Xcode 6.1 6A1052d Text View disappear after expand label or button size - xcode6.1

Drag label or button into storyboard
Drag Text View to storyboard.
Try to expand width or height for label or button with mouse drag the corners, the Text View will disappear in Storyboard view controller.


I need macro for editing Menu in Quick Access Toolbar

I have questions about QAT.
How do I add my tooltip to a button. How do I add a tooltip to any button?
How to change the icon of the button White Arrow?
How to insert my own icons?
Is it possible to add more Submenus. For example Submenus_1; Submenus_2; Submenus_3; Submenus_4; Submenus_5.

Prevent Kendo controls from highlighting required fields in red

I would like to know how avoid the kendo controls have a border in red color when lost focus because I want to show them in red when the user click on save button.

Gap beneath UINavigationController toolbar when in UITabBarController

I Have a UINavigationController inside of a UITabBarController. I have the tabbar on my UITabBarController hidden. When I show the bottom toolbar of my UINavigationController, it doesn't appear on the bottom of the screen. Instead there is a 49 point gap beneath it. If I don't put the NavigationController inside of a TabBarController, there is no issue, but I need to put it inside of a TabBar.

Add fixed positioned Combobox inside FlowPane

I have a FlowPane which will hold many panels which are based on BorderPane.
I want to create ComboBox which will be used to filter the Panels by type. And the panels will be scrolled by ScrollPanewhen they exceed the visible area.
I want the combo box to scroll along with the FlowPane inside the ScrollPane. I want to get the result which is displayed into the picture. Can you tell me how I can get the desired result. I can very easy create BorderPanes and insert them into the FlowPane and the challenge is how to position the Combo Box and keep it always at this position.
Why don't you simply use another border pane?
Add your combobox to the top ( or additional flow pane with combobox on
Add your Flowpane to the Center
Then scroll the whole border pane using the scrollpane?
What could be simpler?
Here's how you'd do it:
StackPane with 2 layers:
layer1: your ComboBox panel.
layer2: your ScrollPane with your FlowPane inside*.
*The trick is: just make your combobox panel background opaque, and some initial top inset on the flowpane so that it starts at the right place.

How to fill a LWUIT Button with an image when it's focused?

I have a button in LWUIT Form, and I have an icon that should be drawn in this button, I want the icon to fill all the button space without leaving any white space between the button border and the icon in it, how could I do this ?
For example: let's assume the icon is simply a green square, using the following code:
Button button = new Button(Image.createImage("/green.JPG"));
I got the following result when the item is focused:
How can I remove the white border surrounding the "green" icon of the button when it's focused (I'll replace the whole icon image with another image to represent the focus state) ?
1) The gap, which is the white border, between the content, the green icon, and the component boundary is called the padding. To fit the image with button boundaries, remove the padding in all direction (TOP, BOTTOM, LEFT and RIGHT) in each of the component states, viz Unselected, Selected, Pressed and Disabled.
So for unselected state it is
button.getUnselectedStyle().setPadding(0, 0, 0, 0);
do this for other state's of the button.
You might want to play around with the margin of the button to fit it suitably within the container.
2) To remove the border of the button call the below syntactic method for each component state
button.get[ComponentState]Style().setBorder(null, false);
In your case for focused state, button.getSelectedStyle().setBorder(null, false);
3) To set the icon for the appropriate state of button use the following methods,
