Programmatically Creating a Azure AD in C# - azure

Is it possible to programmatically create a Azure Active Directory within a Azure subscription.
I have looked through the Azure Management API's and can see methods to create VM's, databases but not WAAD's.
If it is possible. How many WAADs can be created per subscription?

No, it isn't possible to create Azure Active Directories programmatically.
As Jeff pointed, the directories listed in the Azure AD node are not contained in the subscription - but instead are the directories in which the currently signed in user account exists.


How to configure one Azure ADDS for all inherit Azure accounts under the same subscription?

We have a Visual Studio Enterprise Subscription – MPN subscription. Therefore, we can create several Azure accounts under the same subscription in the same tenet. So, Basically we have an one root Azure account and several Azure accounts which are inherited to the root Azure account In my environment, I have configured Azure ADDS under my root Azure account. I have several VMs in another Azure account under the same subscription as I described above. My requirement is to connect those Azure VMs to the Azure ADDS in the root Azure account. Is there any way to do it? I know how to do it when Azure ADDS and Azure VMs in the same account.
As you aware Azure Active Directory Domain services integrates with your existing Azure AD tenant. This integration lets users sign in to service and applications connected to the managed domain using their existing credentials. Joining the VM hosted in another Tenant is not applicable . You have mentioned different Azure Account if it is a different Tenant then there is no possibility at this time.

Dynamically create Azure Active Directory

Is it possible to dynamically create an Azure Active Directory over the Azure shell or from C#?
The only documentation I was able to find is this describing some commands but it does not explain how to create a new tenant or Azure AD B2C.
We are builing an application for a lot of client organization. Each organization would need an own active directory and database to seperate them from each other logically and securly. That's why we want to dynamically create active directories. We don't want the client to wait and we don't want to manually create everything for each one.
Thank you for your help!
It is not possible to create a Azure Active Directory using Azure Shell or C#. A tenant represents an organization in Azure Active Directory.
Azure AD service instance that an organization receives and owns when it signs up for a Microsoft cloud service such as Azure, Microsoft Intune, or Microsoft 365

How to create an Azure Subscription and Azure Active Directory programatically

I have a requirement to be able to create an Azure subscription and Azure AD Tenant programmatically (e.g with Terraform or an ARM Template etc - this part is not important, as long as I can find an API).
Looking at the Azure RM it doesn't seem to be possible. Even the UI seems to redirect to a different app to create a subscription.
Any ideas on how to go about this?
We had a similar requirement on a project two years ago and we found no way to programatically provision a subscription nor an Azure Active Directory.
As far as I know, this is still not possible. However, we "solved" it by manually creating a pool of subscription and AAD and used them in our tenant boarding application.

Using existing Office365 Active Directory with existing Azure account

We have a Office365 account that uses Azure Active Directory for our company e-mail accounts. We have a totally separate (different login) Microsoft Azure account that we have been using without touching Azure Active Directory within.
We are looking to implement Azure Active Directory within our apps, and would like to use our existing O365 Active Directory since it already has all the users created. Is there any way for us to somehow link our Azure account to the O365 account so we can use that active directory in our Azure account?
I have found some examples, but they all seem to use the premise that you are logging into both Azure and O365 with the same credentials. That is not how ours is setup unfortunately.
If you are interested in combining the two (usually keeping O365 identities and making that AAD the default for your Azure subscription), you can contact Microsoft directly and they will be able to manually pair the two. As of 6 months ago (last time I did this) there was no way to do this yourself without assistance from MS.
You can open tickets through the Azure portal or the Office 365 web site.
Found a article that got me pointed pointed in the right direction and I was able to get this done:
How to associate or add an Azure subscription to Azure Active Directory
Ultimately I needed to have one Microsoft account that had sufficient permissions on both Active Directory tenants. It was tricky because both accounts were different Microsoft accounts using the same e-mail address, and either directory would not let me add another account with a duplicate e-mail address. I used a separate Microsoft account and added it as a AD guest on both directories. Once that was done, I was able to login with the new account with access to both directories and pick which directory I wanted to use within my Azure account.

How to move resources from subscriptions in different directories in Azure

In my azure account I have 2 directories, lets call them directory A and B.
With some recent changes I need to switch a app service from a subscription in directory A to a subscription that is on directory B.
Is this possible to achieve, and if it is how?
As directory I mean the directory that you can see in the image below:
Since It seems that I have mislead people I will try to explain what i want to achieve with images.
I want to move the App Service from the App Service Plan in the directory A as you can see in here:
to the App Service Plan in the directory B that you can see in here:
It looks like you want to move resources between subscriptions. It is possible to do this but there are a few restictions and rules around what you can do.
You can definitely move an App Service between subscriptions. However, in your case, as the subscriptions in question exist in different AD tenants, you will need to change the tenant of one of the subscriptions. You can only do this if you are a Service Administrator and signed in using a Microsoft i.e non organizational account.
Check this reference document from Microsoft, it explains in detail how the transfer process works.
I think we might need some additional information, since it seems that the terms we're using are sometimes equivocal. Microsoft Azure subscriptions are not associated to Azure Active Directories, but to an Service Account. You can add how many Azure ADs you want to an Azure subscription, but the Azure subscription itself will be managed by the service account (which is not necessarily member of a certain Azure AD).
Further, only the service administrator can manage Azure resources, like VMs, App Services and so on. Azure AD admins can only manage identity aspects that define identity life cycles within that specific Azure AD. The service admin could add a co-admin a user from the default Azure AD and that user would then also be able to manage Azure resources, like App Services and so on.
So the Azure App Service is tied to a Azure subscription that is managed by a service account, not by the Azure AD. Please check the official documentation on this topic. Also please clarify exactly what you would like to do.
