Plugin: How do I set default value into an attribute depending business unit? - dynamics-crm-2011

I have 3 business units (1 parent and 2 children), 3 users (for each business unit), 2 forms (for each business unit) and 1 plugin for the incident entity.
The incident plugin (create, pre-operation) is setting a default value in the attribute 'Case Origin' (caseorigincode) depending on user's business unit.
My problem is what if the user of the parent business unit creates an incident? how the plugin knows from which form that incident is created to set the default value?
What is the best approach to do that?

Unfortunately I don't think there is a way for the plugin to know which form was submitted. However, you could add a hidden field that gets set via javascript to something different for each form. Then, in the plugin you could query that field to see which form was used.
Be sure to check for null/empty as well, because the update could have been submitted programmatically without the use of a form.

IIRC all CRM entities (both stock and custom) should have a OwningBusinessUnit attribute which is an EntityReference to the Business Unit the record's Owner belongs to.
That should tell you exactly from which BU the record is being created.
(NOTE: The question is inconsistent, since it is stated that caseorigincode is set depending on the BU at first, then it asks about forms. I assume the first is the actual logic: check the BU to set the field)
(NOTE #2: This could be accomplished through a workflow aswell: Check Condition on Owner's BU and Update Record accordingly. Run on create.)

Given a user can only be a member of one business unit then you shouldn't need to worry about which form it was created in. Simply get the SystemUser from the EntityReference of the created by user and use the BusinessUnit EntityReference that provides you with.


CRM - how to add the case number to appointments

On CRM in the appointments you can click on the regarding tab to open up that appointments Case details.
Is it possible to add the CASE number for that appointment to the appointments page. Reason being every time I want to see the case number I need to click on regarding tab and open up another webpage.
Would be nice to just have the case number appear on the appointment page, anyway on the page is fine.
Is this possible?
I agree with Alex and Disagree with Darren, although a plugin would get the job done it seems very excessive for what you are trying to accomplish.
The best way to do this between entities is to use the mapping fields between entity relationships however i don't believe CRM allows this between case and appointment in which case i would create a workflow.
Create a workflow on appointment firing on create or on-change of the regarding field, pull the case number field from the case entity when regarding is on case. This workflow will fire every time this event happens however you can build some extra logic around it and if there isn't a case entity no data will be pulled through.
Hope this helps
You can write a plugin on create and/or update of the regarding field on Appointment. Within this plugin you can check if the regarding field is populated and if so if the entity type is incident. If it is, obtain the Case Number (using the OrganizationService) and set the value of a custom attribute on the triggering Appointment.
Add the custom attribute to the Appointment form. Generally this kind of reference information goes in the header section but it's entirely up to you. If you don't place it there make sure you mark it as read-only.
Depending on your use case you may also want to check in the plugin when the regarding field changes. If the regarding is removed or changed you'll need to make sure you update the case number on the Appointment to reflect this.

LIFERAY - how to create a user with a specific userID?

I'm using Liferay 6.2.
My need is to add one user in LR, with a specific userID.
Or alternately, update a userID with another value.
The standard addUser service does not provide the possibility to specify the userID, and even the updateUser.
I would like to understand how LR choose the IDs for a new user, and if I can modify it.
Like in almost any database driven application they're assigned in sequence. And no, you don't have to choose anything, it'll be taken care of by the framework. It needs to be unique, you can't add another user with the same ID and you must be sure that the user with this id will never be created in future. Thus: If you'd use an id that has already been given out, you'd have a duplicate. If you'd use one that has not yet been given out, you'll have a duplicate some time in future, when the sequence of ids comes to this value and the framework assigns the same id for the second time.
If you have an architecture that relies on a specific ID, your architecture is wrong. Rethink the problem and change the architecture and whatever you've already done to implement it.
LR core services use a CounterService to automatically assign UserId (and plugin developer should do the same)... so all the generating code is properly wrapper in the service methods that creates a number of rows in different tables when creating a user.
I agree with previous comment "If you have an architecture that relies on a specific ID, your architecture is wrong"... by the way you can use a tip.
Do you know Expando in LR? In enables you to add virtual columns on a DB entity... by using it, you can create a virtual column "myExternalId" to table "User_" (entity "User") and store there the ID you need. Then modify your code to use the field myExternalId instead userId.

How to add value to a field from another lookup field?

I have a custom entity Partnership in which I have one lookup field contacts.
now I want to add the name field value of the partnership from contact fullname in time of creation of Partnership.
is it possible with the help of pre-existing configuration settings,(without plugin or web resource)
Without using a plug-in or web resource you have a couple options.
1- You can configure the mappings between the 2 entities by going to the Entity (contact) -> Relationship -> Mappings -> and add a new mapping there. For this to work though, you will need to create the child record from the subgrid of the contact, and if the contact changes it won't update the values. So it may or may not be an ideal solution for you.
2- You can create a workflow rule that runs on create and/or update of the Partnership record that pulls the value from the parent contact onto the partnership record. The downside of this is that workflows are async so you won't see the update for a few seconds and refresh the Partner record.
Hope this helps.
If you want to be able to click the "New Partnership" button in the CRM ribbon, then select a contact, and have the name of the contact, be used to populate another field on the form, you will have to use JavaScript. There is no configurable way of doing it.
If you'd like the value to be populated before it is saved in the CRM database, you could use JavaScript, or a custom Plugin. If you'd like the value to be updated after the record is created, you could use a workflow.
You'll have to use one of those three methods to populate the field. The real question I have though, is why are you bothering to populate the field in the first place? You can add the full Contact name to any view, so I don't see a real big reason to include it.

Xpages ACL validation from the XSP document level

Is it possible to validate the Xpage's ACL depending on the Source document's field value.
We need to make the Authors & Readers ability at XPage level (as per requirement I am not supposed to use the ROLES, since, it is dependent on each individual Authors which is stored in backend document FIELD).
Kindly suggest the approach, as I am not even looking HideWhen for the Buttons(edit,save etc)
Example code in the ACLEntry[0] in Xpage:
if getComponent("inputText1").getValue() == sessionScope.user {
} else {
return false;
I do not quite understand your code on that property...
To query the readers/authors level at XPage level I suggest to use the database.queryAccess method (
You try to compare the username only. This may fail if your access level is computed by a membership in a group where your username is not relevant.
XPages' ACL depends on the database ACL, so you have to setup the levels there - the XPages' ACL is in addition to the "real" ACL as far as I experienced.
I also experienced that readers fields affect the ability to use an XPage to open a document by default.
I hope my answer is not too confusing ;-)
I think the question is valid (to my current knowledge):
If I want to design a workflow application but the current approver should not edit the full document I want to give him only access to parts (ie. a comment field and the approval button).
The question above relateds somehow to access controlled sections in old LN development. I so far also didn't find a good solution
What you describe is a very common workflow scenario. There are several ways how you can implement that efficiently. Here is what I would do:
Have one (or more) custom controls that render the "payload" (the fields the requester fills in)
assemble them into one bigger control that is used to render the form
compute the mode to read/edit depending on who is opening the form and the mode (new, pending approval, approved, rejected etc.)
Optional: when submitted remove submitter from the author field
Have one "Approval Control" that show only when the current user is the (current) approver and status is "pending approval" That control has fields that are NOT bound to the document, but a scope variable
The approval button triggers SSJS that takes the scope variable values and updates the document (and triggers notifications, access change etc)
The approval component can be used for any approval form. You then can contemplate not to give the approver write access since you could handle that in code.

Remove note's autosave functionality by adding other entity's notes on form in CRM 2011

In CRM 2011, notes get automatically created and attached to main record on lost focus event. Requirement is to remove this auto save functionality. Only till main form is open user should be able to edit notes. And newly added notes should only get saved once main form is saved. For example, if user add one note and closes the browser or do not save the main form, then that note should not get attached to main record, new note should get discarded.
I was thinking following solution:
create new custom entity TempNotesHolder
Create 1:N relationship with the entity where we want this functionality, for example Case entity
Make actual case's note section read only(it is requirement, user don't want to edit/delete functionality for notes once note get created)
Write plugin for create event of Case and create one Record for TempNotesHolder and associate it with case(RegardingId field in TempNotesHolder = incidentId) This will ensure one Case will always have only one associated TempNotesHolder record. There is no way in CRM 2011 to ensure One entity record will have only one record in associated entity i.e. 1:1 relationship. At least I don't know the way. Let me know if any one are aware about it.
On Case form, add one IFrame below Case's note section
on case form load event, get TempNotesHolderId associated with case using fetchXml.(There is no actual field in Case entity that refer to associated TempNotesHolder, hence need to use fetchXml. Some how we can add associated TempNotesHolderId to Case entity, and place that field on Case form, make it hidden, to avoid fetchXml)
Prepare url to display only notes of TempNotesHolder record.(/_controls/notes/notesdata.aspx?EnableInlineEdit=false&EnableInsert=true&id=&ParentEntity=
Set this url to newly added IFrame, so notes of associated TempNotesHolder get displayed in IFrame. It will also have link "Add New Note".
User can add note to TempNotesHolder which are not directly added to Case record.
Next develop plugin on pre save event of Case and check if there are any notes added to TempNoteHolder, if yes move those notes to Case record, and delete notes for TempNoteHolderId. This way notes will get saved to main record only on main form save.
To handle browser close event after adding few notes to TempNotesHolder, write plugin on Case pre Retrieve event, check if any notes present for associated TempNotesHolderId, if present then delete those notes. (As notes are present on TempNotesHolderId, that means due to some reason these notes are not moved to actual case record and we no longer need them, so delete them. This will ensure on case load, TempNotesHolder note section always be blank)
The above solution was fine till step 8. When I tried to add notes in TempNotesHolder, it gave me error, "Record with does not exists in TempNotesHolder". Then I checked that GUID, I disappointed to know CRM is taking IncidentId when I create note for TempNotesHolder. Then I tracked down the actual code for create notes to find why it is taking IncidentId instead of TempNotesHolderId. I found following code in "_static/_controls/notes/" function name "UpdateNote"
CRM is taking _parentCrmFormSubmit.crmFormSubmitId.value as objectid while creating note.
Now I stuck with this problem. Any thoughts to overcome this show stopper issue are appreciated. Also any other alternate solution to main requirement are also welcome.
Pravin Pujari (Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011 Developer)
I would suggest simplifying the solution as follows:
Add a field to Case called new_notetext.
Create a Plugin against the Pre-Create and Pre-Update messages on the Case entity.
In the plugin, take anything entered into new_notetext and add a note to the Case entity using that text. Then clear the field new_notetext so nothing is saved with the record.
Should work just fine and is much simpler to implement.
