QThread execution freezes my GUI - multithreading

I'm new to multithread programming. I wrote this simple multi thread program with Qt. But when I run this program it freezes my GUI and when I click inside my widow, it responds that your program is not responding .
Here is my widget class. My thread starts to count an integer number and emits it when this number is dividable by 1000. In my widget simply I catch this number with signal-slot mechanism and show it in a label and a progress bar.
Widget::Widget(QWidget *parent) :
ui(new Ui::Widget)
MyThread *th = new MyThread;
connect( th, SIGNAL(num(int)), this, SLOT(setNum(int)));
void Widget::setNum(int n)
ui->label->setNum( n);
and here is my thread run() function :
void MyThread::run()
for( int i = 0; i < 10000000; i++){
if( i % 1000 == 0)
emit num(i);

The problem is with your thread code producing an event storm. The loop counts very fast -- so fast, that the fact that you emit a signal every 1000 iterations is pretty much immaterial. On modern CPUs, doing a 1000 integer divisions takes on the order of 10 microseconds IIRC. If the loop was the only limiting factor, you'd be emitting signals at a peak rate of about 100,000 per second. This is not the case because the performance is limited by other factors, which we shall discuss below.
Let's understand what happens when you emit signals in a different thread from where the receiver QObject lives. The signals are packaged in a QMetaCallEvent and posted to the event queue of the receiving thread. An event loop running in the receiving thread -- here, the GUI thread -- acts on those events using an instance of QAbstractEventDispatcher. Each QMetaCallEvent results in a call to the connected slot.
The access to the event queue of the receiving GUI thread is serialized by a QMutex. On Qt 4.8 and newer, the QMutex implementation got a nice speedup, so the fact that each signal emission results in locking of the queue mutex is not likely to be a problem. Alas, the events need to be allocated on the heap in the worker thread, and then deallocated in the GUI thread. Many heap allocators perform quite poorly when this happens in quick succession if the threads happen to execute on different cores.
The biggest problem comes in the GUI thread. There seems to be a bunch of hidden O(n^2) complexity algorithms! The event loop has to process 10,000 events. Those events will be most likely delivered very quickly and end up in a contiguous block in the event queue. The event loop will have to deal with all of them before it can process further events. A lot of expensive operations happen when you invoke your slot. Not only is the QMetaCallEvent deallocated from the heap, but the label schedules an update() (repaint), and this internally posts a compressible event to the event queue. Compressible event posting has to, in worst case, iterate over entire event queue. That's one potential O(n^2) complexity action. Another such action, probably more important in practice, is the progressbar's setValue internally calling QApplication::processEvents(). This can, recursively call your slot to deliver the subsequent signal from the event queue. You're doing way more work than you think you are, and this locks up the GUI thread.
Instrument your slot and see if it's called recursively. A quick-and-dirty way of doing it is
void Widget::setNum(int n)
static int level = 0, maxLevel = 0;
level ++;
maxLevel = qMax(level, maxLevel);
ui->label->setNum( n);
if (level > 1 && level == maxLevel-1) {
qDebug("setNum recursed up to level %d", maxLevel);
level --;
What is freezing your GUI thread is not QThread's execution, but the huge amount of work you make the GUI thread do. Even if your code looks innocuous.
Side Note on processEvents and Run-to-Completion Code
I think it was a very bad idea to have QProgressBar::setValue invoke processEvents(). It only encourages the broken way people code things (continuously running code instead of short run-to-completion code). Since the processEvents() call can recurse into the caller, setValue becomes a persona-non-grata, and possibly quite dangerous.
If one wants to code in continuous style yet keep the run-to-completion semantics, there are ways of dealing with that in C++. One is just by leveraging the preprocessor, for example code see my other answer.
Another way is to use expression templates to get the C++ compiler to generate the code you want. You may want to leverage a template library here -- Boost spirit has a decent starting point of an implementation that can be reused even though you're not writing a parser.
The Windows Workflow Foundation also tackles the problem of how to write sequential style code yet have it run as short run-to-completion fragments. They resort to specifying the flow of control in XML. There's apparently no direct way of reusing standard C# syntax. They only provide it as a data structure, a-la JSON. It'd be simple enough to implement both XML and code-based WF in Qt, if one wanted to. All that in spite of .NET and C# providing ample support for programmatic generation of code...

The way you implemented your thread, it does not have its own event loop (because it does not call exec()). I'm not sure if your code within run() is actually executed within your thread or within the GUI thread.
Usually you should not subclass QThread. You probably did so because you read the Qt Documentation which unfortunately still recommends subclassing QThread - even though the developers long ago wrote a blog entry stating that you should not subclass QThread. Unfortunately, they still haven't updated the documentation appropriately.
I recommend reading "You're doing it wrong" on Qt Blog and then use the answer by "Kari" as an example of how to set up a basic multi-threaded system.

But when I run this program it freezes my GUI and when I click inside my window,
it responds that your program is not responding.
Yes because IMO you're doing too much work in thread that it exhausts CPU. Generally program is not responding message pops up when process show no progress in handling application event queue requests. In your case this happens.
So in this case you should find a way to divide the work. Just for the sake of example say, thread runs in chunks of 100 and repeat the thread till it completes 10000000.
Also you should have look at QCoreApplication::processEvents() when you're performing a lengthy operation.


FreeRTOS suspend task from another function

So I have a half duplex bus driver, where I send something and then always have to wait a lot of time to get a response. During this wait time I want the processor to do something valuable, so I'm thinking about using FreeRTOS and vTaskDelay() or something.
One way to do it would off be splitting the driver up in some send/receive part. After sending, it returns to the caller. The caller then suspends, and does the reception part after a certain period of time.
But, the level of abstraction would be finer if it continues to be one task from the user point of view, as today. Therefore I was thinking, is it possible for a function within a task to suspend the task itself? Like
void someTask()
someFunction(&someTask(), arg 1, arg 2,...);
void someFunction(*someSortOfReferenceToWhateverTaskWhoCalled, arg1, arg2 ...)
/*Use the pointer or whatever to suspend the task that called this function*/
Have a look at the FreeRTOS API reference for vTaskSuspend, http://www.freertos.org/a00130.html
However I am not sure you are going about controlling the flow of the program in the correct way. Tasks can be suspended on queues, events, delays etc.
For example in serial comms, you might have a task that feeds data into a queue (but suspends if it is full) and an interrupt that takes data out of the queue and transmits the data, or an interrupt putting data in a queue, or sending an event to a task to say there is data ready for it to process, the task can then wake up and process the data or take it out of the queue.
One thing I think is important though (in my opinion) is to only have one suspend point in any task. This is not a strict rule, but will make your life a lot easier in most situations.
There a numerous other task control mechanisms that are common to most RTOS's.
Have a good look around the FreeRTOS website and play with a few demo's. There is also plenty of generic RTOS tutorials on the web. It it worth learning how use the basic features of most RTOS's. It is actually not that complicated.

Does timer need mutex

I use timer in my program:
timer = new Qtimer(); connect(timer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(readData())); timer.start(1000);
And there is also other slots which may be triggered by UI interation:
/*SLOT FUNCTION*/ on_pushbutton_triggered(){..../*write data*/...}.
(the code is written in qt, but I think it's a common question)
So I worry about the potential problem: may readData() reads wrong data while on_pushbutton_triggereed() is writting data?
I am not so familiar with how the timer really work behind the screen: is it in the same thread with my program?
Will readData() and on_pushbutton_triggereed() be called, executed, finished serially and have no mutex problem(that is: I have to use lock() and unlock())? Thank you for reading! I really hope for your hints!
Qt is using an event loop to implement concurrent activity in general and QTimer in particular within a single thread.
The event providers (QTimer in this case) are producing events and publish them to the event loop. Then they are processed according to their priority and order of publishing. This approach doesn't require any synchronization as there is only one section of code executed at the time, so it's safe to access data.
On Unix-like systems ps -eLf command will show information about all processes (PID column in the output) and their threads (LWP column). NLWP column shows how many threads particular process has.

multithreading: how to process data in a vector, while the vector is being populated?

I have a single-threaded linux app which I would like to make parallel. It reads a data file, creates objects, and places them in a vector. Then it calls a compute-intensive method (.5 second+) on each object. I want to call the method in parallel with object creation. While I've looked at qt and tbb, I am open to other options.
I planned to start the thread(s) while the vector was empty. Each one would call makeSolids (below), which has a while loop that would run until interpDone==true and all objects in the vector have been processed. However, I'm a n00b when it comes to threading, and I've been looking for a ready-made solution.
QtConcurrent::map(Iter begin,Iter end,function()) looks very easy, but I can't use it on a vector that's changing in size, can I? And how would I tell it to wait for more data?
I also looked at intel's tbb, but it looked like my main thread would halt if I used parallel_for or parallel_while. That stinks, since their memory manager was recommended (open cascade's mmgt has poor performance when multithreaded).
/**intended to be called by a thread
\param start the first item to get from the vector
\param skip how many to skip over (4 for 4 threads)
void g2m::makeSolids(uint start, uint incr) {
uint curr = start;
while ((!interpDone) || (lineVector.size() > curr)) {
if (lineVector.size() > curr) {
if (lineVector[curr]->isMotion()) {
curr += incr;
} else {
uio::sleep(); //wait a little bit for interp
EDIT: To summarize, what's the simplest way to process a vector at the same time that the main thread is populating the vector?
Firstly, to benefit from threading you need to find similarly slow tasks for each thread to do. You said your per-object processing takes .5s+, how long does your file reading / object creation take? It could easily be a tenth or a thousandth of that time, in which case your multithreading approach is going to produce neglegible benefit. If that's the case, (yes, I'll answer your original question soon incase it's not) then think about simultaneously processing multiple objects. Given your processing takes quite a while, the thread creation overhead isn't terribly significant, so you could simply have your main file reading/object creation thread spawn a new thread and direct it at the newly created object. The main thread then continues reading/creating subsequent objects. Once all objects are read/created, and all the processing threads launched, the main thread "joins" (waits for) the worker threads. If this will create too many threads (thousands), then put a limit on how far ahead the main thread is allowed to get: it might read/create 10 objects then join 5, then read/create 10, join 10, read/create 10, join 10 etc. until finished.
Now, if you really want the read/create to be in parallel with the processing, but the processing to be serialised, then you can still use the above approach but join after each object. That's kind of weird if you're designing this with only this approach in mind, but good because you can easily experiment with the object processing parallelism above as well.
Alternatively, you can use a more complex approach that just involves the main thread (that the OS creates when your program starts), and a single worker thread that the main thread must start. They should be coordinated using a mutex (a variable ensuring mutually-exclusive, which means not-concurrent, access to data), and a condition variable which allows the worker thread to efficiently block until the main thread has provided more work. The terms - mutex and condition variable - are the standard terms in the POSIX threading that Linux uses, so should be used in the explanation of the particular libraries you're interested in. Summarily, the worker thread waits until the main read/create thread broadcasts it a wake-up signal indicating another object is ready for processing. You may want to have a counter with index of the last fully created, ready-for-processing object, so the worker thread can maintain it's count of processed objects and move along the ready ones before once again checking the condition variable.
It's hard to tell if you have been thinking about this problem deeply and there is more than you are letting on, or if you are just over thinking it, or if you are just wary of threading.
Reading the file and creating the objects is fast; the one method is slow. The dependency is each consecutive ctor depends on the outcome of the previous ctor - a little odd - but otherwise there are no data integrity issues so there doesn't seem to be anything that needs to be protected by mutexes and such.
Why is this more complicated than something like this (in crude pseudo-code):
while (! eof)
object O(data);
pthread_create(...., O, makeSolid);
while(x < vector.size())
If you don't want to loop on the joins in your main then spawn off a thread to wait on them by passing a vector of TIDs.
If the number of created objects/threads is insane, use a thread pool. Or put a counter is the creation loop to limit the number of threads that can be created before running ones are joined.
#Caleb: quite -- perhaps I should have emphasized active threads. The GUI thread should always be considered one.

Threading 101: What is a Dispatcher?

Once upon a time, I remembered this stuff by heart. Over time, my understanding has diluted and I mean to refresh it.
As I recall, any so called single threaded application has two threads:
a) the primary thread that has a pointer to the main or DllMain entry points; and
b) For applications that have some UI, a UI thread, a.k.a the secondary thread, on which the WndProc runs, i.e. the thread that executes the WndProc that recieves messages that Windows posts to it. In short, the thread that executes the Windows message loop.
For UI apps, the primary thread is in a blocking state waiting for messages from Windows. When it recieves them, it queues them up and dispatches them to the message loop (WndProc) and the UI thread gets kick started.
As per my understanding, the primary thread, which is in a blocking state, is this:
while(getmessage(/* args &msg, etc. */))
translatemessage(&msg, 0, 0);
dispatchmessage(&msg, 0, 0);
C# or VB.NET WinForms apps:
Application.Run( new System.Windows.Forms() );
Is this what they call the Dispatcher?
My questions are:
a) Is my above understanding correct?
b) What in the name of hell is the Dispatcher?
c) Point me to a resource where I can get a better understanding of threads from a Windows/Win32 perspective and then tie it up with high level languages like C#. Petzold is sparing in his discussion on the subject in his epic work.
Although I believe I have it somewhat right, a confirmation will be relieving.
It depends on what you consider the primary thread. Most UI frameworks will have an event handler thread that sits mostly idle, waiting for low level events. When an event occurs this thread gets a lock on the event queue, and adds the events there. This is hardly what I'd consider the primary thread, though.
In general a dispatcher takes some events and, based on their content or type sends (dispatches, if you will) them to another chunk of code (often in another thread, but not always). In this sense the event handler thread itself is a simple dispatcher. On the other end of the queue, the framework typically provides another dispatcher that will take events off of the queue. For instance, sending mouse events to mouse listeners, keyboard events to keyboard listeners etc.
A simple dispatcher may look like this:
class Event{
EventType type; //Probably an enum
String data; //Event data
class Dispatcher{
dispatch(Event event)
case FooEvent:
Most people I've met use "dispatcher" to describe something that's more than just a simple passthrough. In this case, it performs different actions based on a type variable which is consistent with most of the dispatchers I've seen. Often the switch is replaced with polymorphism, but switch makes it clearer what's going on for an example.

How to implement a thread safe timer on linux?

As we know, doing things in signal handlers is really bad, because they run in an interrupt-like context. It's quite possible that various locks (including the malloc() heap lock!) are held when the signal handler is called.
So I want to implement a thread safe timer without using signal mechanism.
How can I do?
Sorry, actually, I'm not expecting answers about thread-safe, but answers about implementing a timer on Unix or Linux which is thread-safe.
Use usleep(3) or sleep(3) in your thread. This will block the thread until the timeout expires.
If you need to wait on I/O and have a timer expire before any I/O is ready, use select(2), poll(2) or epoll(7) with a timeout.
If you still need to use a signal handler, create a pipe with pipe(2), do a blocking read on the read side in your thread, or use select/poll/epoll to wait for it to be ready, and write a byte to the write end of your pipe in the signal handler with write(2). It doesn't matter what you write to the pipe - the idea is to just get your thread to wake up. If you want to multiplex signals on the one pipe, write the signal number or some other ID to the pipe.
You should probably use something like pthreads, the POSIX threads library. It provides not only threads themselves but also basic synchronization primitives like mutexes (locks), conditions, semaphores. Here's a tutorial I found that seems to be decent:
For what it's worth, if you're totally unfamiliar with multithreaded programming, it might be a little easier to learn it in Java or Python, if you know either of those, than in C.
I think the usual way around the problems you describe is to make the signal handlers do only a minimal amount of work. E.g. setting some timer_expired flag. Then you have some thread that regularly checks whether the flag has been set, and does the actual work.
If you don't want to use signals I suppose you'd have to make a thread sleep or busy-wait for the specified time.
Use a Posix interval timer, and have it notify via a signal. Inside the signal handler function almost none of C's functions, like printf() can be used, as they aren't re-entrant.
Use a single global flag, declared static volatile for your signal handler to manipulate. The handler should literally have this one line of code, and NOTHING else; This flag should impact the flow control elsewhere in the 1 & Only thread in the program.
static volatile bool g_zig_instead_of_zag_flg = false;
void signal_handler_fnc()
g_zig_instead_of_zag_flg = true;
int main() {
if(false == g_zig_instead_of_zag) {
} else {
g_zig_instead_of_zag = false;
return 0;
Michael Kerrisk's The Linux Programming Interface has examples of both methods, and a few more, but the examples come with a lot of his own private functions you have to get working, and the examples carefully avoid many of the gotchas they should explore, so not great.
Using the Poxix interval timer that notifies via a thread makes everything a lot worse, and AFAICT, that notification method is pretty much useless. I only say pretty much because I am allowing that there may be SOME case where doing nothing in the main() thread, and everything in the handler thread is useful, but I sure can't think of any such case.
