Using variables while inserting in Cassandra - cassandra

I am new to Cassandra and trying to write a program in C# for insertion and deletion.
I want to know if there is a way i can use variables instead of values in the insert command ?
When i try the following:
string s1="A";
string s2="B";
session.Execute("insert into users (lastname, firstname) values (s1,s2)");
The error occurs: A first chance exception of type 'Cassandra.SyntaxError' occurred in Cassandra.dll

Assuming that you are using the DataStax CQL3 C# Driver, the best way to go about this is to use a prepared statement. Once you set that up, you bind your variables and Execute, like this:
string strCQL = "INSERT INTO users (lastname, firstname) VALUES (?,?)";
string s1 = "A";
string s2 = "B";
PreparedStatement preparedStatement = session.Prepare(strCQL);
BoundStatement boundStatement = preparedStatement.Bind(s1,s2);
Please don't ever build a CQL statement with string.Format (or string concatenation) and execute it. Cassandra/CQL can also be subject to injection-based attacks, so you should always use a prepared statement and bind your variables to it. Also, if you have a statement that you are going to run multiple times (ex: within a loop), you can get better performance by preparing it prior to the loop, and binding/executing within.

You need String.format or better yet use prepared statements.


Does jOOQ support putting names on SQL statements?

Is there a way to "tag" or put names on SQL statements in jOOQ so when I look at the Performance Insights of AWS RDS, I can see something more meaningful than the first 500 chars of the statement?
For example, Performance Insights shows that this query is taking a toll in my DB:
select "my_schema"."custs"."id", "my_schema"."custs"."other_id", "my_schema"."custs"."cid_id", "my_schema"."custs"."valid_since", "my_schema"."custs"."valid_until", "my_schema"."custs"."address", "my_schema"."custs"."address_id_1", "my_schema"."pets"."id", "my_schema"."pets"."cst_id", "my_schema"."pets"."tag", "my_schema"."pets"."name", "my_schema"."pets"."description", "my_schema"."pets"."owner", "my_schema"."pets"."created_on", "my_schema"."pets"."created_by", "my_schema"."pets"."modified_on",
But as it comes chopped, it's not straight-forward to know which jOOQ code generated this.
I would prefer to see something like this:
Customer - Pet Lookup
(Customer - Pet Lookup) select "my_schema"."custs"."id", "my_schema"."custs"."other_id", "my_schema"."custs"."cid_id", "my_schema"."custs"."valid_since", "my_schema"."custs"."valid_until", "my_schema"."custs"."address", "my_schema"."custs"."address_id_1", "my_schema"."pets"."id", "my_schema"."pets"."cst_id", "my_schema"."pets"."tag", "my_schema"."pets"."name", "my_schema"."pets"."description", "my_schema"."pets"."owner", "my_schema"."pets"."created_on", "my_schema"."pets"."created_by", "my_schema"."pets"."modified_on",
There are at least two out of the box approaches to what you want to achieve, both completely vendor agnostic:
1. Use "hints"
jOOQ supports Oracle style hints using the hint() method, at least for SELECT statements. Write something like:, T.B)
.hint("/* my tag */")
The limitation here is the location of the hint, which is going to be right after the SELECT keyword. Not sure if this will work for your RDBMS.
2. Use an ExecuteListener
You can supply your Configuration with an ExecuteListener, which patches your generated SQL strings with whatever you need to be added:
class MyListener extends DefaultExecuteListener {
// renderEnd() is called after the SQL string is generated, but
// before the prepared statement is created, let alone executed
public void renderEnd​(ExecuteContext ctx) {
if (mechanismToDetermineIfTaggingIsNeeded())
ctx.sql("/* My tag */ " + ctx.sql());
Using regular expressions, you can place that tag at any specific location within your SQL string.

Cassandra Prepared Statement - Binding Parameters Twice

I have a cql query I want to preform. The cql string looks like this:
SELECT * FROM :columnFamilyName WHERE <some_column_name> = :name AND <some_id> = :id;
My application has two layers of abstraction above the datastax driver. In one layer I want to bind the first two parameters and in another layer I'd like to bind the last parameter.
The problem is, if I bind the first two parameters, I get a BoundStatement to which I cannot bind another parameter. Am I missing something? Can it be done?
We're using datastax driver version 2.0.3.
You should be able to bind any number of parameters to your BoundStatement using boundStatement.setXXXX(index,value) as follows :
BoundStatement statement = new BoundStatement(query);
statement.setString(0, "value");
statement.setInt(1, 1);
statement.setDate(2, new Date());
ResultSet results = session.execute(statement);
The problem though is that you're trying to use a dynamic column family whose value changes with the value you want to bind.
As far as I know, this is not allowed so you should instead prepare one statement per table and then use the right bound statement.

Insert/Update SQL table from observablelist

Ok, so I'm working with an ObservableList, which is working fine, but now I need to use the observable list to insert rows into and update rows in an SQL database table. I've found little info on working between JavaFX and SQL databases ... all the examples of data tables have the data created in the java code. I had hope when I saw "update SQL database" in this post:
Update sql database from FoxPro data on Glassfish server
but it was not applicable to my situation.
So the question is, how do I start the code to read from the ObservableList so I can run my SQL Insert statement? If you could point me to an example code where an ObservableList is used and an SQL table is created/added to/updated I would greatly appreciate it.
I can't really post relevant code here because the relevant parts are what I don't have. However, I'm thinking what I need to do is something like this:
while ( {
make connection // think I got it
INSERT INTO mytable (name, address, phone) VALUES (observablename, observableaddress, observablephone // think I got this as well
Obviously I'm applying my knowledge of other areas to ObservableList, but I am doing it to demonstrate what I don't know how to do with my ObservableList (mylist).
Again, thanks for any help.
Tying up loose ends today, and this question has not really been answered. I reposted a newer question with more specifics once I learned more about the situation, and that question also went unanswered, but I did figure it out, and posted an answer here: Understanding my ObservableList.
However, to be neat and tidy, let me post here some code to help me remember, as well as help anyone else who looks at this question and says, "YES, BUT WHAT IS THE SOLUTION?!?!?"
Generically, it looks something like this:
I like to open my connection and prepare my statement(s) first.
Use the iterator to get the variables from the list
within the iterator, add the variables to the prepared statement and execute.
I read somewhere about batch execution of statements, but with as few updates as I'm doing with each list, that seemed too complicated, so I just do each update individually within the iterator.
Specifically, here is some code:
Connection con;
con = [your connection string]; // I actually keep my connection string in its own class
// and just call it (OpenDB.connect()). This way I can swap out the class OpenDB
// for whatever database I'm using (MySQL, MS Access, etc.) and I don't have to
// change a bunch of connection strings in other classes.
PreparedStatement pst;
String insertString = "INSERT INTO People (Name, Address, Phone) VALUES (?, ?, ?)";
pst = con.prepareStatement(insertString);
for(Person p : mylist) { // read as: for each Person [a data model defined in a class
// named Person] which in this set of statements we shall call 'p' within the list
// previously defined and named 'mylist' ... or "For each Person 'p' in 'mylist'"
String name =; // get the name which corresponds to the Person in this object of 'mylist'
String address = p.address.get(); // ditto, address
Integer phone =; // ditto, phone. Did as integer here to show how to add to pst below
pst.setString(1, name); // replace question mark 1 with value of 'name'
pst.setString(2, address); // ditto, 2 and 'address'
pst.setInt(3, phone); // ditto, 3 and 'phone'
And that's how I did it. Not sure if it's the 'proper' way to do it, but it works. Any input is welcomed, as I'm still learning.
In JavaFX you usually get to be the person to create the example :)
ObservableList supports listeners, these receive events which tell you what has been added or updated by default. There is a good example in the javadocs here.
To get update events you need to provide an 'extractor' to the method creating the list here. This should take an instance of the object in the list and provide an array of the properties you want to listen to.
Try this:
SQLEXEC(lnConn, "Update INVENTORY SET brand = ?_brand, model = ?_model, code =?_code, timestamp =?_datetime where recno=?_id ")

Trouble migrating database tables with groovy sql

I want to select data from one table and insert into another in batches, using different sql connections. The two tables are set up exactly the same. At the moment I have:
destination.withBatch(1000) { stmt ->
source.eachRow(selectQuery) {
String insertString = """
INSERT INTO dest_table
try {
catch (Exception e) {
println insertString
Something seems to happen to the data types in this process, because it gets very unhappy inserting a string like 'a:string' because of the colon.
I could do '${it[0]}' to enforce it is treated as a String, but this will cause problems when I come to other data types.
Furthermore, my error handling is definitely not working correctly. I want it to print out the inserts that it was unable to execute, and then carry on gracefully.
It's likely that groovy sql is creating a prepared statement from your sql string, and that anything with a colon in it is parsed as a parameter placeholder.
So, I'd suggest going with the flow, and binding your data values separately, instead of putting them inline in the sql statement. This will also probably improve performance, as the prepared statements can be cached by the database.

Subsonic : Same column name different tables

I have a query where I need to do a "Where" clause for two different columns in two different tables but subsonic creates the same parametrized parameter name for both which is causing an issue. How can I fix this?
string _RawSql = new Select()
.InnerJoin(Table3.SidColumn, Table2.Table3SidColumn)
The query this is creating is
FROM [dbo].[Table1]
INNER JOIN [dbo].[Table2] ON [dbo].[Table1].[Table2Sid] = [dbo].[Table2].[Sid]
INNER JOIN [dbo].[Table3] ON [dbo].[Table2].[Table3Sid] = [dbo].[Table3].[Sid]
WHERE [dbo].[Table1].[Sid] = #Sid
AND [dbo].[Table3].[Sid] = #Sid
Note that in the last two lines its using #Sid for both Table1 and Table3. How go I do it so it uses #Sid0 and #Sid1?
Any help would be appreciated. Thanks
Thanks for the response, I really appreciate it. I am using 2.1
I am already using TableColumn. Below is the c# subsonic code...
which creates the following sql when viewed in sql profiler
WHERE [dbo].[Table1].[Sid] = #Sid
AND [dbo].[Table3].[Sid] = #Sid
Could you please show me how can I replace these lines with the way you are suggesting? I would really rather not use literal "Table2.Sid = 2"
ranmore, the issue is same with variables or with constants.
I have even tried
This creates the query as
WHERE Table1.Sid = #Table1.Sid0
AND Table3.Sid = #Table3.Sid1
I finally get different parametrized vars in this case but now SQL Server complains because it does not like . in the parametrized var names.
I have no clue how to perform a join with 2 where clauses for 2 different tables!
What version are you using? In 2.2 You can use the TableColumn object to get around this (it may be the same for 2.1 as well. So instead of using the struct, as you're doing, you can use the object (Table2.SidColumn).
If push comes to shove - you can override everything with a string - so in your case you could use "Table1.Sid" and "Table2.Sid" right in the Where() method.
I haven't been able to confirm this, but perhaps the problem only happens with literals? (not sure if your sample code is like that for brevity's sake)
int table1SidColumnValue = 2;
int table3SidColumnValue = 1;
I remember seeing a problem with this when using multiple .In() clauses with literal values, not sure if that applies to your problem though.
I'm not sure what version of the code I have but your query produces numbered parameters for me.
If you look at Line 255 of ANSISqlGenerator.cs
c.ParameterName = String.Concat(col.ParameterName, query.Constraints.IndexOf(c));
The where parameters really should have numbers appended to them... maybe pull the latest version?
