in the following code I try to achieve the following:
1) As can be seen, the description 'talkative' does not appear. Is this really the y2axis? Or does y2axis not account for splot but only for plot?
Or do I have to label a border ?
2) How do I get tics only at the axis of interest?
3) A small detail: A close look reveals that the blue dot is transparent, but not the red and green dot. How to also make the blue dot filled?
set ticslevel 0
set xrange [0:1]
set yrange [0:1]
set zrange [0:1]
set object 1 polygon from \
0, 0, 1 to \
0, 1, 0 to \
1, 0, 0 to \
0, 0, 1
set view 56, 77
set style line 1 lc rgb "blue" pt 7 ps 2
set style line 2 lc rgb "red" pt 7 ps 2
set style line 3 lc rgb "green" pt 7 ps 2
unset xtics
unset ytics
unset ztics
set border 1+2+16
set xlabel "listening" offset +4,0
set y2label "talkative"
set zlabel "sleeping" rotate offset -1,-2
splot \
'-' with points ls 1 title "",\
'-' with points ls 2 title "",\
'-' with points ls 3 title ""
1 0 0
0 1 0
0 0 1
Unfortunately not a solution, but some explanations:
Yes, splot doesn't have an x2 and y2 equivalent. You can set a ylabel and shift it:
set ylabel 'talkative' offset graph -1.5
You mean getting tics only at the 'talkative' axis? That isn't possible out-of-the-box. You can have tics only on the y-axis (which gnuplot selects to always the the one in the front), or on both front and back y-axis.
That seems to be a bug to me. Usually you can set the border to be behind everything with set border back, but that doesn't work in this situation (tested with 4.6.5 and 5.0RC2). And it's also strange that it involves only one axis.
There are no second axes for splots. You can see this when you rotate the plot with the mouse: The drawn border, the tics and the label are jumping from one side to the other. You can also see the intention: If the volume is quite full of plot data, the axes in the rear would be hidden by your plots. So as soon as this can happen, gnuplot switches to axes in the front. There seems to be no way around.
(btw: when drawing the full border box, you have 4 axes in each direction. And there is definitively no y3tics or y4tics...)
set xtics nomirror
It's not really transparent, as only the "front border" is visible on the dot. The other lines (and also tick labels) are behind the dot. set border back should help, but it doesn't. The setting has an effect only for plot , not for splot. The data is plottet between front and rear axes, and so, the data hides the rear axes, but the front axes are drawn in front of the data.
In general, this all makes sense, but for special cases, there are options to tweak the plot as you want. However, only for plot ...
In gnuplot, we can set the tick scale, but this only affects the length of the ticks.
How can we change the width of the ticks?
I don't see any option in the tags of xtics or ytics that would set the appropriate width.
As theozh says, the tics are drawn using the 'border' line type. If necessary I suppose you could turn off the border, set the border linetype to whatever you want the tics to be, and then use a graph-sized rectangle to replace the border.
set border lc "black" lw 0.25 # thin lines for the tics
set border 0 # don't draw the normal border
set tics scale 3.0 # longer than usual tics
set obj 1 rectangle from graph 0,0 to graph 1,1
set obj 1 lc "black" lw 2.5 # heavy line for the "border"
set obj 1 fillstyle empty
set grid x y
plot sinc(x)
Check help border. My guess would be that the tic width can probably not set independently of the border. Well, you could play with multiple graphs with different borders and tics on top of each other. Check help multiplot.
### set tic width
reset session
set border lw 3
set xtics scale 4
set ytics scale 1
plot x
### end of code
I would like to create a color bar plot of a single variable that draws a box to the left in red if the variable is negative and green to the right if positive.
I am failing to get rid of the y axis completely. There shall be no marking of it whatsoever. Second the x-axis and tics is hidden behind the box. I need it visible. Third the plot of the line at 0 is really unnecessary as I have already drawn all I need but gnuplot wants a plot cmd with some sort of argument. I tried plot 0 lt bgnd but that left an ugly white line in my box. I guess I can live with that. Arrows at the ends of the x-axis would be nice, too.
This is the current state of the code. (the variable v will later come from the outside world as command line argument)
v= 7.3
if (v<0){boxcolor= 'red'}
if (v>=0){boxcolor= 'green'}
unset border
unset ytics
unset key
set yzeroaxis
set xzeroaxis
set xtics axis
unset ytics
set xrange [-10:10]
set object 1 rect from 0.0,-0.5 to v,0.5 back fillcolor rgb boxcolor
plot 0
Result currently:
You are probably looking for something like this:
Update: improved version
using graph and first coordinates for the arrow (check help coordinates), hence independent of the actual x-range.
using xzeroaxis (check help xzeroaxis)
### only x-axis with arrows
reset session
set border 0
unset ytics
v= 7.3
boxcolor = (v<0) ? 'red' : 'green'
set xrange [-10:10]
set xtics axis mirror
set xzeroaxis lt 1 lc "black"
set object 1 rect from 0.0,-0.5 to v,0.5 behind fillcolor rgb boxcolor
set arrow 1 from graph -0.03, first 0 to graph 1.03, first 0 heads filled
plot cos(x)
### end of script
Another answer: This one uses the built-in axis variants rather than an arrow:
set border 0
unset key
# In newer gnuplot versions there is a keyword "nodraw"
# Here we define a synonym that works with older versions also
hide = -4
set yzeroaxis lt hide lc hide
set xzeroaxis lt black
set tics front
unset ytics
set xtics axis
# define rectangle here
set object 1 rect from 0,-.5 to 5,.5 behind fs noborder fc "green"
plot 0 with lines lc "black"
I saw this graph and only for the curiosity sake was wondering whether it was possible to plot figure with multiple y-axis as in the figure
Many thanks!
As andyras wrote, you can use the second y-axis if you only have two datasets. In this case, you also need to to
set ytics nomirror # remove the tickmarks of the left ayis on the right side
set y2tics # make the right y-axis 'visible'
If you want to plot more than one dataset, I would suggest to use multiplot. You can overlay several independent plots and put a unique offset to the y-axis for each of them.
However, you need to take care that the number of y-tics and y-tick positions is the same.
(I did not care about the key here, this still needs adjustment)
set multiplot
set xrange[0:10]
# We need place to the left, so make the left margin 30% of screen
set lmargin screen 0.3
##### first plot
set ytics 0.4
set yrange[-1.2:1.2]
set ylabel "Voltage" textcolor rgb "red"
plot sin(x)
##### Second plot
set ytics 1
set yrange[-3:3]
set ytics offset -8, 0
set ylabel "Current" offset -8, 0 textcolor rgb "green"
plot 3*cos(x) linecolor 2
##### Third plot
set ytics 0.5
set yrange[-1.5:1.5]
set ytics offset -16, 0
set ylabel "Power" offset -16, 0 textcolor rgb "blue"
plot 3*sin(x)*cos(x) linecolor 3
unset multiplot
Yes, you can have two y axes for free, e.g.
plot x, x**2 axes x1y2
The axes specification lets you put things on x1y1, x2y1, etc. If you want more than two things plotted on the same y axes you have to normalize things yourself:
plot 'data1.dat' using 1:($2/MAX_1), \
'data2.dat' using 1:($2/MAX_2), \
'data3.dat' using 1:($s/MAX_3)
The variables MAX_X can be precalculated by using the stats command in gnuplot 4.6+, or you can put them in manually.
I am using the following script to fit a function on a plot. In the output plot I would like to add a single value with etiquette on the fitting curve lets say the point f(3.25). I have read that for gnuplot is very tricky to add one single point on a plot particularly when this plot is a fitting function plot.
Has someone has an idea how to add this single point on the existing plot?
set xlabel "1000/T (K^-^1)" font "Helvetica,20"
#set ylabel "-log(tau_c)" font "Helvetica,20"
set ylabel "-log{/Symbol t}_c (ns)" font "Helvetica,20"
set title "$system $type $method" font "Helvetica,24"
set xtics font "Helvetica Bold, 18"
set ytics font "Helvetica Bold, 18"
#set xrange[0:4]
set border linewidth 3
set xtic auto # set xtics automatically
set ytic auto # set ytics automatically
#set key on bottom box lw 3 width 8 height .5 spacing 4 font "Helvetica, 24"
set key box lw 3 width 4 height .5 spacing 4 font "Helvetica, 24"
set yrange[-5:]
set xrange[1.5:8]
A=1 ;B=-227 ; C=245
fit f(x) "$plot1" u (1000/\$1):(-log10(\$2)) via A,B,C
plot [1.5:8] f(x) ti "VFT" lw 4, "$plot1" u (1000/\$1):(-log10(\$2)) ti "$system $type" lw 10
#set key on bottom box lw 3 width 8 height .5 spacing 4 font "Helvetica, 24"
set terminal postscript eps color dl 2 lw 1 enhanced # font "Helvetica,20"
set output "KWW.eps"
There are several possiblities to set a point/dot:
1. set object
If you have simple points, like a circle, circle wedge or a square, you can use set object, which must be define before the respective plot command:
set object circle at first -5,5 radius char 0.5 \
fillstyle empty border lc rgb '#aa1100' lw 2
set object circle at graph 0.5,0.9 radius char 1 arc [0:-90] \
fillcolor rgb 'red' fillstyle solid noborder
set object rectangle at screen 0.6, 0.2 size char 1, char 0.6 \
fillcolor rgb 'blue' fillstyle solid border lt 2 lw 2
plot x
To add a label, you need to use set label.
This may be cumbersome, but has the advantage that you can use different line and fill colors, and you can use different coordinate systems (first, graph, screen etc).
The result with 4.6.4 is:
2. Set an empty label with point option
The set label command has a point option, which can be used to set a point using the existing point types at a certain coordinate:
set label at xPos, yPos, zPos "" point pointtype 7 pointsize 2
3. plot with '+'
The last possibility is to use the special filename +, which generates a set of coordinates, which are then filtered, and plotted using the labels plotting style (or points if no label is requested:
f(x) = x**2
x1 = 2
set xrange[-5:5]
set style line 1 pointtype 7 linecolor rgb '#22aa22' pointsize 2
plot f(x), \
'+' using ($0 == 0 ? x1 : NaN):(f(x1)):(sprintf('f(%.1f)', x1)) \
with labels offset char 1,-0.2 left textcolor rgb 'blue' \
point linestyle 1 notitle
$0, or equivalently column(0), is the coordinate index. In the using statement only the first one is taken as valid, all other ones are skipped (using NaN).
Note, that using + requires setting a fixed xrange.
This has the advantages (or disadvantages?):
You can use the usual pointtype.
You can only use the axis values as coordinates (like first or second for the objects above).
It may become more difficult to place different point types.
It is more involved using different border and fill colors.
The result is:
Adding to Christoph's excellent answers :
4. use stdin to pipe in the one point
replot "-" using 1:(f($1))
and use the method in 3rd answer to label it.
5. bake a named datablock
(version > 5.0) that contains the one point, then you can replot without resupplying it every time:
$point << EOD
replot $point using 1:(f($1)):(sprintf("%.2f",f($1))) with labels
6. A solution using a dummy array of length one:
array point[1]
pl [-5:5] x**2, point us (2):(3) pt 7 lc 3
7. Or through a shell command (see help piped-data):
pl [-5:5] x**2, "<echo e" us (2):(3) pt 7 lc 3
pl [-5:5] x**2, "<echo 2 3" pt 7 lc 3
8. Special filename '+'
pl [-5:5] x**2, "+" us (2):(3) pt 7 lc 3
It seems to be the shortest solution. But note that while it looks like a single point, these are like 500 points (see show samples) plotted on the same position.
To have only one point the sampling needs to be temporarily adjusted (see help plot sampling)
pl [-5:5] x**2, [0:0:1] "+" us (2):(3) pt 7 lc 3
9. Function with zero sampling range length
Shortest to type, but plotting as many points on top of each other as many specified with samples
pl [-5:5] x**2, [2:2] 3 w p pt 7 lc 3
I have created a plot made up of four subplots; each subplot is a bar chart. Above the smaller bars I want to print how many units on the y-scale the bar represents. To do this I use 'set label', which works fine if I create individual files for the subplots, but not if I use multiplot. In this case the labels are successively printed on top of each other (i.e. those of the first subfigure also appear in the second, etc.).
Here is a truncated version of my gnuplot script:
set terminal postscript eps size 26cm,16cm font "Helvetica,18"
set out 'all_Figures.eps'
set multiplot
set multiplot layout 2,2
set bars fullwidth
set data style boxes
set boxwidth 0.5
set style fill solid 1.0 border -1
set border 3 front linetype -1 linewidth 1.000
set xtics border in scale 0,0.5 nomirror norotate offset character 0, 0, 0
set ytics border in scale -1,0 nomirror norotate offset character 0, 0, 0
set nogrid
set datafile separator ","
# ** First Plot **
set label "36" at first 2, 130 center
set label "86" at first 3, 160 center
set size .4,.3
plot 'allPDB_perc.csv' using 2:xticlabels(1) notitle
# ** Second Plot **
set size .4,.3
set label "10" at first 3, 236 center
set label "3" at first 4, 236 center
plot 'allPDB_num_dom.csv' using 2:xticlabels(1) notitle
unset multiplot
Is someone able to tell me how to clear the previous subfigure's data labels prior to generation of the current labels? Thanks a lot in advance!
Oh dear >_< I simply had to unset the labels after plotting, like so:
# ** Plot 1 **
set label ...
plot 'datafile.dat'
unset label
# ** Plot 2 **
set label ...