Understanding Bluetooth profiles - bluetooth

I am trying to get my hands dirty on understanding Bluetooth (BT) for building a BT based speaker. When i read through Google on selecting the device, i came across CSR, TI and few more of them. After some research and talking to ppl, they suggested to go with TI (CC256x series). Few questions i have here are:
Can the same TI chip be used as Speaker, BT headset?
Can both SPP profiles and audio profiles co-exist together?
I am not sure as a application developer, i should know about BT firmware but wanted to get some insight on how BT works. Any good books?
Sorry for asking basic question here

Yes! Audio transfer requires a high data rate which means you have to use a chip that supports bluetooth classic and not low energy (ble). The CC256x offers both a bluetooth classic and a dual bluetooth (classic + low energy) version, both will work.
Yes! SPP and audio profiles are implemented on different streams and it is normal for them to co-exist.
Good books on bluetooth classic are hard to come by, one of the best places to start is the Apple developer documentation (linked down below). The developer area of bluetooth.org is also a good place to start.


What considerations to make for selecting Bluetooth Chipsets for control of LED via PWM?

I am involved working on new hardware LED products where we are selecting a Bluetooth chipset to use in multiple products controlled by iOS and Android apps, for at minimum the next 3-4 years. Also I am not the developer, a third party will be contracted for this project.
As part of background research, I wanted to ask for feedback from Stack Overflow communities' experience with programming for Bluetooth, more specifically with custom firmware and GPIO PWM for LED?
What kind of challenges did you come across?
Are there any granular details or features to look out for with the hardware?
**Edit: based on first answer-
I do need OTA update capability
Chip size not big constraint, plastic enclosure can accommodate up to 1 inch/25mm or bit more easily.
Not high temp application
Single-chip solution, that will be programmed with our firmware, controlling 4x PWM Channels is ideal for our LED strips, avoiding separate MCU
Cost per unit (lowest average cost/unit)- important factor at volume, TBD
**Qualities I can not gauge well myself, being a designer and not an experienced programmer:
Ease of integration/support (lowest cost of development)
Quality of the chip manufacturer's software tools
Quality of the chips documentation
I have found some questions related with Raspberry Pi that seem generally helpful, but those questions don't help me with features or the support and documentation as related to BT SOCs.
**Edit: Yes I we are only considering BLE, and the NORDIC Semiconductor link I have included below are BLE and BT 5.
NORDIC chips are on my short list, they seem well supported and capable of 3x or 4x PWM channels for example nRF52832 Nordic nRF52832 Spec info. or the newer model RF5340. Does anyone have experience with them?
I really appreciate any answers regarding development considerations with Bluetooth.
I will edit & clarify if needed.
If you wish to support iOS Apps, a BLE device is necessary, BT classic requires a special apple license (for your product) to be able to connect with iOS Apps.
But other than that, your specifications dont really help to rule out ANY chip.
The first question that comes to mind is what other features do you
have already on your specification list that could be satisfied with
a common solution. I.e. if you also need WiFi, don't choose two
separate BLE/WiFi Chips, buy a chip that can do both (it's both
2.4GHz RF). If you need OTA updates for your firmware, choose a chip manufacturer with extensive and well documented tooling.
Consider special requirements:
Do you need a very small chip?
Does it need to be run at high temperatures (i.e. inside a light bulb)?
Do you need to run at ultra-low-power?
Does it need a high performance RF transceiver?
Decide whether you need a single-chip solution, that will be programmed with your firmware, or if your firmware will run on a dedicated microcontroller which is connected to the BLE chip.
Unless you have absolutely no special requirements to narrow down the selection, I'd base my decision along these criteria (not ordered):
Ease of integration (lowest cost of development)
Cost per unit (lowest average cost/unit)
Quality of the chip manufacturer's software tools
Quality of the chips documentation
GPIO-PWM Output should be possible with almost any programmable BLE chip.

Bluetooth support of 2 headphones

I need to feed two headphones from one audio source. In the past, I've done this with one of the many Bluetooth transmitters that support two headphones. I assume the transmitter did this by simply opening two Bluetooth connections, perhaps by using two Bluetooth chips.
My transmitter has recently broken, so it's time to buy another. I've seen various opinions on whether Bluetooth 5 has a new protocol feature that supports two headphones. If true, I'll look at transmitters supporting that feature. Presumably, since the protocol would be affected, I would also need new compatible headphones.
If anyone has definitive information on Bluetooth 5 support for two headphones, I'd like to see it. And, it would be useful it you can reference the specific Bluetooth 5 profile that defines the feature, or perhaps the section of the Bluetooth spec.
They say that Bluetooth Hearing Aid Profile will support multi-user HQ audio and audio broadcast, but it is not adopted yet.

Is Bluetooth 4.0+ BLE?

I am trying to identify which android phones support Bluetooth Low Energy and I am a bit confused on whether or not a device with BTv4.0+ is BLE compatible.
To be more precise, I am looking at the device Samsung Galaxy J5. According to http://www.gsmarena.com/samsung_galaxy_j5-7184.php, the bluetooth version is 4.1 but it doesn't mention anything about BLE.
According to the bluetooth specification:
"Bluetooth Low Energy (LE) (also called Bluetooth Smart or Version 4.0+ of the Bluetooth specification) is the power- and application-friendly version of Bluetooth that was built for the Internet of Things (IoT).". According to this I would presume that 4.0+ is BLE.
However if you see the specs of Samsung Galaxy S6 (http://www.gsmarena.com/samsung_galaxy_s6-6849.php) it mentions that it supports both BTv4.1 and BLE. It therefore distinguishes the two BT specifications.
Any information would be very helpful
Additional reference information for interested parties:
from bluetooth.org: Two flavors of Bluetooth The two most prevalent implementations of the specification are Bluetooth Basic Rate/Enhanced Data Rate (BR/EDR), which was adopted as version 2.0/2.1, and Bluetooth with low energy (LE), which was adopted as version 4.0/4.1/4.2. Each implementation has different use cases and each implementation uses a different chipset to meet essential hardware requirements. Dual-mode chipsets are also available for applications that include both use cases. - See more at: https://www.bluetooth.com/specifications/bluetooth-core-specification#sthash.7X7IrtWy.dpuf
Instead of relying on gsmarena with unreliable information, you can refer to Bluetooth SIG's official information.
Based on this Bluetooth SIG's announcement and this one, BLE is a core specification of Bluetooth 4.0. Bluetooth 4.1 and 4.2 also adopt this core specification.
However, all this still depends on whether the manufacturers implement the firmware. To keep track of all this, Bluetooth SIG maintains a list of devices currently supporting any profile (for example GATT).
This crossed my mind myself as I saw it as a pointless advancement until I saw the low energy bLE (bluetooth low energy) side of it. In my pastime I tinker with various electronics and with various BLE 4.x modules and their pro's and cons are HUGE.
All in all, BLE is better as Bluetooth pretty much is battery drain on the most robust of phones.
I found a nice little writeup (pretty simple yet comprehensive) here: http://www.argenox.com/bluetooth-low-energy-ble-v4-0-development/library/a-guide-to-selecting-a-bluetooth-chipset/
Do cut my answer short, as the bag you linked shows it as being "NFC" compatible, then yet, it's BLE 4.x. (That's Near Field Communication i.e. similar to your your contactless bank card). The v4.1, A2DP which you mention is how one "audio device talks to another" via bluetooth. (dvanced Audio Distribution Profile).
If you're really bored, there's a long list of other profiles (other than A2D):
Hope this helps!
Happy bluetoothing!

Cheap development board for Windows CE

I'm looking for a development board for WinCE, preferably with the following connectors:
VGA/DVI for screen
USB for kb/mouse
Ethernet (10Mbit is OK, 100 would be even better ;-) )
Storage (eg: SD/MMC/CF cards)
I'm looking for this, because I want to attend the Imagine Cup , Embedded Systems design. And I'm looking for a challenge, ofcourse ;-).
I found a board called HawkBoard (http://www.hawkboard.org), but I want to know if there are alternatives for about the same price (max $200 incl. shipping/customs/taxes). I need the BSP, ofcourse ;-).
The eBox 2300/3300 is a low cost device that has been used for past Imagine Cup challenges. It's x86, comes with a BSP, is in an enclosure, is low cost ($195 or $255) and meets most of your needs.
Of course CE has forever shipped with a reference BSP for x86, so you can usually get just about any x86 device working, though most other devices tend to be pretty big physically.
There are also open source CE BSPs available for the BeagleBoard and GumStix.
The BeagleBoard is a good ARM system that costs $150. It has all the features you want, from the product page:
DVI-D for connecting digital computer monitors
Compatibility with a huge collection of USB peripherals including hubs, keyboards, mice, WiFi, Bluetooth, web cameras, and much more
MMC+/SD/SDIO interface for memory or wireless connectivity
S-Video out for connecting your NTSC or PAL television or wearable visor
Stereo audio in and out for a microphone and headphones or speakers
Power via typical USB chargers for cell phones from your laptop, from an automobile adapter, from batteries, or even from a solar backpack
I never tried Windows CE myself, but a google search suggests it's possible, and there's even a video on YouTube.
Another option is Gumstix, and there's a project on codeplex to help you get Windows CE on it.
I guess it also depends if you want to start something for fun or rather serious.
Check some of the big manufacturers homepages too, so you can see what specifications could
help the realisation of your ideas or set limits to them.
What helps for shure is if you choose a platform, that can be configured easily and its much more fun if you start with something that can work out of the box too.
Here an example, like you can find it on a lot of manufactureres homepages on the web.
Colibri modules feature state of the art technology, and aimed at low power systems that require high CPU performance. They are equipped withall the interfaces needed in a modern embedded device.
Colibri T20 features include:
· Dual Core ARM Cortex A9 Processor
· 2 x 1.0GHz Processor Speed
· Full HD 1080p Video (Encode / Decode)
· Powerful 3D Rendering Performance
· True Dual Display
· Up to 12 Megapixel Camera Sensor Support
And if this is to much there are Colibri modules in the family which are in a lower price range with adapted specifications that might fit you needs better.
What I personally think is important, that you know that you can get good support and talk to the right people in person as well.
Give it a shot and good luck.
Any old PC that has a video adapter that is VESA compliant and a network adapter based on NE2000, realtek RTL8139 or 3COm 3Cx5 can be used as Windows CE target device using the CEPC BSP.
If you have an old 486 or more powerful PC lying unused somewhere in your garage, it's time to resurrect it! :)

bluetooth protocol stack implementation

I want to know how to implement bluetooth protocol stack. Any good links or references will be appreciated. How and from where should I start
All the standards and specs are available from www.bluetooth.org. From the Core Specification to all the BlueTooth Profiles currently available. It might only take you a decade or so to assimilate that lot :)
If you want to play with a BlueTooth stack I would recommend a Linux platform with the Bluez stack. Plus you can check out the source for Bluez itself. There is a Bluez API in almost any programming language you could want.
For devices, aside from a PC dongle, or Bluetooth built in to a laptop, most mobile phones support an amazing number of bluetooth profiles, as do other mobile devices.
If you want to build your own thing, there is an Arduino platform with a BlueTooth module from BlueGiga, pretty sure it only does RFCOMM and SPP though.
There are numerous books, from a programmers POV. I chewed through Bluetooth Essentials for Programmers but found it pretty light-weight. Doesn't go much beyond making an RFCOMM link.
Good Luck!
