Android Studio where is Master Password stored? - android-studio

When you generate a APK in Android Studio you can secure the generation with a Master Password. Where in the filesystem is this password stored? I'm hoping I'm not committing this file in my project, i.e. and uploading it to Github:-)

The master password isn't actually stored, but it's used to encrypt the master password file, which lives in the security.xml file with your Android Studio preferences. That file contains encrypted versions of your keystore and key passwords if you check the "Remember Passwords" checkbox in the Generate Signed APK wizard; if you don't tell it to remember passwords, nothing is stored.
Where that file lives depends on your platform, but in general on Windows it will be in <User home>\.AndroidStudioPreview\config\security.xml, ~/Library/Preferences/AndroidStudioPreview/options/security.xml on MacOS, and ~/.AndroidStudioPreview/config/security.xml on Linux. See for more information on where preferences are stored for IntelliJ; it's essentially the same for Android Studio.
You can find a little more information on the file in a SO question about trying to decrypt the file contents if the master password is known: Intellij IDEA - view saved password

For Android Studio version 1.0.2 on windows 7, the security.xml is located at

In my linux system this is where the security.xml file is located::
Master passwords are encrypted (AES) and saved in security.xml file. It's location could change based on system and the version of android studio that you are using.
You can run the following command in command shell.
locate security.xml


Signing an assembly in Visual Studio 2022

I am trying to write a simple console app in Visual Studio 2022 and then debug it. This would be so simple but the IT dept here have added a group policy that all applications must be digitally signed before they can be executed.
How can I sign the compiled executable file in order to run it in the VS debugger? I have a PFX certificate file but nothing I've tried seems to add a signature to the file properties in the exe file in the bin folder.
Thank you in advance.
I have tried:
Installing the certificate which was successful.
Generating a strong name snk file and ticking the option to sign the assembly which was successful.
Running the signtool in PS to apply the certificate which failed.
I would like to sign the executable as part of the build process in order to hit F5 and debug as normal.

Android App not displaying images from cloud Firestore in release build but works in debug build

I recently finished building a wallpaper app. The app works fine in debug build, but not in release. I have added anonymous authentication to the app and the following rules in cloud Firestore:
service cloud.firestore {
match /databases/{database}/documents {
match /{document=**} {
allow read, write: if
request.auth != null;
Moreover I have added the release sha1 and sha256 keys to firebase and updated the json file as well.
Nothing seems to fix this issue.
The app displays the images properly here when I run it from Android Studio:
App doesn't work when I export it to Play Store and download. The images simply wont show up:
when you upload an app in android studio the SHA1 key changes. There are two types of SHA1 keys one is used for debugging and other is used for Release. In your case when you use App in android studio it will not give you error as you have entered in firebase the SHA1 key for debugging.
for Android studio you need SHA1 key for Release for which you need to go to the play console and select your app. Then under setup go to app integrity here you will find SH1 key. Enter that key in your firebase authentication.
Always check your apk on emulator after the Signed built before uploading on PlayStore.
you can also find the SHA1 release key in android studio in Terminal.
you will need keytool command for that.
To execute Keytool command you need to go to the directory of Android Studio where Keytool.exe file is placed. for that you need to search Android studio directory. For me it was in "C:\Program Files\Android\Android Studio\jre\bin". So i entered in that directory using command
cd C:\Program Files\Android\Android Studio\jre\bin
then use keytool command
keytool -list -v -keystore "C:\Users\Yah\Google Drive\Android\booksapp\booksappkey.jks" -alias key0
This is the place where jks file is placed which was used for generation of signed apk
you will be asked for the password that you always used to generate signed apk
and the SHA1 key will be displayed which will be same as used in google play console.
I found a fix it wasn't related to the keys at all disabling progaurd fixed my issue app works fine now looks like I need to create rules to let the app load images not sure but this is what worked for me.

Prevent Android Studio installation from using users local directories

As a teacher, I am installing Android Studio in for a computer lab. We have shared computers on which users log in.
The problem is that Android Studio insists on installing SDK and a lot of other things in users local directories (users/user_name/local/appdata and users/user_name/local/AppData).
Since the SDK is several hundreds MB heavy and we have roaming profile thisis not acceptable at all.
What I did:
I set up several envrionment variables to non users local directories: ANDROID_SDK_HOME, ANDROID_SDK_ROOT, GRADLE_USER_HOME, GRADLE_HOME.
I edited the file to change idea.config.path and idea.system.path to non local directories
During Android Studio first run I explicitely choose the SDK location.
Still here I am with the SDK located in users/local/appData
I am running out of idea. I am installing version 3.4 by I had the exact same problem with 3.3.

uploading .ipa file for appcenter distribution using Xamarin

I am trying to use AppCenter to distribute my app to iOS beta testers.
I have included the nuget packages for Microsoft.AppCenter and Microsoft.AppCenter.Distribute
I followed the developer.xamarin instructions for creating an IPA
An IPA did not appear in the Bin > iOS Device > Ad Hoc (or Release) folder as expected. An application (.exe) file was created.
This is most likely the area I need help on.
In AppCenter I selected Distribute and got to the Upload a Build screen, I could not find an IPA file on my computer.
when pressing the Where Can I Find my IPA file? link, I was transferred to, which I didn't understand how to use to find the file. Perhaps this link is incorrect or someone can tell me how to use these apis to find the file?
I have never connected my Windows Visual Studio Xamarin to a Mac. LivePlayer on an iPhone works beautifully. I was hoping to get to be able to distribute my app without using a physical Mac.
Thank you for any help. If you can point me towards other tutorials on setting up and using AppCenter to distribute to iPhone beta users, I would appreciate it.
To order generate an .ipa file for distribution a Mac needs to be involved in the build process.
If you do not have access to a Mac for local development and the application source code is located in a git repository hosted in GitHub, BitBucket, or Visual Studio Team Services, then you can link App Center to the git repository and configure App Center to perform the build for distribution purposes.

Error installing tizen studio on windows 10

No matter which of the three tizen studio 2.0 installers I try they all don't work as they won't accept any path. The CLI installer gives the most detailed description:
** The directory you specify is not allowed to install the Tizen Studio. Some tools of the Tizen Studio will not properly work in the directory with administrator privilege or read-only access rights for your account.=> path
I have tried starting the installer with admin rights and owning the destination folders. Additionally, I switched from JDK 9 to 8.
Still, there seems no way to get the installer running. Any ideas what the reason could be? Thanks!
I managed to install tizen studio and the SDK using the %appdata% path.
If anyone else has the problem, try e.g.
This is definitely a flaw Samsung should take care of!
I've successfully installed the IDE version with the following method:
Download Tizen Studio Web IDE installer
Open installer with 7-zip archive manager
You should find archive
Open it and extract it into the C:\tizen-studio folder
Create C:\tizen-studio-data folder
Create file inside C:\tizen-studio folder
Put following lines into this file
You can download packages with C:\tizen-studio\package-manager\package-manager.exe
You can start IDE from C:\tizen-studio\ide\TizenStudio.exe
This worked for me, hope this helps...
#Henry was almost correct and his scenario works on CLI/IDE installers.
And here are actual restrictions on Win10x64 tizen-studio 2.0 installation I've found:
pointed SDK location needs to be in your user directory. For example:
Data location could be anywhere, but in case of CLI installation, it will be near SDK folder.
CLI installation actually does unzip only and all further system configuration needs to be done manually. So, if you need only CLI, you could unzip "web-cli_Tizen_Studio_2.0_windows-64.exe" with 7zip or any other proper archiver where you want and do further manual configuration. (See here
Probably, if you login under Administrator you will be able to install SDK anywhere. Just "Run as administrator" doesn't work, at least for me.
My system params:
Win10 Pro x64
Oracle JDK 1.8.0_152
Have a fan ;)
I solved this problem that way:
create folder (eg Tizen_Studio)
inside created folder create new (tizen_studio and tizen_studio_data)
add all permissions for that folders for your windows account user
select folders in installation proccess
The regular way which Samsung provides is working for me:
Make sure you have enough disk space (Tizen Studio needs about 700 MB
on Win10)
Create an empty folder with 2 empty subfolders (e.g. Tizen_IDE->studio (subfolder #1) -> data (subfolder #2)
The important part on Windows 10 is to navigate to YOUR users directory:
For example your user name is Bob. Go to C:\ -> Users -> Bob.
Then create there the empty folder "Tizen_Studio" with the 2 mentioned subfolders.
Check with right-clicking on the Tizen_Studio folder -> Properties -> Security if your Username (here Bob) is listed in groups and users. Click on your profile there in the security tab and look if the folder has full access rights inside the checkboxes (btw this should be automatically set if you choose the right described environment).
Now in the installer dialog you can choose the studio folder for the ide/sdk and the data folder for the installing data request path.
Thats it! Just important to install it inside your username folder!
I had this problem as well (on my Windows 8.1 machine), and ended up using the previous version of Tizen Studio Installer (version 1.3)
It even does not work for me in %APP_DATA% and also not running the installer with Administrative privileges.
But I finally found a solution which worked for me:
Create a new and folder somewhere
disable all inherit privileges on this folder
grant explicit all privileges for your users to this folder
remove all other privileges, especially these for Administrator
Use this folder for Installation
Write useful sofware for tizen ;-)
How bout removing 32 bit Java client and installing 64 bit on win 10?
Worked for me, no one seemed to notice that Installer opened in 7zip has an installer.jar which needs to be run with java client.
Thanks for the advises on opening installer with 7zip.
