Running alloy analyzers in parallel? - alloy

I would like to refer to the question that can be found at this address :
Running alloy analyzers in parallel
Is there any ongoing research or conclusion reached on the decomposition of Alloy models, in order to allow a more optimal analysis of models ?
This interests me greatly.

I am very interesting in this topic too. Maybe we can think about it like this. When starting Alloy engine to solve a constraint, we can call a function from Alloy and ask it to solve one constraint. I think we can call this function in cluster mode, and ask each node to solve one constraint. Then, we can compute the subset of the results from each node. See here for example:
I am not sure we can work like this, but it's worthy to think about it in MapReduce like framework.


What is the different between Scheduler and Strategy in Apache Storm

I'm studying Apache Storm. I read the source code && developer documentation && JavaDoc && other useful blogs about Storm.
A question confused me a lot. Most documentation and blogs said that different scheduler lead to different assignment style when Storm Cluster assign a topology to Workers. But I confused that what is the role performed by Strategies in package "org.apache.storm.scheduler.resource.strategies.XXX" such as DefaultResourceAwareStrategy and other two strategies when Storm assign a topology ?
In Storm example program, I remembered these strategies applied in method setTopologyStrategy() to choose a strategy when create a topology. So,what is the different between Scheduler like ResourceAwareSchedule and Strategies like DefaultResourceAwareStrategy in the task assignment? Which one is the real factor to decide the task assignment?
I searched this problem on google but it not have a very clearly answer. I wish I can get a reply as clear as possible to explain the difference of Scheduler and Strategy. Thanks a lot.
Storm has a few different schedulers as you note. Some of them don't take the resources of the supervisor nodes into account. ResourceAwareScheduler is a scheduler implementation that can take supervisor resources/load into account when deciding where to assign a topology.
In order for ResourceAwareScheduler to be flexible, it uses a strategy to figure out how to rank the different supervisors. ResourceAwareScheduler contains the common code necessary to be resource aware, while the strategies do the actual scheduling. The ResourceAwareScheduler uses the strategy to do the scheduling, if that makes sense.
Look at and the corresponding line in GenericResourceAwareStrategy. The comments there explain what the different strategies do.

NLP to find relationship between entities

My current understanding is that it's possible to extract entities from a text document using toolkits such as OpenNLP, Stanford NLP.
However, is there a way to find relationships between these entities?
For example consider the following text :
"As some of you may know, I spent last week at CERN, the European high-energy physics laboratory where the famous Higgs boson was discovered last July. Every time I go to CERN I feel a deep sense of reverence. Apart from quick visits over the years, I was there for three months in the late 1990s as a visiting scientist, doing work on early Universe physics, trying to figure out how to connect the Universe we see today with what may have happened in its infancy."
Entities: I (author), CERN, Higgs boson
Relationships :
- I "visited" CERN
- CERN "discovered" Higgs boson
Yes absolutely. This is called Relation Extraction. Stanford has developed several useful tools for working on this problem.
Here is there website:
Here is the github repository:
In general here is how the process works.
results = entract_entity_relations("Barack Obama was born in Hawaii.")
# [['Barack Obama','was born in', 'Hawaii']]
Of some importance is that only triples are extracted of the form (subject,predicate,object).
You can extract verbs with their dependants using Stanford Parser, for example. E.g., you might get "dependency chains" like
"I :: spent :: at :: CERN".
It is a much tougher task to recognise that "I spent at CERN" and "I visited CERN" and "CERN hosted my visit" (etc) denote the same kind of event. Going into how this can be done is beyond the scope of an SO question, but you can read up literature of paraphrases recognition (here is one overview paper). There is also a related question on SO.
Once you can cluster similar chains, you'd need to find a way to label them. You could simply choose the verb of the most common chain in a cluster.
If, however, you have a pre-defined set of relation types you want to extract and lots of texts manually annotated for these relations, then the approach could be very different, e.g., using machine learning to learn how to recognize a relation type based on annotated data.
Don't know if you're still interested but CoreNLP added a new annotator called OpenIE (Open Information Extraction), which should accomplish what you're looking for. Check it out: OpenIE
Similar to the Stanford parser, you can also use the Google Language API, where you send a string and get a dependency tree response.
You can test this API first to see if it works well with your corpus:
The outcome here is a subject predicate object (SPO) triplet, where your predicate describes the relationship. You'll need to traverse the dependency graph and write a script to parse out the triplet.
There are many ways to do relation extraction. As colleagues mentioned that you have to know about NER and coreference resolution. Different techniques require different approaches. Nowadays, Distant Supervision is most common, and for detecting the relation between entities, they used FREEBASE.

Reconstructing now-famous 17-year-old's Markov-chain-based information-retrieval algorithm "Apodora"

While we were all twiddling our thumbs, a 17-year-old Canadian boy has apparently found an information retrieval algorithm that:
a) performs with twice the precision of the current, and widely-used vector space model
b) is 'fairly accurate' at identifying similar words.
c) makes microsearch more accurate
Here is a good interview.
Unfortunately, there's no published paper I can find yet, but, from the snatches I remember from the graphical models and machine learning classes I took a few years ago, I think we should be able to reconstruct it from his submision abstract, and what he says about it in interviews.
From interview:
Some searches find words that appear in similar contexts. That’s
pretty good, but that’s following the relationships to the first
degree. My algorithm tries to follow connections further. Connections
that are close are deemed more valuable. In theory, it follows
connections to an infinite degree.
And the abstract puts it in context:
A novel information retrieval algorithm called "Apodora" is introduced,
using limiting powers of Markov chain-like matrices to determine
models for the documents and making contextual statistical inferences
about the semantics of words. The system is implemented and compared
to the vector space model. Especially when the query is short, the
novel algorithm gives results with approximately twice the precision
and has interesting applications to microsearch.
I feel like someone who knows about markov-chain-like matrices or information retrieval would immediately be able to realize what he's doing.
So: what is he doing?
From the use of words like 'context' and the fact that he's introduced a second order level of statistical dependency, I suspect he is doing something related to the LDA-HMM method outlined in the paper: Griffiths, T., Steyvers, M., Blei, D., & Tenenbaum, J. (2005). Integrating topics and syntax. Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems. There are some inherent limits to the resolution of the search due to model averaging. However, I'm envious of doing stuff like this at 17 and I hope to heck he's done something independent and at least incrementally better. Even a different direction on the same topic would be pretty cool.

Document Analysis and Tagging

Let's say I have a bunch of essays (thousands) that I want to tag, categorize, etc. Ideally, I'd like to train something by manually categorizing/tagging a few hundred, and then let the thing loose.
What resources (books, blogs, languages) would you recommend for undertaking such a task? Part of me thinks this would be a good fit for a Bayesian Classifier or even Latent Semantic Analysis, but I'm not really familiar with either other than what I've found from a few ruby gems.
Can something like this be solved by a bayesian classifier? Should I be looking more at semantic analysis/natural language processing? Or, should I just be looking for keyword density and mapping from there?
Any suggestions are appreciated (I don't mind picking up a few books, if that's what's needed)!
Wow, that's a pretty huge topic you are venturing into :)
There is definitely a lot of books and articles you can read about it but I will try to provide a short introduction. I am not a big expert but I worked on some of this stuff.
First you need to decide whether you are want to classify essays into predefined topics/categories (classification problem) or you want the algorithm to decide on different groups on its own (clustering problem). From your description it appears you are interested in classification.
Now, when doing classification, you first need to create enough training data. You need to have a number of essays that are separated into different groups. For example 5 physics essays, 5 chemistry essays, 5 programming essays and so on. Generally you want as much training data as possible but how much is enough depends on specific algorithms. You also need verification data, which is basically similar to training data but completely separate. This data will be used to judge quality (or performance in math-speak) of your algorithm.
Finally, the algorithms themselves. The two I am familiar with are Bayes-based and TF-IDF based. For Bayes, I am currently developing something similar for myself in ruby, and I've documented my experiences in my blog. If you are interested, just read this - and if you have any follow up questions I will try to answer.
The TF-IDF is a short for TermFrequence - InverseDocumentFrequency. Basically the idea is for any given document to find a number of documents in training set that are most similar to it, and then figure out it's category based on that. For example if document D is similar to T1 which is physics and T2 which is physics and T3 which is chemistry, you guess that D is most likely about physics and a little chemistry.
The way it's done is you apply the most importance to rare words and no importance to common words. For instance 'nuclei' is rare physics word, but 'work' is very common non-interesting word. (That's why it's called inverse term frequency). If you can work with Java, there is a very very good Lucene library which provides most of this stuff out of the box. Look for API for 'similar documents' and look into how it is implemented. Or just google for 'TF-IDF' if you want to implement your own
I've done something similar in the past (though it was for short news articles) using some vector-cluster algorithm. I don't remember it right now, it was what Google used in its infancy.
Using their paper I was able to have a prototype running in PHP in one or two days, then I ported it to Java for speed purposes.

NLP classify sentences/paragraph as funny

Is there a way to classify a particular sentence/paragraph as funny. There are very few pointers as to where one should go further on this.
There is research on this, it's called Computational Humor. It's an interdisciplinary area that takes elements from computational linguistics, psycholinguistics, artificial intelligence, machine learning etc. They are trying to find out what it is that makes stories or jokes funny (e.g. the unexpected connection, or using a taboo topic in a surprising way etc) and apply it to text (either to generate a funny story or to measure the 'funniness' of text).
There are books and articles about it (e.g. by Graeme Ritchie).
Yes, you should use a Training Corpora to build a predictive model able to detect funny sentences. Sometimes this is known as "Sentiment Analysis" in the literature. Take a look at this article about Sentiment Analysis with LingPipe.
If you can use Java, you can use their library (see license matrix). I found it very useful, not exactly in the same context than you.
The only way to pull this off is to get a couple of thousand people (monkeys won't do, sorry) to look through thousands of funny sentences/stories, rate them, and then build some sort of expert system/neural network out of it. Given the problem scope and the subjectivity of it (a thing funny to one person might not be funny - even offensive - to another), I'd say it's an impossible task.
You can use the same technique as spam filters. Instead of spam/non-spam you classify on funny/not-funny. Look into naive bayesian classifiers for more information.
Also, try Computational Humor # Google Scholar if you're serious about getting into the field. Sentiment Analysis has been mentioned too, see wikipedia on that.
Of course, this all depends on what your scope and aims are...
