I was trying to install vs code on Chromebook with Linux but i get it off the website and go into the file and it says "apt is not install able" and things like it for about five rows of text I hope someone knows the answer.
Try beginning with sudo apt install as opposed to apt install. Linux can be wishy washy when it comes to installs in the terminal.
i have vim 8.2.850. I am trying to install YouCompleteMe. But get this error, when trying to open vim:
"YouCompleteMe unavailable: requires Vim compiled with Python (3.6.0+) support"
How can i fix this? i saw other ppl answer for different versions. But sorry im a noob, could someone please help and give a detailed explaination on how to fix it?
And i am on mac, using terminal
It is an old question but I wanted to add I simply installed macvim and re-started terminal again. It solved my problem
- brew install macvim
I'm aware that this isn't directed at your question per say, but I ran into the same issue on Ubuntu with nvim.
Reinstalling didn't help, but adding https://github.com/neovim/pynvim fixed my issue.
Perhaps it can be helpful to Mac users using nvim too.
you can use vim --version | grep python to check your vim. If vim detects the python3, it will show like:
+cmdline_hist +langmap -python +viminfo
+cmdline_info +libcall +python3 +virtualedit
The python3 will have a + sign in front of that.
If not, first, you must check if you have python3.
Second, you need to uninstall vim (sudo apt purge vim), then reinstall vim (sudo apt install vim).
Third. Reconfirmation by vim --version | grep python.
I hope this can help you.
Yes, you can reinstall the latest vim version with homebrew: https://formulae.brew.sh/formula/vim
But, I think you should recheck your vim version with :version, there is no version like yours.
And the latest version itself depends on python, and more like nvim.
# I do like this
brew install vim --HEAD
brew install macvim
worked for me after restarting terminal.
Make sure to
brew uninstall vim
before installing macvim, then restart terminal.
Solved it for me on new Mac with new apple chip.
Thankfully, the error message is pretty solid. You need vim with Python,
Now while I don't personally have a mac that should be as straightforward as making sure you install the correct version.
The simplest way is probably going to be with brew as mentioned here.
brew remove vim
brew cleanup
brew install vim --with-python
If you installed it with a binary you will need to find a new binary with python included. Or alternatively you could try and build it from source as the comment from Zoe suggested. But I think that may be somewhat more involved than ideal for a beginner, although worthwhile.
It doesn't seem, like this actually involves neovim at all, If it does then you may want to update your question, otherwise it is a good idea to remove the neovim tag.
After installing Emacs via sudo apt-get install Emacs on a Linux Mint machine, I'm getting to the xwindow version of Emacs every time I start 'Emacs' from the terminal emulator in my window/tile manager.
I'm interested in the command-line version. Did I do something wrong so far?
If you remove the GUI version and install emacs-nox it will give you the command line only version.
Alternatively, you could also keep what you have and open it with emacs -nw. The nw means "No Window".
I'm using Ubuntu-14.04
I compiled vim myself (to add support for YouCompleteMe), and now when I execute apt-get dist-upgrade it overwrites my version of vim (and other dependent packages) and causes vim to stop working.
How can I upgrade everything, without ruining what I have compiled myself?
It's generally a good idea to keep things which you've compiled yourself in /usr/local/. Nothing from apt will be installed there so the stuff you've put in the directory will be safe from upgrades.
The other option is to pin the vim package so that the upgrade will not install it (or any dependecies). This might work better if you apt-get source the vim, build the .deb, install it and then pin it rather than just overwriting /usr/bin/vim with your own compile.
I ran brew install macvim, and I'm wondering if there's a way to access it outside of the terminal? I know I can create a link in my applications folder, but is there more native support for this? Or is my best bet just to download this guy https://code.google.com/p/macvim/ ?
MacVim is actually a GUI application first, that comes with a CLI executable that you can run in your shell.
You can find the MacVim.app bundle in /usr/local/Cellar/, where Homebrew puts all the programs you install with it.
It is also possible to launch the MacVim GUI with:
$ mvim -g filename
Installing MacVim with Homebrew makes sense if you already use Homebrew to install the UNIX programs that you use regularly but installing Homebrew just to get MacVim is a pointless waste of time. Downloading MacVim from the official source is a much better idea IMO: simpler, quicker…