d3.js geo - rendering svg path - svg

I'd like to create choropleth map of Czech Republic. Inspired by this article http://bl.ocks.org/mbostock/4060606, I have created this
var width = 960;
var height = 500;
var svg = d3.select("body").append("svg").attr("width", width).attr("height", height);
var offset = [width / 2, height / 2];
var projection = d3.geo.mercator().scale(6000).center([15.474, 49.822]).translate(offset);
var path = d3.geo.path().projection(projection);
queue().defer(d3.json, "..map.geojson").await(ready);
function ready(error, reg) {
var group = svg.selectAll("g").data(reg.features).enter().append("g");
group.append("path").attr("d", path).attr("fill", "none").attr("stroke", "#222");
When I tried to fill svg path with some color, I ended on this
group.append("path").attr("d", path).attr("fill", "red").attr("stroke", "#222");
There are odd values in path d attribute.
My GeoJSON data must be somehow faulty but I can't figure what is wrong.
Everything looks right here: https://gist.github.com/anonymous/4e51227dd83be8c2311d

Your geoJSON is corrupted and as a result your polygons are being drawn as the interiors of an infinitely bounded polygon. That's why when you attempt to give a fill to the path, it goes beyond the extent of the screen but still displays the border just fine. I tried to reverse the winding order of your coordinates array, and that seemed to fix all of them except for "Brno-venkov", which might be the source of your problems (especially given its administrative shape).
I'd suggest going back to where you created the original GeoJSON and try to re-export it with simplification. If you want to reverse the coordinates on your GeoJSON to correct the winding order, that's pretty simple:
geodata = d3.selectAll("path").data();
for (x in geodata) {geodata[x].geometry.coordinates[0] = geodata[x].geometry.coordinates[0].reverse()}
But this won't fix the problem polygon, nor will not reversing its coordinates.

In case you are familiar with svg manipulation you can try geojson2svg. This allows you manipulate svg in standard way but you have to code a little more. In case your application requires d3 for many other purpose then d3 is best solution.

I've got exactly the same problem with Mapzen's .geojson files.
.reverse()-ing isn't good enough, if you can't make sure all your data has the same winding order.
I solved it with this one:
You'll need to have npm & require available
Install it, and save it to your project
npm i -g geojson-rewind
Import it, to make it useable
var rewind = require('geojson-rewind');
Use it on the data, in this case:
req = rewind(req);
Tip: If you are working with static data, you can do this only once on the console, and you're good to go.


How do I carry over identical texture mapping when exporting to DAE?

I am able to open a 3DS file in MeshLab and when I export to Collada DAE format the textures are visible but they are not being projected onto the mesh in the same way as the preview in MeshLab. For example, the front/back faces of a cube would have the proper texture (suppose it's a polka dot) but the top and bottom have a striped look. How can I apply a single texture and have it appear as intended on all faces, like the imported model before I convert it?
This problem is a result of the end software being used to view the DAE file. It's not a problem with MeshLab.
For example, if loading the file into Away3D be sure to handle the texture materials using the TextureMaterial class instead of the simpler SinglePassMaterialBase such as what you might find in their example code. Here is what I use now, and it displays texture properly:
var material:TextureMaterial = cast(asset, TextureMaterial);
material.ambientColor = 0xffffff;
material.lightPicker = _lightPicker;
material.shadowMethod = new FilteredShadowMapMethod(_light);
material.lightPicker = _lightPicker;
material.gloss = 30;
material.specular = 1;
material.ambient = 1;
material.repeat = true;

D3js: finding path's bounding box (without getBBox() )?

The following code works on Chromium :
var node = window.d3.selectAll('#L1 > *:nth-child(2)');
var bbox = node.node().getBBox();
console.log(bbox) // {height: 44, width: 44, y: -13, x: 144}
but not with nodejs + jsdom:
"TypeError: Object [ PATH ] has no method 'getBBox' "
M. Bostock pointed out that JSDOM doesn't support getBBox()
What D3js replacement to use to get the bounding box of #L1 > *:nth-child(2) ?
Past efforts lead me there : getBBox() based fiddle
Path's bounding box
Digging straight into the element's path data d="..." should work. An svg line is basically a set of x,y points. Assuming absolute coordinates without translation nor big bezier curves, which is the case of my D3js-generated svg lines, I'am finding in this data the min and max values for both x and y.
To do so, I get the d="..." svg line or multilines code. For simplicity sake, I rudely removes possible relative jumps such h30 or v20 since I never saw any in my D3js output, then clean out letters (aka svg commands : M,L,H,V,C,S,Q,T,A,Z), simplify the spaces and line jumps, then split by the remaining spaces. I get a clean arrays of coordinates.
Important to note, my selector directly target a single non-translated path.
var getBBox = function(selector){
var xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax,p;
// clean up path
var t = d3.select(selector).attr("d"); // get svg line's code
t = t.replace(/[a-z].*/g," ") // remove relative coords, could rather tag it for later processing to absolute!
.replace(/[\sA-Z]+/gi," ").trim().split(" "); // remove letters and simplify spaces.
for(var i in t){ // set valid initial values
p = t[i].split(",");
xmin = xmax = p[0]; ymin = ymax = p[1]; }
for(var i in t){ // update xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax
p = t[i].split(",");
if(!p[1]){ p[0]=xmin; p[1] = ymin;} // ignore relative jumps such h20 v-10
xmin = Math.min(xmin, p[0]);
xmax = Math.max(xmax, p[0]);
ymin = Math.min(ymin, p[1]);
ymax = Math.max(ymax, p[1]);
} return [[xmin,ymax],[xmax,ymin]]; // [[left, bottom], [right, top]] as for https://github.com/mbostock/d3/wiki/Geo-Paths#bounds
var bb = getBBox("path");
JSfiddle DEMO
Groups bounding boxes
For groups of multiple paths, you may want to traverse the svg DOM to loop upon each single path of the group in order to update xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax.
Translated elements
To handle translated elements, adapt further.
Other better approaches may exist. Remember to check if getBBox() and getBoundingClientRect() are available in your context, since they are native and very convenient.
The reason why getBBox/getBoundingClientRect/getClientRect does not work in NodeJS+JSDOM is that calculating these values of an SVG (or HTML) element involves massive amounts of computation.
First, all CSS code in <style> elements must be parsed (which is already not trivial). Then the CSS selectors, cascading and inheritance rules must be applied to know what size, position or line width an element has. And even after you know all style property values, you need to do some non-trivial maths to calculate the bounding boxes: definition of different SVG transform functions, compositions of these, bounding boxes of SVG primitives and Bezier curves. Browsers support all of these (they have to, in order to draw the element), but JSDOM is simply not meant for all of these.
But fortunately, canvg is a JavaScript implementation of most of SVG, which uses a <canvas> element to draw the image. It does support most of the above, and although it does not have an interface for giving you those data, fortunately it has very nice (and MIT licensed) code, so hopefully you can copy and reuse parts of it. As of now, the code is written in a single file, and it has CSS parsing, applying cascading rules, path data parsing, definitions of SVG transforms, applying transformations, and bezier curve bounding box calculation. That is, almost everything you need to calculate bounding boxes :) It does not, however, support CSS selectors, but it can reuse another library. But unfortunately, as far as I can tell, canvg is not ready for running in NodeJS, you probably need some tweaks.
There is, however canvgc, an SVG to JS compiler, which contains an older version of canvg, and it is capable of running in NodeJS. So it is easier to start with that.

Snap SVG translate element that has rotation

I am trying to move (translate) an object that has been rotated, when I move (translate) the rotated object it loses it's rotation and does move correctly. If the use the same code on an object that is not rotated then the move correctly. What I am doing wrong here?
Here is a fiddle
This code loses the rotation.
var part = s.select("#part_2");
var t = new Snap.Matrix();
I'm not sure what order you want the transforms to apply. If you want the squares to move such that down is applied after transforming i.e. down for the rotated matrix is at an angle you'd do this...
var t = part.transform().localMatrix;
t.translate(0, 18);
If, however you want down to always be down then you'd do something like this...
var t = new Snap.Matrix();
t.translate(0, 18);
The trick is to get the existing matrix for the shape and append/prepend the transform you want to it.

How to right/end align text along an textPath inside an arc using d3.js?

Here's the fiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/DevChefOwen/CZ6Dp/
var text = g.append("text")
.style("text-anchor","left") // using "end", the entire text disappears
.text("some text");
I've tried a number of different things to no avail. The left align is the easy part. If you did a middle, though, you see only "text" instead of "some text", implying that "some" is just hidden because it went "out of span" for the given arc.
If, however, I added:
(as in here: http://jsfiddle.net/DevChefOwen/2H99c/)
It would look right aligned, but outside of programmatically trying to get the width/height of the text element and look for sharp changes in width/height (which seems wrong and likely error-prone), I can't seem to find a way to right align the text.
I've also tried using an SVG path (essentially a curved arc line) and the same disappearing act happens with the text when "text-anchor" is set to "left".
Thanks ahead for your time!
The question is somewhat confusing matters. The issue isn't aligning text at the end of the path -- that's easy to do with "text-anchor"="end" and "startOffset"="100%".
However, using those settings with the path created by the d3 arc function, you end up with the text cornering around the end of the inside curve and the left straight edge, to the end of the path as defined by the arc function:
The real issue is that the path that you want the text to be aligned along (the outside arc of the shape) is only one segment of the path that defines the shape.
(By the way, "left" and "right" are not valid values for the "text-anchor" property, and will just be ignored).
The answer by #defghi1977 gives one way to approach the problem, by figuring out the length of the path segment that you do want to use and adjusting the start offset accordingly.
Another way to approach the problem is to create a separate path (not drawn on screen) that represents only the part of the path that you want to be used for positioning text.
There are a number of possible ways to create a path that only represents the outside arc (some example code here). #defghi1977's approach of grabbing it from the existing path with regular expressions is probably the most efficent for your situation. But instead of just creating a temporary element to calculate a length, I actually have to add the new path to the DOM so it can be used as the reference path for the <textPath> element. (Which I suppose is the downside to this approach -- twice as many DOM elements!)
var path = g.append("svg:path")
.attr("d", arct)
.attr("transform", "translate("+cfg.w/2+","+cfg.h/2+")")
.each(function(d,i) {
var justArc = /(^.+?)L/;
//grab everything up to the first Line statement
var thisSelected = d3.select(this);
var arcD = justArc.exec( thisSelected.attr("d") )[1];
.attr("id", "yyy") //normally the id would be based on the data or index
.attr("d", arcD)
.attr("transform", thisSelected.attr("transform") );
//if you can avoid using transforms directly on the path element,
//you'll save yourself having to repeat them for the text paths...
var text = g.append("text")
.text("some text");
Again, factoring in the extra DOM load #defghi1977's method is probably slightly preferrable, although this version has the benefit of not being dependent on browser support for getTotalLength. But as far as I know that method is fairly well implemented.
So just consider this an alternate approach for completeness' sake.
This path is constructed by 4(or 5) path segments.
So, this probrem will be solved to get first arc path length.
But I don't know how to get sub path length by using d3.js, thus I use svgdom directly.
I tried to fix your code. If this code is not what you hope, I'm sorry.
path-anchor attribute to end.
define function to get startOffset value.
var path = g.append("svg:path")
.attr("d", arct)
.attr("transform", "translate("+cfg.w/2+","+cfg.h/2+")");
var text = g.append("text")
//.style("text-anchor","left") // using "end", the entire text disappears
.attr("text-anchor", "end")
.text("some text")
var d = document.getElementById("yyy").getAttribute("d");
var tmp = document.createElementNS("http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" ,"path");
//get the arc segment of path
var arc = d.match(/(^.+?)L/)[1];
tmp.setAttribute("d", arc);
//return offset position
return tmp.getTotalLength();
I think the confusion comes from the meaning of text-anchor - it's not "relative to where on the parent will I justify" but rather "what part of me should I align to the start".
You're right to try to use startOffset to move the origin. Since the outer radius of your path is longer than the inner radius, the correct start offset is a little more than half of the path (around 53%).
Just a little more twiddling with your settings and you should have it. Here's a fiddle with my interpretation of what you're looking for.

Extruding multiple polygons with multiple holes and texturing the combined shape

This question is related to this question. The answer shows very nice way to extrude polygons that have holes (see the excellent live example). The main learning of the answer was that paths in three.js (r58) cannot have more than one moveTo command and it have to be in the start of the path, which means that path have to be broken by moveTos, so that moveTo start always a new path.
Extruding in three.js means that 2D paths are converted to 3D shapes using possible beveling. It is suitable for extruding texts to make 3D letters and words, but can be used also to extrude custom paths.
Now there arises two questions:
how is it possible to handle polygons that have multiple hole-polygons and multiple non-hole-polygons?
how is it possible to add a texture to generated shape as a whole?
I made an example of this as SVG in http://jsbin.com/oqomuj/1/edit:
The image is produced using this path:
<path d="
M57.11,271.77 L57.11,218.33 L41.99,218.63 L105.49,165.77 L138.41,193.18 L138.41,172.2 L152.53,172.2 L152.53,204.93 L168.99,218.63 L153.21,218.63 L153.21,271.77Z
M74.14,264.13 L105.49,264.13 L105.49,232.8 L74.14,232.8Z
M115.35,250.7 L135.96,250.7 L135.96,232.61 L115.35,232.61Z
M56.11,145.77 L56.11,92.33 L40.99,92.63 L104.49,39.77 L137.41,67.18 L137.41,46.2 L151.53,46.2 L151.53,78.93 L152.53,79.76 L155.55,77.23 L159.5,74.52 L168.65,69.81 L176.46,66.93 L188.04,64.16 L200.63,62.7 L213.65,62.7 L226.05,64.09 L234.83,66.06 L245.65,69.73 L252.87,73.27 L259.12,77.34 L262.63,80.33 L265.6,83.47 L268.01,86.76 L269.83,90.17 L271.08,93.68 L271.76,99.08 L271.04,104.64 L269.75,108.2 L267.87,111.63 L265.42,114.91 L262.44,118.01 L258.95,120.92 L255.02,123.63 L245.86,128.34 L238.06,131.22 L226.48,133.99 L213.88,135.44 L200.63,135.44 L188.04,133.99 L176.46,131.22 L168.65,128.34 L159.5,123.63 L155.55,120.92 L152.21,118.12 L152.21,145.77Z
M73.14,138.13 L104.49,138.13 L104.49,106.8 L73.14,106.8Z
M114.35,124.7 L134.96,124.7 L134.96,106.61 L114.35,106.61Z
M207.26,117.33 L210.57,117.26 L216.87,116.53 L222.66,115.15 L227.8,113.18 L233.11,110 L236.34,106.99 L238.51,103.64 L239.42,100.48 L239.42,97.67 L238.51,94.51 L236.34,91.16 L233.11,88.15 L227.8,84.97 L222.66,83 L216.87,81.62 L210.57,80.89 L203.94,80.89 L197.65,81.62 L191.86,83 L186.71,84.97 L181.41,88.15 L178.18,91.16 L176.01,94.51 L175.1,97.67 L175.1,100.48 L176.01,103.64 L178.18,106.99 L181.41,110 L186.71,113.18 L191.86,115.15 L197.65,116.53 L203.94,117.26Z
and this path converted to individual arrays of vertices:
var lower_house_material = [{x:57.11,y:271.77},{x:57.11,y:218.33},{x:41.99,y:218.63},{x:105.49,y:165.77},{x:138.42,y:193.18},{x:138.42,y:172.2},{x:152.53,y:172.2},{x:152.53,y:204.93},{x:168.99,y:218.63},{x:153.21,y:218.63},{x:153.21,y:271.77}];
var lower_house_hole_1 = [{x:74.14,y:264.13},{x:105.49,y:264.13},{x:105.49,y:232.8},{x:74.14,y:232.8}];
var lower_house_hole_2 = [{x:115.35,y:250.7},{x:135.96,y:250.7},{x:135.96,y:232.61},{x:115.35,y:232.61}];
var upper_house_material = [{x:56.11,y:145.77},{x:56.11,y:92.33},{x:40.99,y:92.63},{x:104.49,y:39.77},{x:137.42,y:67.18},{x:137.42,y:46.2},{x:151.53,y:46.2},{x:151.53,y:78.93},{x:152.53,y:79.76},{x:155.55,y:77.23},{x:159.5,y:74.52},{x:168.65,y:69.81},{x:176.46,y:66.93},{x:188.04,y:64.16},{x:200.63,y:62.7},{x:213.65,y:62.7},{x:226.05,y:64.1},{x:234.83,y:66.06},{x:245.65,y:69.73},{x:252.87,y:73.27},{x:259.12,y:77.35},{x:262.63,y:80.33},{x:265.6,y:83.47},{x:268.01,y:86.76},{x:269.84,y:90.17},{x:271.08,y:93.68},{x:271.76,y:99.08},{x:271.04,y:104.64},{x:269.75,y:108.2},{x:267.87,y:111.63},{x:265.42,y:114.91},{x:262.44,y:118.01},{x:258.96,y:120.92},{x:255.02,y:123.63},{x:245.86,y:128.34},{x:238.06,y:131.22},{x:226.48,y:133.99},{x:213.88,y:135.45},{x:200.63,y:135.45},{x:188.04,y:133.99},{x:176.46,y:131.22},{x:168.65,y:128.34},{x:159.5,y:123.63},{x:155.55,y:120.92},{x:152.21,y:118.12},{x:152.21,y:145.77}];
var upper_house_hole_1 = [{x:73.14,y:138.13},{x:104.49,y:138.13},{x:104.49,y:106.8},{x:73.14,y:106.8}];
var upper_house_hole_2 = [{x:114.35,y:124.7},{x:134.96,y:124.7},{x:134.96,y:106.61},{x:114.35,y:106.61}];
var upper_house_hole_3 = [{x:207.26,y:117.33},{x:210.57,y:117.26},{x:216.87,y:116.53},{x:222.66,y:115.15},{x:227.8,y:113.18},{x:233.11,y:110},{x:236.34,y:106.99},{x:238.51,y:103.64},{x:239.42,y:100.48},{x:239.42,y:97.67},{x:238.51,y:94.51},{x:236.34,y:91.16},{x:233.11,y:88.15},{x:227.8,y:84.97},{x:222.66,y:83},{x:216.87,y:81.62},{x:210.57,y:80.89},{x:203.94,y:80.89},{x:197.65,y:81.62},{x:191.86,y:83},{x:186.71,y:84.97},{x:181.41,y:88.15},{x:178.18,y:91.16},{x:176.01,y:94.51},{x:175.1,y:97.67},{x:175.1,y:100.48},{x:176.01,y:103.64},{x:178.18,y:106.99},{x:181.41,y:110},{x:186.71,y:113.18},{x:191.86,y:115.15},{x:197.65,y:116.53},{x:203.94,y:117.26}];
The question is, how this like structure can be converted to 3D object in three.js so that it can be extruded using THREE.ExtrudeGeometry( shape, extrusionSettings ) and after that textured as a whole?
I can examine the path data to know what hole belongs to what polygon and handle all as separate shapes, but because I want to use one texture image across all the shapes, I think the preferred way is to handle all material-polygons as one shape, and hole-polygons as other shape and use something like:
var shape = [lower_house_material, upper_house_material];
shape.holes = [lower_house_hole_1, lower_house_hole_2, upper_house_hole_1, upper_house_hole_2, upper_house_hole_3];
var 3d_geometry = THREE.ExtrudeGeometry( shape, extrusionSettings );
So the 3d_geometry should be at the end one mesh to which I can append a texture this way:
var textureFront = new THREE.ImageUtils.loadTexture( 'textureFront.png');
var textureSide = new THREE.ImageUtils.loadTexture( 'textureSide.png');
var materialFront = new THREE.MeshBasicMaterial( { map: textureFront } );
var materialSide = new THREE.MeshBasicMaterial( { map: textureSide } );
var materialArray = [ materialFront, materialSide ];
var faceMaterial = new THREE.MeshFaceMaterial(materialArray);
var final_mesh = new THREE.Mesh(3d_geometry, faceMaterial );
And one of the textures could be something like this (256x256px):
And texture applied:
And because the mesh is extruded, there is also 3D thickness on the above, but you got the idea of texturing.
I know that y-coordinates have to be flipped but it is a trivial task and not the point of my question, but if three.js has ready-made function for clipping y, it would be helpful.
I have spent hours to examine the three.js source code, examples and documentation, but because the most frequent word there is "todo", it cannot help much. And I'm very newbie to three.js, I would think that this may be trivial task for some experienced three.js user.
UPDATE: And just to make sure, the hole polygons are always well-behaved, which means that hole polygons are always fully inside material-polygons and there are no duplicate vertices or self-intersections either in material-polygons or hole-polygons and all material-polygons have CW winding order and holes CCW.
UPDATE: Merging geometries was not a solution for texturing the whole extruded polygon set by one texture: http://jsfiddle.net/C5dga. The texture is repeated on all individual shapes, so merging geometries in this case has no real meaning. The solution could be possibly found on merging shapes before they are extruded, but not found solution for this yet.
You can merge geometries as in the following snippet, resulting in just a single mesh. From your prior questions, you already know how to texture a single geometry.
var geometry1 = new THREE.ExtrudeGeometry( shape1, extrusionSettings );
var geometry2 = new THREE.ExtrudeGeometry( shape2, extrusionSettings );
geometry1.merge( geometry2 );
. . .
var mesh = new THREE.Mesh( geometry1, material );
scene.add( mesh );
Fiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/pHn2B/88/
Fiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/C5dga/13/ (with texture)
EDIT: As an alternative to creating separate geometries and using the merge utility, you can create a single geometry using the following pattern, instead:
var geometry1 = new THREE.ExtrudeGeometry( [ shape1, shape2 ], extrusionSettings );
EDIT: updated to three.js r.70
