Error: Struct already definded in *.Obj - visual-c++

Help, I'm using VC++ and I always get the LNK2005 and LNK1169 Error when running my script, can you guys please tell me why it's happening and how to fix it, Thank you!
In the Main.cpp
#include "stdafx.h
#include <Windows.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "Modifier.h"
using namespace std;
HWND myconsole = GetConsoleWindow();
HDC mydc = GetDC(myconsole);
int main()
if (Input.beg("Hello"))
cout << "World";
In "Modifier.cpp"
#include "stdafx.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <sstream>
using namespace std;
struct {
bool beg(string a)
string b;
getline(cin, b);
if (b == a)
return true;
} Input;
In "Modifier.h"
#include "Modifier.cpp"

You must change your header declaration: you're inadvertently declaring a different, global "Input" variable in every .cpp that includes "Modifier.h".
// Modifier.h
#ifndef MODIFER_H
#define MODIFIER_H
struct Input {
bool beg(string a)
string b;
getline(cin, b);
if (b == a)
return true;
Then, in Modifier.cpp:
#include "Modifier.h"
struct Input globalInput;
You should not include a .cpp in a .h. You should include headers in source files, not vice versa.
And you should definitely consider using a "class" instead of a "struct". Because, frankly, that's what your "Input" is: just a method, no state/no data.


Passing objects as parameters by another object visual c++

I'm trying to pass an object by reference in c++. I get these errors:
Error 1 error C2061: syntax error : identifier 'Common' graphics.h 6 1 SDLGameDev
Error 2 error C2511: 'void Graphics::CreateWindow(Common &)' : overloaded member function not found in 'Graphics' 4 1 SDLGameDev
I found answers about this area, but not any that covers how to do this:
Here is my code:
#ifndef COMMON_H
#define COMMON_H
#include "SDL.h"
#include "iostream"
class Common{
void Init();
bool GetGameRunState(){ return GameRunState; }
void SetGameRunState(bool x){ GameRunState = x; }
bool GameRunState;
#include "Common.h"
void Common::Init()
#ifndef GRAPHICS_H
#define GRAPHICS_H
class Graphics{
void CreateWindow(Common & co);
#include "Graphics.h"
#include "Common.h"
void Graphics::CreateWindow(Common & co)
if (co.GetGameRunState() == true)
std::cout << "TEST for CreateWindow()\n";
#include "Common.h"
#include "Graphics.h"
Common co;
Graphics go;
int main(int argc, char * args[])
while (co.GetGameRunState() == true)
std::cout << "Game is running\n";
return 0;
You haven't included Common.h in the file Graphics.h so it doesn't know about the class.
#ifndef GRAPHICS_H
#define GRAPHICS_H
#include "Common.h" // You need this line
class Graphics {
void CreateWindow(Common & co);
I would recommend using singletons and put the initialisation of sdl, creation of the renderer and window etc all together in one class. Your question has already been answered.

The cout automatically goes to next line?

#include <string>
#include <cstring>
#include <map>
using namespace std;
int main()
map<string ,int > m;
map <string ,int>::iterator it;
char line[64];
int t,n;
for(scanf("%d\n", &n); n--; )
The last line in this code after printing the it->first.c_str() automatically goes to the next line but I want to print the it->second in the same line.
How do I achieve that?

Visual C++ Errors C2146, C4430

Please help to figure out whats wrong with this code.
main.cpp create Object3D which create Box and pass Object3D* pointer to Box.
And there are errors until i remove Object3D declarations from Box.
#include <iostream>
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "Object3D.h"
int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
Object3D obj;
char c;
std::cin >> c;
return 0;
#include "Object3D.h"
#include "Box.h"
#ifndef OBJECT3D_H
#define OBJECT3D_H
#include "Box.h"
class Object3D
Box _box_obj; //<<<---ERROR HERE (C2146, C4430)
#include "Box.h"
#include "Object3D.h"
int Box::Init(Object3D* _obj)
obj = _obj;
#ifndef BOX_H
#define BOX_H
#include "Object3D.h"
class Box
Object3D* obj; //<<<---ERROR HERE (C2143, C4430)
int Init(Object3D* _obj); //<<<---ERROR HERE (C2061)
Change Box.h:
#ifndef BOX_H
#define BOX_H
// forward reference possible since the class is not dereferenced here.
class Object3D;
class Box
Object3D* obj;
int Init(Object3D* _obj);
The class definition does not use any member of Object3D. Therefore you don't need to know the definition of Object3D but just the fact that it is a class. The forward reference is sufficient and an appropriate tool to resolve a circular dependency.
BTW: The circular reference of object usually includes some "master" objects that own the other objects. It makes sense to change the member name to show the relation rather the type. I would suggest a
Object3D* owner;
when the box owns the obj.

Cuda - printing string from object in __global__ function

I am new to CUDA and I am getting a strange error. I want to print a string from a passed object and I get the error "calling host function from global function is not allowed" and I don't know why. But if I want to print an integer (changing get method to return sk1), everything works fine. Here is the code:
class Duomenys {
string simb;
int sk1;
double sk2;
__device__ __host__ Duomenys(void): simb(""), sk1(0), sk2(0.0) {}
__device__ __host__~Duomenys() {}
__device__ __host__ Duomenys::Duomenys(string simb1, int sk11, double sk21)
: simb(simb1), sk1(sk11), sk2(sk21) {}
__device__ __host__ string Duomenys::get(){
return simb;
And here I am calling Duomenys::get from __global__ function:
__global__ void Vec_add(Duomenys a) {
printf(" %s \n",a.get());
EDIT: I am trying to read data from a file and print it in a global function. In this code I am trying read all data and print just one object to see if everything works. This is the error I'm getting:
calling a __host__ function("std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >::~basic_string") from a __global__ function("Vec_add") is not allowed
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <cuda.h>
#include <cuda_runtime.h>
#include <vector>
#include <string>
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <string>
#include <sstream>
using namespace std;
class Duomenys {
string simb;
int sk1;
double sk2;
__device__ __host__ Duomenys(void): simb(""), sk1(0), sk2(0.0) {}
__device__ __host__~Duomenys() {}
__device__ __host__ Duomenys::Duomenys(string simb1, int sk11, double sk21)
: simb(simb1), sk1(sk11), sk2(sk21) {}
__device__ __host__ string Duomenys::print()
stringstream ss;
ss << left << setw(10) << simb << setw(10) << sk1 << setw(10) << sk2;
return ss.str();
__global__ void Vec_add(Duomenys a) {
printf(" %s \n",a.print());
/* Host code */
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
setlocale (LC_ALL,"");
vector<Duomenys> vienas;
vector<vector<Duomenys>> visi;
//data reading to vector "vienas" (it works without any errors)
Duomenys *darr;
const size_t sz = size_t(2) * sizeof(Duomenys);
cudaMalloc((void**)&darr, sz);
Vec_add<<<1, 1>>>(visi[0].at(0));
cudaMemcpy(darr, &visi[0].at(0), sz, cudaMemcpyHostToDevice);
return 0;
Your problem is not with printf function, but with string data type. You cannot use the C++ string type in a kernel. See related question here: Can we use the string data type in C++ within kernels
Why would you pass a string object to printf when the %s format specifier is expecting something else? When I try to do that in ordinary host code, I get warnings about "passing non-POD types through ellipsis (call will abort at runtime)". Note that this problem has nothing to do with CUDA.
But beyond that issue, presumably you're getting string from the C++ standard library. (It's better if you show a complete reproducer code, then I don't have to guess at where you're getting things or what you are including.)
If I get string as follows:
#include <string>
using namespace std;
Then I am using a function defined in the C++ Standard Library. CUDA supports the C++ language (mostly) but does not necessarily support usage of C++ libraries (or C libraries, for that matter) in device code. Libraries are (usually) composed of (at least some) compiled code (such as allocators, in this case), and this code has been compiled for CPUs, not for the GPU. When you try to use such a CPU compiled routine (e.g. an allocator associated with the string class) in device code, the compiler will bark at you. If you include the complete error message in the question, it will be more obvious specifically what (compiled-for-the-host) function is actually the issue.
Use a standard C style string instead (i.e. char[] and you will be able to use it directly in printf.
EDIT: In response to a question in the comments, here is a modified version of the code posted that demonstrates how to use an ordinary C-style string (i.e. char[]) and print from it in device code.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <cuda.h>
#include <cuda_runtime.h>
#include <vector>
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <string>
#include <sstream>
#define STRSZ 32
using namespace std;
class Duomenys {
char simb[STRSZ];
int sk1;
double sk2;
__device__ __host__ Duomenys(void): sk1(0), sk2(0.0) {}
__device__ __host__~Duomenys() {}
__device__ __host__ Duomenys(char *simb1, int sk11, double sk21)
: sk1(sk11), sk2(sk21) {}
__device__ __host__ char * print()
return simb;
__device__ __host__ void store_str(const char *str)
for (int i=0; i< STRSZ; i++)
simb[i] = str[i];
__global__ void Vec_add(Duomenys a) {
printf(" %s \n",a.print());
/* Host code */
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
string host_string("hello\n");
setlocale (LC_ALL,"");
vector<Duomenys> vienas(3);
vector<vector<Duomenys> > visi(3);
visi[0] = vienas;
//data reading to vector "vienas" (it works without any errors)
Duomenys *darr;
const size_t sz = size_t(2) * sizeof(Duomenys);
cudaMalloc((void**)&darr, sz);
Vec_add<<<1, 1>>>(visi[0].at(0));
cudaMemcpy(darr, &(visi[0].at(0)), sz, cudaMemcpyHostToDevice);
return 0;
Note that I didn't try to understand your code or fix everything that looked strange to me. However this should demonstrate one possible approach.

error C4716: function : must return a value

So I am trying to use pthread libraries for Visual C++(2012) and I get this error error C4716: 'print_message' : must return a value
Here's the code
#include "stdafx.h"
#include <iostream>
#include "pthread.h"
using namespace std;
void* print_message(void *)
cout << "Threading\n";
int main()
pthread_t t1;
pthread_create(&t1, NULL, print_message, NULL);
cout << "Hello";
void* result;
return 0;
Add return NULL; to print_message. I'll bet you need to name the argument too.
