Linking Library documents in a List - sharepoint

The scenario:
Pdf-documents are stored in a Library.
A List has links(urls) to the documents in the Library.
Wanted solution:
1. When clicking the link the document should be opened in the pdf-client application (Adobe/Nitro).
2. Then the user makes comments in the pdf.
3. By clicking Save-Icon in the pdf-client application, the document is updated in the Library.
In other words, I want the link in the List to act like I am directly accessing the Library document in the Library.
Is this possible?

Yes, it's possible.
It's unclear how you created the link list. If you create a document library, however, there's the option to add a link content type to the document library. This enables the user to create documents of type link, providing a URL and a description. Under the hood, these link items are server-side redirect to whatever the URL points to. Just as if you typed in the URL directly in the browser.
Whether the PDF can be saved back to SharePoint depends on the program used. It needs to be SharePoint-aware. That's how the Office applications accomplish the task.


Can I add sign here filed to custom pdf and use it for embedded sign later

I have a PDF document. Can I modify it to include SignHere/InitialHere anchor text fields using DocuSign Account through UI and download the PDF in my server and use it later for embedded singing.
Well, I think there are two options here:
You are asking about modifying your PDF. You can do that, but you would have to use some other software/API for this. This would allow you to use AnchorTags with the modified text that you chose.
You could add the SignHere/InitialHere tags via the API when you create the envelope. Here is some code example that can get you started:

Create PDF file with pre-defined template

I am trying to create a PDF with the pre-defined template with this particular library called PDFKIT. The server is written in Nodejs, may I know is there any good example I could refer to? What I want to achieve is to have a User Interface as an entry form, and then there is a pre-defined PDF file in-place on the server.When the user hits the submit button, the pdf rendering engine will pick-up the data and embedded into the pdf template file.
Take a look at the PSPDFKit for Web / PSPDFKit Server API docs for handling forms which let you retrieve and update all form fields. You can then use the document APIs for downloading a PDF with the form fields set to whatever values your user submitted.
So to recap, the steps are:
Upload the template PDF to the server storing the document id in your database or in the user's session.
Fill in the form fields using the data your user submitted.
Download the PDF with the updated form fields and e.g. email it or store it somewhere.
Alternatively you can create a signed URL so that you can directly redirect your user to the generated PDF.
Have you heard about PhantomJS? There is a package which name is phantom-html-to-pdf. You may give it a try.

Set field via URL

Is it possible to have a field in the current item be changed by clicking a URL? The field would be a choice field with predefined choices.
Such as if the item field is currently:
Status: 2
If a user clicks the link, the field would now be:
Status: 3
If not, is there any other way for a user to easily change a field in the current item without actually haveing to visit the item?
Not Out Of The Box (OOTB) - but you've a few options.
Write an ASPX page to do what you want
Use something like SPServices and javascript to update the list item via the web services.
Use the Client Object Model (2010 only)
By the way - changing stuff on a 'get' can be dangerous as you can do malicious things - for example imagine you have a page that deletes the users account without any prompting (exact example doesn't matter) - what if someone clicks on that link by mistake or even worse what about an email sent with an image with that page as source URL - simply viewing the email could delete the users account.
It's not possible by using a GET request, but SharePoint 2010 is offering a RESTful API to manage ListItems from any client
The REST API is located within the virtual WebServices folgder under each SharePoint Site.
To perform an update on SharePoint ListItems you have to create a PUT Request. For more information on SharePoints REST API you should have a look at this MSDN site, there are also a lot of samples linked from this article.

problem with Infopath Form services

I want to have some url for my infopath form and give that link to user instead of going to form library and click is it possible?
Also when I created Infopath form I have given some text fields and button, I don't want the Infopath services buttons(Save,save as...) how I cna remove those?
Any suggestions would really be appreciated...Thanks
You can publish an InfoPath form to a network share and give your users a link to it (or use a file:// url on a webpage). Another option is to figure out the URL to the form within form services (whats the actual URL when they click on the new button) and send out that link as the official URL. Both options have advantages (and disadvantages) so make sure to evaluate them both with respect to what you are trying to accomplish and the environment (ie - are you just trying to save your users a click or is there some other reason you need the 'new' URL).
1.) Format your URL like this:
2.) You found already! ; )

Using a sharepoint document library, how can I create 'permalinks'?

I want to be able to link to sharepoint documents without having to refer to the document name which may change.
Is there anyway to programmatically add a unique key to the meta-data and then somehow use this in a link?
You can link to the ID of the document in the library. That won't open the document, but it will always take you to the correct file, regardless of the file name.
I don't know how you could link directly to the document without the document name.
Every library has a GUID as an identifier. You can programmatically get that GUID and get the url from that.
