Xcode 6 is crashed - xcode6.1

I am using the Xcode 6 to develop the IOS application. there are more than 20 uiviewcontroller in storyboard. While duplicating the on the uiviewcontroller, Xcode 6 is crashed with following details.
Process: Xcode [3249]
Path: /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/MacOS/Xcode
Identifier: com.apple.dt.Xcode
Version: 6.0.1 (6528)
Build Info: IDEFrameworks-6528000000000000~2
App Item ID: 497799835
App External ID: 712682811
Code Type: X86-64 (Native)
Parent Process: ??? [1]
Responsible: Xcode [3249]
User ID: 502
Date/Time: 2014-10-31 21:29:48.253 +0530
OS Version: Mac OS X 10.10 (14A389)
Report Version: 11
Anonymous UUID: BA5EB3A3-EAF6-AC59-7BEB-054003FB610F
Time Awake Since Boot: 9600 seconds
Crashed Thread: 0 Dispatch queue: com.apple.main-thread
Exception Type: EXC_CRASH (SIGABRT)
Exception Codes: 0x0000000000000000, 0x0000000000000000
Application Specific Information:
ProductBuildVersion: 6A317
ASSERTION FAILURE in /SourceCache/IDEInterfaceBuilder/IDEInterfaceBuilder-6245/InterfaceBuilderKit/Document/IBDocument.m:2067
Details: An instance of IBUIView with object ID 7tL-KA-q28 did not archive its child (IBLayoutConstraint) with an object of ID zUL-0Z-d57.
Object: <IBStoryboardDocument: 0x7fb9e9c14200>
Method: -documentArchiver:didArchiveObject:
Thread: <NSThread: 0x7fb9e95388d0>{number = 1, name = main}
Hints: None
0 0x0000000108396f0a -[IDEAssertionHandler handleFailureInMethod:object:fileName:lineNumber:assertionSignature:messageFormat:arguments:] (in IDEKit)
1 0x0000000107154baf _DVTAssertionHandler (in DVTFoundation)
2 0x0000000107154e9e _DVTAssertionFailureHandler (in DVTFoundation)
3 0x000000011178ed32 -[IBDocument documentArchiver:didArchiveObject:] (in IDEInterfaceBuilderKit)
4 0x00000001119c3eed -[IBStoryboardDocument documentArchiver:didArchiveObject:] (in IDEInterfaceBuilderKit)
5 0x00000001117c821f __51-[IBDocumentArchiver archiveObject:forOptionalKey:]_block_invoke (in IDEInterfaceBuilderKit)
6 0x00000001117c749d -[IBDocumentArchiver recurseWithElementNamed:forObject:kind:invokingBlock:] (in IDEInterfaceBuilderKit)
7 0x00000001117c7f62 -[IBDocumentArchiver archiveObject:forOptionalKey:] (in IDEInterfaceBuilderKit)
8 0x00000001117c8f1f __59-[IBDocumentArchiver archiveArray:withName:forOptionalKey:]_block_invoke (in IDEInterfaceBuilderKit)
9 0x00000001117c749d -[IBDocumentArchiver recurseWithElementNamed:forObject:kind:invokingBlock:] (in IDEInterfaceBuilderKit)
10 0x00000001117c8d0d -[IBDocumentArchiver archiveArray:withName:forOptionalKey:] (in IDEInterfaceBuilderKit)
11 0x00000001119c4736 __47-[IBStoryboardDocument archiveTopLevelObjects:]_block_invoke_2 (in IDEInterfaceBuilderKit)
12 0x00000001117c749d -[IBDocumentArchiver recurseWithElementNamed:forObject:kind:invokingBlock:] (in IDEInterfaceBuilderKit)
13 0x00000001117c9a13 -[IBDocumentArchiver archiveGroupWithName:forOptionalKey:usingBlock:] (in IDEInterfaceBuilderKit)
14 0x00000001117c9c91 -[IBDocumentArchiver archiveGroupWithName:usingBlock:] (in IDEInterfaceBuilderKit)
15 0x00000001119c432b __47-[IBStoryboardDocument archiveTopLevelObjects:]_block_invoke (in IDEInterfaceBuilderKit)
16 0x00000001117c749d -[IBDocumentArchiver recurseWithElementNamed:forObject:kind:invokingBlock:] (in IDEInterfaceBuilderKit)
17 0x00000001117c9a13 -[IBDocumentArchiver archiveGroupWithName:forOptionalKey:usingBlock:] (in IDEInterfaceBuilderKit)
18 0x00000001117c9c91 -[IBDocumentArchiver archiveGroupWithName:usingBlock:] (in IDEInterfaceBuilderKit)
19 0x00000001119c4109 -[IBStoryboardDocument archiveTopLevelObjects:] (in IDEInterfaceBuilderKit)
20 0x000000011178f01c -[IBDocument archiveAndVerifyArchivingOfTopLevelObjects:] (in IDEInterfaceBuilderKit)
21 0x000000011178f761 -[IBDocument archivePlatformIndependentDataWithDocumentArchiver:] (in IDEInterfaceBuilderKit)
22 0x00000001119c4fbb -[IBStoryboardDocument archivePlatformIndependentDataWithDocumentArchiver:] (in IDEInterfaceBuilderKit)
23 0x000000011178f322 -[IBDocument archiveDocument:] (in IDEInterfaceBuilderKit)
24 0x00000001117c749d -[IBDocumentArchiver recurseWithElementNamed:forObject:kind:invokingBlock:] (in IDEInterfaceBuilderKit)
25 0x00000001117c7770 -[IBDocumentArchiver archiveDocument:withType:compatibilityVersion:] (in IDEInterfaceBuilderKit)
26 0x00000001117c7a5a -[IBDocumentArchiver dataFromArchiveDocument:withType:compatibilityVersion:] (in IDEInterfaceBuilderKit)
27 0x00000001117924d0 __46-[IBDocument fileWrapperOfType:options:error:]_block_invoke (in IDEInterfaceBuilderKit)
28 0x0000000111791e80 -[IBDocument fileWrapperOfType:options:error:] (in IDEInterfaceBuilderKit)
29 0x000000011179284c -[IBDocument fileWrapperOfType:error:] (in IDEInterfaceBuilderKit)
30 0x00007fff97904f57 -[NSDocument writeToURL:ofType:error:] (in AppKit)
31 0x0000000111781d31 -[IBDocument writeToURL:ofType:error:] (in IDEInterfaceBuilderKit)
32 0x00007fff97908053 -[NSDocument writeToURL:ofType:forSaveOperation:originalContentsURL:error:] (in AppKit)
33 0x0000000111784fc6 -[IBDocument writeToURL:ofType:forSaveOperation:originalContentsURL:error:] (in IDEInterfaceBuilderKit)
34 0x00007fff97906fbb -[NSDocument _writeSafelyToURL:ofType:forSaveOperation:forceTemporaryDirectory:error:] (in AppKit)
35 0x00007fff97907ce3 -[NSDocument _writeSafelyToURL:ofType:forSaveOperation:error:] (in AppKit)
36 0x00007fff97907e51 -[NSDocument writeSafelyToURL:ofType:forSaveOperation:error:] (in AppKit)
37 0x000000010821f21f -[IDEEditorDocument writeSafelyToURL:ofType:forSaveOperation:error:] (in IDEKit)
38 0x00007fff97915115 __66-[NSDocument saveToURL:ofType:forSaveOperation:completionHandler:]_block_invoke_22307 (in AppKit)
39 0x00007fff97915016 __66-[NSDocument saveToURL:ofType:forSaveOperation:completionHandler:]_block_invoke2304 (in AppKit)
40 0x00007fff97913436 __66-[NSDocument saveToURL:ofType:forSaveOperation:completionHandler:]_block_invoke2176 (in AppKit)
41 0x00000001083cb887 __50-[IDEEditorDocument continueFileAccessUsingBlock:]_block_invoke74 (in IDEKit)
42 0x00007fff978fe999 -[NSDocument continueFileAccessUsingBlock:] (in AppKit)
43 0x0000000108203aac -[IDEEditorDocument continueFileAccessUsingBlock:] (in IDEKit)
44 0x00007fff9790e884 __101-[NSDocument _fileCoordinator:asynchronouslyCoordinateReadingContentsAndWritingItemAtURL:byAccessor:]_block_invoke_2 (in AppKit)
45 0x00000001083cbc28 __68-[IDEEditorDocument continueAsynchronousWorkOnMainThreadUsingBlock:]_block_invoke (in IDEKit)
How can i resolve crash issue?

I had similar issue with copy/pasting controllers between iPhone and iPad storyboards. Copy&paste worked ok but XCode crashed when I save storyboard. I was able to workaround issue by removing all constraints from copied controller. After that storyboard saved ok.

It seems the crash occurred in -documentArchiver:didArchiveObject: and I guess it actually happened when you trying to save a modified storyboard file. I've encountered this bug recently and this is my workaround:
Identify the parts you want to modify in your storyboard (as a XML file, you can see them with any SCM, e.g. git)
Copy those parts as XML codes
Close that .storyboard file in your Interface Builder
Right click on that .storyboard file and choose Open As -> Source Code
Paste the codes between any (if pasting to an empty storyboard file, then between )
Save the storyboard source code (XML)
Good luck. Happy Coding.


Don't understand Linux command 'sort' [closed]

Closed. This question does not meet Stack Overflow guidelines. It is not currently accepting answers.
This question does not appear to be about a specific programming problem, a software algorithm, or software tools primarily used by programmers. If you believe the question would be on-topic on another Stack Exchange site, you can leave a comment to explain where the question may be able to be answered.
Closed 2 years ago.
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Could someone please tell me what will be displayed if the Linux command:
sort -k3,3nr -k2,2 exam1.data | head -1
is entered for exam1.data below?
I am pretty sure the correct answer is the line with the name "Allen,_Jenna" in it, but I am not sure why and need an explanation as to what each line in the command line is supposed to be doing.
arctic> cat exam1.data
01 Ozment,_Tony 19 21 13 15
04 McCutcheon,_Tom 33 25 79 29
10 Cook,_Sam 30 92 24 30
11 Dambo,_Nancy 9 3 0 5
12 Hollie,_Nicole 31 44 2 14
15 Gaines,_Valerie 33 76 14 18
25 Clouden,_Kate 33 133 21 125
33 Allen,_Jenna 33 105 32 52
42 Bell,_Kathleen 19 20 0 15
You are indeed correct. The primary key definition 3,3nr means field 3, numeric, reverse order. That will put all the 33 entries on top.
The secondary key definition 2,2 will, within the primary groups, sort on field 2 in ascending order and the first 33 row in that case will be the one starting with A.
This may become clearer if you simply execute the command without piping through head. Then you'll see the primary/secondary sorting (I've added blank lines to delineate the primary groups):
33 Allen,_Jenna 33 105 32 52
25 Clouden,_Kate 33 133 21 125
15 Gaines,_Valerie 33 76 14 18
04 McCutcheon,_Tom 33 25 79 29
12 Hollie,_Nicole 31 44 2 14
10 Cook,_Sam 30 92 24 30
42 Bell,_Kathleen 19 20 0 15
01 Ozment,_Tony 19 21 13 15
11 Dambo,_Nancy 9 3 0 5
If you're interested in how the key definitions works regarding field selection, you can examine the man page for sort, but I've copied the relevant bit below:
KEYDEF is F[.C][OPTS][,F[.C][OPTS]] for start and stop position, where F is a field number and C a character position in the field; both are origin 1, and the stop position defaults to the line's end. [Then some details about options, which you can go to the man page to investigate further, I've explained the two that you're using - pax].

LabVIEW array index

I am new to LabVIEW programming, and the problem is, that I need index numbers of each element in a array, and also select values by those indexes into another array, like so:
Array 13 15 16 17 18 19 12 17 17 162 626 36 828 463 565 665 565 32 587
Index 5 6 7 8 9 12 13 14 20 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 21
In the result program should get these index values .
Thanks in advance!
Upd: here is code snippet of how to get indexes of elements in the array.
Also, there is OpenG Array library (you could install it via VI Package Manager), it has built-in function of how to get all entries of element (see it on the picture).
Below is the code snippet for search in 2D array:
Update: search 2D array in 2D array, LV2013 snippet

Vim slow down in python mode after I type "=" (equal) or " "(while space).

It seems to happen after I installed YCM. I also have Python-mode plugin installed because I like the lint and "run inside vim" feature, but I turned off "rope". My YCM settings are like below.
31 " Use gcc syntastic checker
30 let g:ycm_show_diagnostics_ui = 0
28 " Skip checking of ycm config file at vim startup
27 let g:ycm_confirm_extra_conf=0
25 " Includes tags in completion
24 let g:ycm_collect_identifiers_from_tags_files=1
22 " Include text in comments and strings
21 let g:ycm_collect_identifiers_from_comments_and_strings = 0
19 " Start completion from second char
18 let g:ycm_min_num_of_chars_for_completion=2
16 " Disable chache, rebuild every time
15 let g:ycm_cache_omnifunc=1
13 " Enable syntax based completion
12 let g:ycm_seed_identifiers_with_syntax=1
10 " Enable completion while in comments
9 let g:ycm_complete_in_comments = 1
7 " Enable completion while in strings
6 let g:ycm_complete_in_strings = 1
I tried to profile vim, but I don't get a clue from the result. Below is my profiling report.
1 count total (s) self (s) function
2 60 0.883352 0.782989 <SNR>93_GetCompletions()
3 2967 0.905869 0.579009 pymode#folding#expr()
4 1997 0.275032 <SNR>110_BlockStart()
5 302 0.168611 <SNR>93_Pyeval()
6 120 0.968933 0.066387 youcompleteme#Complete()
7 1997 0.051828 <SNR>110_BlockEnd()
8 76 0.030649 0.028957 <SNR>97_GetNearbyTag()
9 154 0.026513 <SNR>69_Highlight_Matching_Pair()
10 61 0.025747 <SNR>93_InsideCommentOrString()
11 61 0.057955 0.016587 <SNR>93_IdentifierFinishedOperations()
12 6 0.013762 0.013707 <SNR>93_OnFileReadyToParse()
13 60 0.012566 <SNR>93_OnCompleteDone()
14 4 0.011961 <SNR>143_SearchParensPair()
15 74 0.040687 0.010170 Powerline#Functions#fugitive#GetBranch()
16 76 0.114571 0.009806 <SNR>93_OnCursorMovedInsertMode()
17 2 0.006829 0.006792 SyntasticRefreshCursor()
18 61 0.040498 0.005477 <SNR>93_InvokeCompletion()
19 74 0.005211 308()
20 91 0.004580 Pl#Statusline()
21 74 0.005954 0.004241 <SNR>59_buffer_spec()
Vim doesn't stand asynchronous job control and is basically mono-thread, so he can only do one thing after the other.
You can't type text while YCM is working.
You should try NeoVim who stand it, it won't solve your problem but will minimize it.

Incorrect Empirical Semivariogram Value

My gstat program for calculating empirical semivariogram on walker lake data is as follows
data = read.table("C:/Users/chandan/Desktop/walk470.csv",sep=",",header=TRUE);
walk.var1 <- variogram(v ~ x+y, data=data,width=5,cutoff=100);
The result is as follows
np dist gamma
1 105 3.836866 32312.63
2 459 8.097102 44486.82
3 1088 12.445035 60230.48
4 985 17.874264 76491.36
5 1579 22.227711 75103.67
6 1360 27.742246 83595.83
7 1747 32.291155 91248.20
8 1447 37.724524 97610.65
9 2233 42.356048 85857.03
10 1794 47.537644 93263.63
11 2180 52.295711 98282.98
12 2075 57.601882 91589.39
13 2848 62.314646 91668.70
14 2059 67.627847 95803.45
15 2961 72.310575 91975.76
16 2240 77.648900 95858.87
17 3067 82.379802 88123.56
18 2463 87.641359 87568.94
19 2746 92.334788 97991.56
20 2425 97.754121 93914.31
I have written a code of my own version of the same peoblem using classical sample variogram estimator. The number of points, dist are coming exactly as in the output. But the gamma value is not same. Why is that and what should I do to make it exactly same with gstat output?
Thanks in advance...

Fortran: read numeric data from string

I've already checked a similarly existing topic (How to read numeric data from a string in FORTRAN), but I'm not being able to do what I want.
I need to open a file and read a numeric value from a string. Bellow there's a section of the file in question. I want to read the integer next to 'ELEMENTS:', but so far I'm not being able to do so.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40
Can someone please help me here?
Ok guys, thanks to your answers the program is working!
For further reference, here's the reading part of the code:
READ(77,'(A)') str
ipos = INDEX(str,"ELEMENTS:",back=.true.) + 9
READ (str(1+ipos:),*) k
Thank for the answers.
