Cassandra insert fails - cassandra

We're experiencing problems with writing data in cassandra table.
The flow is following.. we delete all records from XXX with some primary key.
Then inserting new ones in loop.
for(int i = 0; i < 5; ++i) {
execute("INSERT INTO XXX (key, field1, field2) VALUES ({SOME UUID},'field1','field2')";
The result: Sometimes not all rows are inserted into the table. After querying the table we see that not all rows were inserted.
The environment we have:
We use DataStax Enterprise Edition (4.5.2). Cassandra 2.0.10.
The datacenter has 4 nodes and the keyspace we work on has replication_factor set to 3.
The java driver is data stax enterprise 2.1.1
Thanks in advance.
Any help would be appreciated.

I assume in your example that SOME_UUID is the same for the delete and the insert.
It's probably a race condition between the delete (tombstone) and the new inserts being propagated to all the nodes (per your replication factor). If the delete and insert are marked with the same timestamp, the delete will win. You may have a case where on some nodes the delete wins, and on others the insert wins.
You could try lowering RF to 1, as #BryceAtNetwork23 suggested.
Another test would be to insert a delay (like 500ms) in your sample code between the delete and the insert for loop. That would give time for the delete to propagate before the inserts come through.
Depending on your data model, the best solution here might be to avoid the need for the deletes.


Need pagination for following Cassandra table

identifier text,
post_id int,
score int,
reason text,
timestamp timeuuid,
PRIMARY KEY ((identifier, post_id), score, id, timestamp)
CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS index_identifier ON feed ( identifier );
I want to run 2 types of queries where identifier = 'user_5' and post_id = 11; and where identifier = 'user_5';
I want to paginate on 10 results per query. However, few queries can have variable result count. So best if there is something like a *column* > last_record that I can use.
Please help. Thanks in advance.
P.S: Cassandra version - 3.11.6
First, and most important - you're approaching to Cassandra like a traditional database that runs on the single node. Your data model doesn't support effective retrieval of data for your queries, and secondary indexes doesn't help much, as it's still need to reach all nodes to fetch the data, as data will be distributed between different nodes based on the value of partition key ((identifier, post_id) in your case) - it may work with small data in small cluster, but will fail miserably when you scale up.
In Cassandra, all data modelling starts from queries, so if you're querying by identifier, then it should be a partition key (although you may get some problems with big partitions if some users will produce a lot of messages). Inside partition you may use secondary indexes, it shouldn't be a problem. Plus, inside partition it's easier to organize paging. Cassandra natively support forward paging, so you just need to keep paging state between queries. In Java driver 4.6.0, the special helper class was added to support paging of results, although it may not be very effective, as it needs to read data from Cassandra anyway, to skip to the given page, but at least it's a some help. Here is example from documentation:
String query = "SELECT ...";
// organize by 20 rows per page
OffsetPager pager = new OffsetPager(20);
// Get page 2: start from a fresh result set, throw away rows 1-20, then return rows 21-40
ResultSet rs = session.execute(query);
OffsetPager.Page<Row> page2 = pager.getPage(rs, 2);
// Get page 5: start from a fresh result set, throw away rows 1-80, then return rows 81-100
rs = session.execute(query);
OffsetPager.Page<Row> page5 = pager.getPage(rs, 5);

Cassandra query table without partition key

I am trying to extract data from a table as part of a migration job.
The schema is as follows:
CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS ${keyspace}.entries (
username text,
entry_type int,
entry_id text,
PRIMARY KEY ((username, entry_type), entry_id)
In order to query the table we need the partition keys, the first part of the primary key.
Hence, if we know the username and the entry_type, we can query the table.
In this case the username can be whatever, but the entry_type is an integer in the range 0-9.
When doning the extraction we iterate the table 10 times for every username to make sure we try all versions of entry_type.
We can no longer find any entries as we have depleted our list of usernames. But our nodetool tablestats report that there is still data left in the table, gigabytes even. Hence we assume the table is not empty.
But I cannot find a way to inspect the table to figure out what usernames remains in the table. If I could inspect it I could add the usernames left in the table to our extraction job and eventually we could deplete the table. But I cannot simply query the table as such:
SELECT * FROM ${keyspace}.entries LIMIT 1
as cassandra requires the partition keys to make meaningful queries.
What can I do to figure out what is left in our table?
As per the comment, the migration process includes a DELETE operation from the Cassandra table, but the engine will have a delay before actually removing from disk the affected records; this process is controlled internally with tombstones and the gc_grace_seconds attribute of the table. The reason for this delay is fully explained in this blog entry, for a tl dr, if the default value is still in place, Cassandra will need to pass at least 10 days (864,000 seconds) from the execution of the delete before the actual removal of the data.
For your case, one way to proceed is:
Ensure that all your nodes are "Up" and "Healthy" (UN)
Decrease the gc_grace_seconds attribute of your table, in the example, it will set it to 1 minute, while the default is
ALTER TABLE .entries with GC_GRACE_SECONDS = 60;
Manually compact the table:
nodetool compact entries
Once that the process is completed, nodetool tablestats should be up to date
To answer your first question, I would like to put more light on gc_grace_seconds property.
In Cassandra, data isn’t deleted in the same way it is in RDBMSs. Cassandra is designed for high write throughput, and avoids reads-before-writes. So in Cassandra, a delete is actually an update, and updates are actually inserts. A “tombstone” marker is written to indicate that the data is now (logically) deleted (also known as soft delete). Records marked tombstoned must be removed to claim back the storage space. Which is done by a process called Compaction. But remember that tombstones are eligible for physical deletion / garbage collection only after a specific number of seconds known as gc_grace_seconds. This is a very good blog to read more in detail :
Now possibly you are looking into table size before gc_grace_seconds and data is still there.
Coming to your second issue where you want to fetch some samples from the table without providing partition keys. You can analyze your table content using Spark. The Spark Cassandra Connector allows you to create Java applications that use Spark to analyze database data. You can follow the articles / documentation to write a quick handy spark application to analyze Cassandra data.
I would recommend not to delete records while you do the migration. Rather first complete the migration and post that do a quick validation / verification to ensure all records are migrated successfully (this use can easily do using Spark buy comparing dataframes from old and new tables). Post successful verification truncate the old table as truncate does not create tombstones and hence more efficient. Note that huge no of tombstone is not good for cluster health.

Cassandra get latest entry for each element contained within IN clause

So, I have a Cassandra CQL statement that looks like this:
This table is sorted by a timestamp column.
The functionality is fronted by a REST API, and one of the filter parameters that they can specify to get the most recent row, and then I appent "LIMIT 1" to the end of the CQL statement since it's ordered by the timestamp column in descending order. What I would like to do is allow them to specify multiple device id's to get back the latest entries for. So, my question is, is there any way to do something like this in Cassandra:
and still use something like "LIMIT 1" to only get back the latest row for each device id? Or, will I simply have to execute a separate CQL statement for each device to get the latest row for each of them?
FWIW, the table's composite key looks like this:
PRIMARY KEY ((application_id, partner_id, location_id, device_id, data_schema), activity_timestamp)
) WITH CLUSTERING ORDER BY (activity_timestamp DESC);
IN is not recommended when there are a lot of parameters for it and under the hood it's making reqs to multiple partitions anyway and it's putting pressure on the coordinator node.
Not that you can't do it. It is perfectly legal, but most of the time it's not performant and is not suggested. If you specify limit, it's for the whole statement, basically you can't pick just the first item out from partitions. The simplest option would be to issue multiple queries to the cluster (every element in IN would become one query) and put a limit 1 to every one of them.
To be honest this was my solution in a lot of the projects and it works pretty much fine. Basically coordinator would under the hood go to multiple nodes anyway but would also have to work more for you to get you all the requests, might run into timeouts etc.
In short it's far better for the cluster and more performant if client asks multiple times (using multiple coordinators with smaller requests) than to make single coordinator do to all the work.
This is all in case you can't afford more disk space for your cluster
Usual Cassandra solution
Data in cassandra is suggested to be ready for query (query first). So basically you would have to have one additional table that would have the same partitioning key as you have it now, and you would have to drop the clustering column activity_timestamp. i.e.
PRIMARY KEY ((application_id, partner_id, location_id, device_id, data_schema))
double (()) is intentional.
Every time you would write to your table you would also write data to the latest_entry (table without activity_timestamp) Then you can specify the query that you need with in and this table contains the latest entry so you don't have to use the limit 1 because there is only one entry per partitioning key ... that would be the usual solution in cassandra.
If you are afraid of the additional writes, don't worry , they are inexpensive and cpu bound. With cassandra it's always "bring on the writes" I guess :)
Basically it's up to you:
multiple queries - a bit of refactoring, no additional space cost
new schema - additional inserts when writing, additional space cost
Your table definition is not suitable for such use of the IN clause. Indeed, it is supported on the last field of the primary key or the last field of the clustering key. So you can:
swap your two last fields of the primary key
use one query for each device id

Partition DELETE/INSERT concurrency issue in Cassandra

I have a table in Cassandra which stores versions of csv-files. It uses a primary key with a unique id for the version (the partition key) and a row number (the clustering key). When I insert a new version I first execute a delete statement on the partition key I am about to insert, to clean up any incomplete data. Then the data is inserted.
Now here is the issue. Even though the delete and subsequent insert are executed synchronously after one another in the application it seems that some level of concurrency still exist in Cassandra, because when I read afterwards, rows from my insert will be missing occasionally - something like 1 in 3 times. Here are some facts:
Cassandra 3.0
Consistency ALL (R+W)
Delete using the Java Driver
Insert using the Spark-Cassandra connector
Number of nodes: 2
Replication factor: 2
The delete statement I execute looks like this:
"DELETE FROM myTable WHERE version = 'id'"
If I omit it, the problem goes away. If I insert a delay between the delete and the insert the problem is reduced (less rows missing). Initially I used a less restrictive consistency level, and I was sure this was the issue, but it didn't affect the problem. My hypothesis is that for some reason the delete statement is being sent to the replica asynchronously despite the consistency level of ALL, but I can't see why this would be the case or how to avoid it.
All mutations are going to by default get a write time of the coordinator for that write. From the docs
TIMESTAMP: sets the timestamp for the operation. If not specified,
the coordinator will use the current time (in microseconds) at the
start of statement execution as the timestamp. This is usually a
suitable default.
Since the coordinator for different mutations can be different, a clock skew between coordinators can end up with a mutations to one machine to be skewed relative to another.
Since write time controls C* history this means you can have a driver which synchronously inserts and deletes but depending on the coordinator the delete can happen "before" the insert.
Imagine two nodes A and B, B is operating with a 5 second clock skew behind A.
At time 0: You insert data to the cluster and A is chosen as the coordinator. The mutation arrives at A and A assigns a timestamp (0)
There is now a record in the cluster
Both nodes contain this message and the request returns confirming the write was successful.
At time 2: You issue a delete for the data previously inserted and B is chosen as the coordinator. B assigns a timestamp of (-3) because it is clock skewed 5 seconds behind the time in A. This means that we end up with a statement like
We acknowledge that all nodes have received this record.
Now the global consistent timeline is
Since the insertion occurs after the delete the value still exists.
I have got similar problem, and I have fixed it by enabling Light-Weight-Transaction for both INSERT and DELETE requests (for all queries actually, including UPDATE). It will make sure all queries to this partition are serialized through one "thread", so DELETE wan't overwrite INSERT. For example (assuming instance_id is a primary key):
INSERT INTO myTable (instance_id, instance_version, data) VALUES ('myinstance', 0, 'some-data') IF NOT EXISTS;
UPDATE myTable SET instance_version=1, data='some-updated-data' WHERE instance_id='myinstance' IF instance_version=0;
UPDATE myTable SET instance_version=2, data='again-some-updated-data' WHERE instance_id='myinstance' IF instance_version=1;
DELETE FROM myTable WHERE instance_id='myinstance' IF instance_version=2
DELETE FROM myTable WHERE instance_id='myinstance' IF EXISTS
IF clauses enable light-wight-transactions for each row, so all of them are serialized. Warning: LWT is more expensive than normal calls, but sometimes they are needed, like in the case of this concurrency problem.

Cassandra UPDATE not working after deletion

I'm using a wide row schema in Cassandra. My table definition is as follows:
CREATE TABLE usertopics (
key text,
topic text,
score counter,
PRIMARY KEY (key, topic)
I'm inserting entries using:
UPDATE usertopics SET score = score + ? WHERE key=? AND topic=?
such that if key does not exist it will insert and if it exists it will update.
I'm deleting entries from using:
Delete form usertopics where key in ?
But after deletion when I'm trying to update again, it's not updating. It's not giving any error, but it's not reflecting in db as well.
It's inserting perfectly again when I'm truncating the table. I'm using Datastax java driver for accessing Cassandra. Any suggestions?
From cassandra documentation -
Counter removal is intrinsically limited. For instance, if you issue
very quickly the sequence "increment, remove, increment" it is
possible for the removal to be lost (if for some reason the remove
happens to be the last received messages). Hence, removal of counters
is provided for definitive removal only, that is when the deleted
counter is not increment afterwards. This holds for row deletion too:
if you delete a row of counters, incrementing any counter in that row
(that existed before the deletion) will result in an undetermined
behavior. Note that if you need to reset a counter, one option (that
is unfortunately not concurrent safe) could be to read its value and
add -value.
Once deleted, a counter with same key cannot/should not be used. Please use the below links for further info -
