't even started bringing swap space into the story.
But this will do for you, I hope...

Memory of type "root-set" reallocation Error - Erlang

I have been running a crypto-intensive application that was generating pseudo-random strings, with special structure and mathematical requirements. It has generated around 1.7 million voucher numbers per node in over the last 8 days. The generation process was CPU intensive, with very low memory requirements.
Mnesia running on OTP-14B02 was the storage database and the generation was done within each virtual machine. I had 3 nodes in the cluster with all mnesia tables disc_only_copies type. Suddenly, as activity on the Solaris boxes increased (other users logged on remotely and were starting webservers, ftp sessions, and other tasks), my bash shell started reporting afork: not enough space error.
My erlang Vms also, went down with this error below:
Crash dump was written to: erl_crash.dump
temp_alloc: Cannot reallocate 8388608 bytes of memory (of type "root_set").
Usually, we get memory allocation errors and not memory re-location errors and normally memory of type "heap" is the problem. This time, the memory type reported is type "root-set".
Qn 1. What is this "root-set" memory?
Qn 2. Has it got to do with CPU intensive activities ? (why am asking this is that when i start the task, the Machine reponse to say mouse or Keyboard interrupts is too slow meaning either CPU is too busy or its some other problem i cannot explain for now)
Qn 3. Can such an error be avoided? and how ?
The fork: not enough space message suggests this is a problem with the operating system setup, but:
Q1 - The Root Set
The Root Set is what the garbage collector uses as a starting point when it searches for data that is live in the heap. It usually starts off from the registers of the VM and off from the stack, if the stack has references to heap data that still needs to be live. There may be other roots in Erlang I am not aware of, but these are the basic stuff you start off from.
That it is a reallocation error of exactly 8 Megabyte space could mean one of two things. Either you don't have 8 Megabyte free in the heap, or that the heap is fragmented beyond recognition, so while there are 8 megabytes in it, there are no contiguous such space.
Q2 - CPU activity impact
The problem has nothing to do with the CPU per se. You are running out of memory. A large root set could indicate that you have some very deep recursions going on where you keep around a lot of pointers to data. You may be able to rewrite the code such that it is tail-calling and uses less memory while operating.
You should be more worried about the slow response times from the keyboard and mouse. That could indicate something is not right. Does a vmstat 1, a sysstat, a htop, a dstat or similar show anything odd while the process is running? You are also on the hunt to figure out if the kernel or the C libc is doing something odd here due to memory being constrained.
Q3 - How to fix
I don't know how to fix it without knowing more about what the application is doing. Since you have a crash dump, your first instinct should be to take the crash dump viewer and look at the dump. The goal is to find a process using a lot of memory, or one that has a deep stack. From there on, you can seek to limit the amount of memory that process is using. either by rewriting the code so it can give memory up earlier, by tuning the garbage collection setup for the process (see the spawn options in the erlang man pages for this), or by adding more memory to the system.
