So i have this error when i have duplicate values while inserting data, now my query is correct, i've tried to run it in phpmyadmin, and works just fine, but kohana gives me errors, this is how my query looks like:
DB::query(Database::INSERT, 'INSERT INTO `views` ( user_id, viewer_id, username, picture, view_time, view_count)
VALUES ("'.$this->request->param('id2').'", "'.$user->id.'", "'.$user->username.'", "'.$user->picture.'", '.DB::expr('NOW()').', "1")
ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `view_time` = NOW(), `view_count` = view_count +1
And in pure sql:
INSERT INTO `views` ( user_id, viewer_id, username, picture, view_time, view_count )
"134173", "139173", "username", "pic.jpg", NOW( ) , "1"
KEY UPDATE `view_time` = NOW( ) ,
`view_count` = view_count +1
So basicly i try to insert and on duplicate values i update, but for some reason kohana gives me error:
kohana Database_Exception [ 1062 ]: Duplicate entry
How can i remove this error?
Perhaps try this approach by not specifying the query type:
$query = "
INSERT INTO `views` (user_id, viewer_id, username, picture, view_time, view_count)
VALUES (%d, %d, '%s', '%s', %s, %d)
ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `view_time` = %s, `view_count` = view_count + 1";
$query = sprintf($query, $this->request->param('id2'), $user->id, $user->username, $user->picture, DB::expr('NOW()'), 1, DB::expr('NOW()'));
$result = Database::instance()->query(NULL, $query);
Could somebody pls help me to perform insert operation to postgres database from python?
I have a dataframe:
for index, row in df_routes.iterrows():
cursor.execute("insert into table(id, version, create_ts, created_by, station_from_code, station_to_code, station_from_icao_code, station_to_icao_code) select newid() as id, 0 as version, current_timestamp as create_ts, 'source_py' as created_by, ds_dep.station_code as station_from_code, ds_arr.station_code as station_to_code, ds_dep.icao_code as station_from_icao_code, ds_arr.icao_code as station_to_icao_code from dictionary ds_dep join dictionary ds_arr on ds_dep.station_code = %s and ds_arr.station_code = %s and ds_dep.delete_ts is null and ds_arr.delete_ts is null where not exists (select null from tsp_ams_navigation_route nr where nr.station_from_code = %s and nr.station_to_code = %s and nr.delete_ts is null)",(row.station_from_code, row.station_to_code, row.station_from_code, row.station_to_code ))
print('ROUTES inserted '+ row.station_from_code + '- ' + row.station_to_code)
This piece of code does not work. Execution is successful, but no rows inserted. Please assist me.
I have table in postgresql with fields id (unique) and val.
I want to execute something like this:
INSERT INTO my_table (id, val)
VALUES (%(id)s, %(val)s)
SET val = val + %(val)s
Data to insert is like [{"id": 123, "val": 5}, {"id": 456, "val": 8}, ...]. Is there any way to upsert all of these with one query?
cursor.executemany won't do, it's the same as to make queries with all of these dicts in a loop one after another.
Without ON CONFLICT DO UPDATE I could just do something like "insert into mytable (id, val) values " + ', '.join(['(%s, %s)'] * len(data)) and transform data to the list [id1, val1, id2, val2, ...]. But I've no idea how to combine multiple values to insert and update statement.
I have the same problem. After a while searching, I found two post:
Posgresql - upsert:
Psycopg2 - insert many rows: psycopg2: insert multiple rows with one query
=> So the answer for you is:
# my table: cas(address, id, description) - address is primary key
data = [('0x18f9f00a432F50c6E2429d31776724d3cB873BEF', '1000', 'mot ngan'),
('0x06471C53CE649Eb4dA88b792D500544A7E5C9635', '2000', 'hai ngan')]
args = [cur.mogrify('(%s, %s, %s)', x).decode('utf-8')
for x in data]
args_str = ', '.join(args)
cur.execute('''INSERT INTO cas (address, id, description) VALUES'''
+ args_str +
(address, id, description) = (EXCLUDED.address,, EXCLUDED.description)''')
I'm trying to create an update query in Python3/PyQt5.10/Sqlite . A select/insert query made the same way runs fine. Fields & corresponding record exist.
def updateRecords():
theDict = {
"Loc": "PyQt121",
"BoekNr" : "dfdf",
"BoekTitel" : "eeee",
"BoekBedrag" : 999
theFilter = " WHERE Loc = 'PyQt'"
query = QSqlQuery()
columns = ', '.join(pDict.keys())
placeholders = ':'+', :'.join(pDict.keys())
sql = 'UPDATE %s SET (%s) VALUES (%s) %s' % (pTable, columns, placeholders, pFilter)
for key, value in pDict.items():
query.bindValue(":"+key, value)
print (sql)
return query.numRowsAffected()
The sql generated is UPDATE tempbooks SET (Loc, BoekNr, BoekTitel, BoekBedrag) VALUES (:Loc, :BoekNr, :BoekTitel, :BoekBedrag) WHERE Loc = 'PyQt'.
query.lastError().databaseText()) give me "No Query" and updated rows is -1.
The correct syntax for an update query:
UPDATE tablename
set col1 = val1,
col2 = val2,
col3 = val3
WHERE condition
Probably query.prepare(sql) is returning False because of invalid syntax.
This is my query if the current data ID is present or absent in the Cassandra database
row = session.execute("SELECT * FROM articles where id = %s", [id])
Resolved messages in Kafka, then determine whether or not this message exists in the cassandra database if it does not exist, then it should perform an insert operation, if it does exist, it should not be inserted in the data.
messages = consumer.get_messages(count=25)
if len(messages) == 0:
print 'IDLE'
for message in messages:
message = json.loads(message.message.value)
data = message['data']
if data:
for article in data:
source = article['source']
id = article['id']
title = article['title']
thumbnail = article['thumbnail']
#url = article['url']
text = article['text']
print article['created_at'],type(article['created_at'])
created_at = parse(article['created_at'])
last_crawled = article['last_crawled']
channel = article['channel']#userid
category = article['category']
#scheduled_for = created_at.replace(minute=created_at.minute + 5, second=0, microsecond=0)
scheduled_for=(datetime.utcnow() + timedelta(minutes=5)).replace(second=0, microsecond=0)
row = session.execute("SELECT * FROM articles where id = %s", [id])
if len(list(row))==0:
#id parse base62
ids = [id[0:2],id[2:9],id[9:16]]
for argv in ids:
num = int(argv)
url='' % (channel,idstr)
session.execute("INSERT INTO articles(source, id, title,thumbnail, url, text, created_at, last_crawled,channel,category) VALUES (%s,%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s)", (source, id, title,thumbnail, url, text, created_at, scheduled_for,channel,category))
session.execute("INSERT INTO schedules(source,type,scheduled_for,id) VALUES (%s, %s, %s,%s) USING TTL 86400", (source,'article', scheduled_for, id))'%s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s' % (source, id, title,thumbnail, url, text, created_at, scheduled_for,channel,category))
except Exception, e:
log.exception(e)'error %s %s' % (message['url'],body))
print e
I have one ID which only has one unique table row, which I want to be like this. As soon as I add different scheduled_for times for the unique ID my system crashes. Add this if len(list(row))==0: is the right thought but my system is very slow after that.
This is my table description:
CREATE TABLE schedules (
source text,
type text,
scheduled_for timestamp,
id text,
PRIMARY KEY (source, type, scheduled_for, id)
This scheduled_for is changeable. Here is also a concrete example
Hao article 2016-01-12 02:09:00+0800 3930462206848285
Hao article 2016-01-12 03:09:00+0801 3930462206848285
Hao article 2016-01-12 04:09:00+0802 3930462206848285
Hao article 2016-01-12 05:09:00+0803 3930462206848285
Thanks for your replies!
Why don't you use insert if not exists ?
I've been racking my brain trying to figure out what this error means and how to fix it:
The column name is not valid. [ Node name (if any) = ,Column name = id ]
Here is the db schema:
Id: int, not null, auto increment by 1, primary key
username: varchar, not null
name: varchar, not null
And here is the insertion script:
String Insertion = "INSERT INTO Staff ([username], [name])
VALUES (#username, #name)";
SqlCeCommand InsertStaff = new SqlCeCommand(Insertion, connect);
InsertStaff.Parameters.AddWithValue("#username", Username.Text);
InsertStaff.Parameters.AddWithValue("#name", Name.Text);
I've even tried including the Id column with no luck:
String Insertion = "INSERT INTO Staff ([Id], [username], [name])
VALUES (NULL, #username, #name)";
SqlCeCommand InsertStaff = new SqlCeCommand(Insertion, connect);
InsertStaff.Parameters.AddWithValue("#username", Username.Text);
InsertStaff.Parameters.AddWithValue("#name", Name.Text);
I have no idea what the issue is, it just keeps breaking. Any tips?