MFC: how to draw opengl from a different thread? - multithreading

I am trying to do some opengl 1.0 animation in a CWnd window with 60 fps. I create a sub class of CWnd:
class COpenGLControl : public CWnd
I found if I use the build-in timer "setTimer()" and set it to fire on every 1000/60 ms, all the opengl commands were able to render correctly. However, If I implement my own timer using a separate thread, nothing is drawn. All I got was a black screen.
Is there a way to issue opengl commands from a different thread?

Even if you are not intending to issue GL calls from multiple threads, you have to take OpenGL's rules for threading into account: An OpenGL context can only be used by at most one thread at a time. (And, per thread, there can be at most one active GL context at any time). That does not mean that you cannot use the same context in multiple threads, or create it in one and use it in another, you just have to explicitely "hand over" the context from one thread to another.
I don't know if you use some further librariy for GL context handling, so I'm assuming you are using the native API of your OS - in this case wgl. The relevant function is wglMakeCurrent(). So, to hand over a context which is "current" in thread A to thread B, thread A must first call wglMakeCurrent(NULL,NULL) before thread B can get the context via wglMakeCurrent(someDC, myGLCtx). You can of course switch around a GL context as many times you like, but that will introduce a huge synchronization overhead and should be avoided.
From your comments:
Would work If I create the context also in the timer thread?
Yes, it would.
Just a side note: Creating is not the issue here at all, since creating a GL context does not automatically make it "current" to a thread - so you can just create it in thread A and afterwards make it current directly to thread B.


how to access a worker thread from UI thread?

I have a working thread running all along the runtime, who generates events.
I can handle those events inside the UI thread by using disp = Windows::UI::Core::CoreWindow::GetForCurrentThread()->Dispatcher.
more precisely, I do the modifications to the UI by using disp->RunAsync(...) anywhere inside the working thread.
but I don't know how to do the inverted operation. I want to have some Async function inside the UI thread to perform operation (on some std::unique_ptr) in the working thread when I click on some button.
If I understand correctly you want to be able to run an async operation when a button is clicked, but on a specific thread to which you refer as your worker thread.
First - Since you want to use a resource in 2 threads you should not use unique_ptr and use shared_ptr since you share this resource between the two threads.
Second - if you don't necessarily have to run the action on a specific thread then you can simply use Windows::System::Threading::ThreadPool::RunAsync and capture the shared_ptr by value.
namespace WST = Windows::System::Threading;
ref new WST::WorkItemHandler(
[mySharedPtr](Windows::Foundation::IAsyncAction^ operation)
In case you have to run the operation on a specific thread then I assume you want to be able to append operations to an already running thread, otherwise you are creating a thread and you can use the above example.
So in order to append operations to an already running thread, that thread must have the functionality of getting a new operations and then running those operations in a synchronous order. This functionality is basically what the Dispatcher provides. This is what an Event Loop is, also called: message dispatcher, message loop, message pump, or run loop. Also you can find information by reading on the Recator\Proactor design pattern.
This CodeProject page shows one way of implementing the pattern, and you can use Winrt component to make it better \ more conveniant \ more familiar

shared context with GLUT on Linux

In my current setup, I have two displays that are being driven by two GPUs. Using GLUT, I create two windows (one per display) and render each one from the main thread by calling glutSetWindow() in the draw call, for each window.
The draw calls renders a Texture2D as a sphere (using gluSphere()) but the Texture2D is swapped for another image every few seconds. I have set up an array of 2 Texture2D so I can load the next image while the current Texture2D is shown. This works well as long as everything runs in the main thread.
The problem is that the call to glTexImage2D(), to load the next image, hangs my draw call, so I need to call glTexImage2D() on a different thread. Calling glTexImage2D() on a different thread crashes, as it seems the OpenGL context is not shared. GLUT does not seem to provide a way to share the context, but I should be able to get the context on Linux via glXGetCurrentContext().
My question is if I get the context via this call, how can I make it a shared context? And would this even work with GLUT? Another option has been to switch to different library to replace GLUT, like GLFW but in that case I will loose some handy function such as gluSphere(). Any recommendation if the context cannot be shared with GLUT please?
With GLX context sharing is established at context creation; unlike WGL you can't establish that sharing as an afterthought. Since GLUT doesn't have a context sharing feature (FreeGLUT may have one, but I'm not sure about that) this is not going to be straightforward.
I have two displays that are being driven by two GPUs.
Unless those GPUs are SLi-ed or CrossFire-ed you can't establish context sharing between them.
The problem is that the call to glTexImage2D(), to load the next image, hangs my draw call, so I need to call glTexImage2D() on a different thread.
If the images are of the same size, use glTexSubImage2D to replace it. Also image data can be loaded asynchronously using pixel buffer objects, using a secondary thread that doesn't even need a OpenGL context!
Outlining the steps:
In the OpenGL context thread:
initiating transfer
signal transfer thread
continue with normal drawing operations
In the transfer thread
on signal to start transfer
copy data to the mapped buffer
signal OpenGL context thread
In the OpenGL context thread:
on signal to complete transfer
sync = glFenceSync
keep on drawing with the old texture
on further iterations of the drawing loop
poll sync with glClientWaitSync using a timeout of 0
if the wait sync returns signalled switch to the new texture and delete the old one
else keep on drawing with the old texture

QThread execution freezes my GUI

I'm new to multithread programming. I wrote this simple multi thread program with Qt. But when I run this program it freezes my GUI and when I click inside my widow, it responds that your program is not responding .
Here is my widget class. My thread starts to count an integer number and emits it when this number is dividable by 1000. In my widget simply I catch this number with signal-slot mechanism and show it in a label and a progress bar.
Widget::Widget(QWidget *parent) :
ui(new Ui::Widget)
MyThread *th = new MyThread;
connect( th, SIGNAL(num(int)), this, SLOT(setNum(int)));
void Widget::setNum(int n)
ui->label->setNum( n);
and here is my thread run() function :
void MyThread::run()
for( int i = 0; i < 10000000; i++){
if( i % 1000 == 0)
emit num(i);
The problem is with your thread code producing an event storm. The loop counts very fast -- so fast, that the fact that you emit a signal every 1000 iterations is pretty much immaterial. On modern CPUs, doing a 1000 integer divisions takes on the order of 10 microseconds IIRC. If the loop was the only limiting factor, you'd be emitting signals at a peak rate of about 100,000 per second. This is not the case because the performance is limited by other factors, which we shall discuss below.
Let's understand what happens when you emit signals in a different thread from where the receiver QObject lives. The signals are packaged in a QMetaCallEvent and posted to the event queue of the receiving thread. An event loop running in the receiving thread -- here, the GUI thread -- acts on those events using an instance of QAbstractEventDispatcher. Each QMetaCallEvent results in a call to the connected slot.
The access to the event queue of the receiving GUI thread is serialized by a QMutex. On Qt 4.8 and newer, the QMutex implementation got a nice speedup, so the fact that each signal emission results in locking of the queue mutex is not likely to be a problem. Alas, the events need to be allocated on the heap in the worker thread, and then deallocated in the GUI thread. Many heap allocators perform quite poorly when this happens in quick succession if the threads happen to execute on different cores.
The biggest problem comes in the GUI thread. There seems to be a bunch of hidden O(n^2) complexity algorithms! The event loop has to process 10,000 events. Those events will be most likely delivered very quickly and end up in a contiguous block in the event queue. The event loop will have to deal with all of them before it can process further events. A lot of expensive operations happen when you invoke your slot. Not only is the QMetaCallEvent deallocated from the heap, but the label schedules an update() (repaint), and this internally posts a compressible event to the event queue. Compressible event posting has to, in worst case, iterate over entire event queue. That's one potential O(n^2) complexity action. Another such action, probably more important in practice, is the progressbar's setValue internally calling QApplication::processEvents(). This can, recursively call your slot to deliver the subsequent signal from the event queue. You're doing way more work than you think you are, and this locks up the GUI thread.
Instrument your slot and see if it's called recursively. A quick-and-dirty way of doing it is
void Widget::setNum(int n)
static int level = 0, maxLevel = 0;
level ++;
maxLevel = qMax(level, maxLevel);
ui->label->setNum( n);
if (level > 1 && level == maxLevel-1) {
qDebug("setNum recursed up to level %d", maxLevel);
level --;
What is freezing your GUI thread is not QThread's execution, but the huge amount of work you make the GUI thread do. Even if your code looks innocuous.
Side Note on processEvents and Run-to-Completion Code
I think it was a very bad idea to have QProgressBar::setValue invoke processEvents(). It only encourages the broken way people code things (continuously running code instead of short run-to-completion code). Since the processEvents() call can recurse into the caller, setValue becomes a persona-non-grata, and possibly quite dangerous.
If one wants to code in continuous style yet keep the run-to-completion semantics, there are ways of dealing with that in C++. One is just by leveraging the preprocessor, for example code see my other answer.
Another way is to use expression templates to get the C++ compiler to generate the code you want. You may want to leverage a template library here -- Boost spirit has a decent starting point of an implementation that can be reused even though you're not writing a parser.
The Windows Workflow Foundation also tackles the problem of how to write sequential style code yet have it run as short run-to-completion fragments. They resort to specifying the flow of control in XML. There's apparently no direct way of reusing standard C# syntax. They only provide it as a data structure, a-la JSON. It'd be simple enough to implement both XML and code-based WF in Qt, if one wanted to. All that in spite of .NET and C# providing ample support for programmatic generation of code...
The way you implemented your thread, it does not have its own event loop (because it does not call exec()). I'm not sure if your code within run() is actually executed within your thread or within the GUI thread.
Usually you should not subclass QThread. You probably did so because you read the Qt Documentation which unfortunately still recommends subclassing QThread - even though the developers long ago wrote a blog entry stating that you should not subclass QThread. Unfortunately, they still haven't updated the documentation appropriately.
I recommend reading "You're doing it wrong" on Qt Blog and then use the answer by "Kari" as an example of how to set up a basic multi-threaded system.
But when I run this program it freezes my GUI and when I click inside my window,
it responds that your program is not responding.
Yes because IMO you're doing too much work in thread that it exhausts CPU. Generally program is not responding message pops up when process show no progress in handling application event queue requests. In your case this happens.
So in this case you should find a way to divide the work. Just for the sake of example say, thread runs in chunks of 100 and repeat the thread till it completes 10000000.
Also you should have look at QCoreApplication::processEvents() when you're performing a lengthy operation.

QPointer in multi-threaded programs

According to, QPointer is very useful. But I found it could be inefficient in the following context:
If I want to show label for three times or do something else, I have to use
if(label) label->show1();
if(label) label->show2();
if(label) label->show3();
instead of
if(label) { label->show1();label->show2();label->show3(); }
just because label might be destroyed in another thread after label->show1(); or label->show2();.
Is there a beautiful way other than three ifs to get the same functionality?
Another question is, when label is destroyed after if(label), is if(label) label->show1(); still wrong?
I don't have experience in multi-threaded programs. Any help is appreciated. ;)
I think the only safe way to do it is to make sure you only access your QWidgets from within the main/GUI thread (that is, the thread that is running Qt's event loop, inside QApplication::exec()).
If you have code that is running within a different thread, and that code wants the QLabels to be shown/hidden/whatever, then that code needs to create a QEvent object (or a subclass thereof) and call qApp->postEvent() to send that object to the main thread. Then when the Qt event loop picks up and handles that QEvent in the main thread, that is the point at which your code can safely do things to the QLabels.
Alternatively (and perhaps more simply), your thread's code could emit a cross-thread signal (as described here) and let Qt handle the event-posting internally. That might be better for your purpose.
Neither of your approaches is thread-safe. It's possible that your first thread will execute the if statement, then the other thread will delete your label, and then you will be inside of your if statement and crash.
Qt provides a number of thread synchronization constructs, you'll probably want to start with QMutex and learn more about thread-safety before you continue working on this program.
Using a mutex would make your function would look something like this:
As long as your other thread is using locking that same mutex object then it will prevented from deleting your labels while you're showing them.

What is the difference between +[NSThread detachNewThreadSelector:toTarget:withObject:] and -[NSObject performSelectorInBackground:withObject:]?

They seem to perform a reasonably similar task: launching a new thread that performs that selector quickly and easily. But are there any differences? Maybe with regards to memory management?
Both are identical.
In iOS and Mac OS X v10.5 and later, all objects have the ability to spawn a new thread and use it to execute one of their methods. The performSelectorInBackground:withObject: method creates a new detached thread and uses the specified method as the entry point for the new thread. For example, if you have some object (represented by the variable myObj) and that object has a method called doSomething that you want to run in a background thread, you could could use the following code to do that:
[myObj performSelectorInBackground:#selector(doSomething) withObject:nil];
The effect of calling this method is the same as if you called the detachNewThreadSelector:toTarget:withObject: method of NSThread with the current object, selector, and parameter object as parameters. The new thread is spawned immediately using the default configuration and begins running. Inside the selector, you must configure the thread just as you would any thread. For example, you would need to set up an autorelease pool (if you were not using garbage collection) and configure the thread’s run loop if you planned to use it. For information on how to configure new threads
I presume they are the same, as - (void)performSelectorInBackground:(SEL)aSelector withObject:(id)arg; is defined in NSThread.h in the NSObject (NSThreadPerformAdditions) category. That is nothing conclusive, but that is evidence in that direction.
