New Basecamp API: deleted users - basecamp

In the classic Basecamp API, there is a "deleted" attribute or field in the Person model; see reference page here
Is there a corresponding attribute in the "new" Basecamp API? If not, how can I can a list of users who are no longer in the account or project?

There isn't an equivalent in the new Basecamp API - making a request to /people.json will return all current users that the authenticated user can see. We don't currently include deleted people - I'll pass on the suggestion :)


How to get friend's feed using Instagram Graph API or Instagram Basic Display API?

After one day instagram will disable Legacy API. There will be two official ways to access Instagram data - Instagram Graph API with base and the Instagram Basic Display API with and url bases.
How to get friend's profile feed with new ways ?
Seems like old way was GET{user-id}/media/recent
I tried GET{user-id}/media?fields=id,caption&access_token={access_koken} endpoint but I got following error:
{"error":{"message":"Unsupported get request. Object with ID
'{user-id}' does not exist, cannot be loaded due to missing
permissions, or does not support this
I presume you did replace {user-id} with an actual user id ? Generally speaking you can use the word "me" in it's place.,caption&access_token=<your access token>
If your application was an old Instagram "client" app then I think that it will no longer work after the deadline. We have had to create a new Instagram app via a Facebook application (
From there you can add "Products" and "Instagram" is one of those products. You have to go through an app review having requested "instagram_user_profile" and "instagram_user_media" in order to start using the app in live mode, but you can add testers whilst you are developing it. This is found via the "Basic Display" link (under the Instagram product) where you will also find you app id and secret.

How to have google docs api (nodejs) create an empty doc in a particular google account

I have an express.js application where clients authenticate using a local strategy (passport.js). After that I want them to be able to create empty documents with titles of their wish (I create a new mongoose 'Task' document and set its doclink (Task.doclink) to be the newly created document's public link (
I want this new document to be created in a particular google account that I have access to (the clients don't have direct access to it but they can create documents inside it and write to it)
Any suggestions of how I should go about authorization of google API? As per my current research, this seems impossible.
What I would recommend you to use is a service account as the docs say:
A service account is an identity that an instance or an application
can use to run API requests on your behalf.
What it means is that you will be able to have a "bot user" in your express app, which could be the interface between your users and your document.
You can check more about it in these links:
Creating and managing service accounts.
Authenticating users with Node.js.

Error from Instagram: The access_token provided does not match an approved application

This was working fine for many months and now it's just a blank space. I get the following error: Error from Instagram: The access_token provided does not match an approved application. How can I get a new access_token for an existing client??
You need to check you application hasn't been put into sandbox by Instagram. They made big changes to their API on the 1st of June and if you had it submitted your app for review it will be put in sandbox mode and only sandbox users will be able to use it.
Even if you are not in sandbox mode you may need to get your users to reaurhorize your app due to new scopes being used to control access to everything other than basic user information.
Check Instagram Developer Docs for more information on the changes
You need to check your Access token's Scope and asking for login permission
where some new Scope had been added ex:public_content Added. Also don't forget to check for requirements Scope for API you are using and if it's need and Authentications "Valid access Token". where also had some changes.
basic - to read a user’s profile info and media
public_content to read any public profile info and media on a user’s behalf
follower_list to read the list of followers and followed-by users
comments - to post and delete comments on a user’s behalf
relationships - to follow and unfollow accounts on a user’s behalf
likes - to like and unlike media on a user’s behalf
And take look about **Sandbox API behavior of your application not life yet :**
API Behavior
The behavior of the API when you are in sandbox mode is the same as when your app is live, but comes with the following restrictions:
Data is restricted to sandbox users and the 20 most recent media from each sandbox user
Reduced API rate limits
The first point is important and it means that the API behaves as if the only users on Instagram were your sandbox users, and the only media ever posted were the last 20 for each of these users.
For example, if you query the /users/{user-id}/ endpoint and the {user-id} is a sandbox user, then you will get the normal API response; but if the {user-id} is not a sandbox user, you will get a APINotFound error.
As another example, let's consider an endpoint that returns a list of media: /tags/{tag-name}/media/recent. The response returned by this endpoint will contain only media with the given tag, as expected. But instead of returning media from any public Instagram user, it will return only media that belongs to your sandbox users, restricted to the last 20 for each user.
Good luck
The following video clearly explains what steps to follow to get this working with the new auth
Kind Regards
Sandeep Sahoo

Instagram hashtag search permissions

I downloaded a jQuery plugin a while back that worked really well in displaying posts from a particular hashtag from instagram. Since the recent updates to instagram, the hashtag search returns an error
“This client has not been approved to access this resource.”
I have been told that I need to get permission to now access a specific hashtag, but since this is not an app and I am not the developer, how do I go about doing that specifically?
You have to have access to Instagram account otherwise you cannot do anything.
By the way, you have that jQuery plugin? Maybe I can take a look at it and help you with that.
To get this level of information you will need a developer account with Instagram and then get the appropriate token for accessing this information through the API. The scope will need to set correctly during the oauth2 generation of the token, it will probably need the "public_content" scope.

Getting Fousquare check-in data from public profiles

I'm looking to get check-in data that includes user ID, place and time information, from Foursquare users that have public accounts. What is the best way to do this that doesn't require each user's authentication? Thanks.
I'm afraid that's just not possible using the API. In order to access checkin information a user must authenticate with your app.
If you don't need specific users, you can search Twitter for Foursquare checkins published there and then scrape the linked checkin pages for the user ID, place and time information.
