Android Google Map API v 2 Black white screen loaded on signed apk - android-mapview

I am loading google maps on android devices success fully but when i signed the android build with my keystone app show black screen on map with zoom and my location buttons

Say for example your apk name is App and you are signing and creating a keystore for App.apk
ie App.keystore will be created in some drive location.Let's consider it in D drive.
step 2:
Now locate to jdk in C drive(Considering for windows and assigning C drive)
C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.7.0\bin>keytool -list -v -keystore D:\App.keystore -alias App
So it will create SHA-1 finger print.


Android App not displaying images from cloud Firestore in release build but works in debug build

I recently finished building a wallpaper app. The app works fine in debug build, but not in release. I have added anonymous authentication to the app and the following rules in cloud Firestore:
service cloud.firestore {
match /databases/{database}/documents {
match /{document=**} {
allow read, write: if
request.auth != null;
Moreover I have added the release sha1 and sha256 keys to firebase and updated the json file as well.
Nothing seems to fix this issue.
The app displays the images properly here when I run it from Android Studio:
App doesn't work when I export it to Play Store and download. The images simply wont show up:
when you upload an app in android studio the SHA1 key changes. There are two types of SHA1 keys one is used for debugging and other is used for Release. In your case when you use App in android studio it will not give you error as you have entered in firebase the SHA1 key for debugging.
for Android studio you need SHA1 key for Release for which you need to go to the play console and select your app. Then under setup go to app integrity here you will find SH1 key. Enter that key in your firebase authentication.
Always check your apk on emulator after the Signed built before uploading on PlayStore.
you can also find the SHA1 release key in android studio in Terminal.
you will need keytool command for that.
To execute Keytool command you need to go to the directory of Android Studio where Keytool.exe file is placed. for that you need to search Android studio directory. For me it was in "C:\Program Files\Android\Android Studio\jre\bin". So i entered in that directory using command
cd C:\Program Files\Android\Android Studio\jre\bin
then use keytool command
keytool -list -v -keystore "C:\Users\Yah\Google Drive\Android\booksapp\booksappkey.jks" -alias key0
This is the place where jks file is placed which was used for generation of signed apk
you will be asked for the password that you always used to generate signed apk
and the SHA1 key will be displayed which will be same as used in google play console.
I found a fix it wasn't related to the keys at all disabling progaurd fixed my issue app works fine now looks like I need to create rules to let the app load images not sure but this is what worked for me.

I get warning that "Invalid Code Signing Entitlements" with Apple Distribution Profile

I have an app which is on AppStore. It is signed as ios distrubution.
After a while my certificates are expired on apple developer account. I revoked these and created again. And I started seeing two certificates (iOS Distribution and Distribution). I saw a warning that is "Distribution for use in Xcode 11 or later".
Now I will update my app on appstore but I can't sign it with "iOS Distrubution". Because my xcode version is 11.5.
When I choose "iOS Distrubition" on my provisioning profile I can't sign my app.
When I choose "Distrubition" on my provisioning profile I can sign my app. But in this case while I try to upload app to appstore, I get a warning that:
ERROR ITMS-90046: "Invalid Code Signing Entitlements. Your application bundle's signature contains code signing entitlements that are not supported on iOS. Specifically, value 'Development' for key '' in 'Payload/...' is not supported."
How can I fix that?
I solved my problem by changing app publish method. Previously I used to get ipa on my windows device and send it to app store with transporter from my mac. Now I created xcarchive file on mac. After I clicked this xcarchive and send it with xcode app publish tool. I signed my app there (xcode tool). And I didn't get any error with this way.
I didn't do anything on my provisioning profile. I used "Distrubition (for xcode 11)". And it worked with xcarchive. I don't know why it doesn't work with ipa.

Website2APK with Android

I'm relatively new to coding so I have a website that I wanted to convert to an APK to upload to Google Play, so as I'm relatively new I used the program website2apk, all that went OK so when I went to upload it to Google Play I had this error
Unoptimised APK
This APK results in unused code and resources being sent to users. Your app could be smaller if you used the Android App Bundle. By not optimising your app for device configurations, your app is larger to download and install on users' devices than it needs to be. Larger apps see lower installation success rates and take up storage on users' devices.
Use the Android App Bundle to automatically optimise for device configurations, or manage it yourself with multiple APKs."
So I installed Android Studio and tried importing the APK and the build is greyed out.
So decompiled it and tried importing the project, However I try to import it I get this (see the screenshot:
So from there I'm clueless on what to do as I have tried both options and both don't seem to work.
Then when I tried create project from existing files it said I need to migrate to Gradle and I don't know how to do that.

uploading .ipa file for appcenter distribution using Xamarin

I am trying to use AppCenter to distribute my app to iOS beta testers.
I have included the nuget packages for Microsoft.AppCenter and Microsoft.AppCenter.Distribute
I followed the developer.xamarin instructions for creating an IPA
An IPA did not appear in the Bin > iOS Device > Ad Hoc (or Release) folder as expected. An application (.exe) file was created.
This is most likely the area I need help on.
In AppCenter I selected Distribute and got to the Upload a Build screen, I could not find an IPA file on my computer.
when pressing the Where Can I Find my IPA file? link, I was transferred to, which I didn't understand how to use to find the file. Perhaps this link is incorrect or someone can tell me how to use these apis to find the file?
I have never connected my Windows Visual Studio Xamarin to a Mac. LivePlayer on an iPhone works beautifully. I was hoping to get to be able to distribute my app without using a physical Mac.
Thank you for any help. If you can point me towards other tutorials on setting up and using AppCenter to distribute to iPhone beta users, I would appreciate it.
To order generate an .ipa file for distribution a Mac needs to be involved in the build process.
If you do not have access to a Mac for local development and the application source code is located in a git repository hosted in GitHub, BitBucket, or Visual Studio Team Services, then you can link App Center to the git repository and configure App Center to perform the build for distribution purposes.

Android Studio where is Master Password stored?

When you generate a APK in Android Studio you can secure the generation with a Master Password. Where in the filesystem is this password stored? I'm hoping I'm not committing this file in my project, i.e. and uploading it to Github:-)
The master password isn't actually stored, but it's used to encrypt the master password file, which lives in the security.xml file with your Android Studio preferences. That file contains encrypted versions of your keystore and key passwords if you check the "Remember Passwords" checkbox in the Generate Signed APK wizard; if you don't tell it to remember passwords, nothing is stored.
Where that file lives depends on your platform, but in general on Windows it will be in <User home>\.AndroidStudioPreview\config\security.xml, ~/Library/Preferences/AndroidStudioPreview/options/security.xml on MacOS, and ~/.AndroidStudioPreview/config/security.xml on Linux. See for more information on where preferences are stored for IntelliJ; it's essentially the same for Android Studio.
You can find a little more information on the file in a SO question about trying to decrypt the file contents if the master password is known: Intellij IDEA - view saved password
For Android Studio version 1.0.2 on windows 7, the security.xml is located at
In my linux system this is where the security.xml file is located::
Master passwords are encrypted (AES) and saved in security.xml file. It's location could change based on system and the version of android studio that you are using.
You can run the following command in command shell.
locate security.xml
