I've been racking my brain trying to figure out what this error means and how to fix it:
The column name is not valid. [ Node name (if any) = ,Column name = id ]
Here is the db schema:
Id: int, not null, auto increment by 1, primary key
username: varchar, not null
name: varchar, not null
And here is the insertion script:
String Insertion = "INSERT INTO Staff ([username], [name])
VALUES (#username, #name)";
SqlCeCommand InsertStaff = new SqlCeCommand(Insertion, connect);
InsertStaff.Parameters.AddWithValue("#username", Username.Text);
InsertStaff.Parameters.AddWithValue("#name", Name.Text);
I've even tried including the Id column with no luck:
String Insertion = "INSERT INTO Staff ([Id], [username], [name])
VALUES (NULL, #username, #name)";
SqlCeCommand InsertStaff = new SqlCeCommand(Insertion, connect);
InsertStaff.Parameters.AddWithValue("#username", Username.Text);
InsertStaff.Parameters.AddWithValue("#name", Name.Text);
I have no idea what the issue is, it just keeps breaking. Any tips?
I am trying to query my cassandra database to return data from a list of names held on an array server side. This is held as an array.
I know the data I am accessing is stored as a string in my database and so I have appended single quotes around it (I have tried with and without this but no luck).
Here is my query.
const arr = ["ukcust1","ukcust2","ukcust5"];
//Here I append single quotes before and after to each string if needed
const query = "SELECT * FROM table_name WHERE name = ?";
client.execute(query, arr, { prepare:true }, function (err, result) {
What am I missing here? I want the query to be:
SELECT * FROM table_name WHERE name = each of the names in the array 'arr';
If name were a clustering key, then you could query with "in" and "allow filtering" like this:
select * from table_name where name in ('ukcust1','ukcust2','ukcust3') allow filtering
Assuming name is not a clustering key, you could use a clustering key (e.g., date_of_birth) if it made logical sense -- that is, if filtering by date made sense in relation to the name -- like this:
select * from table_name where date_of_birth in (1969, 1972) name in ('ukcust1','ukcust2','ukcust3') allow filtering
If you can't do either of those things, you will need to loop through the array with Javascript (e.g., foreach).
The correct input of the query parameters is an array of values. In this case, it would be an array of parameters containing a single item, that is an array of names.
const arr = ["ukcust1","ukcust2","ukcust5"];
const query = "SELECT * FROM table_name WHERE name = ?";
// Note the array containing a single item
const parameters = [ arr ];
client.execute(query, parameters, { prepare: true }, callback);
See more info in the documentation: https://docs.datastax.com/en/developer/nodejs-driver/3.5/faq/#how-can-i-use-a-list-of-values-with-the-in-operator-in-a-where-clause
SELECT count(*) FROM device_stats
WHERE orgid = 'XYZ'
AND regionid = 'NY'
AND campusid = 'C1'
AND buildingid = 'C1'
AND floorid = '2'
AND year = 2017;
The above CQL query returns correct result - 32032, in CQL Shell
But when I run the same query using QueryBuilder Java API , I see the count as 0
BuiltStatement summaryQuery = QueryBuilder.select()
.where(eq("orgid", "XYZ"))
.and(eq("regionid", "NY"))
.and(eq("campusid", "C1"))
.and(eq("buildingid", "C1"))
.and(eq("floorid", "2"))
.and(eq("year", "2017"));
try {
ResultSetFuture tagSummaryResults = session.executeAsync(tagSummaryQuery);
tagSummaryResults.getUninterruptibly().all().stream().forEach(result -> {
System.out.println(" totalCount > "+result.getLong(0));
I have only 20 partitions and 32032 rows per partition.
What could be the reason QueryBuilder not executing the query correctly ?
Schema :
CREATE TABLE device_stats (
orgid text,
regionid text,
campusid text,
buildingid text,
floorid text,
year int,
endofwindow timestamp,
categoryid timeuuid,
devicestats map<text,bigint>,
PRIMARY KEY ((orgid, regionid, campusid, buildingid, floorid,year),endofwindow,categoryid)
) WITH CLUSTERING ORDER BY (endofwindow DESC,categoryid ASC);
// Using the keys function to index the map keys
CREATE INDEX ON device_stats (keys(devicestats));
I am using cassandra 3.10 and com.datastax.cassandra:cassandra-driver-core:3.1.4
Moving my comment to an answer since that seems to solve the original problem:
Changing .and(eq("year", "2017")) to .and(eq("year", 2017)) solves the issue since year is an int and not a text.
I am new in this cassandra database using with nodejs.
I have user_activity table. In this table data will insert based on user activity.
Also I have some user list. I need to fetch the data in that particular users and last record.
I don't interest to put the query in for loop. Have any other idea to achieve this?
Example Code:
var userlist = ["12", "34", "56"];
var query = 'SELECT * FROM user_activity WHERE userid IN ?';
server.user.execute(query, [userlist], {
prepare : true
}, function(err, result) {
How to get the user lists for last one ?
user id = 12 - need to get last record;
user id = 34 - need to get last record;
user id = 56 - need to get last record;
I need to get these 3 records.
Table Schema:
CREATE TABLE test.user_activity (
userid text,
ts timestamp,
clientid text,
clientip text,
status text,
PRIMARY KEY (userid, ts)
It is not possible if you use the IN filter.
If it is a single user_id filter you can apply order by. Of course you need a column for inserted/updated time. So query will be like this:
SELECT * FROM user_activity WHERE user_id = 12 ORDER BY updated_at LIMIT 1;
You can put N value to get number of records
SELECT * FROM user_activity WHERE userid IN ? ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT N
I have a Cassandra SELECT query with an IN parameter that I want to run via the Node driver, but can't figure out the syntax.
On the cqlsh console, I can run this select and get a correct result:
SELECT * FROM sourcedata WHERE company_id = 4 AND item_id in (ac943b6f-0143-0e1f-5282-2d39209f3a7a,bff421a0-c465-0434-8806-f128612b6850,877ddb6d-a164-1152-da77-1ec4c4468258);
However, trying to run this query using an array of IDs using the Cassandra Node driver, I get various errors depending on the format. Here's what I've tried:
client.execute("SELECT * FROM sourcedata WHERE company_id = ? AND item_id in (?)", [id, item_ids], function(err, rs) { ...
The error is:
ResponseError: Invalid list literal for item_id of type uuid
With this:
client.execute("SELECT * FROM sourcedata WHERE company_id = ? AND item_id in (?)", [id, item_ids], function(err, rs) { ...
The error is:
ResponseError: line 1:72 no viable alternative at input '[' (...WHERE company_id = 4 AND [item_id] in...)
item_ids is an array of string objects, and they were acquired via a select on another Cassandra table.
This is a working app, and other queries that don't use "SELECT .. IN" work fine.
I can also do make it work the "ugly" way, but would prefer not to:
client.execute("SELECT * FROM sourcedata WHERE company_id = ? AND item_id in (" + item_ids.toString() + ")", [id,], function(err, rs) { ...
You should use IN ? without parenthesis, to provide a list:
const query = 'SELECT * FROM sourcedata WHERE company_id = ? AND item_id in ?';
client.execute(query, [ id, item_ids ], { prepare: true }, callback);
So i have this error when i have duplicate values while inserting data, now my query is correct, i've tried to run it in phpmyadmin, and works just fine, but kohana gives me errors, this is how my query looks like:
DB::query(Database::INSERT, 'INSERT INTO `views` ( user_id, viewer_id, username, picture, view_time, view_count)
VALUES ("'.$this->request->param('id2').'", "'.$user->id.'", "'.$user->username.'", "'.$user->picture.'", '.DB::expr('NOW()').', "1")
ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `view_time` = NOW(), `view_count` = view_count +1
And in pure sql:
INSERT INTO `views` ( user_id, viewer_id, username, picture, view_time, view_count )
"134173", "139173", "username", "pic.jpg", NOW( ) , "1"
KEY UPDATE `view_time` = NOW( ) ,
`view_count` = view_count +1
So basicly i try to insert and on duplicate values i update, but for some reason kohana gives me error:
kohana Database_Exception [ 1062 ]: Duplicate entry
How can i remove this error?
Perhaps try this approach by not specifying the query type:
$query = "
INSERT INTO `views` (user_id, viewer_id, username, picture, view_time, view_count)
VALUES (%d, %d, '%s', '%s', %s, %d)
ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `view_time` = %s, `view_count` = view_count + 1";
$query = sprintf($query, $this->request->param('id2'), $user->id, $user->username, $user->picture, DB::expr('NOW()'), 1, DB::expr('NOW()'));
$result = Database::instance()->query(NULL, $query);