Recursively find and delete (*.xml / *.txt / *.csv) files older than x days in Linux - linux

From what I gather through a quick search on the web, you can recursively remove any files folder than x days like this:
find /path/to/the/files -mtime +7 -exec rm {} \;
How do you amend this to only delete *.xml / *.csv / *.txt files (not case sensitive) recursively and leave other files/folders alone.
This is what I came up with and I am not sure if this is the correct way to go about this:
find /path/to/the/files -type f \( -name "*.xml" -or -name "*.XML" -or -name "*.csv" -or -name "*.CSV" -or -name "*.txt" -or -name "*.TXT" \) -mtime +7 -exec rm {} \;


How to remove files without certain extension?

How to remove all files without the .txt and .exe extensions recursively in the current working directory? I need a one-liner.
I tried:
find . ! -name "*.txt" "*.exe" -exec rm -r {} \
find -type f -regextype posix-extended -iregex '.*\.(txt|exe)$'
Try this.
find . -type f ! -name "*.exe" ! -name "*.txt" -exec rm {} \;
The above command will remove all the files other than the .exe and .txt extension files in the current directory and sub directory recursively.
If you have GNU find with the -delete action:
find . -type f ! \( -name '*.txt' -o -name '*.exe' \) -delete
And if not:
find . -type f ! \( -name '*.txt' -o -name '*.exe' \) -exec rm -f {} +
using -exec ... {} + to execute rm as few times as possible, with the arguments chained.
Try the following:
rm -f $(find . -type f ! \( -name "*.txt" -o -name "*.exe" \))
This will first recursively find all files that do not end with .txt or .exe extensions, and then delete all of these files.

FInd patternf for multiple pattern of files

I need to search for multiple pattern of files and check their mtime and if it morethan 30 days then delete all the files. I am using the below command but it's deleting only one pattern of file and not all. Kindly let me know where is the mistake in my command.
find /root -type f \( -name "*.tgz" -o -name "*.bz2" \) -mtime +30 -print -exec rm '{}' +
Try escaping parentheses in the command and adding a wildcard character:
find /root -type f \( -name "*.tgz" -o -name "*.bz2" \) -mtime +30 -exec rm {} \+

How to remove certain pattern files except another certain pattern files from a list?

I have many file with name chr1_gene_*.raw. I would like to keep some of them. So I use following command.
find . -maxdepth 1 -type f -name "*.raw" -not -name "chr1_gene_448.raw" -not -name "chr1_gene_1914.raw" -not -name "chr1_gene_2456.raw" -not -name "chr1_gene_1554.raw" -not -name "chr1_gene_2024.raw" -not -name "chr1_gene_35.raw" -not -name "chr1_gene_509.raw" -not -name "chr1_gene_1952.raw" -not -name "chr1_gene_575.raw" -not -name "chr1_gene_2249.raw" -not -name "chr1_gene_272.raw" -not -name "chr1_gene_2158.raw" -exec rm -rf {} \;
Sometimes there are too many files I want to keep. I do not want to type "-not -name " too many times. Is there a way to put a list in "-not -name"?
You may achieve this using a script say :
while read line
echo "-not -name " $line
Put all the -not -name names in a file called notnamelist. Remember there
should be no trailing empty lines.
find . -maxdepth 1 -type f -name "*.name" $( ./ ) -exec rm -rf {} \;

'Sed' not working on result of 'find' with multiple parameters

I'm trying to do a find and replace function, finding files which match a criteria then find/replace text within them.
Find statement (works find and returns list of files):
find / -type f -name "*.properties" -o -name "*.xml" -not \( -path '/tmp/*' -o -path '/var/tmp/*' \)
Sed find/replace:
sed -i 's/find/replace/g' {} \;
Putting together:
find / -type f -name "*.properties" -o -name "*.xml" -not \( -path '/tmp/*' -o -path '/var/tmp/*' \) -exec sed -i 's/10\.32\.19\.156/' {} \;
However this does not seem to work. Removing some 'find' parameters causes it to work, for example this works:
find / -type f -name "*.properties" -exec sed -i 's/10\.32\.19\.156/' {} \;
How can I get sed to work with the extended 'find' parameters?
Currently these two 'find' statements return exactly the same result in a test folder with only 2 files:
find /var/tmp/ipreplace/ -type f -name "*.properties"
find /var/tmp/ipreplace/ -type f -name "*.properties" -o -name "*.xml" -not \( -path '/tmp/*' -o -path '/var/tmp/*' \)
I guess the use of -path parameter in your find command is wrong.
Try the following:
find / -not \( -path '/tmp' -prune \) -not \( -path '/var/tmp' -prune \) -type f -name "*.properties" -o -name "*.xml" -exec sed -i 's/10\.32\.19\.156/' {} \;
Look at this post for reference

find command search only non hidden directories

In the following command i want to search only only the directories which are non hidden how can i do this using the following command .Iwant to ignore hidden directories while searching the log file
find /home/tom/project/ -name '.log.txt'
ls /home/tom/project/
find /home/tom/project -type d -name '.*' -prune -o -name .log.txt -print
This will find all files but ignore those that start with a dot so hidden files.
find /home/tom/project/ -type f \( -iname ".log.txt" ! -iname ".*" \)
If the above those not work, this should do the trick. It has a better regex.
find /home/tom/project/ \( ! -regex '.*/\..*' \) -type f -name ".log.txt"
The following will exclude hidden folders but will search for the hidden files that have the requested pattern:
find /home/tom/project/ \( ! -regex '.*/\..*/..*' \) -type f -name ".log.txt"
The grep solution :) if this doesn't work i'm lost :)
find /home/tom/project/ \( ! -regex '.*/\..*/..*' \) -exec grep -l ".log.txt" {} \;
Have you tried the simple solutions?
find /home/tom/project/ -type f -name ".log.txt"
find /home/tom/project/ -type f -name "*" -exec grep -l ".log.txt" {} \;
