CORS & CSRF - clarification? - cross-domain

I've been using CORS for a long time for allowing ajax responses to be read from another domain.
I had a discussion with a colleague about CORS and- while discussion - he supplied an example which I thought was irrelevant to the CORS issue.
He said :
the same origin policy is so that if you're logged into your bank and
go on my site, I can't exploit your credentials and make a cross
origin request to your bank and send myself money.
But that's seemed to me as a pure csrf attack , which not relates to CORS ( unless reading the ajax's response ) :
So I said :
About the thing you wrote : "if you're logged into your bank and go on
my site, I can't exploit your credentials and make a cross origin
request to your bank and send myself money."........If I go to your
site and you run ajax request to the bank : the bank server WILL see
the request . and if you run ajax request withCredentials , the
cookies WILL be sent I think you're talking about CSRF attack to block
Then he said :
no, CSRF is something different. CSRF is when I sneak an image or a
button to make a request on your site to bypass the same origin
(IMHO - no ! - you don't have to sneak anything to my site. CSRF is when you make an unwanted request on my behalf to do evil things - you don't have to sneak anything )
So I told him :
You can send me html form which posts to a known location for example
- bank And so the solution is cookie / hidden field match to a server value So if the malicious site is doing a request - it won't have the
hidden field value Your example - talks about csrf attack . The part
where you cant read the response - is the only cors part.
im just saying that the bank example was a bit irrelevant here ( to the CORS discussion)
He said :
Of course it was relevant
Finally I said :
IMO - CORS was designed for ( example) :
For to run ajax requests to facebook to get all friends - its
where comes more relevant
Question :
For Learning , and getting better and In order to solve this confusion and feel at peace - was I right ?

The short answer is that for his attack to be possible, given the premise that any mutations would be issued using POST/PUT/DEL, your bank would have to enable CORS in order for the XHR to be allowed (the preflight checks would fail otherwise) AND be susceptible to a CSRF attack.
Of course, if the bank was susceptible to CSRF, a simple form post would do the trick as well.
So you are right. CORS does not prevent CSRF, all it does is relax the restrictions enforced by the Same Origin Policy.


Same Origin Policy easily circumvented?

I've read an article which used Cors-Anywhere to make an example url request, and it made me think about how easily the Same Origin Policy can be bypassed.
While the browser prevents you from accessing the error directly, and cancels the request altogether when it doesn't pass a preflight request, a simple node server does not need to abide to such rules, and can be used as a proxy.
All there needs to be done is to append '' to the start of the requested url in the malicious script and Voila, you don't need to pass CORS.
And as sideshowbarker pointed out, it takes a couple of minutes to deploy your own Cors-Anywhere server.
Doesn't it make SOP as a security measure pretty much pointless?
The purpose of the SOP is to segregate data stored in browsers by their origin. If you got a cookie from domain1.tld (or it stored data for you in a browser store), Javascript on domain2.tld will not be able to gain access. This cannot be circumvented by any server-side component, because that component will still not have access in any way. If there was no SOP, a malicious site could just read any data stored by other websites in your browsers.
Now this is also related to CORS, as you somewhat correctly pointed out. Normally, your browser will not receive the response from a javascript request made to a different origin than the page origin it's running on. The purpose of this is that if it worked, you could gain information from sites where the user is logged in. If you send it through Cors-Anywhere though, you will not be able to send the user's session cookie for the other site, because you still don't have access, the request goes to your own server as the proxy.
Where Cors-Anywhere matters is unauthenticated APIs. Some APIs might check the origin header and only respond to their own client domain. In that case, sure, Cors-Anywhere can add or change CORS headers so that you can query it from your own hosted client. But the purpose of SOP is not to prevent this, and even in this case, it would be a lot easier for the API owner to blacklist or throttle your requests, because they are all proxied by your server.
So in short, SOP and CORS are not access control mechanisms in the sense I think you meant. Their purpose is to prevent and/or securely allow cross-origin requests to certain resources, but they are not meant to for example prevent server-side components from making any request, or for example to try and authenticate your client javascript itself (which is not technically possible).

CSRF Requesting the nonce makes malicious POST possible?

I am trying to wrap my head around csrf protection and there is something I have trouble understanding. Maybe someone can give me the insight I need :).
What I understand
Say we have no csrf protection. Someone logs in to a website A with his/her credentials. After valid login a session cookie is stored in the browser. The user POSTS some data through a form and the sever accepts it with no trouble. Since we have no csrf protection this opens the system up for a vulnerability.
The user visits another website B, a malicious website like a phishing attempt. This website is posting to website A in the background with some javascript xhr request for example. The browser has the cookie stored for website A and since the user was logged in already this is a valid session. Therefore website A will accept the post without any trouble.
To solve this csrf protection comes in. Upon loading the page with the form on website A from the server a nonce (one time code) is generated. This code must be submitted with the form so the server can check if this post came from the same session that requested the form. If the code is the same as the one that was just generated the form is accepted. If the code is missing or incorrect, the server says no.
If malicious website B first makes a get request to the page that renders the form. It would be able to fetch the token to send along with the post request afterwards. Right? Am I missing something obvious?
I understand that you concern is that a malicious website can request your anti-CSRF token.
You would need to prevent cross-origin reads or embedding of pages or endpoints that returns the CSRF tokens. One of the important things to keep in mind is that CORS don't provide CSRF protection, as preflight CORS requests are not always executed by the browser, for example when using regular html forms.
Most modern browsers block cross origin requests by default. When you do need cross origin requests for your own domains, can you do that by setting the correct Cross Origin headers, like Access-Control-Allow-Origin:
To prevent embedding in an iframe you can implement the X-Frame-Options: to DENY, or SAMEORIGIN.
You can find more information on

How to deny outside post requests?

I would like in Liferay to allow only logged in users to do post requests, and at the same time deny other Post request sources, like from Postman, for example.
With the caveat that I am not familiar with Liferay itself, I can tell you that in a general Web application what you are asking is impossible.
Let's consider the problem in its simplest form:
A Web application makes POST requests to a server
The server should allow requests only from a logged-in user using the Web application
The server is stateless - that is, each request must be considered atomically. There is no persistent connection and no state is preserved at the server.
So - let's consider what happens when the browser makes a POST:
An HTTP connection is opened to the server
The HTTP headers are sent, including any site cookies that have previously been set by the server, and special headers like the User Agent and referrer
The form data is posted to the server
The server processes the request and returns a response
How does the server know that the user is logged in? In most cases, this is done by checking a cookie that is sent with the request and verifying that it is correct - cryptographically signed, for instance.
Now let's consider a Postman request. Exactly what is the difference between a request submitted through Postman and one submitted through the browser? None. There is no difference. It is trivially simple to examine and retrieve the cookies sent on a legitimate request from the browser, and include those headers in a faked Postman request.
Let's consider what you might do to prevent this.
1. Set and verify extra cookies - won't work because we can still retrieve those cookies just like we did with the login session
2. Encrypt the connection so the cookies can't be captured over the wire - won't work because I can capture the cookies from the browser
3. Check the User Agent to ensure that it is sent by a browser - won't work because I can spoof the headers to any value I want
4. Check the Referrer to ensure the request came from a valid page on my site (this is part of a Cross-Site Request Forgery mitigation) - won't work because I can always spoof the Referrer to any value I want
5. Add logic (JavaScript) into the page to compute some validity token - won't work because I can still read the JavaScript (it's client-side) and fake my own token
By the very nature of the Web system, this problem is insoluble. Because you (the server/application writer) do not have complete control over both sides of the communication, it is always possible to spoof requests from the client. The best you can do is prevent arbitrary requests from arbitrary users who do not have valid credentials. However, any request that includes the correct security tokens must be considered valid, whether it is generated from a browser/web page or crafted by hand or through some other application. At best, you will needlessly complicate your application for no significant improvement in security. You can prevent CSRF attacks and some other injection-type attacks, but because you as the client can always read whatever is sent from the server and can always craft your own requests, you can always provide a valid request.
Can you please explain exactly what you are trying to accomplish? Are you trying to disable guest access completely, even through "valid" referrers (a user actually submitting a form) or are you trying to prevent post requests coming from other referrers?
If you are just worried about referrer forgeries you can set the following property in your file.
auth.token.check.enabled = true
If you want to remove all permissions for the guest role you can simply go into the portal's control panel, go into Configuration and then into the permissions table. Unchecked the entire row associated with guest.
That should do it. If you can't find those permissions post your exact Liferay version.

How to enforce same origin policy in Express.js?

Suppose I have the following URL route:'upvote', function(req, res) {
// make a database a call to increase vote count
What can I do to prevent others from opening up a console and sending AJAX POST request on I'd like it so that only is allowed to make that POST request and no one else.
What can I do to prevent others from opening up a console and sending AJAX POST request
Who is "others"?
If others==users of the site... there is nothing you can do to stop them sending whatever requests they like, using the JavaScript console or any other means. You can't trust the client, so you have to have server-side authorisation: requiring that the user be logged into an account, and registering that the account has upvoted so can't vote again.
If others==admins of other sites (by serving script to their users that causes submissions to your site)... it isn't possible for JavaScript on another site to cause an AJAX POST request, or at least not unless you deliberately opt into that using CORS. But it's quite possible for them to cause a POST by simply creating a <form> pointing to your address and submitting it.
This is a classic Cross Site Request Forgery problem. The widely-accepted solution to XSRF issues is to include a secret token as a parameter in each POST (form or AJAX) submission. That secret token is associated with the logged-in state of the user, either by being stored in the server-side session, or replicated in a client-side cookie. Either way an attacker from another site isn't capable of getting hold of a token that is valid for the logged-in user, so they can't fake the request.
You need XSRF protection on all actions that have a direct effect, whether AJAX or form-based POSTs.
I agree with bobince. others is a very general term.
If others belong to other sites (malicious sites on net).
express has csrf middleware to protect from Cross Site Request
Forgery. You can use it to prevent such a scenario. See the API docs
If others are users of your own site
then that is an authentication issue. Every request must be
checked before serving / executing it. You should implement a user
authentication to prevent this situation. I use passport, and
ensure that user is authenticated before I actually run

How to fix CSRF in the HTTP protocol spec?

What changes to the HTTP protocol spec, and to browser behaviour, would be required to prevent dangerous cases of cross-site request forgery?
I am not looking for suggestions as to how to patch my own web app. There are millions of vulnerable web apps and forms. It would be easier to change HTTP and/or the browsers.
If you agree to my premise, please tell me what changes to the HTTP and/or browser behaviour are needed. This is not a competition to find the best single answer, I want to collect all the good answers.
Please also read and comment on the points in my 'answer' below.
Roy Fielding, author of the HTTP specification, disagrees with your opinion, that CSRF is a flaw in HTTP and would need to be fixed there. As he wrote in a reply in a thread named The HTTP Origin Header:
CSRF is not a security issue for the Web. A well-designed Web
service should be capable of receiving requests directed by any host,
by design, with appropriate authentication where needed. If browsers
create a security issue because they allow scripts to automatically
direct requests with stored security credentials onto third-party
sites, without any user intervention/configuration, then the obvious
fix is within the browser.
And in fact, CSRF attacks were possible right from the beginning using plain HTML. The introduction of nowadays technologies like JavaScript and CSS did only introduce further attack vectors and techniques that made request forging easier and more efficient.
But it didn’t change the fact that a legitimate and authentic request from a client is not necessarily based on the user’s intention. Because browsers do send requests automatically all the time (e. g. images, style sheets, etc.) and send any authentication credentials along.
Again, CSRF attacks happen inside the browser, so the only possible fix would need to be to fix it there, inside the browser.
But as that is not entirely possible (see above), it’s the application’s duty to implement a scheme that allows to distinguish between authentic and forged requests. The always propagated CSRF token is such a technique. And it works well when implemented properly and protected against other attacks (many of them, again, only possible due to the introduction of modern technologies).
I agree with the other two; this could be done on the browser-side, but would make impossible to perform authorized cross-site requests.
Anyways, a CSRF protection layer could be added quite easily on the application side (and, maybe, even on the webserver-side, in order to avoid making changes to pre-existing applications) using something like this:
A cookie is set to a random value, known only by server (and, of course, the client receiving it, but not a 3rd party server)
Each POST form must contain a hidden field whose value must be the same of the cookie. If not, form submission must be prevented and a 403 page returned to the user.
Enforce the Same Origin Policy for form submission locations. Only allow a form to be submitted back to the place it came from.
This, of course, would break all sorts of other things.
If you look at the CSRF prevention cheat sheet you can see that there are ways of preventing CSRF by relying upon the HTTP protocol. A good example is checking the HTTP referer which is commonly used on embedded devices because it doesn't require additional memory.
However, this is weak form of protection. A vulnerability like HTTP response splitting on the client side could be used to influence the referer value, and this has happened.
cookies should be declared 'local' (default) or 'remote'
the browser must not send 'local' cookies with a cross-site request
the browser must never send http-auth headers with a cross-site request
the browser must not send a cross-site POST or GET ?query without permission
the browser must not send LAN address requests from a remote page without permission
the browser must report and control attacks, where many cross-site requests are made
the browser should send 'Origin: (local|remote)', even if 'Referer' is disabled
other common web security issues such as XSHM should be addressed in the HTTP spec
a new HTTP protocol version 1.2 is needed, to show that a browser is conforming
browsers should update automatically to meet new security requirements, or warn the user
It can already be done:
Referer header
This is a weaker form of protection. Some users may disable referer for privacy purposes, meaning that they won't be able to submit such forms on your site. Also this can be tricky to implement in code. Some systems allow a URL such as to pass the referrer check for Finally, any open redirect vulnerabilities on your site may allow an attacker to send their CSRF attack through the open redirect in order to get the correct referer header.
Origin header
This is a new header. Unfortunately you will get inconsistencies between browsers that support it and do not support it. See this answer.
Other headers
For AJAX requests only, adding a header that is not allowed cross domain such as X-Requested-With can be used as a CSRF prevention method. Old browsers will not send XHR cross domain and new browsers will send a CORS preflight instead and then refuse to make the main request if it is explicitly not allowed by the target domain. The server-side code will need to ensure that the header is still present when the request is received. As HTML forms cannot have custom headers added, this method is incompatible with them. However, this also means that it protects against attackers using an HTML form in their CSRF attack.
Browsers such as Chrome allow third party cookies to be blocked. Although the explanation says that it'll stop cookies from being set by a third party domain, it also prevent any existing cookies from being sent for the request. This will block "background" CSRF attacks. However, those that open full page or in a popup will succeed, but will be more visible to the user.
