Can a compiled application be tracked back to a machine? - visual-studio-2012

I've compiled an application in Visual Studio 2012 but I'm unsure about the legality of the Visual Studio application.
With no way to find out and the potential for the Visual Studio environment to be illegal could there be any legal repercussions from compiling an application in that environment if the recipient of the .exe has no idea about the source other than having the compiled application?
The install of VS2012 is a hand me down and I'm publishing the app to a wide audience so i just want to be sure it's safe no matter what the source development environment is.


Recompile on save isn't working

I started a Node.js project on Visual Studio 2017 Community on my PC at home, just to test a few things out and play around.
When I begin "debugging" (as in get Visual Studio to compile and launch the website), any changes I make and save to files are not reflected until I restart the entire debugging process. I've Node.js projects through Visual Studio on other computers, and they seemed to recompile the individual files as they were saved, reflecting any changes immediately. I can't seem to find anything online that would suggest a solution, I guess Visual Studio/node.js is a pretty rare combination.
My Visual Studio Community 2017 installation on Windows 10 is fairly slim. In terms of components:
Cloud, database, and server:
Connectivity and publishing tools
Web Deploy
Code tools: Developer Analytics tools
Debugging and testing: JavaScript diagnostics
Development activities:
JavaScript and TypeScript language support
Node.js support
SDKs, libraries, and frameworks: TypeScript 2.5 SDK
Would anyone how I can make Visual Studio recompile each file on save while debugging? It's definitely possible, I'm probably just missing something!
I've since figured that this is not native functionality for VisualStudio to recompile each time an application-dependent file is changed. There are, however, packages available that can allow Node to do this, such as Nodemon.

Visual Studio Migration 2015

We have around 100 projects in our solution built on Visual studio 2008. We migrated projects to Visual studio 2015. After migration, when the build is triggered to TFS build server, we are getting the below error:
"The type or namespace name does not exist in the namespace" (are you
missing an assembly reference)
Also note that the Build server has Visual studio 2012.
You need to make sure the environment on the build agent are as same as your local developer machine.
Since you can build the solution locally with VS2015 successfully, suggest you also install VS2015 on you build agent and try it again. (To make the environment clean, you can uninstall VS2012 first)

How to register Performance Counters Manifest using VS2008 Installer

I have a VC++ (unmanaged) project to which I added performance counters using manifest method. Everything is working great and I even have build steps that do manifest compilation and automatic registration using lodctr.exe tool with /m:manifest switch.
The problem that I'm running into is that I now need to make installer (VS2008 Installer project) do registration on install (unregistration on uninstall).
I tried to set it up by having a custom action that referenced lodctr.exe tool with CustomActionData set to /m:[TARGETDIR]PerfMon.manifest and similar setup using unlodctr.exe for custom uninstall action.
When installer runs, I do see a brief flash of cmd window (which is ok), but counters are not getting registered. I ran SysInternals' ProcMon tool, and I don't see lodctr.exe process even created.
I tested that running lodctr.exe manually on target machine registers the counters.
I googled for an example or explanation how to do it with Visual Studio installer project, but came up empty. It has some .NET oriented examples, but nothing for unmanaged, hard and cold VC++...
How can I register performance counters manifest using installer project?
Visual Studio installer project has very limited functionality. Starting from Visual Studio 2012 Visual Studio installer project is not supported, you should consider to use Windows Installer XML (WIX) instead.
Include your manifest into WIX project and use WIX's PerfCounterManifest with it.

Developing code in Visual studio that also runs in Linux

I have developed Visual C++ 2008 code that runs in Windows. I have made it cross platform also so that it runs under Linux.
I am greatly concerned about distributing source code and even just libraries that Linux users can link to.
I have used CMake and Code::Blocks (only in Linux) but it was still developed using Visual Studio 2008 for most development.
The license looked similar for the professional version and the express version. Let me know if binaries can be released to run under Linux and also if it is okay to open source the entire project. I am pretty far into this project. Maybe it should have been done entirely in Linux.
I am also interested to jump to another Windows compiler such as MinGW in addition because of the Visual Studio licensing restrictions. Is this the path that cross platform programs are usually created or can they be created primarily with the professional or express Visual Studio compilers?

VS2012 C++ Runtime library does not appear in Publish Prerequisites

I am using ClickOnce to deploy a C# application with a reference to a C++ project, using VS2012 on Windows 7.
In VS2010, I was able to VC++ 2010 runtime library as one of the prerequisites, however in VS2012, there is no such equivalent.
When running the deployed app on a non-developer machine, I receive an error that the C++ project could not be loaded.
I installed the VC++ 2012 redistributables from but I still don't see this option in the prerequisites.
When I browse to: C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v8.0A\Bootstrapper\Packages\
there is a package.xml that says:
You do not have the permissions required to install Visual C++ 2012 Runtime Libraries (x86).
Which makes no sense because I am an Admin on this computer.
Has anyone been able to deploy a .NET project in 2012 with a reference to a C++ project?
