We have a windows program. This program performs a soap request to a server in our DMZ
(it is a direct HTTP request to - let's say
Now - for security reasons, we have to change the setting. The request should go via a secure
channel to the server.
The future workflow has to be the following:
Before we start the SOAP request, we have to call "putty.exe" with special parameters in order to dynamically create a secure tunnel.
putty.exe -L 5510: -l user1 -i c:\private_key.ppk
After this we perform the soap request to "localhost:5510". The dynamically created secure tunnel will foward the packets of the request through the ssh channel to the web server of The response will come the same way back.
After a list of maybe 500 requests have been performed, the secure tunnel should be closed and the program should be ended.
Apart from getting the process id of the putty process and killing the process, is there any other way to close the putty secure ssh tunnel?
Thanks alot in advance
I want to understand how my local IP address (localhost) can be exposed to Internet. For that I've read [here] a method of port forwarding using SSH. Which basically does routing from publicly available server to our localhost using SSH.
But I wonder how the service like 'LocalTunnel' works? In above article it's written as following:
There services (localtunnel for example) creates a tunnel from their server back to port 3000 on your dev box. It functions pretty much exactly like an SSH tunnel, but doesn’t require that you have a server.
I've tried reading code from it's github repository and what I understood is:
These services have a server which is publicly available, which generates different URLs, and when we hit that URL, It forward the request to localhost corresponding to that URL.
So basically it's works like a proxy server.
Is these understanding correct? If yes then what I don't understand is that how these server has access to some localhost running on my computer? How it perform request to it? What I'm missing here? Here is the code which I referred.
The Short Answer (TL;DR)
The Remote (i.e. the localtunnel software on your computer) initializes the connection to the Relay (i.e. localtunnel.me) acts as a multiplexing proxy and when Clients (i.e. web browsers) connect, the relay multiplexes the connections between remotes and clients by appending special headers with network information.
Browser <--\ /--> Device
Browser <---- M-PROXY Service ----> Device
Browser <--/ \--> Device
Video Presentation
If you prefer a video preso, I just gave a talk on this at UtahJS Conf 2018, in which I talk a little about all of the other potential solutions as well: SSH Socksv5 proxies (which you mentioned), VPN, UPnP, DHT, Relays, etc:
Access Ability: Access your Devices, Share your Stuff
Slides: http://telebit.cloud/utahjs2018
How localtunnel, ngrok, and Telebit work (Long Answer)
I'm the author of Telebit, which provides service with similar features to what ngrok, localtunnel, and libp2p provide (as well as open source code for both the remote/client and relay/server to run it yourself).
Although I don't know the exact internals of how localtunnel is implemented, I can give you an explanation of how it's generally done (and how we do it), and it's most likely nearly identical to how they do it.
The magic that you're curious about happens in two places: the remote socket and the multiplexer.
How does a remote client access the server on my localhost?
1. The Remote Socket
This is pretty simple. When you run a "remote" (telebit, ngrok, and localtunnel all work nearly the same in this regard), it's actually your computer that initiates the request.
So imagine that the relay (the localtunnel proxy in your case) uses port 7777 to receive traffic from "remotes" (like your computer) and your socket number (randomly chosen source address on your computer) is 1234:
Devices: [Your Computer] (tcp 1234:7777) [Proxy Server]
Software: [Remote] -----------------------> [Relay]
(auth & request 5678)
However, the clients (such as browsers, netcat, or other user agents) that connect to you actually also initiate requests with the relay.
Devices: [Proxy Service] (tcp 5678) [Client Computer]
Software: [Relay] <------------------------ [netcat]
If you're using tcp ports, then the relay service keeps an internal mapping, much like NAT
Internal Relay "Routing Table"
Socket remote[src:1234] --- Captures ------> ALL_INCOMING[dst:5678]
Incoming client[dst:5678] --- MATCHES -------> ALL_INCOMING[dst:5678]
Incoming client[dst:5678] --- Forwards To ---> remote[src:1234]
Both connections are "incoming" connections, but the remote connection on the "south end" is authorized to receive traffic coming from another incoming source (without some form of authorized session anyone could claim use of that port or address and hijack your traffic).
[Client Computer] (tcp 5678) [Proxy Service] (tcp 1234) [Your Computer]
[netcat] --------------> <--[Relay]--> <------------ [remote]
2. The Multiplexer
You may have noticed that there's a critical flaw in the description above. If you just route the traffic as-is, your computer (the remote) could only handle one connection at a time. If another client (browser, netcat, etc) hopped on the connection, your computer wouldn't be able to tell which packets came from where.
Browser <--\ /--> Device
Browser <---- M-PROXY Service ----> Device
Browser <--/ \--> Device
Essentially what the relay (i.e. localtunnel proxy) and the remote (i.e. your computer) do is place a header in front of all data that is to be received by the client. It needs to be something very similar to HAProxy's The PROXY Protocol, but works for non-local traffic as well. It could look like this:
For example,1234,example.com,443,https,1024
That info could be sent exactly before or append to each data packet that's routed.
Likewise, when the remote responds to the relay, it has to include that information so that the relay knows which client the data packet is responding to.
See https://www.npmjs.com/package/proxy-packer for long details
Sidenote/Rant: Ports vs TLS SNI
The initial explanation I gave using tcp ports, because it's easy to understand. However, localtunnel, ngrok, and telebit all have the ability to use tls servername indicator (SNI) instead of relying on port numbers.
[Client Computer] (https 443) [Proxy Service] (wss 443) [Your Computer]
[netcat+openssl] --------------------> <--[Relay]--> <------------ [remote]
(or web browser) (sni:xyz.somerelay.com) (sni:somerelay.com)
MITM vs p2p
There are still a few different ways you can go about this (and this is where I want to give a shameless plug for telebit because if you're into decentralization and peer-to-peer, this is where we shine!)
If you only use the tls sni for routing (which is how localtunnel and ngrok both work by default last time I checked) all of the traffic is decrypted at the relay.
Anther way requires ACME/Let's Encrypt integration (i.e. Greenlock.js) so that the traffic remains encrypted, end-to-end, routing the tls traffic to the client without decrypting it. This method functions as peer-to-peer channel for all practical purposes (the relay acts as just another opaque "switch" on the network of the Internet, unaware of the contents of the traffic).
Furthermore, if https is used both for remotes (for example, via Secure WebSockets) and the clients, then the clients look just like any other type of https request and won't be hindered by poorly configured firewalls or other harsh / unfavorable network conditions.
Now, solutions built on libp2p also give you a virtualized peer connection, but it's far more indirect and requires routing through untrusted parties. I'm not a fan of that because it's typically slower and I see it as more risky. I'm a big believer than network federation will win out over anonymization (like libp2p) in the long. (for our use case we needed something that could be federated - run by independently trusted parties- which is why we built our solution the way that we did)
I have Ruby application running on EC2 instance. The application send HTTP requests to several web services (SOAP, REST, .. etc).
I would like to store all outgoing http requests from that application into Mongodb collection.
I am looking for an out of box solution like a tool or self hosted service that i can install into my Linux server to capture all outgoing HTTP requests and store it or send it to a web hook.
Also I would like to know what is the best practice to follow in this situation.
You might use tshark utility to capture traffic and use appropriate filters to for filtering traffic and formatting output.
tshark -i eth0 -s 0 -R 'http' -T text host
Output: https://pastebin.com/raw/rGaaPUrz
So tons of games are run via custom clients (call it game.exe) but must communicate to a server. How does the developer ensure that only connections from the custom client are accepted and not any other requests, say from a web browser?
Ex: I play game.exe and my requests go thought no problem. I then submit a request to that game server using my web browser or some other POST utility, but it is ignored by the game server to prevent cheating.
Is this done via secret strings that are coded into game.exe and sent with every request? It seems to vulnerable to intercept them with a packet sniffer. Same applies with a client-side SSL certificate, someone could easily find the key file in the game files and forge requests.
Typically games that are stand alone applications - with a .exe extension on Windows, for example - do not use http as their protocols, unlike web browsers.
Irrespective of the protocol used, however, games typically send credentials - often account credentials, similar to a user name and password - when the connection is established. Many games uses a persistent TCP connection, so this only had to be done when logging in to the game.
I'm using node's net-ping to enable my front end to ping by connecting to node via websockets. Because linux will only let root users send out ping requests I'm having to run the script via sudo. I'm not at all comfortable doing this but I don't think I have very much choice.
What I would like to know is are there any other ways to get permissions to send ping requests or if not, what steps should I take to make it secure as possible?
Dev server is Ubuntu Desktop 13.10x64 and production server is ubuntu server 12.04x64
I have node running a script that sets up a sockets.io socket server and listens for requests from the front end (website) to do a ping on a host. It then runs the ping via net-ping and sends the results back to the client as they come in. In this way I can run almost realtime pings via the website. The websockets themselves don't run the pings, they just let the "ping server" and the client communicate.
Access to ports < 1024 is protected on Linux. And I agree: Running node.js as root might not be a smart idea.
Try to execute the command /bin/ping instead. It's a SUID command which means it'll become root just to send the ping.
An alternate solution would be to run 2 node.js processes. One takes commands from the web and the other sends the pings. The outer server becomes a kind of smart firewall for the protected ping server which runs as root and only accepts connections from localhost.
You could write your own ping implementation with the raw-socket module. Hear is a nice article explaining how to do it.
It might be an over kill but on the other hand you'll gain full control on how to execute the ping, and how to handle everything.
I hope it this helps.
what is the Linux command to connect to another server using host name and port number?
how to connect to another server using only host name and port number then check if an existing process is running? the only way i see it working is to log in to the server and run the PS command. but is there a way to do it without logging in directly to the other server and connect only with host name and port number and check the running process?
If you just want to try an arbitrary connection to a given host/port combination, you could try one nmap, telnet or nc (netcat).
Note that you can't necessarily determine whether or not a process is running remotely - it might be running on that port, but simply ignore anything it sees over the port. To really be sure, you will need to run ps or netstat or etc. via ssh or etc.
If you want to use SSH from e.g. a script or, more generally, without typing in login information, then you will want to use public key authentication. Ubuntu has some good documentation on how to set this up, and it's very much applicable to other distrobutions as well: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSH/OpenSSH/Keys.
If you have no access to the server you're trying to list processes on at all, then I'm afraid there isn't a way to list running processes remotely (besides remote tools like nmap and so on, as mentioned earlier - you can always probe public ports without authentication [although you might make people angry if you do this to servers you don't own]). This is a feature, not a problem.
telnet connects to most of services. With it you can ensure that port is open and see hello message (if any). Also nc is more low level.
eri#eri-macro ~ $ telnet smtp.yandex.ru 25
Connected to smtp.yandex.ru.
Escape character is '^]'.
220 smtp16.mail.yandex.net ESMTP (Want to use Yandex.Mail for your domain? Visit http://pdd.yandex.ru)
501 5.5.4 HELO requires domain address.
HELO ya.ru
250 smtp16.mail.yandex.net
MAIL FROM: <someusername#somecompany.ru>
502 5.5.2 Syntax error, command unrecognized.
If there is plain text protocol you cat talk with service by keyboard. If connection is secured try openssl.
openssl s_client -quiet -connect www.google.com:443
depth=1 /C=ZA/O=Thawte Consulting (Pty) Ltd./CN=Thawte SGC CA
verify error:num=20:unable to get local issuer certificate
verify return:0
If protocol is not known you may see much of hieroglyphs or just Connected to ... message.
Try this :
ssh <YOUR_HOST_NAME> 'ps auxwww'
Like Dark Falcon said in the comments, you need a protocol to communicate with the server, a port alone is useless in this case.
By default on unix (and unix like) servers, ssh is the way to go.
Remote Shell with this command. Example is cat a file on the remote machine.
rsh host port 'cat remotefile' >> localfile
host and port self explainitory
remotefile: name of some file on the machine remote logging to in home directory
localfile: name of file cat information to.
Use monitoring software (like Nagios). It looks at your processes, sensors, load and thatever you configured to watch. It continuously stores log. It alerts you by email\sms\jabber if something fails. You can access it with browser or by HTTP API.