How to consider previous elements when mapping over a list? - haskell

I'm stuck at making a function in Haskell wich has to do the following:
For each integer in a list check how many integers in front of it are smaller.
smallerOnes [1,2,3,5] will have the result [(1,0), (2,1), (3,2), (5,3)]
At the moment I have:
smallerOnes :: [Int] -> [(Int,Int)]
smallerOnes [] = []
smallerOnes (x:xs) =
I don't have any clue on how to tackle this problem. Recursion is probably the way of thinking here but at that point I'm losing it.

It is beneficial here not to start with a base case, but rather with a main case.
Imagine we've already processed half the list. Now we are faced with the rest of the list, say x:xs. We want to know how many integers "before it" are smaller than x; so we need to know these elements, say ys: length [y | y<-ys, y<x] will be the answer.
So you'll need to use an internal function that will maintain the prefix ys, produce the result for each x and return them in a list:
smallerOnes :: [Int] -> [(Int,Int)]
smallerOnes [] = []
smallerOnes xs = go [] xs
go ys (x:xs) = <result for this x> : <recursive call with updated args>
go ys [] = []
This can also be coded using some built-in higher-order functions, e.g.
scanl :: (a -> b -> a) -> a -> [b] -> [a]
which will need some post-processing (like map snd or something) or more directly with
mapAccumL :: (acc -> x -> (acc, y)) -> acc -> [x] -> (acc, [y])
mapAccumL is in Data.List.

import Data.List (inits)
smallerOnes :: [Int] -> [(Int,Int)]
smallerOnes xs = zipWith (\x ys -> (x, length $ filter (< x) ys)) xs (inits xs)


How do i achieve [x if func(x,lst) for x in list] in haskell?

Okay so I come from a python background and am new with haskell and doing an assignment. I am done with the question itself but my logic/code looks ugly and wanted to know of ways to improve it. What I want to do is iterate over a list with that list as argument to call another function.
Assuming that I want to achieve the following in haskell.
input = [1,2,2,3,3,4,5]
output = [1,4,5] #occurs Once
so i want to go from x->y
normally how I'd do it would be
def checksOnce(input):
lst = []
for val in input:
if occursOnce(val,input):
How do i do that iterating in haskell? I have a function that works fine for occursOnce which takes a value and list and returns a bool just like python.
checksOnce :: [Int] -> [Int] -> [Int]
checksOnce [] lst = []
checksOnce (x:xs) lst
| occursOnce x lst = [x] ++ checksOnce xs lst
| otherwise = checksOnce xs lst
and something like mainFunc lst = checksOnce lst lst to call the above function.
The above works fine and is sufficient as far as my hw goes, but passing the same argument Once is redundant! How do i go from checksOnce :: [Int] -> [Int] -> [Int] to checksOnce :: [Int] -> [Int] and use just one list to iterate over like the above python code instead of passing the same list Once to the function?
Haskell has list comprehensions, so you can do:
\f xs -> [x | x <- xs, f x xs]
You can also do this with a filter:
\f xs -> filter (\x -> f x xs) xs
The simplest, and probably most idiomatic, way to write this function in Haskell would be to use filter:
checksTwice :: (Eq a) => [a] -> [a] -- you can keep it as [Int] -> [Int] if you like, but this more general type signature is better because the function works on any type that can be compared for equality
checksTwice xs = filter (\x -> occursTwice x xs) xs
Or if you prefer (although the gain is debatable), rewriting the lambda in "point-free" style:
checksTwice :: (Eq a) => [a] -> [a]
checksTwice xs = filter (flip occursTwice xs) xs
(Which is exactly the answer suggested in the comments by #user2407038 - apologies for "stealing" your answer)
Well just like you did in your Python you'd want to have the variable lst only visible to the function checksTwice and not a parameter. Haskell throws some people for a loop what with it's lack of looping primitives - the solution is usually a helper function of a higher order function.
checksOnce :: [Int] -> [Int]
checksOnce xs = go xs xs
where go [] _ = []
go (x:xs) lst
| occursOnce x lst = x : go xs lst
| otherwise = go xs lst
But this pattern, including x if and only if f x is just a filter so...
checksOnce x = filter (`occursOnce` lst) xs
As #RobinZigmond noted, this still has a bug vs the behavior you desire.

interleaving two strings, preserving order: functional style

In this question, the author brings up an interesting programming question: given two string, find possible 'interleaved' permutations of those that preserves order of original strings.
I generalized the problem to n strings instead of 2 in OP's case, and came up with:
-- charCandidate is a function that finds possible character from given strings.
-- input : list of strings
-- output : a list of tuple, whose first value holds a character
-- and second value holds the rest of strings with that character removed
-- i.e ["ab", "cd"] -> [('a', ["b", "cd"])] ..
charCandidate xs = charCandidate' xs []
charCandidate' :: [String] -> [String] -> [(Char, [String])]
charCandidate' [] _ = []
charCandidate' ([]:xs) prev =
charCandidate' xs prev
charCandidate' (x#(c:rest):xs) prev =
(c, prev ++ [rest] ++ xs) : charCandidate' xs (x:prev)
interleavings :: [String] -> [String]
interleavings xs = interleavings' xs []
-- interleavings is a function that repeatedly applies 'charCandidate' function, to consume
-- the tuple and build permutations.
-- stops looping if there is no more tuple from charCandidate.
interleavings' :: [String] -> String -> [String]
interleavings' xs prev =
let candidates = charCandidate xs
in case candidates of
[] -> [prev]
_ -> concat . map (\(char, ys) -> interleavings' ys (prev ++ [char])) $ candidates
-- test case
input :: [String]
input = ["ab", "cd"]
-- interleavings input == ["abcd","acbd","acdb","cabd","cadb","cdab"]
it works, however I'm quite concerned with the code:
it is ugly. no point-free!
explicit recursion and additional function argument prev to preserve states
using tuples as intermediate form
How can I rewrite the above program to be more "haskellic", concise, readable and more conforming to "functional programming"?
I think I would write it this way. The main idea is to treat creating an interleaving as a nondeterministic process which chooses one of the input strings to start the interleaving and recurses.
Before we start, it will help to have a utility function that I have used countless times. It gives a convenient way to choose an element from a list and know which element it was. This is a bit like your charCandidate', except that it operates on a single list at a time (and is consequently more widely applicable).
zippers :: [a] -> [([a], a, [a])]
zippers = go [] where
go xs [] = []
go xs (y:ys) = (xs, y, ys) : go (y:xs) ys
With that in hand, it is easy to make some non-deterministic choices using the list monad. Notionally, our interleavings function should probably have a type like [NonEmpty a] -> [[a]] which promises that each incoming string has at least one character in it, but the syntactic overhead of NonEmpty is too annoying for a simple exercise like this, so we'll just give wrong answers when this precondition is violated. You could also consider making this a helper function and filtering out empty lists from your top-level function before running this.
interleavings :: [[a]] -> [[a]]
interleavings [] = [[]]
interleavings xss = do
(xssL, h:xs, xssR) <- zippers xss
t <- interleavings ([xs | not (null xs)] ++ xssL ++ xssR)
return (h:t)
You can see it go in ghci:
> interleavings ["abc", "123"]
> interleavings ["a", "b", "c"]
> permutations "abc" -- just for fun, to compare
This is fastest implementation I've come up with so far. It interleaves a list of lists pairwise.
interleavings :: [[a]] -> [[a]]
interleavings = foldr (concatMap . interleave2) [[]]
This horribly ugly mess is the best way I could find to interleave two lists. It's intended to be asymptotically optimal (which I believe it is); it's not very pretty. The constant factors could be improved by using a special-purpose queue (such as the one used in Data.List to implement inits) rather than sequences, but I don't feel like including that much boilerplate.
{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}
import Data.Monoid
import Data.Foldable (toList)
import Data.Sequence (Seq, (|>))
interleave2 :: [a] -> [a] -> [[a]]
interleave2 xs ys = interleave2' mempty xs ys []
interleave2' :: Seq a -> [a] -> [a] -> [[a]] -> [[a]]
interleave2' !prefix xs ys rest =
(toList prefix ++ xs ++ ys)
: interleave2'' prefix xs ys rest
interleave2'' :: Seq a -> [a] -> [a] -> [[a]] -> [[a]]
interleave2'' !prefix [] _ = id
interleave2'' !prefix _ [] = id
interleave2'' !prefix xs#(x : xs') ys#(y : ys') =
interleave2' (prefix |> y) xs ys' .
interleave2'' (prefix |> x) xs' ys
Using foldr over interleave2
interleave :: [[a]] -> [[a]]
interleave = foldr ((concat .) . map . iL2) [[]] where
iL2 [] ys = [ys]
iL2 xs [] = [xs]
iL2 (x:xs) (y:ys) = map (x:) (iL2 xs (y:ys)) ++ map (y:) (iL2 (x:xs) ys)
Another approach would be to use the list monad:
interleavings xs ys = interl xs ys ++ interl ys xs where
interl [] ys = [ys]
interl xs [] = [xs]
interl xs ys = do
i <- [1..(length xs)]
let (h, t) = splitAt i xs
map (h ++) (interl ys t)
So the recursive part will alternate between the two lists, taking all from 1 to N elements from each list in turns and then produce all possible combinations of that. Fun use of the list monad.
Edit: Fixed bug causing duplicates
Edit: Answer to dfeuer. It turned out tricky to do code in the comment field. An example of solutions that do not use length could look something like:
interleavings xs ys = interl xs ys ++ interl ys xs where
interl [] ys = [ys]
interl xs [] = [xs]
interl xs ys = splits xs >>= \(h, t) -> map (h ++) (interl ys t)
splits [] = []
splits (x:xs) = ([x], xs) : map ((h, t) -> (x:h, t)) (splits xs)
The splits function feels a bit awkward. It could be replaced by use of takeWhile or break in combination with splitAt, but that solution ended up a bit awkward as well. Do you have any suggestions?
(I got rid of the do notation just to make it slightly shorter)
Combining the best ideas from the existing answers and adding some of my own:
import Control.Monad
interleave [] ys = return ys
interleave xs [] = return xs
interleave (x : xs) (y : ys) =
fmap (x :) (interleave xs (y : ys)) `mplus` fmap (y :) (interleave (x : xs) ys)
interleavings :: MonadPlus m => [[a]] -> m [a]
interleavings = foldM interleave []
This is not the fastest possible you can get, but it should be good in terms of general and simple.

How do I make a list of substrings?

I am trying to make a list of all substrings where each substring has one less element of the originial string.
e.g "1234" would result in ["1234","123","12","1"]
I would like to achieve this only using prelude (no import) so cant use subsequences.
I am new to Haskell, and I know some of the problems with my code but don't currently know how to fix them.
slist :: String -> [String]
slist (x:xs) = (take (length (x:xs)) (x:xs)) ++ slist xs
How can I do this recursively using
Edit: would like to this by using init recursively
slist :: String -> [String]
slist [] = []
-- slist xs = [xs] ++ (slist $ init xs)
slist xs = xs : (slist $ init xs)
main = do
print $ slist "1234"
Here's a very lazy version suitable for working on infinite lists. Each element of each resulting list after the first only requires O(1) amortized time to compute it no matter how far into the list we look.
The general idea is: for each length n we intend to drop off the end we split the list into a queue of items of length n and the remainder of the list. To yield results, we first check there's another item in the list that can take a place in the queue, then yield the first item in the queue. When we reach the end of the list we discard the remaining items from the queue.
import Data.Sequence (Seq, empty, fromList, ViewL (..), viewl, (|>))
starts :: [a] -> [[a]]
starts = map (uncurry shiftThrough) . splits
shiftThrough :: Seq a -> [a] -> [a]
shiftThrough queue [] = []
shiftThrough queue (x:xs) = q1:shiftThrough qs xs
(q1 :< qs) = viewl (queue |> x)
splits finds all the initial sequences of a list together with the tailing list.
splits :: [a] -> [(Seq a, [a])]
splits = go empty
go s [] = []
go s (x:xs) = (s,x:xs):go (s |> x) xs
We can write dropping from the end of a list in terms of the same strategy.
dropEnd :: Int -> [a] -> [a]
dropEnd n = uncurry (shiftThrough . fromList) . splitAt n
These use Data.Sequence's amortized O(n) construction of a sequence fromList, O(1) appending to the end of sequence with |> and O(1) examining the start of a sequence with viewl.
This is fast enough to query things like (starts [1..]) !! 80000 very quickly and (starts [1..]) !! 8000000 in a few seconds.
Look ma, no imports
A simple purely functional implementation of a queue is a pair of lists, one containing the things to output next in order and one containing the most recent things added. Whenever something is added it's added to the beginning of the added list. When something is needed the item is removed from the beginning of the next list. When there are no more items left to remove from the next list it is replaced by the added list in reverse order, and the added list is set to []. This has amortized O(1) running time since each item will be added once, removed once, and reversed once, however many of the reversals will happen all at once.
delay uses the queue logic described above to implement the same thing as shiftThrough from the previous section. xs is the list of things that were recently added and ys is the list of things to use next.
delay :: [a] -> [a] -> [a]
delay ys = traverse step ([],ys)
step (xs, ys) x = step' (x:xs) ys
step' xs [] = step' [] (reverse xs)
step' xs (y:ys) = (y, (xs, ys))
traverse is almost a scan
traverse :: (s -> a -> (b, s)) -> s -> [a] -> [b]
traverse f = go
go _ [] = []
go s (x:xs) = y : go s' xs
where (y, s') = f s x
We can define starts in terms of delay and another version of splits that returns lists.
starts :: [a] -> [[a]]
starts = map (uncurry delay) . splits
splits :: [a] -> [([a], [a])]
splits = go []
go s [] = []
go s (x:xs) = (reverse s, x:xs):go (x:s) xs
This has very similar performance to the implementation using Seq.
Here's a somewhat convoluted version:
slist xs = go (zip (repeat xs) [lenxs, lenxs - 1..1])
where lenxs = length xs
go [] = []
go (x:xs) = (take (snd x) (fst x)) : go xs
main = do
print $ slist "1234"
Updated answer to list all possible substrings (not just starting from the root).
slist :: [t] -> [[t]]
slist [] = []
slist xs = xs : (slist $ init xs ) # Taken from Pratik Deoghare's post
all_substrings:: [t] -> [[t]]
all_substrings (x:[]) = [[x]]
all_substrings (x:xs) = slist z ++ all_substrings xs
where z = x:xs
λ> all_substrings "1234"

Haskell Cartesian Product Recursively [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Cartesian product of 2 lists in Haskell
(15 answers)
Closed 10 years ago.
I know how to use list comprehension to do this, but how can I implement a function that will recursively compute the cartesian product given two sets?
Here's where I'm stuck (and I'm a noob)
crossProd :: [Int] -> [Int] -> [(Int,Int)]
crossProd xs ys | xs == [] || ys == [] = []
| otherwise = (head xs, head ys) : crossProd (tail xs) (ys)
The output of this gives me
If the sets are [1,2,3] and [4,5,6] respectively..
How would I go about getting the rest?
The most basic case is this:
{-crossProdAux :: Int -> [Int] -> [(Int,Int)]-}
crossProdAux x [] = []
crossProdAux x (a:b) = (x, a):(crossProdAux x b)
{-crossProd :: [Int] -> [Int] -> [(Int,Int)]-}
crossProd [] ys = []
crossProd (a:b) ys= (crossProdAux a ys)++(crossProd b ys)
This can be done in a single function:
crossProd :: [a] -> [b] -> [(a, b)]
crossProd (x:xs) ys = map (\y -> (x, y)) ys ++ crossProd xs ys
crossProd _ _ = []
Notice that I've generalised your types so that this works for any a and b, rather than just Ints.
The key to this function is understanding that you want to pair each element in the first list with each element in the second. This solution therefore takes one element x from the first list, and pairs it with every one in ys. This is done by mapping a function that takes each value y from ys, and turns it into a pair (x, y). We add this to the front of recursing with the rest of the list xs.
In the base case, there is nothing left to pair, so the output is empty.

How would you define map and filter using foldr in Haskell?

I'm doing a bit of self study on functional languages (currently using Haskell). I came across a Haskell based assignment which requires defining map and filter in terms of foldr. For the life of me I'm not fully understanding how to go about this.
For example when I define a map function like:
map' :: (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b]
map' f [] = []
map' f (x:xs) = foldr (\x xs -> (f x):xs) [] xs
I don't know why the first element of the list is always ignored. Meaning that:
map' (*2) [1,2,3,4]
results in [4,6,8] instead of [2,4,6,8]
Similarly, my filter' function:
filter' :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> [a]
filter' p [] = []
filter' p (x:xs) = foldr (\x xs -> if p x then x:xs else xs ) [] xs
when run as:
filter' even [2,3,4,5,6]
results in [4,6] instead of [2,4,6]
Why would this be the case? And how SHOULD I have defined these functions to get the expected results? I'm assuming something is wrong with my lambda expressions...
I wish I could just comment, but alas, I don't have enough karma.
The other answers are all good ones, but I think the biggest confusion seems to be stemming from your use of x and xs.
If you rewrote it as
map' :: (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b]
map' f [] = []
map' f (x:xs) = foldr (\y ys -> (f y):ys) [] xs
you would clearly see that x is not even mentioned on the right-hand side, so there's no way that it could be in the solution.
For your first question, foldr already has a case for the empty list, so you need not and should not provide a case for it in your own map.
map' f = foldr (\x xs -> f x : xs) []
The same holds for filter'
filter' p = foldr (\x xs -> if p x then x : xs else xs) []
Nothing is wrong with your lambda expressions, but there is something wrong with your definitions of filter' and map'. In the cons case (x:xs) you eat the head (x) away and then pass the tail to foldr. The foldr function can never see the first element you already ate. :)
Alse note that:
filter' p = foldr (\x xs -> if p x then x : xs else xs) []
is equivalent (η-equivalent) to:
filter' p xs = foldr (\x xs -> if p x then x : xs else xs) [] xs
I would define map using foldr and function composition as follows:
map :: (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b]
map f = foldr ((:).f) []
And for the case of filter:
filter :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> [a]
filter p = foldr (\x xs -> if p x then x:xs else xs) []
Note that it is not necessary to pass the list itself when defining functions over lists using foldr or foldl.
The problem with your solution is that you drop the head of the list and then apply the map over the list and
this is why the head of the list is missing when the result is shown.
In your definitions, you are doing pattern matching for x:xs, which means, when your argument is [1,2,3,4], x is bound to 1 and xs is bound to the rest of the list: [2,3,4].
What you should not do is simply throw away x: part. Then your foldr will be working on whole list.
So your definitions should look as follows:
map' :: (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b]
map' f [] = []
map' f xs = foldr (\x xs -> (f x):xs) [] xs
filter' :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> [a]
filter' p [] = []
filter' p xs = foldr (\x xs -> if p x then x:xs else xs ) [] xs
I am new to Haskell (in fact I've found this page asking the same question) but this is my understanding of lists and foldr so far:
lists are elements that are linked to the next element with the cons (:) operator. they terminate with the empty list []. (think of it as a binary operator just like addition (+) 1+2+3+4 = 10, 1:2:3:4:[] = [1,2,3,4]
foldr function takes a function that takes two parameters. this will replace the cons operator, which will define how each item is linked to the next.
it also takes the terminal value for the operation, which can be tought as the initial value that will be assigned to the empty list. for cons it is empty list []. if you link an empty list to any list the result is the list itself. so for a sumfunction it is 0. for a multiply function it is 1, etc.
and it takes the list itself
So my solution is as follows:
filter' p = foldr (\x n -> if p x then x : n else n) []
the lambda expression is our link function, which will be used instead of the cons (:) operator. Empty list is our default value for an empty list. If predicate is satisfied we link to the next item using (:) as normal, else we simply don't link at all.
map' f = foldr (\x n -> f x : n) []
here we link f x to the next item instead of just x, which would simply duplicate the list.
Also, note that you don't need to use pattern matching, since we already tell foldr what to do in case of an empty list.
I know this question is really old but I just wanted to answer it anyway. I hope it is not against the rules.
A different way to think about it - foldr exists because the following recursive pattern is used often:
-- Example 1: Sum up numbers
summa :: Num a => [a] -> a
summa [] = 0
summa (x:xs) = x + suma xs
Taking the product of numbers or even reversing a list looks structurally very similar to the previous recursive function:
-- Example 2: Reverse numbers
reverso :: [a] -> [a]
reverso [] = []
reverso (x:xs) = x `op` reverso xs
op = (\curr acc -> acc ++ [curr])
The structure in the above examples only differs in the initial value (0 for summa and [] for reverso) along with the operator between the first value and the recursive call (+ for summa and (\q qs -> qs ++ [q]) for reverso). So the function structure for the above examples can be generally seen as
-- Generic function structure
foo :: (a -> [a] -> [a]) -> [a] -> [a] -> [a]
foo op init_val [] = init_val
foo op init_val (x:xs) = x `op` foo op init_val xs
To see that this "generic" foo works, we could now rewrite reverso by using foo and passing it the operator, initial value, and the list itself:
-- Test: reverso using foo
foo (\curr acc -> acc ++ [curr]) [] [1,2,3,4]
Let's give foo a more generic type signature so that it works for other problems as well:
foo :: (a -> b -> b) -> b -> [a] -> b
Now, getting back to your question - we could write filter like so:
-- Example 3: filter
filtero :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> [a]
filtero p [] = []
filtero p (x:xs) = x `filterLogic` (filtero p xs)
filterLogic = (\curr acc -> if (p curr) then curr:acc else acc)
This again has a very similar structure to summa and reverso. Hence, we should be able to use foo to rewrite it. Let's say we want to filter the even numbers from the list [1,2,3,4]. Then again we pass foo the operator (in this case filterLogic), initial value, and the list itself. filterLogic in this example takes a p function, called a predicate, which we'll have to define for the call:
let p = even in foo (\curr acc -> if (p curr) then curr:acc else acc) [] [1,2,3,4]
foo in Haskell is called foldr. So, we've rewritten filter using foldr.
let p = even in foldr (\curr acc -> if (p curr) then curr:acc else acc) [] [1,2,3,4]
So, filter can be written with foldr as we've seen:
-- Solution 1: filter using foldr
filtero' :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> [a]
filtero' p xs = foldr (\curr acc -> if (p curr) then curr:acc else acc) [] xs
As for map, we could also write it as
-- Example 4: map
mapo :: (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b]
mapo f [] = []
mapo f (x:xs) = x `op` (mapo f xs)
op = (\curr acc -> (f curr) : acc)
which therefore can be rewritten using foldr. For example, to multiply every number in a list by two:
let f = (* 2) in foldr (\curr acc -> (f curr) : acc) [] [1,2,3,4]
So, map can be written with foldr as we've seen:
-- Solution 2: map using foldr
mapo' :: (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b]
mapo' f xs = foldr (\curr acc -> (f curr) : acc) [] xs
Your solution almost works .)
The problem is that you've got two differend bindings for x in both your functions (Inside the patternmatching and inside your lambda expression), therefore you loose track of the first Element.
map' :: (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b]
map' f [] = []
map' f (x:xs) = foldr (\x xs -> (f x):xs) [] (x:xs)
filter' :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> [a]
filter' p [] = []
filter' p (x:xs) = foldr (\x xs -> if p x then x:xs else xs ) [] (x:xs)
This should to the trick :). Also: you can write your functions pointfree style easily.
*Main> :{
*Main| map' :: (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b]
*Main| map' = \f -> \ys -> (foldr (\x -> \acc -> f x:acc) [] ys)
*Main| :}
*Main> map' (^2) [1..10]
*Main> :{
*Main| filter' :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> [a]
*Main| filter' = \p -> \ys -> (foldr (\x -> \acc -> if p x then x:acc else acc) [] ys)
*Main| :}
*Main> filter' (>10) [1..100]
In the above snippets acc refers to accumulator and x refers to the last element.
Everything is correct in your lambda expressions. The problem is you are missing the first element in the list. If you try,
map' f (x:xs) = foldr (\x xs -> f x:xs) [] (x:xs)
then you shouldn't miss the first element anymore. The same logic applies to filter.
filter' p (x:xs) = foldr(\ y xs -> if p y then y:xs else xs) [] (x:xs)
